Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was walking casually through the hot corridor of the lower part of the ship. It was very interresting and all above his head. He had never travelled by ship before. He had always had to create the Rainbow Aura to move through space. But this, this was very interresting. Full of wires and gizmos. He stopped to poke at an odd flashing light. It was most amusing. He was wondering how they got such a solid aura around the gadget it must be protecting. Soji stopped poking it and his neck stiffened when he heard what could have only been Bon-Bon yelling.

Soji turned and began to run down the corridor. He turned the corner in time to see Bon-Bon's butt fly through a doorway. He rushed quickly down and dove into the mass of hot wires. He didn't even feel the heat. Three years in Hell told him this was nothing. He wormed his way to the compartment and rolled into it, prepared for battle. He only found Bon-Bon there, singing calmly, casting some sort of spell. He sat down and sighed with relief while she sang. Her singing soothed him greatly.


New member
Bon-Bon singing seem to cool off the Engine, "Woot, I haven't sung like thiat in years." Said Bon-Bon as she wipped the sweat from her brow.
"SSS, how are you doing?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the engine.
"Core Temp. is at normal." Said the CPU.
Bon-Bon breath a sigh of relef, the look down at her hands. The markings of where she open the door was burned on her hands, "Great, I can't cast my hand spells." Groned Bon-Bon, "Better get back on top, I'll heal them latter." Said Bon-Bon as she turn to the exit.
When Bon-Bon turn she saw Soji, it kinda stardle her so she fell, "Ow, Hi Soji are you okay, how's Luca?" Said Bon-Bon as she laid on the floor waving at Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood abruptly, slightly embarrased as he was shaken from his stupor. "Oh! Don't be alarmed! I was just listening to your singing. You singed your hands?" Soji walked over and knelt down next to her. He took her hand and covered it with his, closing his eyes. He muttered something under his breath and their hands become warm as magic flowed in his fingertips. The burned parts on Bon-Bon's hands vanished while Soji mysteriously gained burned patches on his own. He opened his eyes and said, still holding her hand, "We should get back up top. The others might be looking for you."


New member
"Um, thanks!" Said Bon-Bon as she blushed and looked away from Soji's eyes. "WLEP, time to go!" Said Bon-bon as she jumped up.
I hope I didn't put too much on him....
Bon-Bon moved thought the wiring of the ship, beging carful of not tripping. Soon, they both reached the secret door, Bon-Bon quickly jumpped up though the door and found her self back in the halway, "Who are we missing?" Said Bon-Bon as she walked up to the main deck.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC ok, well

It had already turned to nighfall when Takeshi finally relaized the he had wandered away from the others. He had found himself in the middle of a large square, full of closed shops and people leaving for home. The scent of food and drink was in the air and he soon found himself wandering even further down the city's narrow streets and alleyways. He wanted to stay here, to find every alley and street in the city, and become familiar with it all. The sounds, the smells, the sights, they were all familiar. And yet he had never been to this place before, or had he? He knew that he had lived somewhere else before going to Twilight Town, but he couldn't remember where.

Then while he was wandering around, he came to a old and run-down street. It seemed olldy faimiliar to him, even moreso than all the other places he had already been in the city. He looked around and saw no-one there. He decided to look throught the rubble, just to check things out. While he was searching he came upon a sign. Piney Lake Lane it read.

All of a sudden he was warped into a string of memories, he was a little boy, playing baseball in the middle of the street. One of his friends threw it and he swung. The bat came into contaclt with the ball and sent it about 6 feet where it hit a street sign and fell under it. He went over to pick it up, then got up and went back to play. Takeshi could see that behind him, just barely, the sign said Piney Lake Lane .

Then a flash of white light came, and he was standin, a few years later, in the middle of the same street. Only this time, all the houses and trees around him were on fire. He was simply standing in the middle of it all, almost like he had known that it would happen.

Almost as if he started it...

Takeshi then concentrated on the face, to see if it was really him, or if he was just picking up thought waves that were left on the street where the fire had taken place. He got closer, closer even, he saw a pair of blood red eyes, he was even closer now. He could almost make out if it was him or not when he flashed back to reality.

He stood in the middle of the road, thinking to himself, apalled. He was sure of it now, if he atleast didn't start the fire, he knew now that he he had lived here once, before he had ever set foot on Twilight Town.

OOC: whoa, i'm amazed that i acually typed all that.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji blinked at her as she left hurridly. He smiled contently. She blushed again. What is it about her blushing that makes me feel happy? Soji leaned back on the cool metal. He smiled at the engines and everything aroun him. Despite the rather gloominess of the machinery around him, he couldn't do anyting but feel happy. He just sat there. He didn't know why. His hands seemed to tingle where Bon-Bon had touched him. Everything had become very strange to him. Only hours ago he was standing in the pits of Hell, fending off demons. Then, he was fending off demons here. After that, he was fending off another demon, himself. It seemed that fighting demons was all his life was about. Well, now I get to love a demon. Even if she's only half.

Soji didn't know how long he sat there, but he didn't wait long for a more terrible demon than he'd fought in a while to make himself known. From the shadows, Kratos stepped with a frown on his face and his arms crossed. "What's this I hear you thinking about you loving some half-demon, brother? I knew you were a cross one, but a half-demon? Sure, there may be a shortage of full demons, but come on." He sneered at Soji, but there was pure hate in his eyes. "Shut up brother! It's none of your business! If you so much as touch her..." Soji watched as his brother was lifted from the ground by a dark aura and begin to be crushed. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. "Stop... Stop..." He heard a dull clink which told him his brother was free. "You've gotten... stronger little brother." Kratos muttered, rubbing his neck. "But so have I." Then Soji felt it. His eyes had locked onto his brother's eyes. His brother's red eyes. "No... Not when I'm so close to loving..." Soji gasped before his eyes unfocused and he slumped backwards, seemingly unconcious. He just sat on the ground, staring at nothing. "Poor brother... It looks like you've been trapped inside my Henji. You were always too weak." Kratos laughed, before vanishing from the ship.


New member
Bon-Bon was shock to see that she let so much snow fall in her ship, Bon-Bon quickly looked around the ship. "Were's Takeshi and Jas?" Said Bon-Bon as she pasted the floor. Bon-Bon was about to leave the ship until something in her heart screamed SOJI!

Bon-Bon quickly trun around to see that Soji was no where near her. Something is worng....I can smell it..... Bon-Bon Knocked on Luca's door, "Luca, if its not tomuch trubble I need you to find Takeshi and Jas...Oh and you now have Fire mana power, I tell you more when we get outta here." Said Bon-Bon as she walked away from his door.

Bon-Bon noticed that the scerect door wasn't shut. She doved into the door passing the wires, and back into the engine room. Bon-bon took a quick glance around and then found Soji sitting in a corner looking out into nowhere, "Soji, what's the matter!?" Said Bon-Bon as she ran to him. Bon-Bon shoock Soji hoping that he'll wake up, "Soji, Soji, SOJI!!!"Yelled Bon-Bon as she shoocked Soji.

Bon-Bon laid her head on his chest, "I can still hear a heart beat!" Bon-Bon then looked into his eyes, "Seeing his ires is growing and srinking in a stedy rate.... it looks like he's RM sleeping with his eye open?!...Or he's trpped in his mind." Said Bon-Bon as she gave Soji a once over look.

Okay, I told myself as long as I'm with him I'll protect him.... Here goes nothing! "Demon Seed 30%!" Said Bon-Bon as she held her head close to his. Bon-Bon jewel began to glow with strong power, Bon-Bon's two long pony tail's quickly changed to, two long rabbit-like floppy ears and her k-9s slowly turn to fangs.
A small price to pay but I did it before....
Bon-Bon's jewel arua slowly envolped Soji's head, Bon-Bon's body went limp and she fell on top of Soji's body. This showing that she has now entered Soji's mind.

Bon-Bon awoked in darkness, "So, this is his know this is my second time mind diving and I'm still not use to it." Siad Bon-Bon to herself. Where are you Soji?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji found himself among massive darkness. He knew this place. He'd been here before. But, how? How had he returned? It wasn't possible. Then he remembered. It must be Kratos's Henji. He's trapped Soji in a false world to move him out of the picture. Surely, Kratos must be a fool. He can't hold me in here long. I know the properties of a Henji World. I must find the medium. Only when I find it will I find a way out. Soji took a step forward and found that there was no longer any ground below him. He was falling, falling, falling. Wind was rushing around him, carrying away his oxygen.

He focused to himself. I don't need to breathe here. My real body is still working even without the support of my mind. He ignored the lack of oxygen and soon came to not notice it. Suddenly, he slammed into the ground with back-splitting force. He winced and muttered, "Yep... This must be a Henji World. Even illusions can't actually cause pain..." Soji stood, testing his feet. Obviously, Kratos wouldn't want him incapacitated yet. That would ruin the fun. No, Soji knew what would happen next. Kratos would begin torturing him. Torturing him worse than he had ever known in Hell.


New member
Bon-Bon stubble around the darkness, untill see bumped in to something, "Ow, i'm sorry i can't see were i'm going!" Said Bon-Bon as she felt the object.
It was a door, "That's right I moved though peoples mind by the doors." Said Bon-Bon slapping her fist into her other hand.

Bon-Bon open the door to a lake of fire then see shut it, "O-Okay, he wasn't there..." Said Bon-Bon as she painced alittle inside her head. Bon-Bon then open the door agian to a black and white memory, it was of Soji when he was younger, "I should be looking in to his memories it could make him mad!" Said Bon-Bon as she quickly closed the door. Bon-Bon sat in the darkness for a while, then she got up and move the knob to the opposite side, "Okay this should work" Said Bon-Bon as she open the door. The door lead to another darken room, Bon-Bon stepped though the door way.

The door disapper behide her, "N-NO MISTER D-DOOR C-COME BACK!"Said Bon-Bon as she waved her hand in the darkness. Bon-Bon ears perked up when she heard Soji's voice behind her. She quickly turn to see Soji talking about Hell, "Soji are you okay....I've been saying that alot lately." Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to flag down Soji.


The King Of Bandits
Luca luaghed at himself a little inside, his markings turning to a dark black now instead of the light cream color they had been only moments before. He looked up with a sad blank look on his face, the look of lonelyness" ..and yet they ask me too do even more.." He placed one foot on the ground, the ground turning black under his shoe and taking a step closer to the door. The blank look remained on his face." They were right" he whispered to himself" no one will ever love me..." his voice trailed off before he stepped off the ship, the markings on his body totaly black now" ..If thats the case.." he swung his keyblade to the ground , spining it around ins circles, twirling it in his hand"..then i'll make it so im not alone" Luca looked down at his hands, the dry blood which had been a deep red before were now black, his arm was perfectly fine with a dark blue mark running down it from the elbow to the wrist. he grasped his keyblade, almost curshing the handle almost, putting a hand mark in it, the indentation of fingers showing in it from where he had gripped it. Luca stepped off the ship, his dark footprints dissapearing in the sand, leading all the way back to his room on the ship. He closed his eyes, visualizing takeshi in his mind and pinpointing his location in the world. Suddenly he leaped off the ground, moving faster then he ever had before.

The warm desert air rushed past luca's face, his body coming to almost a complete stop as he hit the ground, staring up at takeshi. He had total control over his body. Something had happened to him. Maybe the thought of wanting somone for so long...and seeing what looked to him like everyone else around him with what he had warped his mind a bit. The royal markings were growing even darker now, the tone shading in every second he stood in silence before takeshi. His face still blank as he whispered something"...Hello takeshi.." he winced a bit before pulling up his keyblade"...Im not going to live like this anymore.." Luca rushed towards takeshi, flying at an unimaginable speed, a black trail coming off of his feet behind him. He mumbled a familiar phrase " Naru Loes" Quickly the energy formed over the edge of his keyblade. He brought his blade to a hualt right as soon as he dug it into takeshi's shoulder"...i...wont live like this...anymore.." he closed his eyes and ripped the keyblade out, kicking takeshi away as he flipped backwards and landed on his feet.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi was sleeping when Luca had assualted him. Fell the pain of the keyblade digging into his shoulder then him being kicked back woke him up. He saw Luca standing near him, his keblade drawn and blood on it. "What the h*** Luca?!?"

Blood was rushing down his arm, and he could sense something different in his friend, there was mana, but there was also something else, a sort of malice. Takeshi then noticed the blue mark running down Luca's arm.

"Waht happened to you?"


The King Of Bandits
Luca's blank stare finaly turned to a smile, a luagh escaped his mouth." What happened to me?...i came to my senses, thats what happened. i realized that, while i might be friends with you guys, and close ones at that, you guys all have something i will never be able to have. You all have someone, or you all have to ability to have someone. For me..there is now nothing left for me. I have searched long enough." Luca raised his arm, drawing energy to it quickly, and placing it on the ground"...and i just cant stand that you guys will have it....and i can never gain it...No one will veer love me. Im the guy who killed half of his family, and let everyone back home down...especialy her." Luca stared at the ground, still forming more and more energy in his hand, a tear drop falling from his eye"...I cant take it anymore.." Luca forced his energy in to the ground, forming a crater around him" Polesca.." He smiled and looked up at takeshi" I cant be the only one with no one to hurts just way to much man.."

Luca watched the light get brighter and brighter as it flashed out of the crater, shining right into Takeshi's eyes. The light was almost 5 times brighter then it had been orginaly, There was not a chance in hell it would not obliterate takeshi. there was not a doubt in luca's mind that he would finaly be the only one who was alone. suddenly everything stopped, the light died down, when he became visible again he was on his hands and knees staring at the ground, holding in his tears. he whispered to himself a few words before dropping his keyblade and collapsing to the ground." I'm ..sorry" he pushed himself to talk. In that last attack he had used so much energy, more then he had in his normal state, he coughed up a bit of blood and climbed back to his feet.. He couldn't kill his friend, one of the only people who had ever actualy talked to him, or been around him. HE closed his eyes and sighed, a little bit of blood dripping from his mouth now, the blue mark fading from his arm now, his markings turning back to the cream color they had been before. he stared at the ground.."...Takeshi...I'm .." HE stopped himself looking down at his keyblad,e not able to stand up anymore" ..Sorry"

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"It's okay dude, I know how ya feel. I used to think that too, but everyone is capable of it, even demons. You just have to find the right person." He said after Jing had faollen to the ground. "And... I think I've found the one for me, and I think she likes me too."

Takeshi fell to the ground beside Luca his shoulder still bleeding. He was still tired, still confused. Emotions swirled in him. He was happy, and sad. Angry and calm. Every emotin you can think of he was, and he thought to himself in his mind as he fell back asleep.

Once again he was warped into the memory of thatr night, of the fire, of the kid in the center of it all, he once again concentrated on the face, to see if he was what he thought he was. He was even closer than before, closer. He could now see who it was, he seemed familliar, as if he had seen him before, recently. One word came to his mind, and even though he was asleep, and almost unconsice, he remembered that word as he delved deepr into sleep and closer into unconsiceness.

OOC: NOW i'm finished
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas had just got to the ship. 'I'm baacckk.' she said with a tune as she hoped of her keyblades and put them in there holder's in her jeans. 'Bon-Bon and Soji?!?' she said as she saw and ran to Bon-Bon and Soji. 'Guy's!Wake up!' she yelled, shaking Bon-Bon and Soji by there left arm's. 'Crap, I'm all alone!*sigh* Ok, I guess I'll go have a sleep now...' she said as she turned around and then stoped. '.. But I can't leave them! I have to help my friends!' she said with confedence.

Jas had desided that she would go and search for the first friend's she had ever had, Takeshi and Luca. She had got on her keyblades and left the ship. Now Jas was riding her keyblades around the desert, she had searched half already and was starting the other half now. 'Ok, back at the ship. Now, to go search the other side for my friends once again...' she said as she made a water ball and put it in her mouth to drink.

Jas was flying in the desert, searching every bit of land... Then, she found two body's, laying on the ground, one with a mark on it's sholder. 'Oh no!' she said as she flew down about two meters to the body's of two boy's, Takeshi and Luca. 'Ok, so.. I found all my friends but there all nocked out!' she said iritatedly. She flew closer and saw they wern't nocked out, they were just laying there exsusted. 'Luca, why doe's Takeshi have a hole in his sholder?!?' she cried as she flew down to Takeshi and exemend the wouned. 'Are you okay, Takeshi?' she asked quietley and carely, looking into his eye's.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Jas's voice brought him back from unconsiceness. "Yeah i'm fine," he said after his brain had finally processed Jas's question. "But I found something out, you know Gyki? The one who keeps trying to like kidnap Bon-bon or do something like that. Well If it weren't for him, we never would have met." Jas was looking in his eyes and he looked back. Inside himself, he felt torn between her and Bon-bon. He had know Jas longer, but there was just something about Bon-bon. But he knew that Bon-bon was most likey in love with with Soji, and he knew that Jas was his best chance of ever having anyone, but he still couldn't decide between the two of them.

He got to his feet and started to walk toward the end of the road. "Lets get out of here, and this time, let's take Luca with us."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was looking at Takeshi, then she got of her keyblade's and helped Luca up. 'Gyki? Oh, umm, yeah.. I'v herd of him' she said as she looked at her feet. 'Let's get going. I found Bon-Bon and Soji laying on each other at the ship... they looked unconsince...' she said as she walked over to Takeshi and looked back at Luca. She noticed the marking's on his body. 'Hey, how did you get those?' she asked Luca. 'There pretty cool, you know...' she complemented to him.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"I think he's still asleep, that or he's unconsice. Tried to kill me for some reason before you got here, and he let out this huge ball of energy, but then he like snapped back to normal afterwards. Thar's why my shoulder's cut, he got me before he tried to blast me away." Takeshi said "And i don't know how he got those, they were just there when he attacked me, only they were like blue."

Takeshi walked to a little clearing in the rubble. "I used to live on this street." He said, "Before it was burned to the ground by Gyki.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was watching Takeshi. 'You lived here? I would of never guessed that..' she said, trying to put thing's together. 'Yeah, you didnt alway's live at Twilight Town, did you? you told me that when we were eight' she said understandingley while looking at him. 'A-and.. I can't imagen Luca hurting you! Why would he do that!?!' she cried out in anoyance. 'Did he say anything to you? Anything that would say why he would try to kill you? Anything at all?' she asked.