Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


The King Of Bandits
ooc: sorry XD

Luca lay on the ground now, bleeding from his mouth. He was in shock. No matter how much training he did, no matter what happened, he had still lost to soji and in only seconds this time. Had it all been for nothing? He had not improved at all. He closed his eyes, waiting for soji to kill him, half of him hoping he would. he glared up and soji through his right eye, the only one not covered by bandages." what are you waiting for? " He forced his neck closer to soji's blade with a look of sadness on his face." DO IT!" His thoughts were racing. thoughts of kiera being dead plagued his mind now. all he wanted was someone and that someonre was already dead. His eyes began glowing with rage, the mark that had appeared when he was fighting takeshi back in the desert appeared again, and the marks of the head family of zabec turned a dark black color. If you were smart you would kill me now" he managed to say between deep breaths" so why dont you take your chance now, kill me right here." he sighed thinking about his life"..Please just take my life from me...I dont want to live it anymore"

His words were soft, almost silent against his heavy breath. His heart slowed down and he returned to normal again. the black marks, his eyes, and his arm all returned to their normal state and he was left laying there thinkign about what would happen next.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji lifted his Keyblades in his signature twirling sheath style. They vanished as he placed them at his sides and he reached out his hand to Luca. He had been planning to kill the boy, but thoughts of Bon-Bon stopped him. He knew it would hurt her if he did kill Luca. Soji had a sneaking suspicion that Luca and Bon-Bon had been developing a relationship ever since he left for Hell. Now he thought he could see it as truth.

This sadened Soji, but he remember that he had long ago decided that he was to be alone for all eternity. He could never be a good person. He glanced at his black wings. Here was proof of that. Proof that no matter what he did or how he trained, he would always be evil. He sighed slightly, "Bon-Bon would never go for someone like me..." He looked back down at Luca, hand still out, "Come on, Luca. Let's get you cleaned up."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at her for a moment, eyes wide before turning away from her. What was he supposed to say? He stared up at the sky as he thought something over. From a longer string that the ones holding the gems of his Keyblades, he pulled out something. He then began to articulate to the sky, but making sure to speak loud enough for Bon-Bon to hear him.

"The White Demon does not hold his heart in his body, but instead on his chest. This heart is known as the Kumodo Stone and it holds his most powerful abilities. This stone represents the final key in allowing the White Demon to transform into his ultimate and most powerful form. In this form he literally becomes an angel. Most White Demons will go their entires lives, never giving the stone away, because once he does, it shows he trusts the person greatest of all and that he is willing to give up the Form of Sheer Bliss for them."

Soji turned back to Bon-Bon, wishing his eyes wouldn't be so red. He took her hand with his free hand and lifted it to the other one with the string sticking out. He placed her hand into his and let a small, warm object slip down into her hands. Soji felt the pure white, smooth and eternally warm gem for all he knew was the last time before letting go of her hands and turning away. He spoke over his shoulder, "I hope that clarifies things." Then, he began to slowly walk away.


The King Of Bandits
Luca placed his hands on the ground beside him, his eyes closing as he helped himself up off the ground. Disapointed that he had yet again been spared. He just wanted to die. He didn't want to live like this anymore, and again for some reason someone had stopped him from dying. he stood to his feet and looked, disapointed that he had been beaten by soji so easily still. He had not improved at all apparently. Reguardless what he had done there just seemed to be something missing. he looked from bon bon to soji and then turned away, whispering something loud enough for only himself to hear, ignoring everything that was going on around him and only thinking about what soji had said. Bon-Bon would never go for someone like me...".. No soji, she has already fallen for you..." The tiny smile that had been on his face before was gone now, the blank look he had had so many times was gone now. The thoughts of kiera still in his mind.

"besides.." he muttered to himself as he was walking away, back towards the village" ..I have already missed my chance.." His head fell towards the ground with the blank look still across it. He was still weak compared to soji.
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New member
Bon-Bon looked at the object that Soji gave her, ....This is his heart........Does he really trust me with it.....thank you...but I have to tell him something.... Bon-Bon wiped the tears away from her eyes, kissed Soji's heart and then plased it in her pokect. "Soji, wait...I got to tell you something.... Something happen on Expirment World!"Yelled Bon-Bon trying to called Soji back, I want to be with you...Soji.
Suddenly Luca said somthing to her and then collasped, Bon-Bon quickly ran to Luca's side. "Luca....Luca are you okay!?" Siad Bon-Bon as she nelt down to him.


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself laying on the ground,looking up at the sky and hearing a familiar voice. his vision going in and out. He was still recovering from the engine room incident, on top of that he was tired becuase of the fight back in the forest before he had came here. His thoughts remained on one thing. His home. "..I'm..fine.." he managaed to say before lifting himself up off the ground and turning away from bon bon ".. you should probably go talk to soji..I want to be alone right now" His eyes flared open again, staring out across the field at the village. he begin walking again, his feet seeming to drag along the ground in an exhuastive manner. " Kiera" he whispered"..Dont leave me alone like this.." he mummbled loud enough for bon bon to barely hear".. please kiera..dont leave me alone like this.." he sighed and stared at the ground, his footsteps soft and quickening now. he was moving quicker towards the village, wanting to get away from his friend for the moment. Wanting to be alone so he could think.

a sad look formed in his eyes as he looked back at bon bon quickly being reminded of kiera again. He broke a smile with the sad look still in his eyes. " Im sorry" he whispered, not talking to bon bon but speaking as if she was kiera.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji thought he heard Bon-Bon calling for him. He was so hopeful about it too. For a second he had thought he'd made a good choice of who to give his heart to. As he turned around he saw the error of his ways. Bon-Bon hadn't been talking to him. She had been calling to Luca. Soji watched her go to his side and kneel down next to him. He glared at the two and spit on the ground. He should have known better. He had always been the outcast. He'd always been hated. He was always meant to be alone. For a while he hadn't thought that way his path anymore, but now he knew.

Soji turned and spead up in his walk. His wings cracked with a huge sound as the hard energy finally became to compressed to handle. The energy cracked and sharded in all directions. Soji closed his eyes in pain as the wings split apart. The black feathers that had covered them swirled around him twice before spinning off into the winds. He stared at them as they went, stopped for a moment while their beauty stunned him.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Bon-Bon's voice snapped him out of it. He composed himself and turned a cold glance at her. "What is it?" He muttered briskly. He didn't know why she bothered to come back to him. Why wasn't she off with her precious Luca? Soji shifted slightly in his stance, just enough to turn to her and fix her with a red, cold stare, waiting for whatever it was she wanted to know. Depending on what it was, he wasn't sure he'd even tell her.


New member
I want to be with you... please don't get mad, Bon-Bon saw the cold glare Soji gave her. Bon-Bon back off for a moment but then spoke up, "Back on Expirment World Lanheart appear and called me out to Pinapple Beach." Said Bon-Bon looking down out of shame.
"You see, the reason why I was advoding you was because I felt guilty, Lanheart told me that he loved me and only worte that letter so I would stop trying to save him..... I didn't belaeve him but...... he had many of time to catch me but never did. Then when I was about to runaway from him.... he...he.." Said Bon-Bon befrore she paused alittle.

"He kissed me.... very lovingly.... at that moment my heart was tearing into two, between you and Lanheart....with Lanheart I have lots of happy memeories and he also gave me my name and my first kiss..... but with you.... i feel that I can be myslef and I don't know... you lighten up my heart..... the thing is.." Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out Soji gift to her.

"I love you! I want to be with you..... I amiet I use to like Lanheart but not love him." Said Bon-Bon as she held Soji's Heart claose to her's.
"Let me be with you." Siad Bon-Bon as she reached out with her free hand to Soji and tugged his clok he was wearing, "all I want to know you want to be with me too and do you love me?" Said Bon-Bon as she held Soji's heart close to her's and tugged on Soji's clok.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji listened to her and his eyes softened. He wasn't her only love. In fact, just being in someone's heart was more than enough for him. When she reached the question and touched him, he drew back, wide eyed. He stared at her as beads of sweat rolled down his face. Not from her words or the question, but from the touch. She had been holding the gem to her heart when she touched him. Maybe he should have explained what that would do to him first. He gasped, "Of course I love you." Before he fell to his knee and it seemed for all the world like he exploded in a huge flash.


New member
Bon-Bon eyes widen when she heared the words 'I love you' from Soji. Those words seem to went right though her, she fell to her knees with a big smile, she closed her eyes and tears of joy began to role down her check. It began to gently and beuatifuly snow.

Bon-Bon was about to reach out and hug Soji, but he burst into a huge flash of light energy. "SOJI!!!" Yelled out Bon-Bon while still holding to the gem tightly.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's arms and legs flew out as his clothes turned a rippling white. Bandages flew around, covering any bit of open skin tightly. His face was rapidly covered by pure white bandages, leaving online brilliantly white eyes to be seen. Gold braceletts formed around his arms and long chains came from them, trailing to the ground. Blue symbols appeared on his clothes and bandages. For moments, the ancient and unreadable symbols were still but soon they started to revolve around his body in circles, increasing with speed rapidly. They seemed to be generating some great white aura because Soji's began to glow. From his back flew two long strands of bubbling energy. In a tornado of white feathers, the energy was covered and became huge, white wings. Light was bent around his forehead in circle for a moment before it vanished from sight. He hovered there in shock as he stared down at his Angelic form.


New member
"S-soji?"Whisppered Bon-Bon as she stared up at Soji with widen eyes.
Bon-Bon didn't care what Soji looked like all she knew was that she deeply care for him.

With this thought racing tough her heart and mind, the snow under Bon-Bon suddenly wrapped Bon-Bon up into a vortex of Ice mana energy.
Bon-Bon ears flapped in the wind as the spining Ice Mana around her spun faster and faster.
Wait.....I'm remebering something.....
A soft anglic voice of a women began to talk to Bon-Bon,
When a vioce of mana began to feel a stroune love or hate, there ancient memeries awaken......
"I think I remeber!" Said Bon-Bon with widen eyes.
Then sing what you remeber....
"Heaven bless the earth, with live-giving showers." Sang Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes and held the gem close to her heart.
"The ancient memaries of mother earth fill our souls with bliss." Sang Bon-Bon as the swirling vorthex of Ice Mana slowly begans to die down.
"Know the turth that is the ultimate tower for all." SangBon-Bon as she open her eyes slowly.
This is the song that purfiys hearts.... and with that the voice disappear, Bon-Bon found her self back where she was looking up at Soji angleic form.

"Soji!" Said Bon-Bon in a loving voice and smile.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca walked away from the field and out into the open streets. moggles still lie dead on the ground everywhere, the ones left alive carrying the bodies away. " so much pain.." he muttered to himself" ..It's something i can understand.." a moogle came up to him with a smile on its face and asked him to move in a soft voice. he stood there for a minute however, wondering how in such a time of pain and crisis that they managed to stay happy. It was a quality that Luca seemed to lack. The ability to watch someone die and feel happy about it. How did they do it? Kindly, he stepped out of the way, trying to act as if he was ok, but showing obvious signs that he was not. He took a left turn at the main street and headed on to a small side street, the end of it seeming to go on into eternity. His footsteps were slow and quit, not making any unnecissary sound. at the moment he wasn't sure how he felt. That feeling of being alone was on him again. Seeing bon bon and soji together had brought it back. The feeling of being cold, having no one to love. It wasn't a good feeling. " Kiera.." he whispered. the thoughts of her suddenly came rushing back to him, the last he had heard from her was in a letter in twilight town, shortly before it was destroyed.

Luca fell to his knees and rolled onto his side, the soft sand under him now as he sat by the oceanside, listening to it flow in and out. The current to him was much like his life, coming up on the shore and stretching as far as it could but then receding into the vast ocean everytime. being lost again in the sea forever until it attempts to push up the shore again and is forced back down. He sighed, taking a deep breath and thinking deeply about the last words she had told him before he lost contact with her. Apparently his father had made an announcement about some 'assistant's being allowed into the city to help with the problem that had been happening. There were so many question that he wanted answered... but he had no way of asking them. He felt helpless.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji hovered there, watching Bon-Bon for a moment, perplexed with his ability to see. He was no longer blind despite the fact that his eyes were pure white. Actually, under close inspection they were really a very very light blue. His long, silvery hair flowed out of a slit in the back of the bandages covering his head. Soji watched Bon-Bon return and yell, "Soji!" He stared at her for a moment. He bowed his head and said with a happy sigh, "Bon-Bon."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Guuyyys! You post realy fast! Aww, i'v missed out on sooo much! Oh, and Sajine got kidnaped.

Jas was driveing her ship with Rio abord, then she felt pain strike her heart. "Uhh, my friends!" she said painfully. "There not okay, there all going bad! They came looking for me!" she said as she grabed were her heart was and bent over a little. I have to get to them! Jas sat up and started talking to the computer in the ship. "Search location of all: Bon-Bon's, Takeshi's, Luca's and Soji's!" she yelled. The computer biped as one of each name came up. "Destanation: Moogle Vilage in Traverse Town" said the computer. "Thanks" said Jas as she looked at Rio in the seat next to her. "Lets go find my friends!" she said hurridley. "What about my sister? Can i see her location please, Jas?" asked Rio. "Yeah, just say her name!" said Jas as she looked back out the fround window. "Umm, search destination of all: Torev's" said Rio as he watched the computer say that she was at Traverse Town. "SHE'S AT TT!" he yelled, looking at Jas and geting exsited. "Look, Rio, it says here: 1992. That's the last time this was updated. Computer, next destanation: Moogle Vilage in Traverse Town" Jas said, shortly after that, Rio had a sad look on his face, and he was slouching. "Don't worrie Rio, we'll find her! Remember, i'm your friend now!" said Jas with hope as the ship turned around and headed for were Jas was, TT in MV. "Yeah, but in time? Thats what i'm wondering.." sighed Rio as they talked about each other and what each other liked all the way to Traverse Town.

Jas and Rio had just got out of the ship and were now looking around themselfs. "Why are all the moogles dead?" asked Jas. "You can't park there, Kupo!" explained a moggle that walked up to Jas and Rio. "Why? Were else are we ment to park?!" asked Rio. "Rio, c'mon, bag fulls of there speaces died! Give em a break!" said Jas as she pussed the ship into an alyway near were they parked, then she spoted Takeshi. "TAKESHI!" she yelled as she locked the ship up and ran to Takeshi. "Takeshi!' she said warmly as she huged him. Rio was watching Jas and Takeshi huging. "Hmm, wonder who he is.. oh, he's one of her friends, proberbly her boyfriend.." said Rio jelolesly as he walked up to them. "Hi, i'm Rio, I saved your girlfriend!" said Rio as he looked at Jas. "You arnt jelouse are you?" asked Jas as she put her arm over Takeshi's sholder.


New member
Bon-Bon was so happy that she jumped up and gave Soji a big hug, "Soji, I so happy for you." Said Bon-Bon still holding onto Soji and his heart. Bon-Bon was about to tell him about her knowing the song purty but her Anties picked up a call.
Bon-Bon jumpped down and placed Soji's heart in her pokcet. She then press abotton on one of her Anties. The viser like vail appear over here eyes. "Jumba, is that you?" Said Bon-Bon.
"Yes, I take that the calling unit of the Anties work." Said Jumba as an image of him is displayed on her viser.
"Yeah, you're coming in clear...what is it?" Siad Bon-Bon.
"It about that girl you went looking for....Jas, her sister has been stolen!." Said Jumba.
"Jas's sister had been kidnap...I-I got to tell Jas!"Said Bon-Bon with shock.

"That's all I have to report." Said Jumba as his image faded.
Bon-Bon pressed a botton on her Anti and the viser disappear, Bon-Bon looked up to Soji, "You know this kinda thing always happen to us when something good just happen." Said Bon-Bon with a playful pout. Bon-Bon was feeling sad that Jas's sister has been kidnap, but she was just so happy that Soji will let her be with him.
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