Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Mickey laughed at his Keyblades and then squeeked, "So, you've still got 'em eh? You weren't too pleased when ya got 'em the first time!" Soji dropped them away from the mouse's reach. "Yes, I've still got them. What else am I supposed to do with them? I can't give them away nor sell them. These confounded things won't leave me."

"Well, you've got to accept 'em! The Keyblade chooses its master. And it choose you! Personally, I ain't feelin' too keen about a former Prime Evil havin' one, but I ain't got a choice! Anyways, I can't be staying here long! The Azure Guardians are havin' a tough time with your old friends! Gotta go, Soji! Cya!"

The mouse waved his hand and faded away along with the strange place. Instead, Soji woke to find himself back on the bridge out in the open. His Keyblades were in his hand and he scolded himself. He'd really have to see about getting a room.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sat on the ground, his knees going numb from sitting on them. He had learned something new, and almost learned another thing. He was breathing heavily, each breath seeming to not get enough oxygen to his body, His hands fell to his side as he tried to stand up, losing his balance a little bit but catching himself. He had expended so much energy and used up so much of his strength that he was literaly going limp in his body. His stayed in there half open state as he hobbled down the hallway, falling into the wall and turning around, leaning on it across from his room. He could see the dent in the door from here, he could only imagine what it was like on the inside. He looked around, hopoing maybe jas was around somewhere. He wanted to talk with her again, just to set her straight exactly on what he had been going through. also he felt that he could talk to her over anybody else there. there was just something about her that made him feel like she understood most of what he was saying. His eyes closed a bit and he slipped down the wall, slidding himself back up as they flew back open.

" I still have my friends" he whispered to himself, thinking about his situation"..even if no one loves me... i still have a few people who care 'enough'" Luca let his eyes slide closed again and felt himself sliding down the wall. He had to get across the hall but barely had the strength to stand up right now. he slid himself up and balanced himself after a few seconds, looking towards his door..he sure was tired..


New member
Bon-Bon watched Luca leave, "I hope he'll be alright." Said Bon-Bon to herself.
Suddenlly An alarm sound, Bon-Bon rushed to the main deck and started to type lighting fast on the keyborad. "SSS, what's up?" Said Bon-Bon to the CPU.
"We are now ariving to Anlantisc." Said the CPU.
Bon-Bon looked out the window and saw that they have already entered the water, fishes swam past the ship.
"YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THIS BEFORE WE LAND." Said Bon-Bon typeing on the bord changeing the ship to water mod.
"Alright every one get ready to swim!" Said Bon-Bon to everyone as she walked over to the main door and open it.
"Don't worry about water leaking in, thanks to the mana protection we can leave while the water stays out. As soon as we step out we'll be in our fish forms."
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The King Of Bandits
Slowly Luca made his way into his room, watching the others at the main door"...I think im gonna rest a guys go on ahead without me" He managed to say before stumbling into his room and onto his bed. He really really just felt like getting to sleep right now. He lay on his bed, his eyes half open, glancing around at the hole in the chest beside the bed and the many dents around the cabin, not to mention the picutres and such on the ground from when he had hit the back wall cuasing it all to fall. His anger had really gotten the best of him. He had let it go to far. He could have killed someone had he not been stopped. He didnt want anyone else to die. He had already lost his entire family by his own hand, and had about lost his friend the same way. " I feel as though i should be appologizing to them all but they all seem to not even care. Things just cant be let go like that, its not right. There has to be justice somewhere along the line."

Luca lay flat out on his bed, he coughed a little bit and tried to get to sleep, his eyes remaining half open the entire time. So many things were going through his mind right now. what couold have happened, what might happen if he loses control again, how his friends will eventualy turn on him. Luca had always been a synic, always seeing the bad side of everything. He wished so much to change, but he just couldn't. There just seemed to be something in his way.


New member
Bon-Bon saw Luca stubble into his room, "hhhmmmm." Said Bon-Bon as she reached into her pokect for another Fire Crystile.
Bon-Bon knocked on Luca door and entered, Bon-Bon saw Luca on his bed almost asleep, Bon-Bon placed the Fire Crystile next to him and then walked out, Bon-Bon stood in the middle of Luca's doorway, "Just eat the crystile, it'll heal you in no time....You know it is so eazy to cage yourself inside your mind.... Luca, I'll be there always ready to help long as I can keep it up....before............well enough of that junk...just have fun don't dewl on the bad things it'll make you sick, see ya out in the stuff." Said Bon-Bon as she ran back out to the main deck.


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked down at the crystal"...well.. looks like no sleep now.." He placed the crystal in his mouth and swallowed it. quickly he was reenergized" ..they still dont understand though" He whispered to himself, not even taking the time to consider that he knew nothing about bon bon or soji's past, and didn't really know that much about takeshi or Jas's past either. He had been friends with both of them for whats seemed like forever, But he had been a terrible friend, not seeing them much, and rarely giving them the time of day even. Yet some how they still were his friends. They were always there for him, even though he was never there for them. Luca still had a lot to understand about other people. His family had tuaght him that once you do something you cant be forgiven for it. in other words live life safe without taking any risks. He had always been tuaght to be the best and show pity and mercy to no one. He was not suppose to even have any friends, In the eyes of his parents and his family, friends just dragged you down and distracted you.

Luca's views were still very very different from those of his friends obviously. He wanted to be more like a normal person, but hiding his past was hard enough, and changing like that would just make things that much harder for him. The last thing he wanted was to have to tell the four of them about how he killed his very own family and why that he really had been part of the royal family back in Zabec. Now that his father had 'died' supposedly things were going to get a lot harder. People had probably already been dispatched by the government to search for the next person in line to run everything. Luca did not want to live that life however. He wanted to be a normal person just like everyone else. He had killed his family though, simply becuase he had been forced to. his older brother, his younger brother, and now his twin brother. All becuase they had been sent to bring him back. Luca brushed the look off his face and stepped out of his room, running out the main door and into the water.


New member
Bon-Bon was swimming around in the water, Bon-Bon was very happy to be in her own element.
Her fish form was very average, She had a long purple fish tail, white T-shirt that bearly fit her, her two long pony tails just danced in the currents, she still had two callors around her neck. Bon-Bon looked back at every one on the ship and waved.
Suddenly Bon-Bon heard a cry for help behinde her, it was Arel and she was being chased by fish heartless.
"Hey, Bon-Bon long time no see, please help me!" Said Arel as she swam past Bon-Bon

Bon-Bon pulled out her keyblade, "Hell, yeah I was ready for a fight." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed her Keyblade them. Suddenlly the Heartless stop right in front of Bon-Bon. The Heartless reached inside there bodies and pulled out two cuicular objects. Bon-Bon's body began to shake with fear, she backed up from them but they began to slowly swim closer to her. The heartless try to put the objects on Bon-Bon's ears but she douged them.

Bon-Bon's heart began to reace as fear slowly took over, she was so afreid that she couldn't fight back. All Bon-Bon could think of doing is to swim around fast and douge the objects they had. Soon more heartless appered with more of those strange objects in hand.
"NO, KEEP THOSE CONTROL PADS AWAY FROM ME!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she swam away into the open sea with graet speeds. The Heartless followed Bon-Bon as she swam away from her friends and even the ship.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Occ: Jas now call's Bon-Bon 'Bon'.

Jas herd Bon-Bon yell out and ran in exitment to the door. "Woo hoo!" she yelled as she jumped out of the ship and into the water. Then she changed. Her under water form came. She would of expected to have just a plain blue tail.. But she had a black tail with white sploges in random place's & black and white shell bra. "Well.. This is going to be fun!" she said as she saw the heartless swim off after Bon-Bon and another mermaid. "Ima' coming Bon!" she yelled as she swem with full speed after the heartless and atacked them. "Ha! Ouch! Take that!" she yelled as she: Atacked then got hit then shot out water wich didnt realy help... "That'll teach ya!" she said as she destroid all the heartless and smiled. "Bon! It's safe! I atacked from behined!!" she yelled and floted at the direction that Bon-Bon went.


New member
Bon-Bon swam with great speeds, Bon-Bon was so wrapped up in her thought and fears that she didn't noticed Jas was behind her and she killed all the Heartless.
KEEP AWAY! what should I do, I thought the plant lost all that kind of technolgy, Just keep swimming, don't look back, if you do then they will surely get you....
Bon-Bon swimming speed increced, so much that she lost Arel and Jas.
Bon-Bon was now in the city of Anlantisc, it was eimpty and void of mer-poepls.
Bon-Bon's mind and thoughts slowly cleared, "Wait, how'd I get to Anlatisc so fast?" Said Bon-Bon as she swam though the streets
"Oh, man I let my fear got the better of me, and ran away.......I'm such a coward." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back

Suddenlly Bon-Bon heard a fermilar voice from behind one of the biludings, "Bon-Bon is that you?"Said the voice. "Tikal?!"Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
A girl about the same age as Bon-Bon, came out from the shadows of the building, she's wearing a red T-shirt that's about the same as Bon-Bon's, she had spiky red hair, clear blue eyes, a red fish tail and a demon seed inbeted in her left hand.
"Tikal that is you!" Said Bon-Bon as she swim over to the girl.
"Bon-Bon I so gla-....What the hell are you doing here?" Said Tikal with a catty smile.
"Oh see you still suffering from your PMS!" Said Bon-Bon as she turn her back.
"Look I misssed you too but now is not the time, those monsters out there have those contorl pads and they're trying to put them on us." Said Tikal as she pointed to a group of Heartless coming there way.

Bon-Bon quickly grabed Tikal's hand and swam to a huge cave, "Wait the current in the acave is to stroung we'll be spitt out like a bug." Said Tikal as she swam next to Bon-Bon. "Don't worry I can swim aginst any current." Said Bon-Bon as she doved into the cave. The current the cave was fast and stroung, it keep pushing Bon-Bo back as to say 'your not welcome here, leave', Bon-Bon finally got past the current and found anice place for her and Tikal to wait out the Heartless.
"Tikal, those monsters are call Heartless, and the plant teamed up with them so they can find us more easily." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back at Tikal.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: sorry guys, my computer crashed and i'm not getting a new one until next week, right now i'm on my friends, and i have to go now so i can't post anything, so can we kinda slow it down or stop it for a while, i'll pm u all once i get my new computer so u'll know that we can start again.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Then Jas saw Bon-Bon was out of site. "Oh crap.. Back to Luca and Takeshi then" she said as she swem sort of crooked to the ship because she wasent used to swiming with a tail, But she loved it. "Wait, I came here to explore so I might as well!" she said as she turned around and swem as fast as her tail and arms could move. "Wow, it's beutifull" she said as she got to atlantas. "Hello and welcome to Atlantis! Tourist are welcome!" said a voice that would suit a tour adviser. "Hi, umm, have you seen a girl? She's sixteen and I'm looking for her, she's my friend" said Jas as she sat on a big shell. "Hmm, I see alot of teen's wondering around, How about we go search?" said the tour adviser. "Ok, just my other friends have to be protected at my friends ship" said Jas. "Guards! Go to guard that ship for this young woman!" yelled the tour adviser to the guards. The guards swem toward's the ship and floted there, guarding it. "We'l start the serch now!" said Jas to the tour adviser. "I have to find B- My friend.." said Jas, she didnt want to let anyone know her friends name. "We shall start now then" said the tour adviser.


New member
Bon-Bon and Tikal are waiting out the heartless inside a cave, "Look, the plant are using the heartless as blood hounds to sniff us out." Said Bon-Bon to Tikal.
"What, how are they doing that?!" Said Tikal
"Heartless find poeple with storng or pure hearts, and since we of the 5 voices of the elements have the purest of hearts, next to the 7 princess of Heart. We're like a big T-bone for them." Said Bon-Bon.
"Well maybe for me, since I am the Voice of fire." Said Tikal bostfuly.
"Look women, don't start this Fire vs Ice thing with me because I will finish this violently." Said Bon-Bon with anger.

Suddenlly the heartless outside slowly backed away, "You think they might be getting bored." Said Tikal as she peeked around a corner. "I don't think so, the Plant whould do any thing to get there prize expirment back." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.
"You're talking about me, right?" Said Tikal as she looked at Bon-Bon.
"LOOK YO-" Yelled Bon-Bon before she stopped.
"What worng Bon-Bon?" Said Tikal with worry.
Tikel couldn't see what Bon-Bon was seeing, it was a huge yellow eye looking into the cave, stairing right at Bon-Bon and Tikal. "Tikal swim...swim like your live depinds on it....cuz it does!" Said Bon-Bon as she grabed Tikal and swam deeper into the cave. Two giant tentacels reached into the cave and grabed Tikal and Bon-Bon, the creatur pulled them both outside.

It was a Huge Heartless Squid, the squid raced off to the darker parts of the sea with both Bon-Bon and Tikal in tentacle.
"Bon-Bon, I blame this on you!"
"Just shut up!"

OOC: I'll stop posting untill RF PMs me
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: i'm back now, my dad bought the new comp last night while i was at the skatepark instead of waiting till next week. So i'm gonna post now.

Takeshi swam out of the ship, propelling himself along with his fins. He had a long nose that was pointed at the end, bluish silver skin, and had a sudden urge to eat little fishies. He looked around the planet he was on and found that it was completly filled with water. He swam around a bit, exploring the immediate area. He saw some people off in the distance, and decided that they weren't heartless, so he started toward them.

When he was about halfway there a large heartless tried to sneak up behind him. Takeshi noticed the heartless and concentrated on the area behind him. After a few secdonds the heartless rotted, and Takeshi moved onward. "I could get used to not having to use my keyblade, using mana is so much easier." He said to himself. "But the keyblade is faster and i'm pretty sure there are going to be some things that i can't kill without it."


New member
The water was dark with dark mana as Tikal and Bon-Bon was being drag back to Heartles HQ. The Heartless squid was swiming at full speed, Bon-Bon and Tikal stuggles to get free but no luck.
As they got deeper into the darkness, more and more Heartless apper and followed the squid, "Bon-Bon, how are we gonna get out of this?" Said Tikal in a weak voice.
"I-I'm ...thinking....t-the dark hurts..." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
"Well, think of some...thing...your suppose to be the super genus." Said Tikal.
"We need to do elemental blast, its power can maybe foce us back into clear water." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back.
"You know afterwards we'll not have the streangth to swim back to safty.... we'll be sitting ducks." Said Tikal
"It's better than being drag though dark mana and having those control pads stuck on our heads." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over at Tikal.

Just then, two Hearless with control pads apper infront of Tikal and Bon-Bon, the two heartless crep closer to the two grils hoping to put the control pads on them.
"NOW TIKAL, WE MUST DO IT NOW!" Yelled Bon-Bon trying to startle the Heartless infront of them.
"ELEMENTAL BLAST!" Yelled Bon-Bon and Tikal at the same time.
A surge of cold ice mana bust from Bon-Bon's body and a suge of white hot fire mana burst from Tikal's Body. The whole dark sea lit up with the two mana energy. The Heartless squid monde in pain and then threw the two girls.

Bon-Bon and Tikal went flying though the water, back into clear waters and landed safley in a forest of kelp. "Bon-Bon I can't move." Said Tikal as she fanited onto a bed of kelp. "S-same here." Said Bon-Bon as she also fainted onto a bed of kelp.
Bon-Bon and Tikal are deep within the forest of kelp and unknown to them a group of Heartless are surching though the kelp.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca had been standing by at the ship, sort of guarding it, not wanting to really become involved in any major schemes and such that might be formed up by anything. His tail was a dark blue color, a black streak down the side of it, his bare chest revealing the marks of his family yet again, he couldn't hide it this time. There was nothing he could really do about it, but at this point it was probably best if they didnt know about it. He had planned on telling them all everything, but none of them really ever gave him the time of day unless it was for training or to try and make him feel better. He made a pact with himself..if worst came to worst, and somehow for some reason they ended up in Zabec...He would tell them everything. but until then he would put off answering any questions. He swam quickly, somehow knowing exactly how to do it, swiming towards a large building in what seemed like a city. He decided that it would be best to establish a sort of base came in case anything happened and they all got seperated, somewhere they could go and know where everyone was. Luca took this job upon himself and swam into an abandon building near the edge of the city.

" This will do" He muttered to himself, as a black film floated in the water, taking the form of at least a dozen heartless. Luca mummbled something under his breath" Here we go again" His voice was an exhuasted tone, being once again left by his friends to fight his own battles. He had becoming to grow acustom to it. for now it didn't bother him that much, at least not as much as it did back in twilight town. His mind was clear, and his keyblade was ready. two heartless came at him, each from an opposite side. Luca raised his hand and slammed it into the keyblade, the energy once again forming around the edge of the blade only this time it was a black color. He studied the color for a moment. Maybe it meant he was stronger, or maybe it meant that he was evil? He raised his blade and slice the one down in front of him, then spun around quickly cutting the other one down. As he looked over there were at least 30 more heartless standing in the door way of the abandon building. A Smirk creeped across his face and his smiled.

" Lets see what you got"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked around with the tour adviser. "So what's you friends name?" asked the woman. "Her name is Bon-Bo- HEY!" said Jas as she once again got stollen and knocked out.

While Jas was unconchis, she was having another dream.. another one about her sister.

"Jas! Jas! Your geting closer to me now! Okay, I herd one of the people here say were we are! They said were at a place called 'The Human Plant'. Please hurry, they've been starving me! They said they only stole me to get to you were you would come get me with your friend Bon-Bon.. Who's Bon-Bon...?" Jas woke out of her dream. "I have to help Sajine..." she moned in a weak voice.

Jas looked around and saw a woman dressed up, and Jas didnt have a tail anymore. "So, were out of Atlantica I see.." said Jas in a voice inbetwine ****y and ignorance. "Yes yonge girl.. This is were one of your friends fear also! Welcom to.. The Human Plant!" Said the woman that wasent a tour adviser but an enimy, a bad enimy. "Were going to lock you in a cage with your siste-" Said the woman without fineshing because Jas broke in. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" yelled Jas so loud that the woman coverd her ear's. "Oh, well that's to late, weve alreaddy got her in bar's!" said the woman. "LOCK HER UP" yelled the woman. Then some more guards came and took Jas to her sisters cage and huled her in.

Jas was in her sister's cage, hugging her. "You came, Jas!" said Sajine, as she kissed her on the cheak. "Of corse I tryed, but they found me and caught me first!" said Jas in an angry tone. "Mabey we could use our power to send messige's that they get when they sleep!" said Sajine. "Ok, let's try. I havent done it in a long time" said Jas as she got on her knee's with Sajine and they put there hand's on the side's of there head's. "send to: Takeshi, Luca, Bon-Bon and Soji" said Jas quietly as she started thinking what to say. What ever she thought would go in her friends dream's.

Guy's! I'v sent this to all of you, please if you get it, come help me and my sis! We.. are at.. The Human Plant. Yes, I'm sorry Bon-Bon that I have lead you to your danger. But don't come Bon-Bon! They only grabed me because I said your name, I'm SORRY! RUN! I need help. The bar's on this cage are worthless. We need help now guy's!

"Done" said Jas as she stood up. "I'm done to" said Sajine. Then some guard's came up to the cage. "Okay girl, we said that if your big sister didnt come you would be turned evil!" said the guard. "You blind idiot! I'm over here!" said Jas as she punched the guard in the nose then stuck her keyblade through him. "C'mon Sajine" said Jas as she helped her down and they started running.

Jas put her keyblade in it's holder. The girls got to the exit of the plant then somthing grabed them and huled them back. "Knowone get's out off here without me telling them!" said another guard. "Sajine, can you hold my keyblade?" asked Jas as she gave Sajine the keyblade. Then Jas went in her anti-form and jump's on the guard, and started killing it.

The guard was now on the ground, dead. Jas and Sajine ran out the door's of the plant. "Keyblade space ship!" said Jas as she took the keyblade out of Sajine's hands. Then a little two setter came out of the keyblade. "In Sajine" said Jas as she got in the driver's side. "Wow, this is cool!" said Sajine as she got in and Jas closed the door's. "Off we go" said Jas as she pulled a lever and the lifted off the ground and into the univers. "Next stop: ?" said a little computer. "Next stop: Atlantica" said Jas as they sped off.


New member
Bon-Bon and Tikal were both out cold in the bed of kelp, sudenlly Bon-Bon awoke out of her sleep. "JAS!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she looked around. Bon-Bon yell was so loud that it woked up Tikal, "Hey, what's the big idea waking me?" Said Tikal as she rubbed her eyes.
"Jas, she got taken to the human plant!" Said Bon-Bon as she swam over to Tikal.
"Welp, she's a goner!" Said Tikal as she looked down.
"Tikal, Jas will find her way back... she a tough girl." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around trying to figuer out where they are.

"Where are we?" Said Tikal as she looked up to Bon-Bon.
"I don't know but I-" Said Bon-Bon before she sinced something, "we're surround it." Said Bon-Bon with a glaer.
Just as soon Bon-Bon said that, armies Heartless apper all aound Tikal and Bon-Bon, along with Control pads and that Heartless squid.
"HELP!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon and Tikal as they try to escape deeper into the kelp forest.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Bye everyone. The internet is going to be cut of and I cant come on until one week. This is the last time I can talk to you. Ill miss GP and my friends. It's hard to stay off the internet. I'll do my last RP till then. Bye GP...

Jas was flying through space. Sajine was bouncing up and down on her set. "Oh my god, were finaly going to Atlantica!" said Sajine as she settled down a bit. "Yeah, you should see me in mermaid form!" said Jas as she got up and turned auto pilot on. "Atlantica please" said Jas as she walked over to the bathroom. "I'll have a shower, Sajine" said Jas as she closed the door. Sajine looked around out the window. "I wonder what would happen if I opened the window.. I won't do THAT because I want to be more like Jas, more mature" she said as she walked over to a bedroom with two bunk-beds. "I'll take the top bunk!" she said as she climed up the latter.

Jas had just got out of the bath. "Sajine, were nealy there..!" said Jas as she looked out a window high up and saw a world. "Ok, how's the ship going?" said Jas as she got dressed and walked out of the room. "Don't worrie Jas, I'm in here!" said Sajine through the door. "Good, take a rest" said Jas as she walked over to the control panale and presed a button. "I just pressed the button to make sure we don't drown!" said Jas as she sat on a longe and watched TV. "Ouch!" yelled Jas as a ship hit them and then caught them in a big mettle box. "Crap, it's The bloody Human Plant again!" yelled Jas as she ran into the room with Sajine in it. Sajine was laying on the ground, unconchis. "Sajine!" cried Jas as she ran over to her sister. Then she saw, Sajine had gotten shot by a bulet to make someone evil. "NO! NO NO NO!" yelled Jas as she pulled the bullet out of Sajine. But it didnt work, Sajine just fadded into thin air. "NOOO! GIVE HER BACK!" cried Jas as she looked out the broken window the bullet came through. "F***** idiot's!" yelled Jas as she put a sheild around herself to survive. "I gotta get to Atlantica!" said Jas as she grabed out her keyblades, jumped on them, smashed a window and flew to Atlantica. "Gotta get some help" she said.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: That's too bad IBS. =\ Sorry I haven't been on, btw. I've had parties and football games I've had to go to. Once I figure out where we are I'll just act like Soji just awoke from his trance.