Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself gazing down at his feet. From almost nowhere jas had come in, hugged him, and left. She had the wrong idea though. "It's not that im lonely...i just am mad at myself for not stopping sooner. I was told and told, But still i thought that maybe there was a chance i would actualy have a chance with someone" He swung his keyblade down, a quick glare of blackness in his eyes"...I made a mistake. but it wont happen again" Luca sat on his bed with his head still between his knees, staring at the bed, the sheets wrinkled up as a tear fell to them and wetted a tiny spot on the sheet. Quickly he wiped his eyes and covered the sounds of himself." ..But she was right..I dont want to be alone anymore.." He rolled over, pondering the thoughts jumping through his head and wondering about what would become of him.

There wasnt really anything he could do at the moment. He was alone for right now. The memories of his love long ago were slowly fading away. He would never again find someone like that, and that struck a deep pain inside of him. Luca threw his fist at his wall again, this time leaving a bigger dent and then placing his head between his knees again. Everything on the back wall was on the floor now. The vibrations had knocked everything off. It was truely a sight of despair, something no one should ever have to go through, But Luca was forced to...right from the day his mother was killed. he looked down at the letter across the floor again and stared at it, thinking about what he would do if he ever went home. If it was right and the world had been infected with heartless, and the head family had made a pact with the heartless, then the source of the heartless was probably Zabec. Luca lowered his head once more, realizing it was his families fualt that the world had been overunn with heartless and was probably serving as a base camp for the heartless. once again he felt a deep pain inside. " all i do is make things worse.."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked up after hearing their conversation and suddenly his name was mentioned. He looked down at the letter and let out a laugh at remember what was inside it. He could see a very familiar scrawl and knew the owner of the letter had to be his sister. "Oh. This letter is from my sister... That's how I knew the curse would be in there." He looked down at it again and decided he would have to read it eventually.

"Oh dear brother,

Glad to discover you're still alive. I found out from a moogle who claimed to have delivered a letter to you. I almost had to kill the poor thing to find out but it told me in the end. I'm glad that you're alive so I can be the one who ends your pathetic life. You may have been stronger than me when our world was destroyed by you, but I've gotten a lot stronger and I know I can beat you! One day a red sky will flow over your body and carry away your vileness. I will eternally seek my revenge.


Soji laughed at the letter and then looked around. So his sister was alive... This could complicate things...


New member
Bon-Bon disided to leave Soji alone for a while, and went into her room.
Bon-Bon looked around her room and then flopped on her bed.
Alot has happen seen I travel to there world, I can't belive my poe pole changed into this keyblade thing..... the others all had dreams about theres but me... it just poppped into my hands...*sigh* oh well. I wonder how Terria doing her and me never got along but she always been there for me and I have to be there for her.....I got to tell her about the plant, she might be in dangure too. I wonder how Mother doing, I hope the plant didn't hurt her.......

Bon-Bon quickly snapped out of her out of her thoughts, "Whew, enough of that. Maybe I should go trian." Said Bon-Bon as she left her room and went down the hall to the locked door.
"SSS open Gym." Said Bon-Bon to the CPU
"Password?" Said the CPU
"Oh yeah I locked the door, I walk with pride, with my chest stuck out." Said Bon-Bon
"Acsses Granted." Said the CPU
Bon-Bon walked inside the Gym, the door closed behide her. "Okay, let the gravity be 100 folds and battle level 25." Said Bon-Bon to the CPU.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was wandering the ship. He had never honestly looked around it. Meandering around was fairly boring though. He returned to the bridge because he had nothing to do and sat down in the Kasudo Style meditation art. He was immediatly lost inside his own head. Thousands of his thoughts and memories swirled around as he viewed everything and looked at the peices in play. Things weren't looking too good, even if the others didn't know about it. Unlike them, Soji had been over the entire universe as part of the evil out there. He himself had aided the Prime Evils in taking worlds and had been considered one of the Prime Evils himself. That must have been how his sister had discovered that he was alive. He wasn't exactly well-known as a Prime Evil on some of these backwater worlds, but more towards the accepted center of the universe, he was very well known and feared.

The thoughts swirled in his head as he continued to peice things together. He was on a ship with several Keybladers. I guess these could be considered the neutral force. There were the Prime Evils. Sephiroth, Kratos, Xehanort, Joxis, and Shenk. Then there were the Azure Guardians. King Mickey, Menai, Yensid, Brabos, and Ansem. Things didn't look good for them. Kratos alone was more powerful than Menai and Brabos combined. There went two. He knew Xehanort was already working covertly to eleminate Ansem. Joxis and Yensid were constantly at war with no final victor in sight. And then King Mickey may have been strong, but he would be very hard-pressed to defeat Sephiroth. Then there's Shenk who's known to be off on her own, wiping out entire worlds just to watch the pretty lights...

I guess the Azure Guardians are lucky I decided to leave the Prime Evils... If they had to fight two pure-blooded White Demons, Kratos and I could have probably defeated all of them on our own. Still, it's because of King Mickey that I left. I owe that rodent a lot...

Suddenly, Soji was falling. He couldn't see anything and everything was black. Suddenly, he hit a great pillar. he slowly rose to his feet, wondering where he was. Then, the symbol of a silver crown appeared in front of him. He knew what it was. It was the symbol of the Azure Guardians. He reached out and touched it. In a flash, a small figured appeared with an absurdly large head not helped by the giant ears perched on top. From the small figure came an annoyingly squeeky voice saying, "Ahuha! Soji! Betcha didn't expect me!"


New member
The gravity in the Gym was extrimly heavy, the waight of Bon-Bon's hair could eazily crush her. "Alright begen level 25." Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out her keyblade.
The whole Gym was silent, Bon-Bon stood with her keyblade out and her eyes closed, suddenly in a flash 4 enemies came out of nowhere. Bon-Bon jump to douge the attack but she could only jump high enough to douge the first attack. She took the blow of the 3 atttacks but lucky for her she was able to block the blows eith her keyblade.
Bon-Bon charged towards the the enemies with her keyblade, "Flash Cut!" Said Bon-Bon as she took out one of the enemies with a very quick cut down the middle. The other three attacker jumped high into the air and came carshing down on Bon-Bon with full force, the gravity was too havey for Bon-Bon to move at the speed she want to so she took a hard hit from that attack.
The force of the enemies' landing was so strong that it left a creator. Bon-Bon emrged from the creator, breathing heavly, "Come on, is that all you got." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed her keyblade to the enemies and smiled.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji frowned at the small mouse before him. "What are you doing here, Mickey? And... Where is here?" The mouse just laughed at Soji, apparently very amused with what he was saying. That was one of the odd things about King Mickey, the little rodent thought everything was a joke. "I'm here to discuss your Keyblade!"

Soji stepped backwards defensively. "What are you talking about? I don't have Keyblades..." But again, the mouse laughed at him. "Oh that's right, isn't it? You have two Keyblades! Because you've joined the Neutrals now. What were their names again? Heaven and Hell? Anyways, Why haven't you shown them to your new friends?"

Soji turned away from the mouse. Where did this guy get his information? It's true that Soji had obtained his Keyblades before meeting these people, but even Kratos didn't know about them. Soji kept them hidden in their Keychain form on a string tied around his neck. He couldn't remember ever showing them to anyone. "I... Don't have any friends, Mickey. You know that." Mickey tutted at him. "Not from what I hear. Tis said you have a nice young lass."

Soji glared at the mouse before putting his hands out. Two balls of light flowed down from his neck and along his arms, stopping over his palms. In a bright flash, two elaquent Keyblades appeared. One was pure black and blood red. and shaped like a dragon's spiked wing. The other was brilliant white and light blue and shaped like an angel's feathered wing. Soji displayed the beautiful Keyblades to Mickey and muttered, "Heaven and Hell."


The King Of Bandits
Luca Finaly allowed himself to come to terms with his thoughts, a calm arura filled the room for the moment, he was calm for a second. He had gained control of himself for now. He glanced around at the walls of his room in disgust. Had he done all this? he closed his fist and slammed it down on the bed, hearing a crack before he jumped to his feet and walked towards the door. He had totaly lost control of himself. and although he was calm, he had come to terms with the fact that maybe no one would ever love him. he couldn't say he was happy about it, but he had been acting childish about it all along. just becuase you want something doesnt mean you will get it. His hand rested on the door handle, turning it and opening the door, revealing the beaten up and trashed room that lie behind him. He was a totaly diffrent person now. He was just going to have to live with it. If no one ever loved him then he was going to have to find something to fill that hole in his life. a hole that cut deeply into his body and mind, hurting him badly. The life that lay behind him was a mystery to his companions and he had no right taking out his anger on anyone of his friends.

Glaring down at his keyblade, Luca decided it was time he get back to training. Hisstrength had increased dramaticly since the begining of their journey, leaving no time for messing around. Luca was always on his feet learning new techniques, new pathways to fighting people, new strategies. His eyes sank to the softness they had been feeling before this incident. He was normal again. The change in him had been so dramatic that he had not even noticed for a few minutes, he was sure his friends would notice imeadietly however. " This feeling...This feeling i wish i had...Is it worth killing my very own friends over?" He stared at the ground thinking of what he had done to takeshi. His eyes sank to a low half open status and his mind told him he had ruined things between him and his friends forever. " They cant just forgive someone for alost kiling one of them.." He stood in the hallway alone, the cool breeze blowing past him, the breeze of the AC in his room blowing out the door.

Lastly his father had been troubling him. Was he really dead? If time repeated it's self then the answer was no ." I will go back..No matter what." He puased for a second and smiled for the first time in what seemed like days to him..

"...I will not let them destroy my home.."


New member
Bon-Bon swung her sword at the enemies, they easliy douge the attack and counter it. Bon-Bon went flying into the wall of the gym, "Damn!" Said Bon-Bon as she impacted the wall. Bon-Bon quickly shoock off the counter and went back on the offenive.
"Ice Lance" Said Bon-Bon as held up one of her free hands. Mana started to gather in that hand until a lince made of pure ice formed.
Well this is new..... I always seen Terria do this but I didn't know I can...
Bon-Bon chaged at the 3 enemies with keybalde in one hand and Lance in other, her speed increaced amzingly, Bon-Bon cut though one of the enemies like butter with her lance then she jumped high into the air, much higher than she could before. She then landed full force on the rest of the enemies thrusting her keyblade in one and Lance in the other.
"Level 25 complete winner Bon-Bon." Said the CPU as it swiches everything back to normal. The enemies bodies disapper and the gravity return to normal.

The Lance in Bon-Bon hand had disapper too, "Wow, I can't wait to show Terria!" Said Bon-Bon as she put her keyblade away. Bon-Bon left the gym and saw Luca stainding in the hallway.
"Hi, Luca... You came to learn about your fire mana skills?" Asked Bon-Bon as she walked up to Luca.


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled looking at Bon Bon" Yes..I think im ready to listen now." His tone was shakey nad his voice a little soft but he just had just awoken from a small nap and showed symptoms of just waking up. his scratchy voice started to sound more normal now as he walked towards Bon Bon" Anything you can teach me will help me.. I just want to become stronger, which means learning as many techniques, as much magic, and as many tactics as i can" There was something odd however about the situation. bon Bon had not even hinted at being angry at Luca. He half figured that most of his friends would hate him for what he did to takeshi." but let me ask you one question first.." He puased for a second"..How is takeshi doing..I know i really screwed up back there and i want to appologize to him and wish him well" Luca sighed and leaned on the wall next to the training room door.

" Look... I'm sorry for going all phyco on all you guys and worrying you all." He stopped and thought"..And for tearing up The room on your ship" He pushed a smile on his face, ready to practice whatever he had to to become stronger and better, he just wanted to here what bon bon had to say about everything he had done before he went anything further.


New member
"Luca, listen to this; I travel though these world wondering about life, I keep telling myself I can't look back," Said Bon-Bon as she looked into Luca's eyes. "No anxity, unease or any hasation, I walk with pride, with my chest stuck out."

Bon-Bon then walked up to Luca and looked him square in the eyes, "We all make mistakes, but its our job to learn from them and work towards something better by learning." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes and smiled.
"Open door to gym" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the door behind Luca. The door flew open, showing Luca a huge room with alittle woods area in the corner and a little lake in the middle of the room.
"Ready to learn how hot you are, Hot stuff." Said Bon-Bon in a tesing manner as she walked into the gym.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled and followed behind bon bon closely, in anticipation of learning something new. It had been a long time since he had actualy been tuaght anything new. All his skills had been learned at a very young age, he had just been honing those very same skills over and over again, until they had turned into what they were now. " I'm as ready as i'll ever be" He stepped quietly behind her, doing it unintentionally. His footsteps had become more quiter in the past weeks as well. Thoughts slipped through his mind. Would this be a technique he would come to use often? or would he maybe only use it on certain occasions? Was their only one thing to learn? how much was there that he could learn about it in all? He was like a kid in a candy store. For him this was big at the moment. all of his skills had been perfected almost for some time now, the last time he had learned something new had been before he moved to twilight town."..and Bon Bon..thanks" he lowered his head, kind of embarressed at saying thanks to someone. Being of the head family back home, he had always been tuaght not to say thank you to anyone, becuase they were lower then him. But right now, he really felt as if maybe the only people on the same level as him...were his friends.


New member
"Well to start you can't understand mana unless you know how to use it, mana is key with out it me and other surtan beings will died, but for you and your friends if you arrive on a world with out mana you'll get very tired and unable to use your mana magic." Said Bon-Bon as she reached in her pokects for something.
Bon-Bon pulled out an Fire mana crystile, "All right lets start with gathering Fire mana energy, with this you can recover lost mana energy, but know this it will only work if there's a mana flow in the world." Said Bon-Bon as she smashed the crystile on the ground.
A flame started were Bon-Bon smashed the crystile, "Oh, and I forgot to tell you now that you have the powers of fire, fire or burns wont harm you. You can touch or even walk though fires. Now put your hands into the flame and fell for it mana, feel the passion burning inside of it, feel the flaming disires. When you feel that reach its peek the fire in front of you will slowly go out, that means you are gathering its mana, when the flame completely go out you gather all its mana." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Luca.
"You better hurry and try before the whole Gym goes up in flames." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the fire.


The King Of Bandits
Luca slowly approached the flame, the heat radiating off of it. He wasnt sure about the flame. What if it did end up burning him? the only way to find out would be to try it. He slowly reached out his hand, extending it ever closly to the flame. His hand began heating up and just when it felt like it was going to burn, it cooled. the flame however still appeared to be spreading around the gym. " ...what to do now.." he whispered to himself eagerly. He closed his eyes and began concentrating nothing happened. thoughts were flying through his head. What if he got burned badly and wasnt able to fight? he was hungry. he had a lot on his mind at the moment as well. " I got it" Luca placed his right hand on his head, massaging his forehead as to relax his mind and clear his thoughts. he slowly began a cool wind to develope around his fingers, like a vacum sucking air past his entire body now. he opened his eyes to see the fire begining to disapate.

" Did i do it?" he asked as the fire slowly burned out before him, revealing the blackness of the area where the fire had burned. A smile crossed his face as he realized he had done it. " i cant believe i did it.." his mind flashed and snapped him back to reality. This was probably just the first phase and there was probably more. he quickly turned to bon bon" Whats next"


New member
"Mega magic wow, your on fire, hot stuff." Said Bon-Bon with a smile.
"Next lets do an attack spell, it's call Fire Breath." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Luca.
"SSS, target pratice." Said Bon-Bon
Three dummies apper befor them, "Okay, what you're going to do is to take aim at the dummies, then take a deep breath. While inheling you'll feel a sorta fire burning at the pit of your belly, when that feeling reaches your throut exhael quickly, if you don't exhael quick engouh all you do is cough out smoke." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the dummies
"Try it out."


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled, looking at the targets floating around the training area" ok ..i think i cuaght all that.." The targets were moving rather slowly at first, then seeming to speed up and finaly stopping. the low hum of the huge overhead air duct sucking out the smoke from the room buzzed quietly. all else was ilent for the moment. HE pulled in his breath deep, making sure to take this one out from deep inside. he felt the air rushing past his teeth and into his lungs filling them with the slightly polluted oxygen in the area, at first he coughed up a little bit of smoke, exhaling what he had taken in. Then he took another deep breath, this one filled with smoke free air. It was his chance. Reaching deep inside he felt a little fire heating up in his mid section, then rising to his throat, he quickly exhaled, coughing andbreathing out smoke, polluting the air around him even more.

".. ok.. i can do this." Once again he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, exhaling as he felt it reach the throat area. This time a tiny flame erupted from his mouth, but most of it was smoke. he coughed heavily again and decided to give it one last try. Luca breathed in deeply, deeper then before, and waited the heat rising up his body began reaching a peak and was about to start falling, he had let it rise much higher this time then before. He exhaled, releasing a small flame from his mouth and burning one of the targets in front of him. He then quickly proceeded to do the same technique over and over again, destroying all the targets in the area. he turned back to bon bon smiling." Now what"


New member
Bon-Bon laughed at Luca, "Luca that was a cute fire, but next and final is the power boost." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to one of the dummies.
"This is called 'heat up' all you do is constreate on the fire burning deep inside you and relase it to every part of your body." Siad Bon-Bon.
"Afterward if you feel like training, you can spar with me or you can go rest." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Luca. "Also you can't absorb the fires you create with your mana."


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled, feeling his arms about to go numb, he had not rested in a while, and had exerted all of his energy in the attack that would have killed takeshi had he not stopped it. He was fatigued and terribly exhuasted."..Ok..i'll try this not sure if i'll be able to do it though." Luca stood to his feet and closed his eyes, placing his hands together so that he might gain more concetration." I can do this" he kept telling himself. His thoughts once again were going wild while he tried to relax, his first attempt was a failure, ending ultimatly in him pushing himself way to hard and almost collapsing right there. He picked himself up and tried again. this time he was more relaxed somehow. the exhuastion was starting to get to him, cuasing him to clear his mind and focus only on the topic at hand. Slowly his body began heating up, a red aura forming around him and swelling with heat, a drop of sweat formed on his fore head, and quickly evaporated. The heat was getting so hot it had evaporated the droplet of sweat instantly. Suddenly the aura disappeared the heat cooled off and he felt empty." was that it?"

He looked over at bon bon with a smile of hope, hoping he had gotten it right. He closed his eyes, ready to go to bed right there." Please tell me that was it" He rubbed his eyes and tried to hold them open .


New member
"You've been having trubble sleeping." Siad Bon-Bon as she walked over to Luca.
"Luca you were so close, but I really think you should rest." Said Bon-bon, "Trust me, I haven't gotten any sleep since 10weeks ago." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to the door.
"Luca, I tought you two things already, you should rest now." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Luca.
I don't want to have two friends in sick bay.....


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked around. 'There's nothing to do...' she said. 'Mabey I could go and train' she said as she walked to the training room. She saw Luca through a little window in the wall training. 'Fire powers! Cool!' she said as she started watching. 'I hope Luca feel's better...' she said as she leand against the window and waited for Luca to do anotherpower. 'Aww, it's over!' she said sadly.. 'Hmm, I wonder how Takeshi is..?' she said as she walked of down the hall to the sick bay.

'Takeshi, Takeshi... C'mon wake up!' she said as she shook him. 'Oh, fine! Be a sleepy head!' she said as she walked away from the bed. 'WAKE UP!' she yelled so he would hear and she ran up to the bed and shook him again. 'Okay, I leave you alone' she said as she walked out of the sick bay and to her room.

Jas was laing on her bed once again shooting little water ball's in the air and listening to green day. 'This is boring..' she said as she stoped shooting water ball's and sat up. 'How's that thing dad left for me going?' she said as she pulled up her t-shirt and looked at it. 'CRAP!' she yelled as she saw it was black. At that moment she relised it wasnt from her dad. 'Crap, gotta get this thing outa me!' she said as she got it by the edje and tryed to get it off, but it wasent comeing off, it was stuck on her and at that second she toched it she turned black with yellow eye's. She had darkness comeing of her yet, she was compleatly able to controle herself. She looked around and realised what se looked like in the mirror. 'Oh no!' she said with and evil voice. 'Mabey..' she said as she touched the mettle again and she went normal. 'It wasent from dad but now I think I have
the power to turn into a heartless!' she said like it was cool and at the same time bad. 'Wow...' she said.
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