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  1. Nitz

    Forum Problems

    Okay guys, everyone will wonder WHATS GOING ON!!!!! Well make it short. When the forum was being updated.. the admin panel.. was destroyed... meaning admins were powerless :p So I've fixed the adminpanel.. but at the cost of us.. losing quite a few posts.. We went back to a Aug 25 Backup I...
  2. Nitz

    Happy Birthday Thread

    I thought I should make this in here so we can wish all of our members a happy birthday when it's birthday is ARMOSTAT congratulations on your birthday ope you have a good one.
  3. Nitz

    Flashchat commands

    <TABLE class=normal cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center width="16%">/away</TD><TD width="84%">Sets user as away. Typing this command again sets user as "here". This action may also slow down the chat ping time for the "away" user, depending on the...
  4. Nitz

    New things

    Hey guys... just thought I'd update you on some new stuff, that's been going on here laltly. 1st off, as you can seee. I've added a a new scrolling text.. above the Shoutbox. It will basically show you the important latest threads/posts, from a FEW of the popular forums. =D 2nd.. we also...
  5. Nitz

    The Dugout Forum Rules

    1: Any type of sporting event may be posted in here but if it is a huge game please post the score within a spoiler tag so it is not wrecked for others. 2: No just posting of the score from the game. Thats about it except all general forum rules apply.
  6. Nitz

    Resident Evil Rules

    Seeing there is no extra forums for this section rules are even more basic. 1: No spamming lol.
  7. Nitz


    WHat do you guys think of it all? I didn't really care... well at 1st.. I mean they can fight and do w.e.. I feel sorry for the people in lebanon though.. I mean they never REALLY did anything.. the civlians that is.. and now they all have to pay the price.... At the same time today... I saw...
  8. Nitz

    Server Issues

    Okay everyone will notice something weird happent after yesterday which was July 23... It seems I forgot to turn the mysql backup file OFF and it re uplaoded everything over w.e was modified on july23... I have turned the mysql backup off now, so it won't reupload it. Also just to let you know...
  9. Nitz


    If anyone here has a livejournal account, post it here so members can add you... or just let us know you have one... if someone wants to find out via PM. I also have a LJ, hardly use it.. but I want to use it more now. Since the myspace thread is big... I thought why not try a LJ thread =D...
  10. Nitz

    Last thing you drank

    Just post the last thing you drank. For me it was Orange Soda :)
  11. Nitz

    new server

    <P>I just wanted to let everyone know, so they are aware of this... we are moving to a new server. hopefully it won't be down and/or lag like this one. The url will STILL be the same as it is now <IMG title=:D alt="" src="" border=0...
  12. Nitz

    New Updates

    Well guys as you can see.... a new skin is up!! WOOT! :laugh Just to let everyone know.... you can STILL use the old darker skin. Just go to the bottom of the forum and click on the dropdown box, where you can select the light or dark skin. I've also put up the REPuation system... it's the...
  13. Nitz

    new nhl season

    Anyone looking into trades, the entry drafts that took place, or even free agents? Right now there have been some big moves made... especially for the canucks, which so far I believe has been the biggest trade.
  14. Nitz

    Staff Needed

    The title explain it all. We require some more ACTIVE staff members here... All spots are open.. so apply for ONE, that you believe is your type of position. So basically admin,smods,mods,rpg,website staff are all open. Please EMAIL all applications to Any...
  15. Nitz

    Most Respected Member

    and the award goes to....... this guy gets another one :p Kadaj!!! congrads to you man. =D
  16. Nitz

    Best RPer

    and the winner is...... seems like shes going to be having a lot of medals :D Destinyfulfilled! congrads once again :D
  17. Nitz

    Best RPG Character

    and this award goes to........ 666sora!!! congrads go out to you :D
  18. Nitz

    Best Female Member

    and the award goes to................. Destinyfufilled congrads to you Ash!!
  19. Nitz

    Best Smod

    and the winner is................... FUSION-X Congrads to you man... although now ur an admin :p
  20. Nitz

    Best Clan

    And the best winning clan is!!!!! The True Keyblade Masters congrads to all the clan members :D