Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Well before he cut my shoulder he said something about 'I'm not going to live like this anymore.' then after he changed back to normal he said something about he not having the capability for anyone to love him." Takeshi answered. "And yes i did live here before, but i only figured it out a few hours before you got here."

"Umm, Jas, can I talk to you?" Takeshi asked a few seconds later.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Sure' said Jas as she walked over to Takeshi. 'What would you like to talk about?' she asked him. 'Oh, and... I think something's happend to Luca, too... If you are going to ask...' she wisperd just in case Luca wake's up and hear's her. 'Ok, what is it?' she asked Takeshi.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Ummm, yeah, so umm, I... uh like... you. There i said it." Takeshi said, "And i don't like just like you as like a friend, or somethin like that, I like like."
I can't belive i just said that, I don't know where it came from. ALRIGHTY Mr. Brain, who are you and what did you do with my regular brain? It's not on vacation, is it?
Takeshi stood there awkwardly for a few moments after saying that, waiting for Jas's response.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas's eye's went wide. 'Okkaayy... That's.. realy realy surprising...' she said, looking at Takeshi. 'B-b-but... I think I like you too...' she stuterd, her heart thuding painfully because what she just replyed. Oh my god... I have to walk away or something now! I can't belive what I just said! Jas looked at her feet and back up at Takeshi. 'Umm... uhh... I'm gon-gonna go over there now... she said as she turned around and started to stop breathing. Then she got to her senceses and dealed with it... they were both 13 and had been friends for a long long time... She was surprised she didnt say it erlyer.


The King Of Bandits
ooc: Sorry i wont be on till monday night so just kinda leave me in my room i guess.

Luca found himself lying on the ground, face down , thinking of his future. He didn't believe takeshi for a second. He knew the truth. He just wouldn't except it. There had always been that lingering thought of being alone in his mind..Now it seemed that thought was begining to come true. both his brothers had told him...and his father as well." This is the way i have to live..." He whispered to himself" I cant change it now.." He closed his eyes and began thinking to himself he heard a faint sound from the two beside him. He had been right. he began thinking of himself being alone. thoughts of seeing his friends walking away, leaving him on his knees in a dark place. He tried to run but was stuck in the ground, his legs were frozen to the ground. There was nothing he could do. His life, His dreams..his care..all of it just suddenly began to..Die off..

He pulled himself up off the ground slowly, bringing his knee up and balancing on it first, then glaring over at the other too, a cold look in his eyes now. The warm Luca from before, his deep gaze, his determination. It was all gone now. Something was diffrent about him. He pulled himself up and picked up his keyblade, throwing himself to his feet and then turning to the two friends beside him. "..i already have a destiny...and there is no one to love in it" Luca began walking away from them, walking with a sort of slouch and staring at the ground. everything he had been thinking was correct. Jas and Takeshi...Bon Bon and soji. He had given up on himself for now, leaving himself behind and facing the cold hard world. The obvious facts were clear to him. Love was not meant for him, he had been raised to kill, and thats what he did. He killed. He killed his family, he killed the only person who had loved him before, he killed his very own home. and now he had killed himself. Pain was starting to take a dull effect on him, only enraging him more, not cuasing shock or worry anymore. The deep luca was gone now, he had moved on from his problems and his fairytale life, thinking that maybe there was a chance, believing in something he knew could never happen.

Luca stepped on to the ship, walking quietly and walking into his room, slaming the door behind him and putting a dent in it. he slammed his fist into the wall, denting it even more and making a loud clang that echoed throughout the ship. "Im not going to lie to myself anymore.." He sat down on his bed, his arms around his knees and his head on his knees as well." ..I wont let them lie to me either" His face sank and a single tear rolled down his cheek"..I'm not going to cry anymore, ..I wont get hurt anymore.." His voice seemed to trail off..

" I'm alone.."


New member
"Soji, can you hear me?" Said Bon-Bon.
Wait, did I came here in one pice, he might not be able to see me of hear me, I haven't been sleeping well..... maybe my mana energy is to low and I can only astro- porject myself into Soji's mind.....
Bon-Bon looked at herself, She looked clear at frist but she begane to fade out, "Oh, no I was right, I'm beging to fade from his mind." Said Bon-Bon trying to keep herself togahter. Bon-Bon reached over to Soji and huged him.
"Soji, I'll try alittle later!" Said Bon-Bon as she slowly faded out.

Bon-Bon awoke, "I couldn't stay long enough." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Soji. Bon-Bon gave herself a once over, "It's getting harder and harder each day trying to hide my ture form." Said Bon-Bon as moved her long rabbit like ears and look down at her fangs. "I'm glad no ones around to see them." Sighed Bon-Bon as she try to constrate her mana energy.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Luca! Come back!' cried Jas as she saw that Luca had walked away. 'Takeshi, let's go get luca!' she said as she looked at Takeshi and urged him to come. 'Luca, Luca!' yelled Jas as she walked over to were he walked out. I have to find my friend... what is wrong with him?

Jas walked into the desert and was heading for the ship. 'Luca, whatever happend to you, tell me... Because I feel sorry for you... ' she mutterd as she got to the ship. 'Luca? Luuccaa?' she sang out. Jas saw Bon-Bon awake. 'Bon-Bon! Is Luca in the ship?' asked Jas to Bon-Bon, but she diddnt need to know because she saw the dint. 'I take that dint in your ship door as a yes?' she moned. How could he be so angry? All that hap- wait... he said some thing about not beeing loved to Takeshi... And he stabed him and then calmed down... Then he got angry again when Takeshi told me that he liked me and I told Takeshi I liked him... Oh crap, now he's realy angry because he's alone.. not being loved by anyone... but it's not like that! He's loved by his friends! Why doe's he act like this?! Jas had added up two thing's: Luca had wanted either Jas or Bon-Bon to love him. And she also added up that Bon-Bon and Soji proberbly like each other. Jas walked over to Bon-Bon. 'What's wrong with Soji?' she asked as she nelt down next to Bon-Bon. 'It's hot out here' she said as she put her hand on her forhead. 'Bon-Bon, listen to what I think is wrong with Luca'

Jas started talking to Bon-Bon. 'When Luca went to stap Takeshi, Takeshi herd him say that he didnt want to be lonley any more, then he calmed down and... me and Takeshi said we.. liked each other and he got realy angry and went the Luca he is now, smashing up your ship' she explaind. 'I.. think Luca was going to kill Takeshi so that... I would love him..' she mutterd.


New member
Bon-Bon jumped alittle when Jas nelt down beside her, if I don't move my ears Jas maybe won't noticed that there my demon ears.....

"Wait, Luca dented my ship!" Said Bon-Bon as she jumped up, "Look, what you need to tell Luca is how important he is to you, how being with him makes you feel." Said Bon-Bon as she walk over to the dent. "Jas you and Takeshi need to talk with Luca and tell each opther how you feel, how you think the friendship is doing and other stuff." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Jas.
"Jas, don't worry about me and Soji, your friendship with the others are more important." Said Bon-Bon putting her arms over her head.

Maybe if I hide them she wouldn't notice.....


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Thank's Bon' sighed Jas as she got up. 'I think i'll talk to Luca first though, just in case he see's me with Takeshi and hate's me even more..' Jas said as she walked to Luca's door. 'Or should I go talk to Takeshi? I don't know.. Takeshi' she walked out of the ship and got on her keyblade's once more. Takeshi, I'm coming to tell you some things...

Jas got to were she last seen Takeshi. 'Takeshi' she said as she spoted him. 'I need to talk to you' she said as she lowerd the keyblade's and hoped off. 'Takeshi, Luca made a dint in the door for his room at Bon-Bon's ship, and I think I know why.. I think because he dosent want to be lonley and he tryed to kill you because he thought that if he killed you, You wouldent be able to be with me and then he would proberbly be not lonley because he would try to be in love with me... that's what i'm thinking...' she said the sentence very fastley, like she wanted to get to Luca.. but she couldent pull away from Takeshi.


New member
Bon-Bon breath a sigh of releave as Jas left the ship, "I need to hurry before anyone else come." Said Bon-Bon as she placed on of her hands on her chest. A wave of mana energy went though her body, Bon-Bon's floppy ears changed back to her two long pony tails and her fangs changed back to regular K-9s.
"Whew, I need to take Soji were he can be safe." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Soji.

Bon-Bon dragged Soji to sick bay and placed him on one of the beds, "Soji, I'll try later." Said Bon-Bon as she rubbed her hand across his face. Bon-Bon quickly rushed back onto the main deck only to bump into Moogi.
"Moogi, I don't have anymore Kupo Nuts." Said Bon-Bon as she look down at Moogi.
"Kupo, Mail delivery!" Said Moogi as he hands Bon-Bon a stack of mail. Moogi soon disapper. Bon-Bon looked down at the mail, "OH MY GODS, these two are from Jas's and Takeshi's peresnts!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at two of the letters. "There perents must have ended up in Travels City, a world where beings without worlds go." Said Bon-Bon as she hold the letters up. "Takeshi and Jas are going to be so happy, and I also got letters for Luca and Soji.... with wired markings on them." Said Bon-Bon as she look at the other two letters.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Takeshi, I'm going back to the ship' she said as she kissed him on the cheek. 'Come talk to me latter, ok?' she said as she sped off. 'Some thing's telling me I have to get back to the ship fast!' she said with exitment. 'I have a feeling it's going to be something good to, very good!' she just got to the ship and walked in. 'I had a feeling that something good was here!' said Jas as she looked around. Jas ran to Bon-Bon. 'Anything good?' she said as she looked at the letter's.


New member
"Mega maigc goodness girl, its your perents they mailed ya and also Takeshi!" Said Bon-Bon as she jumped up and down. Bon-Bon looked at Luca Mail agian and disiced to give it to him, she slipped it under his door, "Luca, it moogle mail it might be from your perents too.... come talk to me if you ever want to learn your new mana skill about fire." Siad Bon-Bon as she walked out to the main deck to Jas.
Bon-Bon looked though the stack of mail and found three for herself, "Lets see....MS. MOUZ!!!!!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon with joy.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked about him. There was no doubt where he was now. This was his home. Before it had been destroyed by his brother. He looked up at the giant Gate of Heaven. He pressed his palm to it and felt the warm pulsing of the heart of the world. It gave him strength and courage despite that it was completely fake, created only by Kratos's Henji to destroy him. Just another peice of a puzzle to his downfall. This was a complete Henji. Soji was as real here as he was outside of it. If he died here, he'd be dead out there too. His body might go on as a lifeless shell, but his mind would be lost forever more. He had to find the medium. Only by defeating the medium would he break the spell.

In the matter of Henjis, the medium would be a person, animal or object placed inside the illusion. This would be the only figure that was truely real, but this figure would be witched to look like something it wasn't. By something it wasn't, it is usually implied that the medium is some undefeatable thing that stands in the way of the victom and acts as a branch between the Henji and reality. If this branch is broken, then the connection and control the Henji has over the victom's reality would be lost and the victom would be free from the spell. It was very simple. Except for the fact that the medium here would be liable to be his own brother.

Unfortunatly for Soji, he was trapped inside an extremely powerful Henji. The most powerful Henji use the victom's memories against them, dragging up battles and events that the victom couldn't conquer then, in an attempt to destroy their mental stability. As Soji looked around, he realized that this was truely a powerful Henji. Kratos had dragged up the memory of his world and if he wasn't mistaken, the very day his world was destroyed.

He looked down the path and there stood his mother, father and several other White Demons. They stood there are if they knew what was about to happen. Only minutes of silence later, Kratos came waltsing down the path to the Gate. Soji's parents approached him. They both had stern looks for their oldest child a Herm, Soji's father, proclaimed, "You are not welcome here, child."

Kratos laughed at him for a moment before retorting, "Who are you to call me a child? I have sought and gained more power than you will ever, father. My abitions have made me great and this day, right here, I will make a name for myself!"

Soji's mother, Measi, spoke out, "Do not speak to Herm as though he has relations with a fool such as yourself! We do not allow children to make a mockery of our way of life. You are a bose(1) who should never approach the Gate of Heaven!"

Kratos became angry this time and yelled, "You are wrong baaba(2)! I have become greater than you already and today will be a testomony to that greatness! I will kill you both and take this world as my own!"

After a slight glance at each other, Herm and Measi speak in unison as though their minds have been fused together, yet they shared two bodies, "You are and have always been a child. Even a boy can stab his parents in the night. Even if you kill us here today, you shall remain a child till the day you die."

Kratos cried out in rage and the onslaught began. The other White Demons that had held back were the first to fall. Then came Herm and finally Measi. Kratos used some form of dark technique on her and whispered to her as she fell, "This is the Heartmare, mother. It is a terrible spell that will cost you even more terribly. You soul can no longer move on. You image will be burned into the physical realm forever, nothing but a shadow."

Then, Soji saw himself come running out. He was young and reckless, but he was unleashing many attacks. For the first time, Soji realized that in his rage that day, he accessed the power of his Secondary Form. Staring at Kratos, he could see fear his brother's eyes as Soji approached. Then, seeing that it was blind rage, Kratos rammed a long, white sword through Soji's chest. "Foolish brother. You could have escaped. Now you must die and become nothing more than a relic to my greatness."

Soji watched himself fall, rubbing the place on his chest where a scar still lay. Then, he found the medium. Behind Kratos appeared a huge, abbrasive Heartless. It alone saw Soji standing there and it alone knew that this boy was here to kill it. It gave a slight fear as Soji muttered, "Why hello there, medium."

OOC: (1) Bose means stupid child her deserves great punishment for stupid actions.
Baaba Is highly offensive was to say "old lady".
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New member
Dear, Bon-Bon darling

I have just settel down and I have the most wonderful husban, his name is Rufz. I disided to hang up my Jewel thef titel for good. With this letter I give you the Iris Stone We Stole in Bejeweled...... you kept saying you looked like a stripper when you was wearing that out fit I made you, Oh and Draling when are you going to find a nice young man to get a last name to go with that lovely name of yours, Bon-Bon draling.


Bon-Bon looked back at sick bay where Soji was at, Bon-Bon then blushed, "Miss. Mouz you always made me blushed." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back down at the letter from her. Bon-Bon took out a pice of blad up news paper, Bon-Bon quickly unwrapped it.

Inside was a news paper clip from Bejewel when Bon-Bon and Miss. Mouz stole the Iris Stone and the Iris Stone. Bon-Bon placed the stone that was in the paper in her pocket. "Thanks Miss. Mouz."
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas grabed the letter and started crying with joy that her parent's were alive. She started reading:

To my daughter, Jas

Hello sweet heart, It's your mother hear, wrighting this letter. Your father was badley hurt and your sister, Sajine, is knowere to be seen! I'm glad that you made your way out of Twilight Town before it got destroid. I saw the man.. or shall I say "Foolish Boy" that destroid our home. He wore a coat, covering every part of his body. A huge monster also got formed from most of me and your father's friends. I hope you, Takeshi and Luca are okay. God blese you all.

Regardes, your mother.

P.S>> Reply, oh please reply!

Jas's crying started to turn to sadness crying when she read about her sister and father. She got ready to burst out in tear's but she didnt want to make a fool of herself in frount of Bon-Bon. She simply wiped the tear's away and put the letter in her pocket. 'B..Bon-Bon, were do you keep pen's and paper?' she asked, then she saw on a shelf a packet of pen's and a note pad. She ran over and took the and started writing.

Dear mother.

It's Jas, The boy that destroid Twilight Town is now in our party. His name is Soji. And before I could intoduce my new friend, Bon-Bon, Twilight Town got destroid. How is dad? Is he ok? And, I have new's for dad: I have now become a keyblade weilder and I have found the piece of mettle you told the lion simba to give to me. It realy work's! And dad.. Get well soon, okay!
Ok, mum I'm fine so keep sending messige's and be okay! Don't go missing because I will try to find sis. Good luck.

Your child... Jas

Jas made an envalope out of paper. She whiseled and said 'Moggle delivery servese please come!'. Then a moogle popped up and was in frount of her. 'Can you deliver this to the person that wrote this?' she said as she got out the letter in her pocket and gave the moogle her mother's sent. 'okay, kupo, ill deliver it right away!' said the moogle as it puffed away with the letter.
'Now all I have to do is wait...' sighed Jas with sadness still in her voice.


New member
"Jas, there's nothing worng with showing me your emotins, you can cry if you want.... You should be happy that you got such a loving family." Said Bon-Bon as she smiled and looked over to Jas.
"Hey, I got a gift from Gramps." Said Bon-Bon as she read another.

Dear Bon-Bon

I am sorry about the heartless thing, to make it up I asked your Ah-ma to make your Fav. cookies. It came with this letter, shear it with your friends.

Love, your greatful Gramps

Bon-Bon smiled at the letter and open the box gift, "OH MY GODS!" Said Bon-Bon as she grabed what was in the box, "I thought I was suppose to get cookies, not sake!" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out a big bottle of sake. "Gramps got mixed up agian..." Signed Bon-Bon as she hold up the bottle of sake.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Ok..' Jas took a deep breath. 'I wonder if she'll get the letter?' said Jas as a tear fell out of her eye. 'You got sake...' she said as she looked at Bon-Bon with a giggle. 'My dad used to drink sake.. until my little sister told him to stop or she would leave..' she said as she walked over to Luca's room's door and looked at the dint. 'Wow, he done this with his fist!?!' she said suprisely at Luca's strength. 'Poor Luca.. His been weird for a while now. First getting lost in that lion world then trying to kill Takeshi and now his puting hole's in your ship!' she said in an anoyed tone.


New member
"No, no its okay... You guys been though alot." Said Bon-Bon as she put the bottle of sake on the floor. "Hey, has any of you kept scerets from each other." Said Bon-Bon as she waved her last letter, trying to cool herself off.
"B-but you don't have to tell me!" Said Bon-Bon as she paniced alittle.
Great now shes gonna think I'm trying to ruin there friendship.....
"Have you seen Takeshi, we need to take off soon..." Said Bon-Bon trying to change the subject.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: I have to get of now so.. I wont be on till later today

Jas looked at her. 'No secret's' she said as she steped away from the door and walked over to Bon-Bon. 'Ill go get him now' she said as she started walking out of the ship. 'I need some walking, have to stay skinny' she said as she walked into the desert. 'Takeshi, were leaving soon!' she called as she started walking far into the desert. 'Ok, he should come soon...' she said as she ran back to the ship and sat down. 'What world next?' she asked Bon-Bon.


New member
"Well by looking at the map, there are two worlds we can go to," Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the map, "Experiment World, home to Lilo & Sticich and all kinds of aliens or Anlantisc, home to The little mermaid." Said Bon-Bon as she read off the map.
"Once Takeshi gets on, just tell the SSS which planet to go, I've been to both planets before, so the way to get there should be in it's hardrive. I need to put this sake away." Said Bon-Bon as she grabed the sake.

Bon-Bon went back to sick bay, where Soji laid. Bon-Bon placed the sake on the desk near the entrence. "Soji, I got this letter from the moogle mail, it has strange markings on it, I'll leave it here next tothe sake." Said Bon-Bon as she placed the letter on the deck. Bon-Bon went over to Soji and placed an ear to his chest, "I can still hear his heart beat, I wonder when he's going to wake up." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to the desk and sat on it.

Bon-Bon pulled out another letter on her pokect, "That's right I got three letters." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the envolpe. As Bon-Bon looked at the letter her face turned white as snow, "O-OH my g-gods......I-I'm in...b-b-b-big trubble..."