Jas was laying on the ground unconchise, shocks still going through her heart. Then, she finaly woke up in a different world. "I ha-hav-have t-to h-he-h-hel-help m-my f-f-fr-frie-friend-friends.. I m-mu-mu-must.." she tryed to talk, but it was no use, she had shocks going through her heart that were now going through her body, geting stronger every shock. She opened her eyes and looked around her, jolting so she couldent realy see properly. She then saw a house that was small. It has four rooms... mabey to fit a family of four.. she thought, trying now to get up. These jolts are killing me.. there to strong! Jas herd someone rushing up and someone walking up to her on diferent sides of her. "Jas! Jas! Are you okay?" said a boy that rushed up to her and held her, it turned out to be Rio. Jas then noded. "Jas, talk to m- Oww!" said Rio as he got shocked by Jas. Then the person walking up to Jas on the other side of her got there. "You must not remember anything!" said the person.. seeming to be in a trench coat. Jas started wondering what the person ment, then he put his hand on Jas's head and shot something black ant white into her head. The shocks the stoped and the man was now gone. "Who are you? Let go of me!" yelled Jas as she pushed Rio of her. "Hey?! Whats goten into you Jas?!" asked Rio as he standed up and looked at Jas with a confuzed face. "I'm R-I-O! Remember, the boy that you found on that inviseble world!" explained Rio. "No! I don't remember you! Leave me alone! Go back to were you came from!" comanded Jas as she stood up. "What? Y-you whant to get rid of me now?" asked Rio as his eyes started watering, but the tears wernt falling out. Rio couldent go back to were he came from because his world got destroid, so he then remembered what happend, he got away just in time to survive with his mum, dad and sister. "Yes, i don't know you so why should you stay here? Leave!" said Jas as she ran to the little house that seemed to be abandoned. "Where do I go?" Rio asked himself as he walked away into the town.
Jas was looking around the abandoned house. "Whats this?" she asked heself as she read something ingraved in a brick on the wall. "The Vocer's house...?" said Jas, her last name was Vocer and the house seemed familer to her, thats two things she remembered. I wonder what town this is..." she said as she looked at a very old brosher that had the title 'Hollow Bastion's new item and acsesory shop comeing soon!' on it. "So, this is Hollow Bas- MY HOME TOWN?!?" she had just rememberd one thing when she read that, she once lived in Hollow Bastion. It seemed that she had got old memory's back when that man took her memorys. "I'm going to take a look around.." she said to herself.
OOC: Yes, Jas used to live in Hollow Bastion when she was one to five.