Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I'm not ignoring everyone, but Soji can't know of anything you guys are doing so don't be offended if I don't recognize your posts in these.

Soji lept backwards as the Heartless gave a huge swipe, leaving a long gash in the face of the world. As though it really were a face, lava rushed up out of it as though bleeding. Soji laughed at the brute, "This world is not only the closest to Heaven, but also the closest to Hell!" as he released several bone knives into the Heartless's eyes.

Kratos cried out, unknowing of Soji's presence, "You fool! The gate to Heaven is there! We must pass through THERE if you want the heart of this world! OBEY ME!"

Soji laughed as Kratos unleashed bolts of lightning on his own medium. This would only make it easier for Soji to take it out. Soji rushed forward while it was distracted by its owner. With a powerful slashing motion, Soji removed the creature's arm as he passed. Or rather, one of them. Kratos screamed, "What's going on?! I demand you show yourself warrior!"

Soji lept over onto Kratos's head and lept away just in time to prevent getting clawed as Kratos did. The creature slashed right through him, claws sticking out of Kratos's back. Kratos fell backwards, gravely wounded by his own creature. Kratos struggled to his feet and from his hand he shot a dark sphere of energy directly into the Heartless Symbol on the creature's body. The Heartless let out a terrible roar as it faded away into nothing. Soji laughed at Kratos's stupidity as the world around him began to fade. Then, it was completely gone. Everything was completely black. Then, he opened his eyes.


New member
Bon-Bon had millons of thoughts going though her mind.
Oh crap if she see I got these poeple here she'll kill me, and she'll probly say something about the plant, oh man oh man I'm in some deep CRAP!
But then Bon-Bon sinced something as though something had broke, she looked over to were Soji was laing and saw him awake, "Soji, I'm so glad you're okay...are you okay?" Said Bon-Bon as she try to act clam but paincing in her mind.

Bon-Bon walked over to Soji, and sat on the opposite bed next to him, "Um, We got Moogle mail and a letter with strange markings on them came for you." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the desk, "Oh, the sake is not mine, Garmps mixed up his presents."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: I DO think aliens are real.. just that Jas dosent

'Waa? Aliens?Or mermaids... hmm, hard to say because I never realy belived in them. Hmm.. I think.. Hey we get to swim in a mermaid land! I love swiming!' she said. She herd her dad say to her one day he would take her and her sister, Sajine to the mermaid land one day to have a swim with mermaids. 'Ok, were's Takeshi?' she said as she herd Bon-Bon talking to someone in the sick bay. Jas got up and ran to the sick bay.

Now Jas just arived at the sick bay. 'Soji! Your awake!' she said joyfully, like she had now acsepted him as a party member and worried about him to now. 'Did you wake just now?' she asked him. She sat on a bed and layed down. 'So, where were you?' she asked Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sat up upon noticing he was in the hospital wing. He looked around hurridly and saw that only Jas and Bon-Bon were here. He settled down slightly and laid back until he noticed the others talking to him. "I-I think I'm fine. Just a little realm sick." Soji just stared at Jas as if he didn't trust her for a few moments before responding, "I only now escaped from the trap... I was trapped in a different plain and different realm, known as a Henji world. It was created by my older brother to destroy me, but he failed."
Soji made to stand up, but then he saw the letter and a frown crossed his face. He knew what that symbol was, but it shouldn't be used on letters anymore. He reached out and grabbed it off the table, checking to make sure he was right. Sure enough, there was a symbol that looked like a very pointy backwards "E" with a diamond-shaped mark in the center. Underneath it, there was, in small writing, the words, "From Menai"
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New member
ooc: I'm Bon-Bon not RPGirl.....Happy B-day Daraku

Bon-Bon smiled alittle when she saw Soji got up, Soji face changed when he saw the letter. Bon-Bon was puzzeled with this, before Bon-Bon could ask Soji an icy cold wind blew though out hte ship.
"Oh, s***...she's here!" Said Bon-Bon with a freaked out smile on her face.
"Um, you guy what ever you do...please don't jump in." Said Bon-Bon as she ran to her room.
Bon-Bon quickly ran into her room locked the door and hid under the bed.
Another icy cold wind blew even harder though out the ship, after the wind faded a woman with pale skin and dark blue hair stood in the middle of the main deck.
The blued hair woman looked around, she walked back to sick bay where Soji and Jas was, she gave all of them an icy cold stear, "Where the hell is Bon-Bon?" Asked the woman in a cold voice.


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself pikcing up the letter that had slid under the door. it had the names of both his parents on it. His real parents, when they had been together. The small letter had not been from his parents but rather about them. It told of his fathers death and his burial royal tomb back home. It showed a picture of a man looking up at the stars, a smile on his face and a darkness in his heart. The small picture depicted his father as a man of greatness. This was another way to try and get luca to come home yet again. His father had been on the edge of dying last he heard, and recieving this letter about the death of the entire older generation of the head family back home only furthered the anger in him. Before dying, according to his brother, his father had unleashed some sort of darkness on the world, Zabec. The rage was coming from the thought of his mothers death, the sight of his father killing her still stuck in his mind like dry glue on a piece of paper. Soon after his father had been killed he had found himself being kidnapped, and being taken to a far away town. Twilight town, where he had ended up before starting the next part of his life.

Zabec had always been run by Luca's family, and so it had always been a terrible life for the citizens under them. On top of that Luca had only loved anyone truely once in his life. In the letter there was an artice on the marriage of this girl as well, a girl from one of the other well known families in zabec. Apparently she had married a young man by the name of Narex yulang. The photo of the wedding was enough to trample all of Luca's thoughts in his mind, finaly reality was starting to set in. The anger ad only been a way to cover up his pain inside. No one would ever love him, that he already knew, but on top of that he would always be second best. Yes he would have the love of his friends, and while that was the only thing keeping him going back and forth between anger and normality, that was not the kind of love he meant. To be with..Someone. someone who felt the same way about him as he did about them, and someone who he could soend the rest of his life with. After the years of being told he was a failure. Being told by countless people, many of his own family who had shunned him for many years, that no one would ever love him, he was crushed. Fate was fate.

Luca dropped the letter to the floor the last words of the article about his father sticking in his mind..

And to my only son who has cuased his family so much pain and torture...i will always love him , as will his family. No matter what he has done to us.

..Luca knew these were lies. His father had told him many years ago that he had not loved him, and had killed Luca's mother shortly after. Luca sighed, an icy wind slipping under his door as he looked down at the letter as it lie on the ground, then looked over at the dent in his door and became quiet again.
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New member
"Bon-Bon I know you're in your room!....I can since my mana!" Said The Blued hair Woman as she looked at Bon-Bon's door.
The blued hair woman walked up to Bon-Bon's door, she stoded there for a moment and then kick the door in with a loud crash, the blue hair woman then walked over to Bon-Bon's bed and reached under it. She Pulled out Bon-Bon by the callors.
The blue hair woman then dragged Bon-Bon by her callor to the main deck. She then threw Bon-Bon agansted the wall very hard. Bon-Bon hit the wall at full force with a very loud bang leaving a dent in the wall. Bon-Bon fell to the ground and then got up and dusted her self off, "Hi, Auntie Celsues." Said Bon-Bon as she smiled at the blue hair women.
"Dumb Ass, don't ever call me that. I'm your big sis! Dammit." Said Celsues as she bopped Bon-Bon on the head.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Who was she?' said Jas in a voice that was very unowing. Jas got off the bed and tapped Soji's sholder and said goodbye, then she walked out of the room and looked at the new dint in the wall as she walked to Luca's room. 'Hello? Luca?' she said as she opened the door and peered inside. 'Luca, why were you so angry?' she said in a calm voice, trying to make sure she didnt make him angry, again. She sat on his bed and huged him by his side. 'Or do I already know why you were so angry...?' she said as she stoped huging him and held his hands. 'Are you angry because your lonley?' she asked.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji got up and ran to where the noise was, the letter still in his hand. He could feel something strange about it. If he knew his sister though, there was bound to be a little gift for him inside. He could feel a slight pulsing of magic. How Menai knew where he would have been to deliver the letter, he didn't even know himself. Nor, how Menai could even still be alive. As far as Soji had known, she went with their world. Completely obliterated along with everyone else.

Soji entered the room with Bon-Bon and her strange aquantence. Soji watched her throw Bon-Bon into the wall and yelled out in protest, putting the letter in front of him as though it were a weapon. He smiled with hidden knowledge of the letter's contents as he flipped it open. A huge bang erupted from the letter and the room was filled with smoke. From the letter flew a ball of light that contacted the blue-haired woman, tossing her back and contorting her face to appear as a walrus's. Soji laughed at the girl's new gray skinned face complete with tusks and a fuzzy mustache. "Now, look what you're done."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd the bang of something and said bye to Luca. 'What was that!' she said as she ran out and saw Soji with a letter in his hand, Bon-Bon up against the wall and a.. Walrus? No, that's that woman with blue hair! 'What is that thing!' laughed Jas as she walked over to Soji and stood there laughing. 'You ok Bon-Bon?' Jas asked Bon-Bon with a giggle in her voice still as she ran over to her. 'You didnt brake any bone's did you?' she asked.


New member
"WHAT THE HELL, BON-BON DO YOU KNOW THIS A**HOLE!" Yelled Celsues. Bon-Bon just staired at Celsues for a moment or two, "HHHMMMMMMM!!" Said Bon-Bon trying to supress her laguhter.
Celsues just waved her hand acrossed her face, "Thank goodness I'm a goddess." Said Celseues as her face changed back to normal. Celseues walked over to Bon-Bon and grabed her by the leg. She then swung Bon-Bon by the leg way across the room. Having Bon-Bon slamed into the wall agian, "Look here dumd ass, I just came here as a favor to your mother." Said Celseues as she dusted herself off.
At that second Bon-Bon jumpped up, "Undie! Aw, man I forgot to mail her." Said Bon-Bon as she walked back over to Celseues.
"DON'T MAIL HER, DUMB ASS!"Said Celseues as she punched Bon-Bon sending her flying across the room.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas sat there, staring. 'Bon!' she yelled as she ran over to Bon-Bon and helped her up. Don't hurt my friends you B****!' yelled Jas as she looked at the woman with blue hair. 'You stay AWAY from my friends or i'll give you such a hard kick up the a** you wont be able to sit down!' she yelled as she got out her keyblade's and formed them together to make her atack's stronger. 'STRIKE DOWN!' yelled Jas as she pointed her finger's to the woman's direction. 'Die!' said Jas as the keyblades done what there master had told them to do.


New member
Celseues stop Jas attacks with just two fingers, "Easy little girl I'm not trying to kill the Dumb ass of a sister of mine." Said Celseues as she handed Jas keyblade back. "Besides, you can't kill me I'm a goddess...and if you try agian, I'll have to kill you." Siad Celseues as she walked over to Bon-Bon.
"Its true, she always do this every time she vists me." Said Bon-Bon as she got up.
"Look, The human plant knows you and Undie is connceted some way, so they got her under there watch. For any calls from you and even letters." Said Celseues as she lifted up Bon-Bon by the callors and tossed her to the ground.

Celseues then helped Bon-Bon up and dusted her off, "Look, The plant and the Heartless are now working togather.... the main thing they're trying to do is finding the 5 voices of Elements." Said Celseuse in a cool but gentle voice.
"Listen to your big sis and Mother, Dumb Ass..... try to stay away from our world, the Human Plant is going crazy looking for you guys, the ones that were living on the planet, had to get out of there, just please becareful." Said Celseues as she disapper in an icy cold wind.
"Thanks Auntie Celseues, I'll know alot now!" Said Bon-Bon as she waved.
Just then a big ice cude apper over Bon-Bon's head and smashed her, "I TOLD YOU BIG SIS! YOU DUMB ASS!"Yelled Celseues voice.
"Well, she was in a good mood today." Said Bon-Bon as she shook off the hit to the head.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas stood there, anoyed by how EASYLY she just got beaten. 'Okay.. what's the human plant?' asked Jas looking at Bon-Bon and walking over to her. 'Is the human plant some big place were they make humans?' she asked as she leand on the wall. One of her eyebrow's were up and one was down. Her mouth was straight and she had her arms crosed. It wasent her to be like this... but she changed over the month that pased. 'Human Plant... Phht.. make humans? what am I saying? That woman said the heartless and the Human Plant were working together.. Do they make evil human? Aka our enimy's?' she asked again.


New member
"No the human planet are run by pure evil demons....they made me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.
Damn, you sister..... you always have to tell my secrets!
"Um, Jas I have a cousin on Expirement world, but if you want to swim with the mermads that'll be cool too." Said Bon-Bon as she try to change the subject.
"Where's Takeshi, the sooner he gets on the sooner we can get out of here." Said Bon-Bon as she walked down the hall.
"Um, if you want me I'll be in the Gym." Siad Bon-Bon as she open the lock door to the Gym.
Bon-Bon entered the room, closed and locked the door behinde her.
"Even if she's not my real mother....I'm still worry about her." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around the Gym.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas's bottom gaw groped. She never belived in demon's, now.. her friend was one. 'Umm, err, I cant belive this!' she said as she walked down a hall to her room. 'I'm going to go and have a rest! I got to calm down about this' she mumerd.

Jas was on her bed. Amazingly she was asleep. But.. She was dreaming, proberbly dreaming again like when she was in the lion king world. She was dreaming about the plate in her chest back then.. but now she was dreaming about somthing else...

'Were am I? What is this place?' she asked thin air. 'You are somwere you dont want to be, like me!' said a voice of a 12 year old girl. 'Jas! Help me! I need to get out of here! Theve got me in a cage! But you can proberbly brake the bar's!' said the girl. 'Sajine.. Is that you sis?' she asked. Now picture was comeing.. She was in a room with a cage. A girl inside the cage aswell. 'Please Jas! Save me!' said Sajine. 'I'll save you sis!' said Jas as she ran in her dream to the cage. But, almost as soon as Jas ran, flames went around the cage. The girl inside staying in the middle to make sure she didnt get burnt. 'Jas! There going to make me evil!' said Sajine. 'I'll come for you!' said Jas as she woke up.

Jas's eye's flickered open. 'How much time has past?' she asked herself. 'Oh crap, one hour!' she said as she looked at the clock and got of her bed. 'I'm coming Sajine! Me and my friends.. Hopefully' she said. She had forgot Bon-Bon was a demond until now. 'Okay, Sajine, I will come for you...' she said as she looked out the window.


New member
"Okay, no one maybe didn't made the dicorvey that i'm only half demon, or wanted to talk to me." Said Bon-Bon a she placed an ear to the door.
"Why would the plant and the heartless work togather?" Said Bon-Bon as she leaned agianst the door, "All I know about the 5 voices of elements are that there hearts are the p-!" Said Bon-Bon untill a light went off in her head.
That's it...and if thats ture...we need to hurry and get out of here...

Bon-Bon rushed out the gym and up to Jas door, "Jas we need to go out and get Takeshi, we need to hurry and get away from this world." Siad Bon-Bon as she knocked on Jas's door.

If what I think is true then its my falt that the heartless had been following us...
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: How many day's has it been since Rf posted? And I have to get off now.

Jas opened the door the instaint Bon-Bon knocked and said they have to leave the world. 'Ill go get him!' she said as she ran past Bon-Bon down the halway and out of the ship. Jas got her keyblades and pulled the from each other and said something then put them together again. 'Ha!' she said as she pulled herself up onto her keyblade. 'Takeshi!' she said as she saw him standing there. 'C'mon!' she said as she sat him on her keyblade and flew to the ship. 'Okay, his here!' she said as she went to Takeshi's room and put him on the bed. 'Bon-Bon, Let's go!' She said as she went over to Bon-Bon.


New member
ooc: I have no idea, but we got him on the ship so we can move on

"SSS, lets get the hell outta here!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she rushed to main control.
"Yes Ma'm" Said the CPU as they left Osen Planet.
The SSS is now in deep space traveling to there next stop, "Okay next stop is Alantsic." Said Bon-Bon to the CPU.
"Yes Ma'm." Said the CPU as it switiches itself on to Auto-piolt.
"On the next stop we'll be swimming with the fishes." Said Bon-Bon with a smile.
Last time I hear Tirrea was with Airel.....


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: I have to get of now. See you later RPGirl.

Jas was waiting for the right time to tell Bon-Bon about her dream, She thought she found it. 'Bon, I had a dream about my sister.. She's gone missing out of my parents site and I seen her.. I seen her in my dream! She was in a cage and I have to save her! In my dream I tryed to go up to her but fire burst up from the cage... And if she stays there to long shell turn evil!' she exclamed