Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
The darkness shot into the cage now and was circeling Jas and Sajine. "Bon-Bon!" cried Jas as darkness was heading for her sister. "NO!" she yelled as she pussed Sajine and herself to the ground of the cage, the darkness going right over them. "HEY! YOUR THE DUDE THAT KEEP'S STEALING BON! YOU B******! GET ME OUTA HERE SO I CAN RIP YOUR F***** LUNGS OUT!" she yelled as she grabed Sajine and pulled her up. "LEAVE US ALONE, B****!" yelled Sajine. "Wow Sajine, I never knew you could get so angry.." said Jas as she saw another bit of darkness heading for her and her sister. "Oof" said Sajine as they hit the cage floor. "GRRAAARRR!!" yelled Sajine as she hit the bar's with her foot and dinted them. "What is WRONG with you?!?!?!" asked Sajine as she kicked the bar's again, this time, parting them a bit. "Go on Sajine.. You can do it!" wisperd Jas into Sajines ear. "Bon, are you okay?" asked Jas to Bon-Bon. "AHHhhh" Jas herd Sajine yell as she hit the ground, darkness floating through her. "NO!" yelled Jas as she ran to Sajine and held her. "Don't leave me now.. Please.." wisperd Jas into Sajines ear and crying. "Please.. please.. don't leave me now.. i need you.. need you.." she wisperd as she fell while holding Sajine. "Sajine.. come back.." wisperd Jas again. Sajine's eye's flickerd open. "I'm not leaving you now sis.. not when you need me the most.." said Sajine as she sat up. "I know! Sajine, when I say go.." said Jas as she wisperd the rest in Sajine's ear. "Okay.. that my work.." said Sajine as she stood up. "Let's go!" said Jas as she grabed Sajines hand. "SUPER ANTIFORM!" they yelled at the same time and they formed together to make a big, fast, powerfull heartless. The cage's bar's broke. "Hyyyaaa!" said the girls as the kicked Gyki. "Leave us alone!" they said as the broke Bon-Bon's cage and grabed her and the little animal next to her. "DIE GYKI, DIE!" yelled the girls as they steped on Gyki.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji rushed forward through the plant. He was following the feeling of Bon-Bon's heart. His red eyes saw things that should have been impossible to see. In a flash he passed through several walls into a large room with huge cages. In each one stood a sole person. He scanned the room and saw immediately that Bon-Bon was in one. But he was too late, it appeared. She had already fallen to the plant. His stomach turned cold. He just stood there for a few minutes. Then the anger began to set in.

He clutched his head in shame and as he did, long claws began to grow on his fingers. His teeth became long, carnivoric fangs and black lines crossed out from the center of his forehead, criss-crossing over his entire body. Seconds later, the lines thickened to dye his skin pure black. His red eyes glowed brighter than ever and huge, skeletal wings burst from his back. With a flurry of black feathers, his wings because glossy and black. Bones began peircing through his skin, forming weapons along his arms. From his body shot huge amounts of dark aura. It pulsed from him having been made nearly ten times stronger from his training in Hell. The aura pushed out and anything in its way crumpled and was pushed. It was growing stronger and stronger as it filled the room, until...

"Stop it, Soji. Is this the power a fool like you traded our family for? Don't interrupt our work. I've already collected these four demons. We're going to wipe out all you demons. I will be the only White Demon left." Soji looked up and through his red eyes he saw in slight shock, was his younger sister, Menai.


New member
Bon-Bon was supriesed to see Jas and her sister escape, "We have to save the other vioces." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the other cages. Bon-Bon looked over to were Gyki's body laded, "Wait, that's not was a roboit made to look and sound like him.....Damn, he doesn't have the keys to open the cages." Said Bon-Bon as she picked up the body. Bon-Bon tossed the body aside, "Okay, we need to get out of here, Jas, Stich and...Jas's sister I have a pian!" Said Bon-Bon to every one.
"Okay I'll open the cages to free the others, Stich you got here by a space ship right?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Stich. "Ik!" Said Stich as he noded he's head. "Great, I want you to lead them to the ship and Jas follow Stich to his ship that's our ticket to get out of here!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Jas and her sister.

"Okay, let's go." Said Bon-Bon as she got out her keyblade and pointed it the cages. A beam of light shot out of the key and unlocked the cages.
With those control pads on there head they wont move unless someone from the plant order them to...or there leader...
Bon-Bon rushed to the front of the cages, "Grand Expermints, this is your leader Expermint 007 Kyubii, listen to my orders!" Commaded Bon-Bon to the others.
The other voice looked up at Bon-Bon, "Your first task it to follow Experiment 626, on to his ship and await my orders there!" Commaded Bon-Bon as she look into the lifless eyes of each voice.

The other voices stood straght up like puppets and walked over to Stich, "Stich remeber Ohana, please lead them to your ship...I'll meet you there." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Stich. "Mekalo gruna!" Yelled Stich as he ran out the room. "Jas, you and your sister follow Stich, he should lead you to safty, he got a ship."Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Jas.
Bon-Bon ran out of the room thought another door, "I know I siced it, Soji is some where around here." Said Bon-Bon as she ran down the hall. "Soji...SOJI, ARE YOU HERE?" Called out Bon-Bon as she ran from room to room.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas wanted to help her friend's so much.. but she had to go with her sister. "Okay Sajine, let's go" said Jas as she and Sajine started running after the little alian named 'Stich'. "How did you get so much like yourself if people give you oder's like that girl did?" asked Sajine with a look on her face that was an unowing and anoyed look. "I don't, I stick up for myself and my friends, there's no way of brakeing my realation ship with them.. plus, just to tell you, that was my friend, Bon-Bon, back there. We stick up for each other" said Jas as they started geting a bit far behind the alian named Stich. "Are you still friends with Takeshi and Luca?" asked Sajine. "Yeah, of corse!" said Jas as they reached the ship and got in. "Okay.. I declare this the weirdest thing that's happend to me this far.." said Jas as her and Sajine took two seat's. "Now we can relax until Bon get's here" said Jas as she got comfterble in the seat. "So what have you been through?" asked Sajine to Jas. "Uhh, it would be to long for this trip.. I'll tell you on the SSS.." Said Jas as she looked down and put her seatbelt on. "SSS?" asked Sajine.. not knowing what the SSS was, obviesly. "The SSS is Bon-Bon's ship, Takeshi, Luca and Soji are there" said Jas as she looked back up at Sajine. "Soji is my other friend! I have four friends now.. and a little sister.." she said as she hugged Sajine.


New member
RPGirl was searching for Soji, until she entered the main compter room of the Plant. "With this I can find out the reson why the plant is so head on trying to get us." Said Bon-Bon as she walked up to the computer.
Bon-Bon pulled a coneation cord from one of the Anties on her head and pluged it into the computer. Bon-Bon's eyes went lifless as she searched the computer for information.
"I found it!" Siad Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes.
"Downloading....... Downloading complete" Said the Computer.
Bon-Bon open her eyes and pulled out the cord from the computer, the life returned back to Bon-Bon's eyes. "So that's why..." Said Bon-Bon as she tugged the cord. The cord quickly retreated back into the Anti, "The human plant is really after Kingdom Hearts." Said Bon-Bon as she walked back to the computer.
Bon-Bon fingers moved in a flash and she typed in the selfdestrut codes.
"Lab will selfdestrut in 25 mins......Have a good day." Said the computer tough out the plant.
"That should be enough to find Soji." Siad Bon-Bon as she ran out the room and down the halls.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at Menai for a few moments, his fanged jaw slightly open. His sister had grown quite a bit. Her flowing blonde hair and blue eyes were shining brightly with the essence of power. Her clothes were white also. She walked towards him with a certain air of surperiority. Ever since Soji had turned to the darkness, Menai had thought herself far better than him. Soji tightened his jaw and said to her, "Menai... What are you doing here? I thought you were part of the Azure Guardians now."

She laughed at him for a moment and then said with a slightly sing-song voice, "I am, you moron. Why else would I be here? I'm working with Gyki, Lanhart and the rest of the Human Plant to wipe out evil. I caught four of the five voices of the elements myself. This demon hunting work is quite fun. I'm glad we'll finally be able to get rid of the evil in this universe..."

Soji watched her daydream a little before interrupting. "But, Menai, the Human Plant is evil. Their goals are evil. They plan to use the Five Voices for their own gains, not destroy them."

She frowned at him for a moment, contemplating what he had said before finally deciding. "They told me you might say that. You're trying to twist me away from the light just as Brother twisted you. That's not going to happen, Soji." Her look changed to a glare as she stepped forward. Almost in an instant, her eyes changed from blue to pure white. Soji's own red ones stared at her white eyes, unwavering. "This is what our family's Henji is supposed to look like, Older Brother. Not that red, tainted one."

"Sister, listen to me. We must free th-" Soji began before Menai called out. "NO! I have my orders. For some reason the Human Plant wants you too brother. I will now defeat you."


The King Of Bandits
Luca had been left behind for some reason, while the others had disappeared. In his mind, he imagined he was just hallucinating though. He bandages had been doing well for him now, and the ointment which had been on the underside of them was working well at keeping the pain down as well. The bleeding from all the burns had stopped now. His wounds were left to scar now and he was all that was left now was for him to get some rest. The burning on his skin had ceased to pain him now. The quiet sounds of the room made getting to sleep in no time a problem easy fixed. The room was still, not a sound could be heard from anything inside the room, with the exception of the soft breathing sounds of Luca as he slept. What had compelled him to suddenly get up like he had and walk towards the engine room, almost killing himself? Had it been the negative effects of the mana crystal? or maybe his lack of sleep? Or maybe his mind slipping into some sort of phycosis or something?

The bandages on his body were still dead white, holding back the blood that had been spilling out of the wounds quite well. the image of himself was horrid now. His arms and legs fully wrapped in medical bandages, and half his face covered by them as well.

In his dream he saw his friends, all of them in an odd place. some sort of research lab of some sort. Luca was calling out to them in his dream, but it just seemed that none of them could hear him, or even see him. He could feel their presence as if he was there beside them all. His dream kept switching views, going back and forth between soji and bon bon, then to jas and back to soji. Something was obviously wrong, maybe he had not been halucinating. What if they were really in trouble, and he was laying there weakened by yet another of his stupid choices, not able to do anything. it was exactly like Twilight town all over again. They were in toruble and there was no way he could help. He was helpless, again.


New member
Bon-Bon reached the last room of the plant, "Please be in here, Soji." Said Bon-Bon as she peeped into the room.
Soji was there but he was with someone esle, a girl who shared the same sent as Soji but a little diffrent. Bon-Bon just stayed behind the wall peering into the room. Bon-Bon heard how the girl was working for the human plant and that she was Soji's sister.

Bon-Bon press a button on one of her Anties, a viser like veil formed over her eyes and figures and numbers raced across them. Bon-Bon's eyes moved fast as she read the figures that was being displayed. "So, she's telling the truth she is working for the Plant...and I found a file on her, from the data I downloaded." Whisspered Bon-Bon to herself.
The viser that formed disapper, "10 mins left." Said the Computer though out the plant.
Bon-Bon ran into the room where Soji and his sister are, "Soji, the plant is going to selfdisrut in 10 min!" Said Bon-Bon as she ran over to Soji.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas and Sajine were waiting in the ship for Bon-Bon and Soji. Sajine then started twitching. "What's wrong Sajine?" asked Jas as she let go of Sajine and took her seatbelt off then stood up. "T-t-the da-dark-darkness in me i-is co-contro-controling m-me.." said Sajine in a deep voice. "Oh no! If i had the power of light.. YES!" said Jas as she ran out of the ship and looked for her keyblades, then she stoped and saw them in her hands. "Oh, well, back to Sajine.." she said as she ran back into the ship and told Sajine "This will only hurt for a while" she said to the twitching girl. "Sorry Sajine!" wisperd Jas to herself as she stuck the keyblades in her sister, light and darkness floating around them and the girls, looking like it was fighting. All the peaople looked at them, and wached in amazment. Jas pulled the Keyblades out of her sister and put them on the seat. "Sajine, are you alright?" she asked as she grabed Sajine by the sholder's and looked at her. "I'm f-f-fine" she said before going unconchise on the seat. "I gotta get you home Sajine.." said Jas with a sigh. She put one keyblade in her holder and the other in Sajine's belt. "Hope we'll be safe" said Jas.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Sohi turned to Bon-Bon and nodded. "What about the other voices? I assume they've been freed?" He could sense it in her look of urgency and turned back to his very confused sister. "You're coming with us!" Soji gave her a threatning point and she retracted, saying, "I most certainly am not! You are the enemy! I've got to defeat you for the Human Plant."

Soji growled at her for a moment and then said, "If we wait here too long, there won't be a Human Plant. Listen, I don't have time to explain so forgive for this, but even my Red Henji is stronger than you Pure Henji with my training." Soji dialted his eyes and a second later, his sister fell, unconcious. "Let's go." He muttered to Bon-Bon, picking her up.


New member
"Are you sure your sister will be alright?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked back at her, "But, I got to tell you, this Human Plant is not the main one. This was just a branch of the human plant in this sector." Said Bon-Bon as she lead Soji down the halls.
"I'll tell you guys some valuble infomation when we get on the ship." Said Bon-Bon as her and Soji entered the hanger.
Bon-Bon and Soji entered the ship, the voices, Stich, Jas, Jas's sister and everyone else was on. "Stich, Punch it, this whole place will go in 5 mins." Said Bon-Bon as she rush to the mother borad.

"HANG ON TO UNDERWEAR!"Yelled Stich as he punched the hyper drive botton. The Ship shot out of the hanger and into space like a bullet, as they flew away the human plant faded away in a huge explotion that ecoed though deep space.
"Okay, Stich lets stop the hyper drive before it runs out of mana." Said Bon-Bon as she and Stich punched in buttons. The ship slowed down and resume it's regular speed. Bon-Bon turn to the group of vocies, "Grand expirments, this is your leader, Expirment 007 Kyubii." Comanded Bon-Bon as she looked out to the vocies. The vocies looked up at Bon-Bon with lifless eyes, "Your new orders are to go back to sick bay and go off line." Comanded Bon-Bon. The vocies just walked back to sick bay, as if they were zobies with out a word, As soon as they got to sick bay they collapsed on the floor.
"Please rest well, as soon as we get to Jumba's he should wake you guys up from you're hellish sleep." Said Bon-Bon as she look back at sick bay.
"Stich make a course back to Jumba's. We need him to help my friends." Said Bon-Bon.
"Ik, Jumba is one that told Stich to help Cousin Bon." Said Stich as he flew the ship. "He always thinking one step ahead." Said Bon-Bon as walked up to the mother bord. "Lilo found Ohana name for Bon." Said Stich as he looked up at Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon looked at Stich with eger, "What is it?" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled a coneation cord from on of the Anties. "Ohana!" Said Stich with a smile. "Wow, Lilo is good when it comes to nameing expirments." Siad Bon-Bon as she pluged her cord into the main computer. Bon-Bon's eyes went lifeless, "Activeing Intercom." Siad the CPU. "Okay, can every one hear me, I need Luca and Takeshi to come abord the main deck. I found some seruose info. that we all need to know." Said Bon-Bon on the intercom, though out the ship. Bon-Bon pulled the cord out the computer, life return to her eyes, she tuged on the cord and it retreated back into the Anti.
Bon-Bon walked out onto the main deck, "There should be planty of time before we reach Expirment world, that will give me enough time to tell you guys about what the Plant and the Heartless are going to do with, The voices of the elements, the Keybladers and The Kingdom Heart." Said Bon-Bon as she waited for Luca and Takeshi.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca awoke to hear his name being called over the intercom, the pain in his body was still dull, but it was there. He was able to at least stand up now, Which was an improvement. He pulled himself out of bed, the bandages still wrapped around his burned body, still clean on the outside somehow. His footsteps were quiet but staggering. Every step bringing him closer to the main deck." ..What is it now.." He whispered opening the door to his room and slipping into the hallway. He ocntinued walking towards the main deck, every step bringing a little pain to his legs, but no where else. The ship was quiet for the most part where he was at. It had always been so lively but lately so much had been happening, it must have just been the lack off energy lately.

He pulled himself into the main deck, a cold feeling entering the room behind him. The parts of his body not covered by his shirt and pants were all covered by bandages, with the exception of his hands and the right half of his face and the top of his head, leaving his hair as normal as it had ever been. He shot a glance at bon bon and leaned against the wall on the other side of the room. He was still quite angry with himself for what had happend. But at the moment there were more important things to do rather then be mad at his family and the things he had done in the past. He leaned against the wall, staring at the ground, not even stopping to notice who was around him. Luca took a deep breath and broke a smile, hearing the silence in the room which had been there since he entered".. What's going on Bon Bon.." he spoke quietly, just barely noticable. The lonely feeling that had entered the room with Luca suddenly disapated, realizing he was with his friends now.

" So what is this serious info all about" The words slipped from his mouth louder then the quiet words of before, this time more noticable and at a more normal tone. He had hope that there might be some information on his family, he couldn't bear to hold anything from his friends any longer, but as long as there was no mention of his family, he would keep it from them. He knew the chances of them actualy heading to his home were very low, and if they did it would not be anytime soon. After all Zabec had become a sort of home base for the heartless now, so many other worlds would have to be helped before they ever even considered going there. A smile crept across the half his face that was visible. The thought of being with his friends again brought some happiness to him.


New member
"Ohana, Mesa tika bachy." Said Stich to Bon-Bon. "Ogitaga, Takeshi bagrna." Responded Bon-Bon.
"We'll be arriving at Expirment world very soon," Said Bon-Bon as she looked at every one in the room. "While we was at the plant I downladed alot of info. about whats going on." Said Bon-Bon as she looked out the main window into deep space.
Bon-Bon turn to every one and press a button on the one of the Anties, a viser like viel fromed around her eyes. Birary codes rased acrossed the viser.

"Plan; Alfa, title; Kingdom Heart take over." Read Bon-Bon as her eyes raced across the viser. "Main subjects for plan; the 5 voices of the elements. The 5 voices of the element have the purest hearts in the unavirse, only second to the 7 princesses of heart. It is said that if all voices were to join one in song that they can purefy the heart of a world that has been swallowed into darkness even if it been distroied, but if all 5 voices' hearts were to be swallow into darkness there song of purety will cange into a song of darkness. With the song of darkness the 5 vocies can easly have 5 planet's heart in darkness and can even distroy the planets..... Hypothieses: If Human Plant can have all 5 voices of element's hearts in darkness they can have the Kingdom Heart in darkness, thus Project Demon Seed was created." Read Bon-Bon as the viel over her eyes disappear.

Bon-Bon ponited to the demon seed on her head, "That's why the Human Plant did the Demon Seed project on the 5 voices," Said Bon-Bon as she looked down out of shame, "The other humans that were in the planet were all test subjects to see if the demon seed can swallow the voice's heart... many people lost there lives others were turn into AF demons, a sin aganst all living things." Said Bon-Bon as she looked out the window to see if they're closer to Expirment World, they were not.
Bon-Bon looked back at the group, "I have more information to tell, it deals with us and the Demon Seed Project.... and this world called Zabec."
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Zabec? Hmph.. never herd of it- LUCA! What happend?" she asked him as she ran over to him and saw him burnt. "..But Luca has fire mana.. how could he get burnt?" she asked Bon-Bon, since she knew alot more about mana then anyone else. "Umm.. so what's on this world's history file?" asked Jas. She wanted to learn more about Zabec. She sat down next to her sister once more. You'll be fine, Saj, you'll be fine.. she thought as she patted her on the sholder. "Were's Takeshi? He should be here by now" she said, looking around the room and standing up. "Bye everyone. I'll be back soon, i'm going to go search for Takeshi" she said as she stood up. "Can you baby-sit Sajine for me? We have to get her home soon.. She should wake up to look at outa space.." she said as she started rocking Sajine. "C'mon Sajine! Wake up!" she said like they used to at Twilight Town to go to school. "What now?" asked Sajine as she woke up and saw outside. "It's beutifull!" she said as she ran to the window and wiped her hand on the window. "Well, i'm going to lok for Takeshi now, bye" she said as she walked off.

Jas was searching every room in Bon-Bon's ship. "Takeshi! Takeshi! Were are you? C'mon out! meet my sister!" she yelled as she walked past Bon-0Bon's room and looked in Takeshi's room. "Oh yeah! Takeshi's in the training room!" she said as she ran down hallway's to get to the training room. "Password please" asked the computer. "Umm, I walk with pride, with my chest stuck out" she said as she waited for it to open. "Acsses granted" said the computer. "Takshi!" yelled Jas as she ran in and hugged Takeshi. "Come see my sister! She's at the main deck"
said Jas as she grabed Takeshi's hand and walked him down the hallway's until they got to the main deck.

"Bon-Bon and Soji, meet Sajine!" she cied out to Bon-Bon and Soji as she pointed at Sajine, still looking out the window. "Sajine is twelve, one year yonger then me! I know Takeshi and Luca have talked to her before in Twilight Town" she said as she patted Sajine on the head. "I want to show her new place's before I'll have to drop her home, so I gave her one of my keyblade's to fight with" she said as she looked out a window. "Hi Takeshi.. Hi Luca.. Nice to meet you Bon-Bon and Soji..." said Sajine in a shie voice. "You don't have to be shie, Sajine! They won't hurt you!" said Jas as she sat on her seet and watched Sajine go and shake Bon-Bon and Soji's hand. She said hi to Takeshi and Luca too before coming to sit down. "There we go" said Jas as she patted Sajine on the sholder once more.


New member
Bon-Bon waved her one of her ears at Sajine, "What happen to Luca is that his body rejected the mana crystile. Some People's body reject mana and other magical things." Said Bon-Bon to Jas.

"Okay, let me tell you about Project Demon Seed." Said Bon-Bon as she press a button on the Anti, the viser appeared over her eyes again. "Project Demon Seed Primary Funtion; to darken the hearts of the vocies of elements." Read Bon-Bon as the infomation rased across the viser. "Main Human plant had did some research on the legend of elemental voice, result; legend is endeed the truth. Found the birth world of elemental vocies it is 5th Earth. quaderante 1774, closest to 3rd Earth but fartherset from Avaler. The elemental voices that were found are as fallow, note: beings born as Elemental voices have above average abliaties,
Expirment 002, Dragbi... Name: Tikal of Hirulee AKA voice of Fire, Abilaty: Sharp eye sight than any human by the age of 3, Current location: Alantics.
Expirment 003, Racoouis.... Name: Foli of Treetall AKA voice of Earth, Abilty: Strounger than any human by the age of 3, Current location: Pride Rock
Expirment 002, Boargaus.... Name: Gary of Luto AKA voice of lighting, Abilaty: Faster than any human by age of 3, Current location: Twilight town.
Expirment 001, Forgu.... Name: Jaz of Avon AKA voice of water, Abilaty: Sinse of smell better than any beast by the age of 3, Current location: Hallow Bastion.
Expirment 007, Kyubii.... Real Name: Unknow, Name: Bon-Bon AKA voice of Ice, Abilaty: Knowlege above genus by the age of 3, Current location: Unknown.
Note: Expirment 007 is the hardest expirment by far, the current loctions are where they were before they got cought." Read Bon-Bon as she closed her eye and the viser disapper.

Bon-Bon grew silent, Even they didn't know my real name.... "You guys want to hear the information they got on us?" Asked Bon-Bon as she looked at everybody.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca's unbandaged eyes widened, hearing the name of his home planet, suddenly coming to realize where he had met bon bon before."..bon Bon.." He started, knowing this would lead him to talking about his past and his life."..Do you remember anything about the kid playing with you sometimes..who wasnt suppose to be there" He looked down at the floor.." I think i should explain." Luca began to look at the ground"..Zabec is my home world after all. I'm ashamed of being born there...and im ashamed it has been doing things like this, creating humans. genetically enhancing them. But thats why i was to twilight town" He glanced over at takeshi and Jas"..Im sorry i never told you guys the truth.. But i was hiding from my father and my brothers. I couldn't let them find out where i was."

Luca stopped and kept staring at the floor" My dad is supposedly dead.. and my dad killed my mom.. so she is dead to. " He continued on" Both my brothers are dead becuase i killed twin brother, I killed back in the desert. They were both looking for me to bring me back to Zabec. Supposedly, according to my twin, my father made a pact with the heartless and now they have overrun the world, my home" Luca stopped, thinking about Kiera"..There were a lot of people i knew back on that world, and a lot of people who knew me." A tear formed in his eye for a moment, then he felt it and jerked his head to one side, sending it flying to the ground, unoticed by everyone obviously. The thought about kiera being dead was unbearable. Even worse she might have been taken by the heartless.".. So odds are if we go there right now, the heartless will probably be very very heavily populating it." He pulled out his keyblade and pulled the bandage off the left half of his face, revealing the burned pattern of the grating on his skin, Small diamond shapes outlined by blackness. Luca slammed his fist into the wall, creating a huge dent, and paining his hand as well. " If we go there... Im dealing with my old man. No one get in my way please.. This is something i have had to do for a while now. so please let me take him on" Luca puased for a moment and looked up at his friends" ..Alone"

Luca looked back towards the ground. So they were finaly going home, but he had not told them the whole story, about who he was, about being part of the head family. what they didn't need to know he would not tell them. he looked down at his arm, thinking about rebandaging his arm, but then slowly looking back up to his friends, as if there was something else he wanted them to know or something. He wasnt sure if he was going to tell them about his past or not."..Continue bon bon"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji wasn't among the others. He was in the sick bay. That had been the first place he went with his sister. She was a couple years younger than him, yet she was the one with the Pure Henji. Soji sighed. He would have to kill Kratos. It was Kratos's fault that Soji turned to the darkness in the first place. Now, even his baby sister wanted to kill him. He shook his head and then his eyes dialated red as he exaimened his sister. There was nothing wrong with her and she seemed to have normal vitals. Soji released his Henji right as the computer asked, "Would you like me to run a check on patient?" Soji smirked and tapped the side of his head. "Sorry, my Henji is faster and more accurate with this patient than a computer ever will be."

Soji stared down at her for a moment before the computer piped up, "Error: 0118" Soji looked up, startled and ejaculated, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" The computer merely hummed and mentioned, "Foreign machinery lodged in lower portion of right skull." Soji looked down at his sister and sure enough, there was a scar right underneath the portion of skull mentioned by the computer. The scar continued down the neck. Of course. It was brilliant. In the eyes of the Henji, this area would be blinded out by the presence of the mind. Soji frowned. Obviously the Human Plant wanted to hide something from Menai. Her Henji would be fooled by the object's location too.

Soji extended a small blade from his fingertip and cut along the scar. Delicately, he reached into the cut with two fingers and pulled out a small, pulsing computer chip about the size of a quarter. Menai didn't move during the whole opperation. The Henji-induced sleep could last for quite a while. Soji locked down his sister and left to the room with the others. He approached Bon-Bon and held up the chip. "What does this mean to you?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Jas didn't realy live in Twilight Town all her life either.. She once lived at Radiant Garden

"Wow, I would of never guessed it.. Luca and Bon meeting in Zabec before!" said Jas after Luca said all his history.. atleast Jas thought it was all his history. "And go ahead Bon, I wouldent mind seeing what people know about me, or the rest of us" she said as she put her arms out on the side's of her and looked around the room. "I wonder if they know were traveling now? I wonder if they even know if were Keyblader's and out of Twilight Town? We'll never know until we check!" she explained as she took the Oblivian off Sajine and trew it in the air. "So.. when are we geting to the next world?" she asked catching the Oblivian again and trowing the Ultima in the air and catching it. "I'm learning how to juggle! Soon enough, i'll be able to juggle water ball's!" she said while bowing and fliping the Keyblades back into there holder's. "Well, I'll be in the traing room if you need me.. Sajine, wanna come?" she asked Sajine while streaching out her hand to her. "Sure, I could use some training from one of the best! Espechely with the swords dad gave me at Twilight town!" Said Sajine as she got up and started walking with Jas to the training room.

Jas and Sajine were walking down the hall's. "I never knew you still had your swords!" said Jas with a surprised look on her face. "Well, I thought I lost 'em too.. but before Twilight Town got destroid, I was training for a fight I was going to have with Cears.. you know who Cears is, right?" Asked Sajine as they got to the training room door's. "Of corse I remember your boyfriend!" taunted Jas, because Cears was alway's one of Sajines closeset friends. "Shut up!" yelled Sajine with anyence. "Password please" said the computer. "I walk with pride, with my chest stuck out!" said Jas as she started walking into the training room. "C'mon Saj, come fight some guy's!" said Jas as she asked for twenty heartless, medium size, and normal gravety.

Jas and Sajine just started fighting the heartless. "Darkness!" yelled Sajine as she went into anti-form. "I can do that to!" said Jas as she went into anti-form aswell. They started atacking with there darkness power's and useing the defence they had learned by fighting there friends.

"Wow, that was easy.." said Jas, looking like she had done nothing at all just then. "Easy? What do you mean 'easy'? That was SUPER easy!" said Sajine with a giggle-snort. "Okay, let's go back to the main deck now.. I wanna see what Bon-Bon found on our profiles" said Jas as she ran towards the main deck. "Wait for me!" yelled Sajine, keeping up with Jas.


New member
"I....I REMEBER NOW!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Luca with widen eyes, "The 2 years I spend in the plant, I blocked it out because it was too much... but I do remeber now.... well some of it." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes, "I was in my cell when I heard two sicentest talking about this planet called Zabec, they said that Zabec had a high Dark Mana energy output, So they was going to be building a new Main plant there and try to take over that world." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at Luca.

"After that, they told us to swich over to our ture forms, thats when your Family visted the plant, they were in another room looking into our cells, one of the scientset told your mother and father that we were new life forms and if they fund there expirments the plant can do more reseach on us 'new life form'.... I don't know if your family gave money to the Human Plant or not but, you snuck in one night and you walked right up to my cell and said that I wasn't a new life form I was human, I was scare and frigten that the plant might hurt you so, I remand silent..... then you asked me my name and I told you I don't know, after that the grauds of the plant cougt you...It gets kinda fuzzy after that." Said Bon-Bon as ahe looked over to Soji who just walked over to Bon-Bon and asked her a question.

Bon-Bon looked down at the chip in his hand, "Thats a enhancement chip, they are put in all the worker and expirments from the Human Plant, it is also a tracker just in case someone went awall.... I had one too, but I short it out with my might want to distory that just incase." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at Soji.
Bon-Bon looked back out at every one, "The Loction of the Main Human Plant is Zabec, which is right next to the Kingdom Heart. The Human Plaint planed on using us to open the path to Kingdom Heart and they kill you guys and kindnap me." Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out her keyblade, "They was going to wait until we use our keyblades to open the path to Kingdom Hearts and then swoop in with the 3 Dark Hearts and kill you guys and take me away.... but what confuses me is that Soji is also under the list that he has a keyblade, but I never seen him use a keyblade once." Said Bon-Bon as she put away her keyblade.

Bon-Bon looked over to Soji and tilted her head, then she looked back over to everyone else, "The 3 Dark Hearts are the ones who was the best at captureing the voices, there names are, Lanheart, Gyki and Menai." Said Bon-Bon as she glansed over to Stich.
"That's all the data I got from the computer, you guys can do whatever you want now, just becaful when you go back to sick bay. We shouldn't wake the others." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Stich.
"Megalo Quista!" Said Stich as he pointed out the main window at a world.
"Great, we finally arved at Expirment world.... we don't have to worry about Heartless here thanks to Jumba's deffince system." Said Bon-Bon as looked at out the window.

OOC: ^^; sorry for the long winded explantion, just trying to tie things up
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