Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji blushed slightly. How did they know about his Keyblades? He had never used them in battle before. It would be impossible to know about them because they were constantly hidden. In fact, he had only ever looked at them four times in his life. He had recieved them after his world had been obliterated. In panic, he had tried to get rid of them, but they kept coming back as two small gems on the necklace he was wearing now.

So, how did they know? Unless... Soji's thoughts went back to his sister. Maybe it ran in the family. Perhaps, once we left our world, the rules on keyblades chnaged. On Soji's world, there were no Keyblades and no weapons at all. Everything was conducted in peace and in the time where there had been war, it was waged with one's mind. Soji hadn't shown anyone the natural powers of his mind, but if the Three Henji ever met, he might be forced to. Such a battle had never been seen outside of his world before. The effects on the universe could be devistating.

"Something is wrong here..." Soji muttered, "Menai is the only Pure Hearted Henji left. She shouldn't be part of the Dark Hearts. In fact, she is in the Azure Guardians, also known as the Prime Lights. They counter the Prime Evils. So... What did they do to her? Also, I need you to check to see if she has any Keyblades. This could be extremely vital..."


New member
"Okay, I help any way I can." Said Bon-Bon as she walked back to sick bay.
Menai was still resting in one of the beds, and the voices were still off line. Bon-Bon looked all around Menai, "Wow, I can't belive Soji has a sister.... she's really beaiutful, must run in the family." Said Bon-Bon as she checked around Menai's neck for a necklace like Soji.
"Wait, what if her keyblades are like mine and can only be seen when you summon it out." Said Bon-Bon, talking to herself.
The ship had landed on Expirment world, Stich poked his head into sick bay and told Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon was about to leave sick bay with Stich, until there was a knock on one of the windows in sick bay. Bon-Bon quickly rushed over to the window and saw the back of a boy with black hair, white highlights and wearring a black clok. "Lanheart?" Said Bon-Bon as she saw the boy run towards Pinapple Beach. "Stich, take the others and the voices to Jumba's...I need to cheack something out." Said Bon-Bon as she open the window. Stich just nodded his head and walked back out to the main deck.

Bon-Bon jumpped out of the window and ran to Pinapple Beach, it was empty and quite the only thing you can hear was the roar of the ocean as it washed up on shore and the seagulls at play. Bon-Bon looked out towards the sea and relax to the sounds, her long ears danced with the sea winds. It was calming, the silents borke when she heard someone coming from behind her, "Who's there!" Said Bon-Bon as she quickly draw her keyblade and truned. It was Lanheart, he was staring at Bon-Bon with a relax smile.

"Stay back." Said Bon-Bon as she backed up from him, Lanheart walked up to Bon-Bon, "What I said back was true." Said Lanheart as he looked into Bon-Bon's eyes. "W-what?" Said Bon-Bon as she slowly dropped her garud. "I'm still in love with you." Said Lanheart.
"NO, you can't love me...what about that letter you sent me...." Said Bon-Bon as she looked away from his eyes. "I only wrote that because I was hoping that you'll stop looking for away into the plant... because I didn't want them to get you." Said Lanheart in a geantel and soft voice.
"'re just trying to trick me, so you can easily catch me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.
Lanheart reached out and geantel held Bon-Bon's face towards him, "If I said I hated you, then I wouldn't do this..." Said Lanheart as he eaged his face closer to her. Lanheart deeply kissed Bon-Bon on the lips. Bon-Bon was so suprised that she dropped her keyblade, she was about to close her eyes until an image of Soji popped into her head. Bon-Bon quickly pushed Lanheart off and slapped him.

The sound of the slap ecoed thought the forest of trees behind Lanheart. It was quite for some time, the sea splished as it was waiting for someone to say something, "why........why do I still have feelings for you!?" Said Bon-Bon as she cried and looked at the hand she slapped Lanheart with. "I still remeber the frist time we met." Said Lanheart as he walk to the wet sand and looked out towards the sea. "You gave me my name... and my first kiss." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Lanheart. "I join the Human Plant so I can find where Lilth, the mana of creation, is at." Said Lanheart as he turn to Bon-Bon.

"You can't be trying to free me... You're suppose to hate me...YOU CAN'T LOVE ME!" Said Bon-Bon as she shoock her head as if to wake up from a bad dream. Lanheart reached out and hugged Bon-Bon and held her head close to his chest. Bon-Bon tenst up, but soon the rythem of his heart beat relaxed Bon-Bon and she closed her eyes. "Lanheart...What do you think of me?" Said Bon-Bon in a shy voice. "You're like're lovley to look at and you get a nice warm feeling too, but if one gets to cought up with you, they'll get lost in this blizzard you call life...but also if you can make it though that bizzard you'll see how turly lovley you are." Said Lanheart as he let go of Bon-Bon. Lanheart gave Bon-Bon a good bye kiss on her cheek and dissapper into the shadows.
Bon-Bon fell to her knees in disbalef, "My heart is being torn in two." Said Bon-Bon as she sadly looked out towards the sea.

OOc: Sorry for another long one....>< *bows*
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Wow, I wish I could write as long as you! Wow, I did!

Jas was walking with Stich out of the ship until she spoted Bon-Bon on her knees. "Stay here Sajine!" said Jas as she ran to Bon-Bon, not leting anyone stop her. "Bon-Bon, are you okay?" she called while she was still running. Then for some reason, a white portal with black line's floting around it went in front of Jas and she ran strait into in.

Jas landed in a room, very bright white with black around it. "Where am I?!" she said, looking around and seeing three more portals. One was black and purple, one was white and yellow and one was black that keeped turning white. "I'm not stupid!" she said with ignorance as she pointed to the black and purple portal. "Black and purple mean's darkness.."she said, shortley after that she moved her finger to the white and yellow one. ".. And white and yellow means light.." she then moved her finger to the black turning white portal. "..That means it turns you opiset to what you ar-" she was going to finish but a voice filled the room. "So, I see I should of got the dumbest person in your party.." said the voice evily. "Who are you? And who do you think is the dumbest?!" yelled Jas to thin air. "Dumbest in your party... That would have to be.. Sajine. No, wait.. it's not her falt that you took her in, even though she'll be evil in about five minites.. So I have the dumbest right here.." said the voice. "Were do these portals take me? Do they take me to my friends?" asked Jas, now in a conversation. "Hmm, they take you to light, darkness and opiset! And they take you far from your friends! To the real Humain Plant!" said the voice, then cutting off and leaving. "Well, i'm not turning darkness, that's for sure.. So I might as well take the light one-" she said, then geting cut of by the voice again. "Are you sure your not dark? Are you sure you havent been engulfed in the darkness?" asked the voice. "If you go throught the light one.. and your dark.. nothing will happen! You'll stay dark forever!" said the voice, and once again leaving. "I know i'm light! How can I be dark!? There's nothing that could make me- OWW!" she said as the mettle on her chest started to glow darkley and Jas starrted to bleed. "G-get thi-s out of- me!" she tried to yell, but see was loseing to much blood. "This will hurt, mabey even kill me.. but i'm not dieing while being dark!" she meniged to yell. "AHHHRRR!" she yelled as she taw the mettle from her skin. She was bleeding, losing lots of blood so much she fell to the ground. "I-I mu-st get t-t-to the li-gh-t porta-l" she struggle to live now, crawling very slowly,trying to reach the light portal. Blood was all over the stone floor where she was crawling. Jas finaly got to the entrance of the light portal, then, she went unconchise, still loseing blood. She started haveing flashback's

"Nice to meet you, Takeshi! Would you like to come play with me?" said Jas as a five year old little girl. "Sure, It's nice to have a new friend" said Takeshi as a five year old little boy. then the flash back changed.
"Muma, can we go to the park with Sajine?" asked a four year old little girl.. not in Twilight Town though. "Sure sweety, we can go to the park!" said a chearfull mum, Jas and Sajine's mum. Then the flash back changed.
"Mu-mum-muma- muma!" said the little girl. "Yay! You learnd how to say muma!" said the mum, picking up Jas and holding her, zurbeting her belly. Then the flash back changed.
"Dada, can we play blo-block-blocks?" said Jas once again in her flash back. "Yes sweety- OH NO!" yelled the dad of Jas and Sajine as he grabed Jas from the ground and ran for another cradle, grabing Sajine as a two year old. "Sweet heart! To the ship!" yelled the dad to the mum. Then darkness came from the floor. "Oh no! There taking over this world!" yelled the mum as the got in the ship and flew off, leaving the world. "I'v herd that Twilight Town is a good place to live---" Then Jas woke from unconchines.

"Ohhohhh" she moned as she saw all the blood on the ground, and she could hardly breath. Light, must get to the light portal.. she thought, crawling into it now, almost dead as it was.


New member
Bon-Bon's ears purked up when she heard Jas calling her, Bon-Bon looked around but could not find no sign of Jas. "Must have been the wind." Said Bon-Bon in a low tone.
Bon-Bon jumpped up and shook her head, He can't love me....could he?
Bon-Bon placed her hand on her cheeck, were Lanheart kissed her. "Why am I such a fool for love." Said Bon-Bon with a broken smile on her face.

Bon-Bon noticed Sanjien and Stich was out side the ship, "Sanjien, did you see where Jas went?" Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to them.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: sorry for not postin, I got grounded. hey sajine, didi you see where I went? Guess i'll just have to use my good old "he got knocked out or was asleep" excuse again.

Jas's voice woke Takeshi from his sleep. The sound sounded very distant, and he soon realized that he was picking up her thought waves and not her acual words. He was hearing memories, some of which he shared, and some of which were unknown to him.

He saw hinself right after he had moved to Twilight Town, standing on the beach next to Jas, the day they had met. He saw Jas and another kid, who he did not know, playing at the park.

Then he remembered the dream he had had back on Bon-bon's world, his homeworld. ONce again he was pulled into the memory of that night, the fire, the burnt buildings, and the demon in the middle of it all. Once again he concentrated on the face, and this time he saw who it was...

OOC the suspense is killing me!
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New member
Lilo was walking up to Bon-Bon, "Aloha, Ohana." Said Lilo as she ran up to Bon-Bon and gave her a hug. "Aloha Lilo, Stich told me that was the name you picked out for me." Said Bon-Bon as she nelt down a huged Lilo.

"Uncle Jumba is looking for you and Stich, he said that you should have other poeple with you." Said Lilo. "Oh, that's right I need to ther other voices so Jumba can get tose Control Pads off them." Said Bon-Bon as she stood up. "Lilo, I can here with some friends, they should be on the main deck." Said Bon-Bon as she entered the ship.
Bon-Bon entered sick bay, "Grand Expirments ol line, follow 007 Kuybii." Said Bon-Bon. The voices stood strighrt up like puppits, and followed Bon-Bon out of the ship. "Wow, that's a whole lot of, Ohana." Said Lilo as Bon-Bon past her with the the voices following her. "Lilo I won't be long, try to keep your self busy with the others that are still on the ship." Said Bon-Bon as she walked away.

Bon-Bon, Stich and the voices were all walking up a hill, at the top was a nice home sted. Bon-Bon and her group arrived at the Lilo and Stich's home. A big anilen with four eyes walked out of the house and up to Bon-Bon, "Jumba!" Said Bon-Bon as she hugged him. "Ah, G007 how are you, I see you're wearing the Anties I fix, good!" Said Jumba as he hugged Bon-Bon back. "Jumba, these are the other voices of the Elements and they have Control Pad stuck on them too and-" Said Bon-Bon before being intrupted by Jumba. "Do not worry, I'll help them and learn what happen after I scan you." Said Jumba as he looked at the other voices. bON-
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Lilo was walking up to Bon-Bon, "Aloha, Ohana." Said Lilo as she ran up to Bon-Bon and gave her a hug. "Aloha Lilo, Stich told me that was the name you picked out for me." Said Bon-Bon as she nelt down a hugged Lilo.

"Uncle Jumba is looking for you and Stich, he said that you should have other poeple with you." Said Lilo. "Oh, that's right I need to ther other voices so Jumba can get tose Control Pads off them." Said Bon-Bon as she stood up. "Lilo, I'm here with some friends, they should be on the main deck." Said Bon-Bon as she entered the ship.
Bon-Bon entered sick bay, "Grand Expirments on line, follow 007 Kuybii." Said Bon-Bon. The voices stood strighrt up like puppits, and followed Bon-Bon out of the ship. "Wow, that's a whole lot of ohana." Said Lilo as Bon-Bon past her with the the voices following her. "Lilo I won't be long, try to keep your self busy with the others that are still on the ship." Said Bon-Bon as she walked away.

Bon-Bon, Stich and the voices were all walking up a hill, at the top was a nice home sted. Bon-Bon and her group arrived at the Lilo and Stich's home. A big anilen with four eyes walked out of the house and up to Bon-Bon, "Jumba!" Said Bon-Bon as she hugged him. "Ah, K007 how are you, I see you're wearing the Anties I fix, good!" Said Jumba as he hugged Bon-Bon back. "Jumba, these are the other voices of the Elements and they have Control Pad stuck on them too and-" Said Bon-Bon before being intrupted by Jumba. "Do not worry, I'll help them and learn what happen after I scan you." Said Jumba as he looked at the other voices. Bon-Bon and Jumba along with the others entered the house, "Everything will be okay." Said Jumba.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi walked out of the ship onto the sandy beach, stunned. What he had seen just a few minutes earlier had appaled him. The face would stay with him forever.

He had seen first a whisp of hair, black and messy. Next the top of the head became clearer, which revealed nothing to him, then the demons eyes had revealed themselves to him. They were familiar, like he had seen them only just recently. Then another face flashed into his mind, one he had seen before.

A name came to him, one he had heard before. Gyki, the name burned into his mind and would stay there forever. He felt that Gyki was the cause of it all, the destruction of Twilight Town, the heartless, everything, and he most likely was.

Then he heard a voice, which sounded like it was coming from a little girl no older than 10. "Hello. I'm Lilo." she said


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: OMG, the internet might stay off for two week's! Might

Jas was straining to reatch the portal. I'll miss you all... she thought, starting to cry because she thought of what she'll miss when she died. Portal.. she thought as she put her her finger through the portal and gained some energy. "Por-portal.." she meniged to say as she put her hand through, giving her enough energy to pull half of herself through the portal. "A bit more.." she said clearly as she got her whole body through exept for her feet. "Yes!" she said as she got through, then getting impacted onto some soft, sandy ground. "I'm where i was! That dude was proberbly just trying to scare me.." she said as she looked down at the hole in her chest. "Eww, I gotta heal that!" she said with a gross look on her face. "Heal!" she said as she put one of her keyblades near her chest and healed the hole. "Okay, thats done.. now, wheres Takeshi, Luca, Bon, Soji and Sajine at?" she asked herself as she started walking down the beach.. but for some reason.. the ship, her friends and the people of the town were gone. "Oh crap.. he wasent joking about me going to a diferent place.. far away from my friends.. I'm way away from em, at a fake experement world.." she said sadly.


New member
Bon-Bon and her guorp entered Jumba's lab, it was huge. Test tubes, paper and chimals everywhere. In the middle of his lab was the master computer.
"Now, I'll set the G expirments on table, K007 you plug into computer." Said Jumba as he plased each voice on a table.
"Yes, Jumba."Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to the computer. Jumba pulled out his tools and walked over to one of the voice who was laying down, Jumba flipped open the Control Pad. Waries ran amaze though the brian. "Okay, just need to snip some wires and reconet some, and this control pad will be an Anti." Said Jumba as he shine a light into the Control pad.

Bon-Bon sat down next to the computer, she pulled out one of her conetion cords and pulged it into the computer, her eyes went lifeless. "Sacning of K007 will start now." Said the Computer. Numbers and figures ran across the screan of the computer, Jumba was still clipping wires in one of the voices head. Stich lad in Bon-Bon's lap. "Scaning complete." Said Computer, "Henji block on Demon Seed detected."
Jumba stopped, "Henji.... that the first time I've seen a Henji, I read and heard about it..but I thought it died out." Said Jumba as he looked over to Bon-Bon.
"I think Soji did it." Said Bon-Bon
"AH, so this Soji is your Bugibu!." Said Jumba as he smiled.
"No, it's not like t-that!" Said Bon-Bon as she blushed, at that moment an image of Soji popped up on the computer screan.
"AH, ha so that is what this Soji looks like." Said Jumba as he looked up at the screan. "Damn, I forgot when I get hooked up to a computer people can see my thoughts." Said Bon-Bon as she blushed more.


New member
Jumba had just finish the last voice when Bon-Bon placed her conation cord back into her Anti. "Bon-Bon what the hell happen," Asked Tikel as she walked over Bon-Bon. "We still have control pads on our head, but we can talk and think for oursevls." Said Tikel as she placed her hand on her Anties.
"Yeah, was up with that?" Said the other voices.

Jaz, the voice of water looked over to were Jumba is, Juba waved at her. "OH MY GODS, WE MUST BE IN THE PLANT, JUMBA'S HERE!!" Yelled Jaz as she pointed at Jumba. The other voices be began to painc. "Wait every one, Jumba no longer works for the Human Plant." Said Bon-Bon trying to calm everyone down.
The voices looked at Bon-Bon, "So what's going on!?" Said Gary, the voice of lighting. "Look the Plant is doing some thing big, and it needs us to sucseed," Said Bon-Bon as she pased the floor, "So, before when I got a contorl pad stuck to my head Jumba took it off of me and changed it to Anti. We all got one." Said Bon-Bon as she lefted up one of her ears to show the Anti she is wearing.
"What do these Anties do?" Said Jaz. "Well, for one thing the fail safe words the plant uses on us won't work, insteed it will reboit us. Also we can pull oursevls into computers, just be careful of viruses." Said Bon-Bon as she looked out to everyone. "Well that sounds good, but were are we?" Said Tikal.
"Right now you're on Expirment world, it should be safe here. You guys can walk around if you want to." Said Bon-Bon.

The other voices left the lab out into the town, "Stich, want to come exporle with me?" Said Bon-Bon as she left the lab. Stich followed Bon-Bon out. "I forgot to tell K007 that she's up to 5 tails!" Said Jumba as he ran after Bon-Bon.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was walking through the fake experement world. "I need to get out of here.." she moned as she looked around coners and in buildings for a ship. "Oh, what the hell's wrong with me?" she said as she put her keyblades togeter and made a ship of some power out of the keyblades. "Ah, confterble.." she said cheerfully, getting in the ship and closing the door. "Computer, please put on some music" said Jas. "What is the destonation your looking to land at?" asked the computer. "The real experement world please" explained Jas to the computer. "Take of in five, four, three, two, one" said the computer as it took off after the countdown. "Experement world, here I come!" said Jas, listering to the music.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Hi Lilo, I'm Takeshi." Takeshi said.
"Takeshi... can you follow me, Bon-bon's waiting for you i think." Lilo said back.
"Uhhh, sure." Tkaeshi said as Lilo started to walk off. He followed her through a forest. It took a few minutes, and before he knew it he was standing infront of a house that seemed nice and cozy.
"This is my house." Lilo said, "Bon-bon's inside."

He followed Lilo into the house and upstairs into a room. There stood Bon-bon and another figure with what looked like 10 eyes. "Hi," he said, "you wanted me for some reason?."


New member
"Oh, Hi Takeshi, this is Jumba." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the 4 eyed alien beside her.
"K007, I need to tell you something, you are up to 5 tails." Said Jumba with a sad look.
"What, but last ime I check I was up to 3!" Said Bon-Bon with suprise.
"And last i check you were 2... look you know what happen when you get up to 9." Said Jumba.
"Yeah, I'll try to be more carful." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.
"Well, I must look though data I got, becarful Ohana." Said Jumba as he went back into his lab.
Bon-Bon turn back to Takeshi, "Um, have you seen Jas?" Siad Bon-Bon as she tilted her head.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was going through space. "I hope there not to worried about me.." said Jas thoughtfully. "Ahh!" yelled Jas as she saw what the ship was heading for, anouther world, not experement world. "Come on!" she yelled as she turned the ship and tried to stear away from the ship. "Oh crap!" she yelled as the ship didnt turn fast enough and crashed on the world.

Jas was laining on the ground, her eyes closed. "Oww, my head.." she moned as she opened her eye's, the first thing she saw was a moogle's face right up to her's. "Ahh!" she cried as she sat up, the moogle geting out of the way just in time. "Are you alright, kupo?" asked the moogle. "No, i'm not! I just crashed my ship and now i'm in a town thats got a.. buitifull night sky.." she said as she looked at the sky. "Welcome to Traverse Town, kupo!" said the moogle. "Traverse town?" asked Jas, looking at a sign with the words 'Travese Town' on them. "Wow, it's so peacfull here" she said as she looked around again and saw some people eating at a reasturant, and acsesory shop with people going in and out and some little children playing ball. "Are you hungry?" asked the moogle. "No, i'v eaten.. I wouldent mind going around and looking here though" she said, getting off the ground and started walking around. "Be carfull, kupo! You might get lost here! Theres three districts, your in the first district!" said the moogle, running up to Jas. "Oh, ill be carfull" she said as she walked away.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Wow, this place is realy nice!" said Jas, wondering through Traverse Town. "I'd better start rea-charging my keyblades to make a ship.." she said, looking at her keyblades and sending power through her hands to them. "Charge up ship power, start" said Jas as she put her keyblades toghether and makeing power go through them. "Charge up ship power compleat" said Jas as she saw the little one seater green ship form. "Destanation: ????" said the computer, the a little keybord came out. "Real experement world" said Jas, typing in real experement world. "Compleat" said the computer as 'Destanation: Real experement world' came up. "I'm coming friends" said Jas as the ship flew off again, Jas takeing her last glimpses of Traverse Town when she left. "What a nice place.." she said.