Jas looked around. "Wasent I with Rio..? Oh, no! I gotta search this place from how I remember it!" Jas said, jumping out of one of the windows of the house and running out down the street. "Rio! Rio, were are you? I'm sorry for what I said erler! I lost my memory back then! Now I now i need you! Your my friend!" yelled Jas. "So you didnt mean those things back there? Oh, i'm so happy!" Rio apeared behind Jas and hugged her. "Hey Rio, dude.. I hope i have enough power in my keyblades to make a new ship.." sighed Jas, looking at her keyblades, then putting them together as if to make a new ship, yet nothing happend. "Thought so.. Hey, while the keyblades are charging up, why don't we walk around the town?" said Jas, grabing Rio's hand.. Rio was about three centermeters higher that Jas. "Sure, lets go" said Rio, walking with Jas around the town.
Jas and Rio had been walking for round about five minutes now, and found a bench to sit at and talk, they sat a cople of centermeters away from each other, they were talking about what eachother had gone through. "Once, i got captured by this murmaid tour adviser that actully worked for the Humain Plant. I saw my sis there too, I wonder how shes going?" Said Jas, moveing her feet around bordley. "Yeah, i'v been through more crazy stuff to, I won't tell you know though, save some for next time" explained Rio, geting up off the bench. "So, lets look around more!" said Jas, standing up, then huging Rio. "It's good to have a friend around me.." she said closing her eyes. "Yeah.. good to be friends.." said Rio, pushing Jas off him a little then moving his face near hers. Jas still had no idea what was happening cause she had her eyes closed. "Rio, i bet you'll love my friends when you meet th-" said Jas, geting inturupted by Rio, kissing her on the lips deeply. Jas's eyes shot open and was shocked, she didn't know what to do at that moment. Then Rio stoped kissing her. "Ehh?! What was that for!?!" she yelled, making water go all over Rio. Jas then ran off. "I'M SORRY JAS!" yelled Rio, pushing wet hair from his face and running after her, yelling sorry every second. Jas turned a coner and hid behind a bunch of stacked up boxes.
Why would he want me? Me.. just a normal girl.. well, not realy normal.. "Jas, i'm sorr- hey, wered she go?" Jas herd Rio say. Jas cept herself from crying, she knew this would upset Takeshi, so she wanted to ceep away from Rio. "Jas.. i'm sorry.." said Rio under his breath. "Why did she reject me? I had feelings for her.. strong feelings.." he sighed, tears going in his eyes.
Be quiet Jas, he'll soon go away.. Rio suddenly kicked the wall, then knocked over a trash can.. the hit the boxes were Jas was hideing. "Jas?! Jas, i'm so sorry!" said Rio, grabing Jas with both hands and pulling her up. "Let go of me you a**!" yelled Jas, kicking him behind the leg. Rio lost his balance and fell over, Jas jumping out of his reach and landing safely. "Jas, i have a crush on you.." said Rio, geting off the ground and looking at Jas in the eyes, hopeing she would say 'I do to' back. "Rio, I already.. love.. someone.. I have strong feelings for him more than anyone! Just deal with it!" Yelled Jas, turning and walking away from Rio. "Leave him for me! I bet he dosent love you!" yelled Rio. Jas got furriouse at him then. Takeshi loved her and she knew it! "SHUT UP AND STAY AWAY FROM ME A** HOLE!" yeled Jas, running away and jumping on a roof. Jas put het keyblades together and a ship formed. "Bye Rio!!!" she yelled, geting in the ship and blasting into space. "Location: Experement world!" said Jas still in an angry voice. "And step on it!" she said. "Hmm, might send a message to Sajine.." said Jas, closing her eyes while auto-pilot was on.
To: Sajine Sarax. Enter message:
Hey Sajine, i'v just left a world called Radiant Garden, leaving there a fourteen year old boy called Rio, he kissed me but i got my payback. Were are you? I need to come get you asap!
-Sajines story-
Sajine was in her cage, talking to her new friend Torev. "So you have a brother named Rio, i like that name.. Whow! Wait a sec, i got a message brain thing i told you about.." said Sajine, toching just abouve her ear and thinking..
Sender: Jas Sarax Message:
Hey Sajine, i'v just left a world called Radiant Garden, leaving there a fourteen year old boy called Rio, he kissed me but i got my payback. Were are you? I need to come get you asap!
[Reply to message] [Delite message]
"WHAT?!" yelled Sajine in surprise. She had just herd her new friend say her brothers name was Rio.
She put her finger on the spot abouve her ear again.
[Reply to message] [Delite message]
Please enter reply:
Jas! Rio is my new friend, Torev's little brother! Go back and get him before you come! She wants to see him!
OOC: Sarax is Jas's familys last name. And 'Reply to message is highlited because Sajine had selected it.