Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


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Thoughts of old were swirling around in Bon-Bon mind, "Wait....I was capture and then you came I was happy, but you said some mean things to me.... I was heart borken, I thought you didn't love me, so I left the gem, so you can give to another." Said Bon-Bon as she hold her head.
"I remeber, My name is Bon-Bon and you.... you betraied me!" Said Bon-Bon as she called her Keyblade back into her hand. Bon-Bon's old eyes returned and she was back to her old self.

"I thought you loved me, but I geuss that was all an act so you can get your hands on my power, you're just like Gyki and Lanheart!." Said Bon-Bon as she summoned huge ice spears that flew with great speeds aimed at Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji diflected the attacks with a flash of his eyes and kept coming. "I betrayed you? What was all that business back in the moogle village. You left me while I tried to save you. You tried to avoid me back there also. Then, you leave me in the Plant and not only that, you left my heart there." Soji glared at her as his eyes returned to their red form. "It doesn't matter, now. My heart has been smashed. Destroyed. I didn't try to use you for you power before. I wasn't going to until now. I see that my true place is with the Prime Evils." Soji began to spin his Keyblades as he approached. "But you don't care. You never loved me."


New member
"I did love you, that Moogle that pulled me away from you was really a heartless that Gyki sent. After that Gyki used this new item that the Plant made. The item can turn voices hearts dark. My heart was in the darkness, and back at the Main Plant I was trying to brake free from the Plant's hold on me, when I try to talk to you, you said somethings taht really mad me mad... I thought you didn't love me anymore so I left the Gem so I wouldn't be a burden on you. I'm sorry." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down.

"My Queen!" Yelled Dazy as she ran to Queen Minnie's side, "You monster!" Said Dazy as she glared at Soji.
"Don't ever called him that!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she looked over to Dazy. "It's not his falut, it mostly my falut that he ended up like this." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back at Soji.
"Just go ahead and do this, if it makes you happy just do it." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned to Daisy. "She's fine. I just knocked her out for a few moments." Soji then turned back to Bon-Bon and sighed. He couldn't back out now. He had to do his job. Soji let go of his Keyblades and they formed around his neck. "I'm sorry." He said as he walked up to her. He grabbed both sides of her head and kissed her. His eyes opened red, swirling. The hypnotic motions knocked Bon-Bon out and he caught her. Lifting her onto his shoulder, he ignored Daisy as he walked past.

Soon Soji was at the hangar. The two rodents put up a little resistance but Soji finally threatened them enough to get one of the ships. It was small, but it would fit both of them. Soji laid Bon-Bon down in the back and took the controls. He unlatched the ship and they took off.


New member
Bon-Bon awoke to find herself on bord a ship, she looked up to see Soji flying the ship. I guess I couldn't fight fate, sooner or later the darkness will get you.... at lest I did as many good deeds as I could....

Bon-Bon thought of all the things that happen to her while on this adventure, "Soji, why does The Pirme Evils want the voices so badly?" Asked Bon-Bon in a soft voice.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked back at her momentarily. "We're going to open Kingdom Hearts. Xehanort, our leader believes it is a realm of pure darkness. We need that darkness in order to spread our power across all the worlds." Soji looked back at his screen right as a voice buzzed in. "Come in all Prime Evil agents. Two of the five voices have been captured. Both Gyki and Havoc have been defeated but it appears that both of them escaped somehow. I repeat two of the five voices have been captured." Soji grabbed the radio and said, "Make that three of the five voices. I'm reporting in with the Kyuubi 007."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji pressed several buttons on the keyboard and said to her, "People change. Without you, I accepted the fact that I am just a tool of the Prime Evils. As you are now, also." Soji flipped a few switches and the ship's auxhilery power kicked in, propelling them at a great deal of speed greater than they had been before. He turns back to her slightly, looking at her out of his peripheral vision. "I'm sorry, Bon-Bon. I truely am. I guess we just weren't meant to be afterall. I can't say I'm surprised. I've always been alone. I've always been unloved... Always hated..." Soji's eyes became unfocused and he turned back to the controls, not really seeing them.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji paused for a moment, enjoying the hug. He snapped out of it and went back to his controls. "Can't you see? I have to take you now. I'm one of them. Besides, how can we be sure the others are even still alive. And we don't really know where we are and this stupid cheap craft doesn't have a navigation system. The only reason we know where we're going is because I plugged a guidance chip in. It will take us directly to the World That Never Was."


New member
"That were I got you, My Anties Have a bulited in navigation system, all I have to do is push a button." Said Bon-Bon as she stepped back.
"But if you do take me to kingdom hearts, I'll faded away because for us to sing the song that swallows a heart in darkness, we our sleves must be in darkness." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Soji with sad eyes.
"All, I have to do is find Expirment World and my ship will be there, then we can find the others." Said Bon-Bon as she walked up to Soji.

Bon-Bon receached out ans tugged on Soji's cloak, "I still want to be with you." Said Bon-Bon in a Soft voice.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji frowned. He thought it over. If he switched sides again there might not be any going back, but he was smarter than that. He could convince Xehanort of another way, maybe. Before he knew what he was doing, he nodded to her and got out of the pilot's chair. "Do what you have to do, Bon-Bon. I still want to be with you too..."


New member
A big smile grew on Bon-Bon's face. She hugged Soji and then kissed him.
"Thanks Soji." Said Bon-Bon with a big smile.
Bon-Bon pressed a button on one of her Anties, a viser like veil apper over her eyes. Bon-Bon then looked towards the main window. The Anties beeped.

"There, Expirmrnt world." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed east.
The veil over Bon-Bon's eyes disappear, "Soji, are you sure... I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was smiling now. "I'm sure, Bon-Bon. I won't lose you." He looked out the window, staring off to where he knew The World That Never Was laid. "If they've got a problem with it, they can deal with me. I'll take them all on." Soji looked back down at Bon-Bon and said, "Fly away, Bon."


New member
"Aye!" Said Bon-Bon in a cute voice.
Bon-Bon walked up to the main bord and typed in the way to expirment world. Her hands seem to moved as fast as lighting when typing. The ship shook as it changed corsue.
Bon-Bon looked back over to Soji and smiled, "It will take us 15 mins before we reach the world." Said Bon-Bon as she still typed on the main bord.
"Do you want to talk, to eat up the time." Said Bon-Bon as she turn back to the main window.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sat down in the co-pilot's chair and turned it so he could look on Bon-Bon with his red eyes. "Sure" He said as he sat there, smiling at her. "What should we talk about? Not much has happened since we've been apart. Or perhaps there's something you want me to explain?" Soji looked at her as her hands darted around the controls. She was a very coordinated person, moving flawlessly. There was no wasted effort and the ship's readout proclaimed that they were at 100% Poduction Factor.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was laying on the ground unconchise, shocks still going through her heart. Then, she finaly woke up in a different world. "I ha-hav-have t-to h-he-h-hel-help m-my f-f-fr-frie-friend-friends.. I m-mu-mu-must.." she tryed to talk, but it was no use, she had shocks going through her heart that were now going through her body, geting stronger every shock. She opened her eyes and looked around her, jolting so she couldent realy see properly. She then saw a house that was small. It has four rooms... mabey to fit a family of four.. she thought, trying now to get up. These jolts are killing me.. there to strong! Jas herd someone rushing up and someone walking up to her on diferent sides of her. "Jas! Jas! Are you okay?" said a boy that rushed up to her and held her, it turned out to be Rio. Jas then noded. "Jas, talk to m- Oww!" said Rio as he got shocked by Jas. Then the person walking up to Jas on the other side of her got there. "You must not remember anything!" said the person.. seeming to be in a trench coat. Jas started wondering what the person ment, then he put his hand on Jas's head and shot something black ant white into her head. The shocks the stoped and the man was now gone. "Who are you? Let go of me!" yelled Jas as she pushed Rio of her. "Hey?! Whats goten into you Jas?!" asked Rio as he standed up and looked at Jas with a confuzed face. "I'm R-I-O! Remember, the boy that you found on that inviseble world!" explained Rio. "No! I don't remember you! Leave me alone! Go back to were you came from!" comanded Jas as she stood up. "What? Y-you whant to get rid of me now?" asked Rio as his eyes started watering, but the tears wernt falling out. Rio couldent go back to were he came from because his world got destroid, so he then remembered what happend, he got away just in time to survive with his mum, dad and sister. "Yes, i don't know you so why should you stay here? Leave!" said Jas as she ran to the little house that seemed to be abandoned. "Where do I go?" Rio asked himself as he walked away into the town.

Jas was looking around the abandoned house. "Whats this?" she asked heself as she read something ingraved in a brick on the wall. "The Vocer's house...?" said Jas, her last name was Vocer and the house seemed familer to her, thats two things she remembered. I wonder what town this is..." she said as she looked at a very old brosher that had the title 'Hollow Bastion's new item and acsesory shop comeing soon!' on it. "So, this is Hollow Bas- MY HOME TOWN?!?" she had just rememberd one thing when she read that, she once lived in Hollow Bastion. It seemed that she had got old memory's back when that man took her memorys. "I'm going to take a look around.." she said to herself.

OOC: Yes, Jas used to live in Hollow Bastion when she was one to five.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji glanced out the window into dark space. It was clear and empty. "I destroyed worlds." He said simply, not looking back at Bon-Bon. "It was my job to go in and aid the Heartless with contaiminating the worlds. Before I met you guys I was part of the Prime Evils. We were quickly taking over the universe. That is, until I left. I decided to leave their ranks for my own reasons. And that's when I got my Keyblades. Of course, I hid them from even myself. After that, I went fairly straight. I was then hired by an unknown informer that I now know to be Gyki to hunt you down and track you. So I did. I followed you all the way to Twilight Town."


New member
"Ah, it makes since now." Said Bon-Bon as she started to slow down on the typing.
"Auto-polit engaded." Said Computer.
"I up graded the computer of the ship." Said Bon-Bon as she sat in the captain's chair.
"As for me, I was just traveling world to world. Trying to run away from the Plant and looking for leads on Lilth and RPGirl. I was going to skip over Twilight town but those heartless suprised me and I landed on that world." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over at Soji.

As Bon-Bon looked at Soji, she began to daydream. She blushed and then shook her head. "W-well, we shuold be arriving at any moment now."Said Bon-Bon as she looked out the main window. Expirment World can be seen.
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