Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


The King Of Bandits
With a slight click, the door to Luca's room was shut. He was in a daze now. "...I have to find them..." He stepped exhuastingly towards the ****pit, still in his trance. He didn't know what he was doing. As far as he was concerned he was asleep. He was not controling his body at the moment."..We have to find them.." He fell against the side of the wall and stumbled into a halway, leading to the engine room. H econtinued to walk, climbing down the stairs that lead to the engine, ignoring the sign posted by cuation. Keep out, Engine room. He pushed past the door somehow, blowing it away, clearing his path to the engine room. Nothing was going to stop him. In his dream, he was walking towards a small building. in the middle of a beautiful field. He turned right and found himself staring face to face with a door. In real life he was standing on the edge of a platform, a burning fire below him that would incinerate him if he fell. He began thinking for a moment and inching ever closer to the door, every inch pushing him closer to falling off the platform. He heard a voice in the distance, seeming to come from the other side of the door in his dream. This single want that rested deep inside, the want to be loved for once, is the thing that pushed him closer to opening it and stepping inside in the dream, cuasing him to fall off the platform in real life.

"...Kiera?..." He mummbled "...Please dont leave me behind...I dont want to be alone." His foot was now on the edge, moving any closer would cuase him to fall, incinerating him."...I just want someone...Thats all..Please " His voice began to trail off, it had been quiet, but now it grew even quieter. it was barely noticable"...Dont leave me alone.."

His foot slipped off the ledge and he began leaning over the edge, opening the door in his dream."...I love you...Dont go" He was almost in tears now in his dream, his eyes still shut in real life, his mind still not controling him. The heat seemed to beckon him now, his name being called in the dream" Luca...Luca.." He heard another faint voice in the distance" ..Im sorry" He stared down at the ground in his dream, begining to tilt even more so and almost falling off into the fire below, the heat almost enough to burn his skin.

"...Please..." He whispered"...I love you.." his voice was almost gone now"...Dont go..." His last words were almost unnoticable "...Dont leave me alone..."

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi watched as Bon-bon fell to the ground. The heartless then swarmed over to her, but Takeshi waved them away then ran over to her. "Whats happening to you?" He asked as the gem on her head started to glow an even darker black color. I knew something like this would happen, I just knew it. he thought to himself.

"Bon-bon, is there anyway to get rid of my dark mana, I don't want it anymore!"


New member
"Y-you can't... i-its in DNA now..." Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to get up, but the pain was to great.
Bon-Bon's teeth slowly changed into fangs and her two pony tails turn into big floppy ears, "Oh-no...m-my..light..m-mana.....I..can't" Said Bon-Bon as the whites of her eyes turned black.
"J-just consentrate.....on y-your..m-mana..f-flow..." Said Bon-Bon as hands slowly changed claw-like.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi's eyes opened wide in surprise. "So you mean i can't get rid of it without taking it out of every single strand of DNA in my body? This sucks." Then he noticed Bon-bon changing into something, and the word demon flashed into his mind. "What's happening to you?" he asked.

OOC short, why must my post be so short?


New member
ooc: even shot post can mean alot

Bon-Bon was fading in and out the pain in her baody was to much for her.
I can't hold my ture form off any longer.... he'll she me...and then he'll hate me
Bon-Bon gasps for air became deeper and faster, Bon-Bon didn't have the strenth to keep her eyes open, "P-please...j-just.... focus on your..mana f-flow..and...slow it down..." Said Bon-Bon as she fell to the ground.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sort of stumbled back for a moment, cuasing him to sway away from the incinerator for the moment. His eyes were still closed, the heat seeming not to make an effect on him. In the back of his mind he heard screaming in another part of the ship. he couldn't control himself and he was about to die."...You were right Dad...They dont care" Luca fell to the ground, his body inches from the edge, lying on the platform, burns developing on his arms and legs. the pattern of the metal gratting was being burned into his legs now as well. his eyes were still closed as he continued to dream, to weak to even move.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Wow. Three parties in a row. Sooooo sorry.

Soji was there in a flash. He had come out of nowhere as though called to the spot. In an instant, his cloak was wrapped around Bon-Bon as he bent over her. Something was really wrong with her demon seed. She wasn't a natural demon so her body probably couldn't take such a transformation without suffering serious damage. Ignoring the warnings buzzing in his head, he pressed the flats of his palms to her forehead and began trying to seal the demon seed in. Curls of black energy flowed between his hand and her forehead. Symbols began to appear around the demon seed and he pushed harder. Slowly, the familiar 15 Kanji began to form around the seed, glowing slightly. Then they turned back and slowly faded into her forehead, leaving the skin unblemished.

OOC: All of Soji's energy appears pure black now, but that doesn't mean it's dark energy. Ever since Hell, Soji's energy has become black. Even energy used in light attacks will be.


New member
Bon-Bon body slowly changed back to normal, the pain in her body was slowly fadeing away. Bon-Bon looked up and saw Soji, she reached out her hands and plased it on his face.
Bon-Bon was to tired to speak so she just mouth the words 'Are you alright?', Bon-Bon's hands slowly fell to her side. After that Bon-Bon blacked out.
I need to see Jumba... he should be finish with the Anties....


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared down at her as she passed out. Then he looked up and at his surroundings. He had no idea where he was. He had just warped himself here when he felt Bon-Bon was in trouble. Standing up, he dusted himself off and looked around. He had no idea what was going on. He had been training ever since Mickey forced him to reveal his Keyblades. He had become a lot better with them, but right now they were hidden on the pendant around his neck.


New member
Bon-Bon was wondering in the darkness over her mind, then a huge bar cage apper. Bon-Bon felt a deep darkness in the pit of her somach.
"Who are you?" Said Bon-Bon as she eaged her way closer to the giant cage.
There was a loud horrific raor as a long fox like tail shoot out of the cage and wrapped around Bon-Bon, the tail's grip was getting tighter and tighter by each passing second. Suddenly when the thought of her life endding right there, symbols appear aruond her. The symbols seem to cause the creature inside the cage a grerat deal of pain, so much pain that it release Bon-Bon from it's grip.

Bon-Bon fell to the ground and then looked up, to see a gaint blood lusted demonic eye looking right back at her. Bon-Bon awoke to find her self in the gym, "It was that nightmare agian..but what was those symbols?" Said Bon-Bon as she sat up.
Bon-Bon looked up to find Soji standing next to her, "Hi Soji!" Said Bon-Bon as she stand up.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi noticed Soji as soon as he appeared but he said nothing. He knew that Soji could probably help Bon-bon more than he ever could. Once Soji was done and Bon-bon had stood up again, which took a few minutes, he spoke. "Sup Soji?" he said as he looked around the room. Then he realized something, Jas was gone! Oh no, I was so worried about Bon-bon I didn't even realize that she wasn't still there. Damnit! The heartless probably took her.

"Umm, do either of you know where Jas went?"


New member
Bon-Bon turn to Takeshi, "Hey, where did she go?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around.
"SSS, do a scan." Said RPGirl.
"Yes, Ma'm" Said the CPU.
"We can use this scan to find Jas and how the heartless got on my ship." Said Bon-Bon as she waited.
"Waring, waring. A human is in the engine room." Said the CPU as an alarm sounded.
"What, it's dangurs down there." Said Bon-Bon as she rushed out of the Gym.
Bon-Bon rushed down thought the secret door, who could it be.... no one should know about this room..... Bon-Bon stopped infront of the open engine room door. "That sent, it's Luca's!" Said Bon-Bon as she ran in.
Bon-Bon ran to the eage of the pit and looked down, Luca had collasped on a legde near the fire pit.
"Luca...LUCA WAKE UP!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she looked down on to Luca.

"How can I save him..... I know, demon seed 30%." Said Bon-Bon as the jewel on her forhead began to glow.
Bon-Bon's two pony tails changed back to long ears, but before any more of her bodt could change those strange symbols showed around Bon-Bon's jewel.
"Ow, my head hurts." Said Bon-Bon as she rubbed her head, "No time to think." Said Bon-Bon as she nelt down close to the eagde. Bon-Bon streached her ears down into the pit and gently wrapped her ears around Luca's body and pulled him up.

Bon-Bon placed Luca beside her, "I hope Luca is okay...wait those burns on his arms.... but the Fire crystile I gave him made him inperveuse to fire." Said Bon-Bon as she gave Luca's arms alook.


The King Of Bandits
Luca's eyes fluttered open, the pain in his legs almost unbearible. His eyes widened ad he grabbed The nearest person and began squezing hard on their arm. It was Bon Bon. He sighed, breathing heavily now. he tried not to look down at his legs and arms, but in the end he gave down, lifting his head up and feeling a soft breeze on the burns on the side of his head as well. The big black pattern of the grate had been burned into his skin. "..AHHHHH!!" He let out a scream of pain" Make it stop!" He let his head drop back down, the air rushing past his head and making the pain of the burns on his face very real to him. He remembered the affects that the manan crystal had on him , the positive effects must have worn off and the negative ones set in. It was not uncommon for someone of his bloodline to reject mana crystals in their system when they took one. There was just something about wounds that seemed unreal." PLease.." He muttered through parched breaths" ..Wrap them up..cover them up. I dont want them to hurt anymore. " He lay in wait, waiting for someone to pick him up and carry him to the medical room or something. He just wanted someone to put something on his wounds to ease the pain, and wrap them if at all possible. His glance looked back up at Bon Bon and shut his eyes tight"..Please just make it stop..." He thought about how his bloodline rejected anytype of magic in general now. Any attempts to heal him would most likly fail, and mana crystals were out of the question. The only thing left for him was time. He would have to heal the old fashion way.

His eyes remained shut and he cringed at the pain of the burns on his arms, legs and even the ones that had burned on his face. How could he have been so stupid. He had not been able to control himself. Luca had wound up in the engine room in the end, his wounds burning him. There was not a doubt in his mind that he would have permenant scars from this. The permanant marks of the metal grating on his skin made him sick to his stomach. Bandages might be the only way to go for me from now on.. His mind slowed and his pain strengthend, he let out a sigh of deep pain and moaned a tiny bit." Just make it stop..."


New member
How can this happen...Wait, RPGirl told me of some beings bodies rejecting magic even mana....
"Don't worry, I'll try to make it better." Said Bon-Bon as she reached into her pockets and pulled out a roll of bandages, Bon-Bon wrapped up Luca's burn with the badages.
"Sorry Luca, it seems that the more I try to help you.. The more I hurt you.."Said Bon-Bon as she wrapped up Luca's wounds.

Bon-Bon felt something in her eye, she wanted to rub her eye with her hand but she was using her hands to treat Luca. So, she used one of her ears.
Wait, why are my demon ears still out... they should have changed back into my hair by now........ oh-no I can't change them back.
"Aw, man." Said Bon-Bon as she moved her ears around.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Sorry for not posting in a long time! And I have to get off now..

Jas woke up in a cage that was moving with a girl. "Were am I?" she asked as she opened her eye's. "JAS! YOU WOKE!" said the girl. "Sajine? Is that you?" she asked. "Yes, it's me and there takeing us to turn us evil now! They took my shirikens and your Key's!" cried Sajine. "Our life's had so much ahead of them.. and now there stoping them.." moned Jas as she sat up. "I love you Sajine" said Jas as she hugged Sajine and kissed her on the forhead. "I love you too Jas" said Sajine as she hugged Jas and kissed her on the cheak. "We'll be together when we get turned evil.. atleast.." said Jas as the cage started to go into a room of darkness and bit's of fire. "Damn this human plant.. I'll get my payback one day!" screamed Jas. "Here we go" said Sajine whlie she was still hugging Jas and Jas was still hugging her. Then the cage was in and the door clased behind them. "I know!" yelled Jas over all the darkness heading towards the girls. "WATER SHEALD!" she yelled as a sheald went around the girls. "This won't hold for long!" said Jas. "Hopefully my friends will come.." she said with tears going on her sholder's from Sajine crying. Then the sheald left and darkness shot into the cage...
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood there in the gym. He had never been to this part of the ship. When Bon-Bon rushed out, he did too. He stared at Luca for a few minutes before his eyes turned a glowing red. His new sight looked through Luca, focusing solely on the wounds and his heart, soul and mind. The wounds could be healed with ease. In fact, if Soji hadn't used so much energy sealing the Demon Seed on Bon-Bon, he could have done it immediately. Burns on his skin would merely be fused with his bandages, replacing the skin perfectly. With other people though, there was no assurance that the bandages and the skin would fuse.


The King Of Bandits
Luca barely pulled himself to his feet, grunting in pain as he leaned against the wall, right on top of his singed body. His legs, arms and half of his face were now covered with bandages. " ahh..." He sighed the pain still eating at him and barely able to stand. The first words out of his mouth came unexpectedm and in a painful tone." ..Where i jas?" For some reason he had been compelled to ask where she was. She was the only one he had not noticed around him. He pulled himself off of the wall limping towards the door. He was still badly injured from the mana crystals effects, also his burns as well. "..We have to find her...Something is wrong." Luca never thought he would find himself limping out of the engine room, bandages covering most of his body and looking for one of his friends. But he was determined, every step he took seemed to pain him more, but it was a step closer to finding someone who had cared about him enough to actualy acknowledge his existance. He looked back at bon bon, soji, and takeshi out of one eye, the other one being covered by a bandage. His voice was soft and scratchy, a painful tone accented it as well.

"..Thank you, i might not have survived.." He fell to his knees, grabing his leg and puting more pain on the burn wound."..If it were not for you guys. " He leaned back against the wall trying to stand up again, knowing he needed rest right now so he could heal, but focusing more on his friends then anything else."..I might not have made it this far without you guys.." He climbed back to his feet, a trail of blood being left behind him from the deep burns on his legs. They had been the deepest burned."..And even if it takes me my life" He stumbled again, looking down at the ground"..I will fight for all of you" He smiled barely, only half of it showing for the bandages on his face"...To my very end.." He sat on the floor, kneeling and staring at the floor, trying to make his way out of the engine room. Rest was the only thing that could heal him now, his burns would leave permanant reminders of his stupidity.
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New member
Bon-Bon was about to rush over to Luca until she felt a tug at one of her ears, Bon-Bon quickly jurked her ear free and look back to see who was tugging her ear.
It was a heartless and it open a dark portal under her, "HELP!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she was quickly being sucked into the portal. It felt like she was drowning as the darkness quickly engufed her. Bon-Bon fainted.

Bon-Bon awoke to her someone saying Kuybii. Bon-Bon quickly open her eyes to find that she was in one of the labs of the Human Plant. "SON OF A!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she quickly jumpped up. But just then two froms stepped out from the darkness.
"Gyki....Lanheart!" Said Bon-Bon as her eyes widen with shock.
This is just great, I'm stuck in the place were I can die.....


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had growled a terrible thing. With a swift motion, he sliced the heartless in half almost before his bone blade had a chance to extend. It was too late though. Bon-Bon was out of it and she had slipped through the portal. Not wasting as second, Soji, too passed through the portal after her. Soji was about to make chase after some other Heartless who were carrying Bon-Bon off, but he stumbled from the lack of energy. He had used quite a lot on the 15 Kanji Seal. Still, if anything tried to get at Bon-Bon's Demon Seed or even Bon-Bon herself, they'd get a nasty surprise.

The 15 Kanji Seal is one of the most powerful seals ever devised. It creates an active being that closes in the target instead of a simple barrier. This being was clever and ever changing. It is like a virus that can't be cured. In fact, there is only one way to stop the 15 Kanji Seal. That is to use the reverse spells for each individual Kanji. While 15 spells may not seem like much, each spell requires power almost equal to Soji's own. Also, each spell is completely different from another one and will only work on one seal at a certain time.

If something is done wrong on or to the seal, it will react in a most unpleasurable way towards the one who assailed it. Depending on what phase the Seal was in, the assailer might suffer a different effect. Even though there were 15 Kanji, the actual Seal is only in one Kanji at a time and it's constantly moving from Kanji to Kanji in a random order. Only one 15 Kanji Seal had ever been removed and that was the one placed over Hell. Lucifer himself opened it before retreating into the depths of Hell and never returning, in person, from them.


New member
Bon-Bon's eyes quickly moved around the room searching for something to help her out. But before Bon-Bon could think of anything Lanheart said it, "Bon-Bon I still love you."
Bon-Bon garud was compltely gone, Gyki appeared behind her and injected her with dark mana. Bon-Bon tryed to free her self from his grip but the dark mana got into her system, she fainted.

Bon-Bon awoked to find herself in a cage of some sort, next to her were more cages filled with the other 5 voices of the elements. "Hey, you guys nows our chance to escape!" Said Bon-Bon hoping to get a respose from them. But they didn't say nothing.
"You know with control pads on them, they become our puppets." Said a voice over an intercom.
"Gyki, you son of a b****. I sware when I get out of here I'll KILL YOU!"Yelled Bon-Bon as she try to bend the bars.
"Bon-Bon its no use, with dark mana in your system your human side is growing weak while your demon side grows stronger and slowly taking over your body." Said Gyki.
He was right, Bon-Bon was beganing to feel very tired, she could barly stand up. But suddenly strange symbols appear around her demon seed and her tirness stop. "What the hell, she's suppose to turn into a kuybii by now!" Yelled Gyki.
"No matter, we got other ways." Said Gyki in a smooth voice.
A heartless appear in front over her cage with a pair of control pads in it's claws, "Put them on...or else." Said Gyki.
"Go to hell!" Said Bon-Bon
"I was hoping you said that." Said Gyki as he pushed a button.

The wall infront of Bon-Bon parted and another room was shown, "JAS!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she saw that Jas was being held captive in another room. "You know whats that room is all about...if they stay in that room for to long..the'll become helppers for the Plant." Said Gyki as he laughed.
Bon-Bon looked down at the control pads set in front of her they looked diffrent from any others; they were of a lighter color and martieral, then she looked at the heartless. The heartless looked very diffrent too; it had black eye and it was blue. "Stich?" Whisspered Bon-Bon to the heartless infront of her.
The heartless winked at her, "So these are the anties, that Jumba worked on." Whisppered Bon-Bon as she grabed the two pads into the cage.

Sitch just noded his head, Bon-Bon smiled and then held the two pads to the sides of her head. The anties lached on, many wires shot out of it and conceted to diffrent parts of her brain. There was a sort of pressure in her head as this happen, so much pressure that she fell to the ground. Bon-Bon slowly rised up, "I sever only the plant." Siad Bon-Bon in a trance like tone. Jas who was being held in a cage in the other room was soon jetted out into a diffrent room.
"Stich when I give the word, we'll use our attack." Whisppered Bon-Bon to Stich.

OOC: wow, I didn't know I can type that much..sorry
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