With a slight click, the door to Luca's room was shut. He was in a daze now. "...I have to find them..." He stepped exhuastingly towards the ****pit, still in his trance. He didn't know what he was doing. As far as he was concerned he was asleep. He was not controling his body at the moment."..We have to find them.." He fell against the side of the wall and stumbled into a halway, leading to the engine room. H econtinued to walk, climbing down the stairs that lead to the engine, ignoring the sign posted by cuation. Keep out, Engine room. He pushed past the door somehow, blowing it away, clearing his path to the engine room. Nothing was going to stop him. In his dream, he was walking towards a small building. in the middle of a beautiful field. He turned right and found himself staring face to face with a door. In real life he was standing on the edge of a platform, a burning fire below him that would incinerate him if he fell. He began thinking for a moment and inching ever closer to the door, every inch pushing him closer to falling off the platform. He heard a voice in the distance, seeming to come from the other side of the door in his dream. This single want that rested deep inside, the want to be loved for once, is the thing that pushed him closer to opening it and stepping inside in the dream, cuasing him to fall off the platform in real life.
"...Kiera?..." He mummbled "...Please dont leave me behind...I dont want to be alone." His foot was now on the edge, moving any closer would cuase him to fall, incinerating him."...I just want someone...Thats all..Please " His voice began to trail off, it had been quiet, but now it grew even quieter. it was barely noticable"...Dont leave me alone.."
His foot slipped off the ledge and he began leaning over the edge, opening the door in his dream."...I love you...Dont go" He was almost in tears now in his dream, his eyes still shut in real life, his mind still not controling him. The heat seemed to beckon him now, his name being called in the dream" Luca...Luca.." He heard another faint voice in the distance" ..Im sorry" He stared down at the ground in his dream, begining to tilt even more so and almost falling off into the fire below, the heat almost enough to burn his skin.
"...Please..." He whispered"...I love you.." his voice was almost gone now"...Dont go..." His last words were almost unnoticable "...Dont leave me alone..."
"...Kiera?..." He mummbled "...Please dont leave me behind...I dont want to be alone." His foot was now on the edge, moving any closer would cuase him to fall, incinerating him."...I just want someone...Thats all..Please " His voice began to trail off, it had been quiet, but now it grew even quieter. it was barely noticable"...Dont leave me alone.."
His foot slipped off the ledge and he began leaning over the edge, opening the door in his dream."...I love you...Dont go" He was almost in tears now in his dream, his eyes still shut in real life, his mind still not controling him. The heat seemed to beckon him now, his name being called in the dream" Luca...Luca.." He heard another faint voice in the distance" ..Im sorry" He stared down at the ground in his dream, begining to tilt even more so and almost falling off into the fire below, the heat almost enough to burn his skin.
"...Please..." He whispered"...I love you.." his voice was almost gone now"...Dont go..." His last words were almost unnoticable "...Dont leave me alone..."