Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Gyki was leading them to the room where they held meetings, "The heads of the plants should be hear, they're going to talk to the Prime evils about opening the way to Kingdom Heart." Said Gyki to Bon-Bon.

"Soji.." Said Bon-Bon as she nodded her head. At the end of the hall two doors opened to show a room with a lage table in the middle sitting at the table was weak but highly intelgent Demons and some free chairs for the Prime Evils. At the rnd of the table sat the head sicentest of the Human Plant, Havoc. Gyki stood near the entrace of the room to act as sacurty. The 5 voces including Bon-Bon were standing in a line next to the other exit of the room. The Demons in the room were just talking about The Prime Evils and Grand Expirment.

"Alright quite!" Said Havoc as he looked around the room. The room went silent, "Alright, the Prime Evils are here, so you know what we must do, when they herd our notes about useing the voices for sallowing the Kingdom Heart in darkness we'll use one of the humans we have as a show." Said Havoc.

The entrace of the meeting room swing open letting the Prime Evils enter.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked in with the others. His eyes scanned the room just like he knew his brother's was doing. Nothing could be hidden from their eyes. For a moment, his eyes paused on what he knew to be Bon-Bon. His brother felt where his attention was and patted him on the back. "Don't worry about that now, bro. You're one of us. You know our path. We're all alone." Soji nodded at him and then they both nodded at the others and took a seat. The only ones in the room worth worrying about would have been Gyki, Menai, and the Voices. But they still didn't total out to the same power levels as the Prime Evils did. Soji sat down, smirking. This is going to be a slaughter...

Soji heard the doors close behind him and opened his palms. He needed to be ready for his Keyblades to fly to his hands if he needed them to. He could sense now that his brother had one Keyblade also. He tuned out everything, waiting for his cue. One of the old geesers across the room started droning on about something, but Soji ignored it. Instead, he focused his eyes on Bon-Bon, taking the time to get one last look at her before she was slaughtered.


New member
Bon-Bon was lost in the convosed of her mind, but it all straten out we she saw Soji entered the room. Bon-Bon's souless eyes widen as she followed Soji with her eyes. Gyki saw her reaction and thought nothing of it, but he did keep an eye on her and Soji.
"Soji..." Said Bon-Bon as she stairted at Soji with souless eyes, a single tear ran down her cheek as she try to say more. But Gyki walked over to her, "What is it, I thought I closed your heart to thoughs feelings." Whisppered Gyki to Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon just kept looking straight at Soji, "Soji...Soji...Soji!" Said Bon-Bon as she reached out towards Soji. Gyki quickly grabed her by the neck, "Listen, you little fox. You're not going to screw up years of planing just becouse your feelings." Said Gyki as his grip tighten.
Bon-Bon hands fell to her sides, the other voices looked right at Gyki, Havoc glared at Gyki. Gyki released his grip on Bon-Bon and then walked back over to where he was before. Bon-Bon stood back in line, the other voices looked back down at the ground, but Bon-Bon continue to stare at Soji with her souless eyes.

OOC: Havoc is a NPC (None playble character) So you can control him too.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: You can control Menai if you want also.

Soji heared Bon-Bon squeeking his name but ignored it. He had no purpose now but to serve the Prime Evils. Still, he couldn't hold in a slight flicker from his eyes. They flashed between pure white and complete red before coming to a stop on red again. Soji looked away from Bon-Bon, finally listening to Havoc. The old fool was rambling on about Kingdom Hearts, completely oblivious to what was going to happen.

Finally, Xehanort stood up, followed by his right-hand, Kratos. Xehanort said in a strong clear voice, "I'm very sorry to have to tell you that the Prime Evils will have to refuse. It is our own goal to get into Kingdom Hearts and harness its power for ourselves. We are quite pleased that you thought of us when building this plan though. Sephiroth, if you'd do the honors." Sephiroth stood up and said, "It would be my pleasure." With one swift move, he unsheathed his great sword and removed the heads of all the Lesser Demons.

Soji stood, flying up onto the table with black wings that formed almost instantly on his back. In his hands appeared Heaven and Hell, shining with the glory of battle. Havoc reeled back away from him as the other Prime Evils stood. Soji twirled his blades delightedly, staring at the members of the Plant. Kratos, brought our his Keyblade named, Purgatory. It was a deathly black with red gems lining the hilt. Menai rushed forward with her Keyblade, named The Gate, and thus the battle sprang out.


New member
Havoc disappear though a dark portal, while Gyki portected the voices. Gyki knew that he wouldn't stan a chance aganist the Prime Evil so he lead the voice out. Bon-Bon was following after him but something fell out of her pokect and into the room where the big battale was about to unfoil. Bon-Bon turn back to get the item.
It was Soji's Heart, Bon-Bon grabed the gem and was about to leave, but the door shut right in front of her. She was locked in the room with the Prime Evils and Manei. Bon-Bon could do nothing but look on, tightly holding on to Soji's heart.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned to the other four Prime Evils, instantly taking over. "You, Xehanort, go after Havoc. You three, Sephiroth, Balrung, and Joxis, go after Gyki and the Voices. Kratos will take Menai and I will cover this one." Soji gestured at Bon-Bon. Xehanort made to object but knew that Soji's plan was a good one. He gave a sly smile of respect before nodding to the others that they should listen to Soji's and passing through his own dark portal.

The other three ran past Bon-Bon, knocking her aside roughly and blasting open the door as though it had been nothing more than butter. Soji crossed over to the room and knocked Bon-Bon down roughly with the blunt side of Heaven. He glared down at her with his head eyes, only looking up every now and then to watch his brother and sister fight. It really was a stunning battle, even though it was apparent that Kratos was playing with her.


New member
Bon-Bon eyes were still souless as Soji was over her, "S-soji...I" Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes. Bon-Bon held up Soji's heart and held it close to her chest.
"S-Soji...I...I.." Said Bon-Bon as she stuggle to get up. Bon-Bon coughed up some blood, but she shook it off. Bon-Bon then slowly walked forward to him still holding the gem in one hand, "Soji....I..I..L.."Said Bon-Bon as she reached out and hugged Soji tightly. "Be with Soji..." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes and smiled. Bon-Bon then fell to her knees due to tirness trying to brake the Plants hold on her but she still held tight onto his gem, the plant still got a good hold on her too.
As long I can say that, I can be happy.....
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji growled at her and knocked her backwards. He stared down at her, fairly emotionless. "Quite, prisoner. You don't know me anymore." Soji looked away so his eyes couldn't betray him. She was delerious anyways. She didn't know what she was saying and fragments of her memories were sparking. That was all. She still hated him. He thought this and it calmed him as he looked back at her. "We are no more, girl. It seems your fantasies about here have lead you down this path and my own have lead me down another."


New member
At that point Bon-Bon's heart broke, Bon-Bon gave a dark glare at Soji. Bon-Bon opened a dark portal behind her and disappear into it leaving behind the jewel Soji gave her. As Bon-Bon floated though the darkness thoughts started to race though her head.
I'm such a fool, love is nothing but amare feeling...... I should have froze my heart when I had a chance.
Bon-Bon appear in the a ship from the plant, Bon-Bon walked up to the control pad and punched in qaurdantes for who know where. As the Ship shot out into space Bon-Bon looked back at the plant and just shook her head.
I wish I could just forget.... I just want to forget everthing... just let me run away...

The ship Bon-Bon flew was just used for escapes, so it fell to a planet due to the lac of fuel. The ship fell from the sky and landed into a court yard that was in the middle of this huge kingdom. Garuds gather around it the crash site, "Queen Minnie, there seems to be something here." Said One garud.
A mouse that seem to were robes of the ryole looked into the crator, "Oh, my there seems to be some one in there." Said Minnie in a soft voice.
Bon-Bon pushed off some pices of the ship that was on her and looked up at her with souless eyes and tilted her head, "One of you garuds help her up." Said Minnie as she looked at Bon-Bon. The garud reached out a hand, Bon-Bon didn't know what he was doing so she took a swing at him with her keyblade.

"My she's as keyblader!." Said Queen Minnie with wide eyes, "Please we won't hurt you, just give me your hand." Said Minnie as she reached out to Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon looked Minnie in the eyes, then she reached out and grabed Minnie's hand and walked out of the craetor. "Now, please tell me your name." Said Minnie looking at Bon-Bon.
Bon-Bon just gave her a puzzled look, it looks like Bon-Bon doesn't remeber anything. "I guess you must have hit your head when you fell, well don't worry you can stay here until you get back on your feet." Said Queen Minnie as she walked Bon-Bon into the Castle, "You poor thing you look like you been though alot." Said Queen Minnie as she looked up and smile at Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon did not know what to make of Queen Minnie but being around her made Bon-Bon feel alittle happy. Bon-Bon looked up at the Castle that loomped over her, and wonder why does she feel worry for some reason.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas walked out of Bon-Bon's ship and saw that moogles were
walking around saddley. "Rio, go to the ship! Wait for me there
when you get there!" she comanded while Rio started walking away. She
knew something was wrong with her
friends again because her heart
felf a strike of pain. Then she felt another strike of pain, then another.
"H-help m-me.." said Jas now laying back down on the ground, for some reson she was now strugeling for breath.
All the moogles were busy and were at there shops and cleaning.
"Pl-plea-please! So-some-someone help me..." she strugled for life now.
"M-m-my f-fri-friends ne-need me.." she said as she went unconchise.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji yelled "DAMN!" and forced Hell down into the gem that was his heart. It shattered into a fine dust and his eyes lost focus for a moment. "This isn't over... Kratos, the brat took off!" Kratos looked up for a moment, tossing his sister back. "Well, let's get rid of this place and you can go after that voice. We can split up then looking for the other voices." Menai's eyes widened as she heard what they were talking about and she rushed backwards through a portal. Neither Kratos nor Soji gave her much thought.

Together, they both raised their hands and closed their eyes. For moments, their forms became huge and demonic. They had both entered their Primary forms and just their presence there began to break apart the building. A huge black aura erupted from the both of them. When their auras collided, neither gave, but resulted in an amazingly large explosion. The Plant was wiped clean off the world and Soji and Kratos were thrown back. Both of them resumed their normal form. Soji walked over to Kratos and helped him up and he said, "You should go after that Voice. I'll make sure Sephiroth and the others know the plan once I catch up with them. Good luck, Soji." Soji nodded and said, "Good luck to you also, Brother. Until the Prime Evils unite again." They both nodded and vanished in a swirl of black feathers.

Almost instantly, Soji appeared in Disney Castle. The black feathers shot away from him, killing several guards as though the feathers had been knives. Soji stepped over their bleeding bodies to remove the head of another guard. They came at him senslessly and he killed them with ease. Soon, a large pile of bodies surrounded Soji and the guards stopped coming. There were no more left. Soji sighed and then approached the huge doors of the thrown room. He could feel an enchantment on it, but he pressed his palm to the cold doors anyways. Closing his eyes, he muttered something and the door flew backwards, crumpling like tissue paper.

There were a few of the more higher up guards in there at the moment. They too died. Some were killed by the door as it flew back. Others, Soji killed them himself. It was a blood bath in the thone room but still no monarchy or Bon-Bon. He growled for a moment and then decided to try his Pure Henji. It flashed white and a huge wave of energy shot from his eyes, blowing a huge hole in the back wall. Soji closed his eyes quick and reverted to his Tainted Henji. It seemed he couldn't control his Pure Henji anymore.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi woke up in the middle of the night, breathing hard and almost completely covered in his own sweat. He went to see if Bon-bon had gotten back with Jas yet, but when he got to her room noone was there. He snuck downstairs and went outside.

He took two steps and collapsed onto the wooden deck. A sharp pain was jolting his body, and he was shaking violently. From somewhere far away he heard somone screaming in pain and a few seconds later he went unconscience.
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New member
Bon-Bon was in another room on the other side of the castle, Bon-Bon was dress in her old clothes. A duck dress in fine clothes ran in, "You're Bonzi right?" Said the duck. "That's what the queen named me, so I guess that I am." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at the duck. Bon-Bon's eyes were still souless and void of emotions. "Well, I'm Dazy the queen's right hand girl." Said Dazy as she smiled at Bon-Bon. "You really have no memories about yourself." Said Dazy as she gave Bon-Bon a look around. "Sorry, I don't Miss. Dazy." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.
"Well, don't worry, me and the Queen will help you." Said Dazy with a warm smile.

At that moment there was a loud crash at the other side of the castle. Garuds ran past Bon-Bon's door saying that there's a inturder in the castle. "Bonzi, we need to get to the Queen!" Said Dazy as she looked up at Bon-Bon.
"Yes ma'm" Said Bon-Bon as she ran out of the room and down the halll, "Miss. Dazy were is Queen Minnie." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back. "The Queen said she want to do some reasearch on The Elemental Voices, so I guess she's in the librarey." Said Dazy as she ran behind Bon-Bon.

There was a pair of huge doors at the end of the hall, "That's the Librarey." Said Dazy as she pointed to the doors. Bon-Bon quilckly placed her hands on the doors and pushed, the door swung open. In side were towers and selves of books. In the middle of the room was Queen Minnie, "Bonzi, what's goig on?" Said Queen Minnie as she looked up. "There seems to be an intuerder!" Said Dazy as she ran up to Minnie.
"Queen Minnie what can we do?" Said Bon-Bon as she closed the doors of the libray.
"The garuds should hold him off, but if he comes to close we might have to escape to the other room." Said Minnie with worry.

For some reason Bon-Bon couldn't help but to feel angry and sadness towards the intruder, but why she haven't even meet the intruder yet? "Bonzi, Your keyblade. Try locking the librarey door." Said Dazy.
"Yes'm" Said Bon-Bon as she ponit her Keyblade at the door. A beam of light shot out of the keyblade to the door and there was a clink sound. "I hope that holds him off." Said Minnie as she step down from the books. "If not, I will fight." Said Bon-Bon as she stood in front of Minnie and Dazy with her keyblade drawn.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji finally felt Bon-Bon's presense. It wasn't very far from him. In fact, it was just down the hall. There were two others with her and a mess of guards. Soji turned and left the giant throne room. A small troop of guards came up to him. He killed two and let the others get a good distance from him before breaking their spines with a wave of bandages. Blood stained the ground and people fled before Soji only to be killed. He approached calmly. He could feel Bon-Bon's Keyblade on the other side of another giant door in front of him.

The mess of guards rushed him against their own instincts to run. It was no use though. Soji finished off most of them before their instincts set in. Those that ran had their bodies pinned to the door with huge, gruesome spikes of bone. Nothing survived in the hallway. Soji approached the great door with pleasure and stopped. Something had sealed it. No matter though. Not only did he had two Keyblades, he also had his own abilities. He pressed his palm to the door and then threw his arm back. With a huge crash of masonry, the door was ripped from the wall and flung back along the hall, taking out reinforcements of guards.


New member
Bon-Bon was shock to see that this man could do this much distrution. "Queen Minnie, Dazy go. I'll try to hold him off!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Soji.
Dazy was pulling the Queen trying to get her to safty, but she wouldn't move.
"Queen, what's the matter you need to run!" Said Bon-Bon as she still kept an eye on Soji.
"Soji!" Said Queen Minnie as she looked at the inturder, "He's also a keyblader, he has two keyblades.... becarful, Bonzi." Said Queen Minnie as she looked at Bon-Bon.
"Soji? Who's Soji?"Said Bon-Bon with a puzzled look, "Well, I must portect the Queen....Why are you doing this?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Soji still having her Keyblade out.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji nodded respectfully to Queen Minnie. "Good day, Your Highness. How have you been?" He smiled vampirically as he approached Bon-Bon. Without waiting for an answer, Soji responded to Bon-Bon, "I'm doing this so I can get to you, Bon-Bon. I'm only here for you." Soji laughed cruelly and approached unworried. His Keyblades shown with malice and glee at having blood on their blades. Soji walked up to Bon-Bon clamly, knocking her Keyblade to the side, making it hard for her to swing it at him. He smiled as he looked into her eyes.

"So, your memory is gone. Interresting. Perhaps you won't be as difficult to control now. Turns out we'll be collecting you voices instead of killing you." Soji smiled at her and then his smile faded. "There is one thing I would like to do before you are lost to the power of the Prime Evils." Soji, Keyblade still in hand took the side of Bon-Bon's face and drew her into a kiss. He didn't even look at her reaction. Eventually, he broke the kiss and stepped back, both Keyblades up in an attack position and waiting for her to come at him.


New member
Bon-Bon was taken off garud by the kiss, "You must have me confuse with someone else, my name is Bonzi!." Said Bon-Bon as she gripped her Keyblade.
"Bonzi, you should not fight him, he's too strong." Said Minnie trying to stop Bon-Bon.
"I have do's my fault that everyone was killed." Said Bon-Bon as looked up at Soji.

Bon-Bon's ears quickly wrapped around Soji's body, Bon-Bon then threw him like a rag doll, into the wall. "Run, you two... I don't want you to get hurt." Said Bon-Bon as she kept an eye on Soji.

OOC: Queen Minnie is a NPC


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji jumped off the wall, flying at Bon-Bon with powerful force. Seconds before reaching her, he flickered his eyes into their Pure Form, knowing they would release a huge amount of power. Bon-Bon was blasted into the ground and Soji fell on top of her, slicing with both Keyblades and knocking hers away. It flew across the library and slowly got up off of Bon-Bon. He stood there, standing above her and aiming both of his keyblades down at her. "Oh I'm not mistaking you for anyone. I wouldn't forget the one who abandoned my heart." Soji growled the last three words despite the fact that his face had a cold smile.


New member
"Well, if I did that I'm sorry... I have no memories what so ever." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at Soji. But then something flickered in Bon-Bon's mind, her eye's return back to normal but then went back souless. Bon-Bon pushed Soji away sinding him flying to the other side of the room.
"I...It was a gem?" Said Bon-Bon as she placed her hand to her haed.

Queen Minnie couldn't stain seeing Bon-Bon struggling, Minnie then ran out in front of Bon-Bon as spread her arm out. "Stop, I won't let you hurt her any more." Said Minnie as she looked up at Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji rushed back at her. He stopped in front of Queen Minnie. He wouldn't hurt the little rat, but he wouldn't fail in his quest. "Yes, my heart was a gem. Since we divine creatures aren't born with real hearts, we're born with small gems in our hands. They are created in place of our hearts. We carry then all our lives until we trust someone enough to give them the gem out of love." Soji looked down at Minnie and glared. His eyes swirled for a moment and she let out a gasp before falling to the ground. Soji had knocked her out without pain. He stepped over her and walked back down to Bon-Bon, still glaring.