Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Village, let's go!" Takeshi said as he ran for the door. He was stopped by a little blue creature. "Naga" it said. "Stitch is right, you can't go to the village, No-one knows you and there's no way to get here except by way of space travel, which noone else knows about." Lilo said

"Then how are we supposed to get her?" Takeshi asked.


New member
"Moogi can take us to his village." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Moogi with a glare.
"K-K-K-K-KUPO?" Said Moogi as he began to shake.
Bon-Bon puled Moogi aside, "Moogi, I been to Moogle Village before, its in Teavrens Town." Whisppered Bon-Bon to Moogi.
"How, kupo, we moogle are to let no one in..." Whisppered Moogi.
"I saved another Moogles life, back when it was okay to let travelers into Moogle Village, he showed me his gratatued by showing me Moogle Village.... I was Young and easly bored so....... I was the one who started the Snooxe Stamped." Whisppered Bon-Bon.
"WHAT?! kupo!" Yelled Moogi.
"Look, the way I got there before was by one of you Moogles, if you can do that. I'll give you and all the Moogles in the village, Kupo Nuts... as to say I'm sorry." Whisppered Bon-Bon.
"mmmmm, Kupo, Okay." Said Moogi.

Bon-Bon and Moogi walked back over to Takeshi, "Kupo, I can get you to the Village." Said Moogi.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was flying through space, looking at all the worlds. "Wow, i never would of known how big it is out here if i didnt go on this adventure!" she said as the light saying she was to close to ground came on. "Huh? But theres no world he-AHH!" she screamed as her ship flew into a giant inviseble world.

Jas was laying on the ground once again. "Oww, were am I now?" she asked herself as she looked around her. "I have a feeling a fight is coming up.." she mutterd after geting her keyblades out.

Now to Sajine
Sajine was worried about Jas. "What if she dosent come back?" she asked herself. "What if she dosent come back and she gets killed? What will I do? Will I go with Takeshi and Luca and the others i just met? Or should I go back to home and stay with mum? Or start my own adventure trying to put Twilight Town back together? I'm confuzed.." she said shortly after puting her face in her hands.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had followed the adventures, silently. He had been thinking a lot lately. Why was Menai listed as one of the Dark Hearts? Soji had checked her himself and he heart was still Pure. She was a true White Demon. Something Soji had lost long ago... Soji felt his necklace as they ventured to the Moogle Village. In a flash, his hands were filled with the powerful shafts that were Heaven and Hell. The black and white keyblades had channels of energy swirling around them as though they couldn't contain it. He stared at them, eyes unfocused and muttered to himself, "I understand now. I must use these. I must protect the ones I care about. I must be there when they are forced to fight Kratos. If they even attempt to fight him without me, I know they'll be destroyed." But there was something else he wanted to take care of. Someone he had developed a strong hate for. Gyki.


New member
Moogle village was a peaceful village, mostly farm land for growing Kupo Nut and the village rest in the middle. Bon-Bon looked around and spotted Soji with her and Takeshi, "H-hello, Soji.... I didn't know you were here." Said Bon-Bon trying not to make eye contacted with him. Bon-Bon felt tied between to things, every time she looks at Soji she keeps on remebering what happen back on the beach with Lanheart. "I'm going to look around te Village to see if I can find Jas." Said Bon-Bon as she ran off.
Bon-Bon was too guilt riden to stay around Soji, so she thought she would just avoded him.

Bon-Bon was walking place to shop asking every Moogle she see if they seen Jas, Bon-Bon then noticed Moogi following her, "Don't you need to go home?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked down at Moogi. "I got to keep an eye on you." Said Moogi as he glared at Bon-Bon. "Aw, come on...I said I was sorry for the standped." Whisppered Bon-Bon to Moogi.


The King Of Bandits
Luca had decided to split from the group, taking a short rest and returning quickly to his training. He pulled out his keyblade, thinking of all the abilities he could list that he was proficient in. Polesca, a move that only the head family of zabec was able to use. Naru loes, forms a complete energy film over the edge of the blade you are using, making it quicker, sharper, and even more dangerous. Concetrate necros,sends a massive amount of energy to the users feet, hands, or any other body part that the user may strike his opponent with. It irritates the outer layer of skin and creates a wave, spreading the energy across the useres body, cuasing a momentary burning sensation and burning through the first 2 layers of skin. Finaly Razgragren. A sacred move only useable by those of high skill in energy control and sword play. He slammed his keyblade into a tree next to him, sticking it half way through and looking at it.".. When i am able to push it all the way through..then i will quit." He smiled pulling out the keyblade and hitting another tree, once again it only going half way in. he continued on like this for many hours, thinking about the many things that had been bothering him lately.

The main problem was zabec. Had the heartless really taken over? What had happened to kiera? Had his father really died? Luca dropped his blade, for a moment he thought about things. "..come one Luca pull yourself together. She is dead!" a voice came from the tree's. Luca picked his keyblade back up, sighing and becoming more alert" whos there!?"

A figure emerged from the trees with a grin. " My name is solec nasa. Im a-" Luca stopped him mid sentence".. Your a bounty hunter. You wanna know why the bounty on me is so high you pig? " Luca stopped and sighed, a smile coming to his face and his keyblade raising off the ground"..Becuase up until now, everyone who has tried to bring me back is.." Luca's hair moved a littleblowing with the wind as it picked up."..Dead"

Solec smiled again." Im am no mere bounty hunter kid." He motioned to the woods around him, several others appearing around Luca with camofluaged uniforms".. We are the Black Wolves, And we are taking you back..." the men raised their weapons to luca and breathed lightly now, ready to attack at any moment."..No matter what."

For a moment there was a sweet silence in the air, everyone thinking about what would happen next, no one expecting anything from the person before them. Luca pikced up his keyblade and swung it, cutting through the tree beside him completly and brining it back to his side" I cant go back there. I WONT!" Luca raced towards the leader of the small gang, Solec. Obviously they took pride in themselves. The tree luca had cut down cuased everyone to jump out of the way, giving Luca the perfect opening. He stabbed his blade through one of the men who was in mid flight, listening to the scream of the man as he lay on the ground, blood pouring from his wound. The men stood in horror before him, they had not expected anyone to be killed apparently. Solce grinned again, watching his comrade die beside Luca. " This is not over kid, I wont forget about this" suddenly there was a rustling in the trees near Luca, all the members of the group turned dashed back into the woods, solec walking quietly backwards, watching luca and then disapearing into the thicket. Luca looked down at the body beside him with a sigh" so father.. This is how it is going to bed.."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: The world Jas is at will be one i made up.

Jas looked all around her. She then sighed. "One more world with a keyhole, i guess.. and i'll have to be the one to seal it all by myself.." said Jas with disapointment. "The next keyhole was going to be Sajine's training.. now that's a job gone. Oh well, next ti-" said Jas, then getting cut off by animals walking towards her, being able to talk. "There is no keyhole here, child!" they all yelled. They looked like a sort of wolf cross human thing. "So, what is there here?" asked Jas, tilting her head sideways and puting her keyblades up. The animal's gasped. "A wealder of a keyblade!" they all said, backing away a bit. "That's right! Stay away and knowone gets hurt!" yelled Jas, she started to turn around so all the animal cross humain thing could see. "A keyblader destroid our city, our homes! Killed our pups to!" they all yelled. "KEYBLADERS DON'T BRING HARM!" explained Jas in yelling and confuzed voice. "Why else would we have an inviseble world? It's not inviseble to everyone though, just to keybladers!" said one, right in frount of Jas. "I don't wanna hurt anyone here then! Just, help me?" said Jas as the animal humain things came very close to her now, just a foot away mabey. "STAY AWAY!" she yelled as she swung her keyblades around and hit the ones in close to her. "You stay away!" yelled the one in frount of Jas again. "Un-do-gaww naww!" yelled the one in frount of Jas again. Then all the animal humain things jumped at Jas. "NO!" screamed a voice. Right now Jas didnt know what was going to hapen, she didnt know if it was a humain of one of the animals that just screamed no. She didnt know why the owner of the voice just saved her either, because they had just made all the animal humain thing go back from Jas. "You'll be safe with me!" said a young man, grabing Jas and pulling her up. "Thank you!" said Jas as they both started chargeing at the animal human things that were now geting up. Later, the animal humain things had ran away, not died. "They were called Derbis, not very harmfull realy, only to keybladers.." said the Boy. "I'm Rio, I used to live somewere peacefull untill i made my dad crash our ship.. well, i'm fourteen and i'v been here since i was ten, i'v known not to go near the homes of those Derbis, they love there only homes.." he said once more. "Well, I'm Jas and I'm therteen, i just got here and i want to get back to my friends a-s-a-p!" said Jas. "If you ever leave.. may i come with you?" asked Rio. "Sure, just if your strong. I didnt see a wepon back there either.. don't you have one?" asked Jas as she standed up and looked at the boy. He had short, brown hair, a black singlet with the words 'Life is to Short' on it, long white pants, black boots and a weird stile of gloves. "I have two daggers.. my fathers and my mothers.. I also have a sister but she was nowere in site when I got out of the wreckage.." said Rio. "She'll proberbly be okay.. how old was she?" asked Jas as she started to walk away. "She's 16, she has long brown hair and would love someone to love her.. that what she used to tell me, atleast. Her name is Torev, shes always thought her name was cool" said Rio. "So.. what are we gonna do to fix your ship?" He said. "Nothing, i'm going to make a new one!" said Jas cherfully. Not long after that she had made a new ship from out of her keyblades. "Hop in" said Jas.


New member
Bon-Bon and Moogi were walking though the village, it was nice and peacful for a farm village. "Exsue me have you seen a girl named Jas." Asked Bon-Bon to a Moogle.
"Jas?.....Oh, I think she left to go find her friends." Said the Moogle.
"Left, you mean she left this world?" Said Bon-Bn with a puzzled look.
"Yea, I thnk she was headed for that newly discovered world." Said the Moogle.
"Oh....Well thank you." Said Bon-Bn before she left.
"So, what you do now, kupo?" Said Moogi as he contenue to follow Bon-Bon.
"I geuss, I have to tell....... Would you stop following me?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked down at Moogi.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji only stared at Bon-Bon as she took off. He had read her with his Henji. She didn't want to be around him. She was intentionally trying to avoid him. He looked down at his Keyblades and wondered if they were to blame. He knew he should have never pulled them out. Despite their strength everyone hated him for having them. Or maybe everyone just hated him in general.

He threw the Keyblades away from himself and they vanished in a flash, returning as gems to his necklace. He turned away from Takashi and walked away. He muttered to him as he left, "If you follow me, I will kill you." With a swift action, he covered his head and face with his pure black cloak. Even in the sunlight, he looked like a wandering shadow and in-fact he didn't leave a shadow behind him.

If Bon-Bon was going to reject him he had no reason to be here. He had vowed to protect her because she was the only one who would accept and understand him, but now she did neither and so he would not protect her. In an instant he forgot about killing Gyki. There was no reason to now. For all he cared, Gyki could wipe out all of these people. His heart was stone once again. It's amazing how the transition can be so quick. One second you're happy and the next you're completely numb. Void of emotion.

He placed his hands into his pockets as he approached the Moogle Village from the side. He had heard moogles had special powers but he had never seen them for himself. As he approached, long bandages uncoiled themselves from his arms and legs, hovering around his head and waiting to strike. A moogle approached him curiously. With a swift move, one of his bandages had swung, razor sharp, and removed that stupid ball from the creature's head. It ran away, screaming back into the village.

Perfect. Soji smiled seeing the chaos that was begining. A black aura erupted from his body and engulfed him in a great cloud. The moogles who approached next, would either be killed by the darkness of his aura, or have their heads removed by Soji himself.


New member
Bon-Bon and Moogi were fighting until a Moogle ran past them scraming "it the end of the world, He snapped, run!!!"
Bon-Bon looked up and reconized the dark arua, "Thats Soji.... he must have found out.... I knew he'll be mad at me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down out of shame.
"This is bad, kupo, if he keeps up he'll distory village." Said Moogi
"Well.... too bad." Siad Bon-Bon walking off.
"You can maybe stop him, please, kupo!" Siad Moogi stopping Bon-Bon.
"But all I do will make it worser." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked down at Moogi.

Moogi looked up at Bon-Bon and cryed, Bon-Bon looked at Moogi and then up at the dark arua, "Aw, hell..just don't blam me if he distroy the village." Said Bon-Bon as she rush to Soji. Bon-Bon could see Soji, he looked mad, "I...I don't know what to say." Said Bon-Bon as she staired at Soji.

Suddenlly Gyki appear behind Bon-Bon and kicked Moogi aside, "Gyki, how do you keep on finding me!" Siad Bon-Bn as she quickly turn to him. "Expirment 007 Kyubii!" Siad Gyki as he grabed Bon-Bon.
Something click in Bon-Bon, "Re ... Start." Said Bon-Bn as she collasped. Gyki quickly fled into the farmland with Bon-Bon's montionless body in hand.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji watched them go with his now red eyes. Half of him wanted to do something, the other half wanted to continue to destroy the village. He compinasated by rushing after Gyki, his dark aura obliterating any moogles and homes in his way. They were thrown aside or just plain sent into oblivion. Gyki may have been fast, but his speed was nothing compared to Soji's.

The dark arua around Soji compressed and hardened into two points on his back. Feathers appeared out of nowhere, attaching themselves to the hard bits of energy and forming glossy, black wings. He didn't use them to fly though, instead he beat them powerfully to burst his speed. In a second he was on top of Gyki. Leaving him no time to react, Soji's Keyblades erupted into his hands and his cold eyes stared into bother of them. On the tip of Hell, was Gyki, being held up in the air by his neck on the end of the long blade. There was also another neck on Heaven, but this neck belonged to Bon-Bon. He stared between them, trying decide want to do with them. He knew Gyki might try to move, but if he did, he would sever his neck in a flash.


New member
"Damn, this was my last chance." Said Gyki as he disappear into the shadows.
Bon-Bon ears began to twich as life return back to her eyes. "Thank goodness for these Anties." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly open her eyes. Bon-Bon saw Soji over her with a keyblade to her neck. "W-what are y-you doing?" Said Bon-Bon with her voice shakeing with fear.

Bon-Bon was afread to move because she thought Soji might kill her. Bon-Bon looked around and found Gyki no where in site. Bon-Bon then looked into Soji's eyes, they were red and filled with hate. There was a pain in Bon-Bon's heart as she looked into Soji's eyes. "I'm must have found out what happen to me and Lanheart on the beach...... I 'm so sorry, you have every right to be mad at me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked away out of guilt.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at her as he lifted his Keyblade up. He twirled it on his finger as one might a handgun before placing both Keyblades at his side where they vanished in a flash. His white-blonde hair flowed slightly in the breeze. He stared at her for a moment more before turning away. His black cloak swirled behind him as he began to walk away. Without a word he left, just walking and ignoring everything. He didn't know why he saved her, but he knew he had vowed not to.

His hood fastened itself tightly around his head, preventing light from reaching his eyes. He tried to release his Henji, but couldn't. They stayed red. He didn't know why and at the moment his mind was too full of other things to care.


The King Of Bandits
Luca rushed back towards the village, hearing the wind pick up and watching the dark clouds forming above the village. " This is bad.. what happened now?" Thoughts rushed through his mind, puting his problems at the back of his mind. Something was wrong, he could just feel it in the air. The leaves of the trees in his way dropped to the ground as he sped past. When finaly he found an opening, he spotted the village, the big black smoke seeming to pour out of the center of it. As he grew closer, his sense perked up, feeling the death around him. moogles lie on the ground dead, some with their head missing. It was a horrid site. No where could he find his friends how ever. There were moogles, and more moogles. This brought back memories of the desert and twilight town shortly before it was destroyed. There was a calm subtle feeling about the village. In all the dispair, there was some peace. The calm wind rustling through the air as if nothing was wrong at all. In the distance however there was something wrong. Two figures moving about a field, Luca placed his keyblade on his back and took a deep breath, not sure if he wanted to know what was out there.

" here goes nothing.." he whispered before jumping into the field and racing towards the figures that seemed to be moving at an entirly higher rate of speed. Luca threw his pack off of his back, enabling him to run faster and finaly come within a range close enough to the figure to see who they were. One was carrying bon bon, Luca didn't know who he was. The other was an all too familiar person, sticking his keyblade on the uknown persons neck." This is bad" he whispered to himself placing his hand on his keyblade slowly, thinking only of bon bon and helping her out of this situation. suddenly the other person disappeared. Soji was walking away now. Luca took his hand off his keyblade and looked down at bon bon. he had been too late obviously.
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New member
Bon-Bon sat up and watched Soji walk away from her, "Pioneer Girl Rules # 008- Love Sucks by the way of the traveler." Said Bon-Bon to herself.
Bon-Bon looked around her to find out where she is, "I'm in the farm lands." Said Bon-Bon as she stood up.
Why would Gyki do something like this.... its too slopy for him...... what's going on?, Moogi was running up to Bon-Bon, "Kupo, are you okay?" Said Moogi as he looked up at Bon-Bon.
"Yeah, think...." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked at Moogi.
"Good, cuz I thought you might came up here to start another stamped. Said Moogi as he walked back to the village.

Then Bon-Bon turn to noticed Luca, "Hi...did you see all of that?" Said Bon-Bon.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stopped as he walked away. He heard Bon-Bon talking to herself. When she yelled, he thought she was talking to him. He turned slowly, lowing his hood and staring at her with his bright red eyes. "What do you mean? Why should I drop it if it is YOU who is avoiding ME. I figured you didn't want me around. I'm not sure what it is, but I am gravely sorry you hate me so. I've been hated everywhere else; I guess I should be used to it by now." Soji sighed and looked down, but he felt something coming towards him. He recognized the energy signature as it approached.

Soji ran forward, getting into a fighting stance as he summoned his dual Keyblades. As the figure approached, Soji spread his great wings and muttered, "Y Tu, Brutus?" (1)

OOC: (1) For those of you who don't know what this means, it is translated from latin (Or Spanish too for that matter) into "And you, Brutus?" This is a referance from The Tradegy of Julius Ceasar as Ceasar's last words after his friend Brutus has stabbed him.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed looking over at bon bon with his signature blank look." I saw most of it." he began" whats gotten into him this time?" His words were quiet but noticable. He felt the tension of the situation and decided that he would rather not make things any worse by inputing his thoughts about soji. " most importantly are you ok?" he quickly blinked and glanced up at the sky, as if sent off into a daze about something else. In the distance he heard a sound that had cuaght his attention. His head jerked back down slowly, his eyes falling to bon bon once again. suddenly from almost out of no where soji spoke up. Obviously mistaking what bon bon had told the moggle for her talking to him. Luca still looked at bon bon, soji flying through the air and screaming something in a foreign language. Luca didn't take his eyes off of bon bon for a moment. She reminded him so much of kiera it was odd. When he looked up he saw soji still in the air, a split second later luca pulled out his keyblade, avoiding everything else and mistaking sojis action, thinking he was attacking bon bon.

Luca smiled and jumped towards soji with his blade in front of him. he had no idea what was going on." I wont let you heart her you bastard!"

OOC: um keep in mind luca is really stressed right now at a lot of things and sometimes he does things that dont make since, or have the wrong reasons.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Wow. Soji wasn't flying at all. He walking and he flared out his wings as a bird would to look bigger. Also, Soji didn't scream, "Y Tu, Brutus." He muttered it. xD

Soji watched as Luca came, but didn't attack him. Instead, he stood in shock at Luca's words. Then they sunk in and a huge anger filled him. In a wave of black and white he sent out huge beams from his two Keyblades that connected with Luca's body with furious intensity. "HOW DARE YOU!" Soji yelled at him. He had lost his cool before, but this was the first time he could ever remember yelling. "I would never hurt Bon-Bon!"

Soji's blind rage sent him flying at unseeable speeds at Luca. In the span of two seconds he had placed three thousands hits all along Luca's body with each of his powerful Keyblades. As though to finish it, Soji stopped his speed and delivered a spinning kick to both Luca's head and stomach. Soji stood there, between Luca and Bon-Bon, his red eyes glaring down at Luca and his Keyblades aimed at Luca's neck and heart. He breathed deeply from his rage. "You don't stand a chance. My eyes can see even your thoughts."


New member
"Wait, I was talking to Moogi." Said Bon-Bon trying to set Soji stragte.
"No stop don't fight ths is what the Plant want us to do." Said Bon-Bon trying to stop Soji and Luca from fighting.
Wait, Gyki was hopeing this would happen.... he wanted to start a fight with in our group...

"Damn!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked away. No one understands.....
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