Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was looking around the rooms, she eventuly came to her old room. "Ah, my old room! I wonder if my secret hideing place is still here.." she said joyfullly, not knowing that heartless were wondering around out-side, not even knowing she was a keyblade master. "What am i wearing clothes like this for? What happend to my lite blue mini skirt and my black and white singlet?" she asked herself as she pulled at her jeans and her t-shirt. "Hmm, now to get out the clothes i like!" she said, reaching to the cobord and opening it to find her mini skirt riped and her singlet to have mud and dirt on it. "Whaa.. Oww!" she cried as two heartless jumped out of the cobored and hit her in the face. "Owwie! What the f- Oww!" the yelled as the heartless striked again. They were about as big as her, and she didnt have any idea what her wepon was. "STAY AWAY!" she screamed, puting her hand out, a big key going her hand. "What the? Hu yaa!" she yelled as she hit the heartless. "Help me! Someone help me!" she yelled as she fell over, the heartless grabing her and going through a portal. For some reason, droping her just before the left in the portal. "Huh? Were's that key wepon gone?" she asked, searching the room to find it gone. "It's gone? Oh well, it couldent of been THAT important.." she said, putting her hand on the wall, the wall scaning her hand the opening a passage. You are a keyblade master! You need the keyblade! Don't let fear lock your heart in darkness! Corage is the key! She shook her head. "What was that? What's a keyblade?" she asked thin air. The keyblade is the mightiest wepon of all.. "What is wrong with my brain?!?" she said as she hit her hand on her forhead. Don't be the dawn keyblade master... "Is my brain playing tricks on me?" she asked her brain, being the not-so-smart Jas she used to be before she was twelve.


New member
Bon-Bon, can see the SSS as she lands the ship. But there was somthing odd about it. The door was left wide open. "Somethings not right." Said Bon-Bon as she stare at her ship. The ship Bon-Bon and Soji are traveling in touched land right next to the SSS.
"Soji, I'm going to check out My SSS, I'll be back." Said Bon-Bon as she rushed off the ship.

Bon-Bon entered her ship to find Takeshi, past out on the floor. "Takeshi, are you okay!?" Yelled Bon-Bon as she nelt down to Takeshi's side.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was looking around again and then left her room. You are the keyblade master! "STOP IT! What are you doing?!" Jas once again asked her brain. Your friends.. your friends.. keyblade masters.. "What is going on?" asked Jas. Watch out! Behind yo- Jas fell over and hit the ground. "Ah! More of the cr-" yelled Jas as she once again got striked by a heartless. Then the heartless hit again and this time, hit her with a mighty blow. Jas hit the wall. "Oww!" she put her hand's out and the keyblades were there. "Stop!" she yelled as she sweng at the heartless with her keyblades. Then Jas thought. She started geting her memory back, very fastly. "My old home?! What am i doing here?" she asked confuzley as her memory was fully restored. "Titale Waves!" she yelled, a big tital was going through the house and killing all the enymys. "There's something i lerned myself.." she said, putting her keyblades in there holders.


New member
Bon-Bon placed Takeshi on the beds in Sick Bay. "Hope he's alright." Said Bon-Bon with worry.
Bon-Bon walked back outside to get Soji, and saw the battle fild that was once Lilo and Stich's home. "Ohana.." Said Stich as he cralwed out of a burt bush. Bon-Bon rushed to Stich side, Sich was badly ingered. "Stich, what happen?" Said Bon-Bon as she lifted up Stich.
"Plant came...Stich try to fight...took cusins.." Said Stich as he looked down out of shame.
"The plant came and took the othewr voices, but now the prime evils have them." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked around. "Wasent I with Rio..? Oh, no! I gotta search this place from how I remember it!" Jas said, jumping out of one of the windows of the house and running out down the street. "Rio! Rio, were are you? I'm sorry for what I said erler! I lost my memory back then! Now I now i need you! Your my friend!" yelled Jas. "So you didnt mean those things back there? Oh, i'm so happy!" Rio apeared behind Jas and hugged her. "Hey Rio, dude.. I hope i have enough power in my keyblades to make a new ship.." sighed Jas, looking at her keyblades, then putting them together as if to make a new ship, yet nothing happend. "Thought so.. Hey, while the keyblades are charging up, why don't we walk around the town?" said Jas, grabing Rio's hand.. Rio was about three centermeters higher that Jas. "Sure, lets go" said Rio, walking with Jas around the town.

Jas and Rio had been walking for round about five minutes now, and found a bench to sit at and talk, they sat a cople of centermeters away from each other, they were talking about what eachother had gone through. "Once, i got captured by this murmaid tour adviser that actully worked for the Humain Plant. I saw my sis there too, I wonder how shes going?" Said Jas, moveing her feet around bordley. "Yeah, i'v been through more crazy stuff to, I won't tell you know though, save some for next time" explained Rio, geting up off the bench. "So, lets look around more!" said Jas, standing up, then huging Rio. "It's good to have a friend around me.." she said closing her eyes. "Yeah.. good to be friends.." said Rio, pushing Jas off him a little then moving his face near hers. Jas still had no idea what was happening cause she had her eyes closed. "Rio, i bet you'll love my friends when you meet th-" said Jas, geting inturupted by Rio, kissing her on the lips deeply. Jas's eyes shot open and was shocked, she didn't know what to do at that moment. Then Rio stoped kissing her. "Ehh?! What was that for!?!" she yelled, making water go all over Rio. Jas then ran off. "I'M SORRY JAS!" yelled Rio, pushing wet hair from his face and running after her, yelling sorry every second. Jas turned a coner and hid behind a bunch of stacked up boxes. Why would he want me? Me.. just a normal girl.. well, not realy normal.. "Jas, i'm sorr- hey, wered she go?" Jas herd Rio say. Jas cept herself from crying, she knew this would upset Takeshi, so she wanted to ceep away from Rio. "Jas.. i'm sorry.." said Rio under his breath. "Why did she reject me? I had feelings for her.. strong feelings.." he sighed, tears going in his eyes. Be quiet Jas, he'll soon go away.. Rio suddenly kicked the wall, then knocked over a trash can.. the hit the boxes were Jas was hideing. "Jas?! Jas, i'm so sorry!" said Rio, grabing Jas with both hands and pulling her up. "Let go of me you a**!" yelled Jas, kicking him behind the leg. Rio lost his balance and fell over, Jas jumping out of his reach and landing safely. "Jas, i have a crush on you.." said Rio, geting off the ground and looking at Jas in the eyes, hopeing she would say 'I do to' back. "Rio, I already.. love.. someone.. I have strong feelings for him more than anyone! Just deal with it!" Yelled Jas, turning and walking away from Rio. "Leave him for me! I bet he dosent love you!" yelled Rio. Jas got furriouse at him then. Takeshi loved her and she knew it! "SHUT UP AND STAY AWAY FROM ME A** HOLE!" yeled Jas, running away and jumping on a roof. Jas put het keyblades together and a ship formed. "Bye Rio!!!" she yelled, geting in the ship and blasting into space. "Location: Experement world!" said Jas still in an angry voice. "And step on it!" she said. "Hmm, might send a message to Sajine.." said Jas, closing her eyes while auto-pilot was on. To: Sajine Sarax. Enter message:
Hey Sajine, i'v just left a world called Radiant Garden, leaving there a fourteen year old boy called Rio, he kissed me but i got my payback. Were are you? I need to come get you asap!

-Sajines story-

Sajine was in her cage, talking to her new friend Torev. "So you have a brother named Rio, i like that name.. Whow! Wait a sec, i got a message brain thing i told you about.." said Sajine, toching just abouve her ear and thinking..
Sender: Jas Sarax Message:
Hey Sajine, i'v just left a world called Radiant Garden, leaving there a fourteen year old boy called Rio, he kissed me but i got my payback. Were are you? I need to come get you asap!
[Reply to message] [Delite message]

"WHAT?!" yelled Sajine in surprise. She had just herd her new friend say her brothers name was Rio.
She put her finger on the spot abouve her ear again.

[Reply to message] [Delite message]

Please enter reply:
Jas! Rio is my new friend, Torev's little brother! Go back and get him before you come! She wants to see him!

OOC: Sarax is Jas's familys last name. And 'Reply to message is highlited because Sajine had selected it. :D

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi woke up in the sick bay of the ship. It was quiet all around him, too quiet. He got out of his bed and walked over to the window. Outside Bon-bon was standing beside a crying Stitch, and behind them Lilo's house was destroyed.

He walked out of the sick bay and to the entrance of the ship. Everthing looked different, most of the trees had been knocked or burned down. He ran over to where Bon-bon and Stitch were.

"Hey, what happened here?" Takeshi asked.


New member
"akeshi, I'm so glad that you're okay." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to him with sad eyes.
"Alot has happen, but mainly the plant foght Stich and his couses..they took the voice including me, but then the Prime Evils took over and took the Voices for them selves. I escape with the help of Soji." Said Bon-Bon as she looked down at Stich.
"Now, what do we do... everything is.." Said Bon-Bon as she looked back at Takeshi, hoping that he'll have a plain.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Wait, run that by me again. Who's the Prime Evil's and what is this voice?" Takeshi relized he had missed alot since he had passed out and he wanted to know everything. "How long have I been out?"

He then remembered how Jas had gone missing shortly before he had passed out. "Is Jas here, Have you found her yet?!"


New member
"She's not here!?" Said Bon-Bon with supries. "Okay, here's what happen, Jas disappear and me, Soji and Luca went to look for her. Moogi appear and told us that she was in Traverns Town in Moogle Village, Moogi teleport us there. While...." Said Bon-Bn before a thought popped into her head.
"Oh my goodness, we left Luca In Moogle Village!" Said Bon-Bon as she began to panic.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas felt the reply in her head. She read it. "Reply please.." she said, replying to the message.

Enter message:
Sajiine! I'm not going back for him! I hate him! I never want to see him again! NEVER! He's a loser and an idiot! I'm never going back for him!

[Send message] [Clear message]

"I dont ever want to see him again.." she mumbled, then something said in her heart to go back and get him. "Huh.. I don't want to get him.." she thought out-loud. She was suddenly tuning the ship around and heading for Radiant Garden. "Rio, i'm coming back.. if your going anywere, itll be with your sis.." Said Jas as she landed the ship on the same roof. Then she thought. It was the thought of her being somewere unown while Sajine was locked up in a world with no escape. A big world like Radiant Garden. "Rio! Rio, i'm back!" she yelled, obsorbing the ship into the keyblades. "RR-IIIIIIIOOOOO!" she shouted out. Then Rio jumped up on the roof with tears striming down his face, his t-shirt was wet from acses tears. "You came back for me!" yelled Rio, running up and about to kiss Jas, but Jas slaped him on the cheak to stop him. "Get in!" she odered as she made the ship come out of her keyblades. "Your in the far back seat..!" she mummbled, pointing to a seat all the way at the back of the ship. "Oh, so you havent come to say sorry, you came to just pick me up.." Sighed Rio as he clamberd into the shp and sat down. "I would'nt say sorry to you in my lifetime now" said Jas, walking into the ship and closing the doors. "Little Keyblade ship takeing off" said Jas out loud. Then Jas got a reply from Sajine.

Jas! Please..? Can you get Rio for Torev? She's a good friend even though she's four years older than me!

[Reply to message] [Delite message]
Sajine.. I'v already got him. Were are you? Wait.. never mind.. just tell me what number is on your cage.

[send message] [clear message]

"I wonder how Takeshi's going..?" she thought out loud. "All i want to do now is see him and also get Sajine.." she mumbled. She then herd Rio saying somthing quietly. She acted like she couldent hear, but with her good hearing, she herd everything he was saying.. just couldent understand it. "gorossoondo mocrullamillstub likith musar,e" She herd him now muttering. Then she tuned her translater on and put little headphones in her ears and a tiny microphone on her lap. Then she herd what Rio was saying. "I met this realy pretty girl and i'm hopeing she'll go out with me if i use my mind powers on her, mum" said Rio. Jas made a noise like she just go discusted by something. Rio looked up at her and Jas smiled?! Why am i smiling? Rio saw her smile and smiled back, then said something again. "hicha rotb.e nalla hinga jafsew hulas!" Jas heard Rio say looking away from her. Jas herd the Translator "I think my mind trick is working. Now i have to get rid of memorys of that boy named Takeshi out of her head!" Jas heard the translator say. Then Jas sudenly talked to him in a nice way. "So how are you, Rio?" she asked. Then she felt like somone was in her head messing with her brain. "STOP IT RIO!" she screamed. "C'mon Jas! I know you would rather be with me then with Takeshi!" said Rio, getting up and walking over to Jas, very slowly. Jas quickly presed a button that makes the ship take you to the last place you programed it to go. "Please, Jas?" said Rio as he just reached jas and lifted her of the seat, making her mind alright with it. "Please, Jas? Please, will you forget of that boy, Takeshi?" asked Rio with a mocking smile. "NO- I mean, yes!" screamed Jas, Rio taking over her brain once more. This is no use.. He's going to get rid of my memory's of Takeshi.. Wait!Jas made her hand slap Rio on the cheak to stun him and then she punched him in the nose, not leting him be able to see. "Oww! My- OWW!" Jas got cotrole of herself and kicked Rio in the ribs, she then lifted him up and knocked him out. "There!" said Jas with a happy face and a victory stand, then she draged Rio to the door of the ship and then walked to the controls. "Okay, next world is.. What a perfect place! The invisable world again!" she said as she got ready and landed, it being pretty easy because she looked at a macenical map and saw it. "Okay Rio, see you in a long time!" said Jas as she opend the doors and chucked Rio out onto the inviseble world. "Ahh, safe from a maniac!" she sighed as she flew the ship up into space again and was heading for experement world.

Jas had just landed at Experement world and obsorbed the ship. She saw that houses, bushes and trees had been badly burnt. "What happend here?!" asked Jas alarminlg running of to were she last seen Bon-Bons ship.

Jas just got to outside Bon-Bons ship, the SSS, and looked around. "Bon-Bon? Hello?" she called as she walked inside and saw Takeshi and Bon-Bon talking. "I'm here now!" said Jas as she ran up to Takeshi and hugged him. "Um, Takeshi.. I won't keep anything secret from uhh.. there was this boy that i helped out that i delt with and..err.. he kissed me on the lips deeply..I'm sorry!" she said as she hugged him tighter.
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New member
"Jas." Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Jas with a big smile.
"I'm so glad... but we have a big promblem." Said Bon-Bon with worry.
"We need to get Luca back and the voices are now under the control of the prim evils." Said Bon-Bon.
"If we can get back on my ship, we can use my scaners to find Luca. I'll get Soji." Said Bon-Bon as she lifted up Stich.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Okay.. So, Bon, how powerfull are the voice's and you?" Said Jas, leaning off Takeshi and following Bon-Bon. "Were was Luca last seen anyway? Did you ALL come looking for me?" she said, makeing her ship come out of the keyblades again. "I'll scan for Luca to save you the time, Bon" insisted Jas, getting in her ship and pressing a button that scans worlds one-by-one. Then Jas got a reply.

Jas, can't you just scan for us? Did'nt you tell me one time that you could scan with ships you make out off your keyblades? And shouldent you be here with Rio now?

[Reply to message] [delite message]

Sajine, Rio is evil! He tryed to take over my brain and forget about Takeshi! I left him at a world were he cat escape. I'll be there for you soon, i promise!

[Send message] [clear message]

Jas started up the ship. "Ill be back guys" said Jas as she climed out and gave Takeshi a goodbye kiss. "I'm going looking for Luca and Sajine, see ya!" she called out after she closed the doors of the ship and she blasted off into space once again.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Woah...., Wait, don't leave again! Or atleast this time let me come!" He yelled as he went to go after Jas. He pulled the door open and watched Jas fly off into space. "I don't want to have to look for you again!" He yelled to her, but he knew that she couldn't hear him this time.

He was about to jump after her when he felt someone pulling on him, He looked back to see who it was, but to his surprise it wasn't Bon-bon, it was his friend from Twilight Town that he thought he would never see when it was destroyed.

"Garret, what are you doing here?!" He asked confusedly.

"I don't know... I just like woke up in here a few minutes ago, the last thing i can remember is heading for the beach on Twilight Town when a little black creature attacked me." Garret said.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Aww, sorry guys.." she sighed as she looked back at Experement world. "..But I have to find my little sister" Jas said as she looked back out the main window and saw..Rio out the main window suddenly on the glass, just staring blankly at her. "Why did you do that..?" asked Rio, his voice like an evil snakes. "RIO?! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!?!" yelled Jas, turning the wind-screen wipers on and trying to knock Rio off. "It's amazing what happens while you chase after the one you love.." he said in the evil snake like voice. "AHH!" screamed Jas, turning the ship around and going fuul speed for Experement World. "HELP!" she screamed again as she just enterd the Experement World borders and landed, she then jumped out off the ship and hid behind Takeshi. "Help me.. please.." she said in a very quite voice, hugging Takeshi very tightly. Rio jumped off the top of the ship and walked over to Takeshi. He then grabed Jas and threw her in the bush Stich came from. "She's mine!" said Rio vilontly, grabing Takeshi and hualing him back towards a tree. "Jas is my girl!" he said vilontly again, getting out his daggers and was about to stab Takeshi in the heart and head, until someone pushed him off Takeshi and nocked him over on the ground. "You'll never learn, will you?!" yelled Jas, getting out her keyblades and sending them flying at Rio. The keyblades hit Rio all over his body, about to kill him untill Jas stoped the keyblades and grabed them. "I'll kill you myself.. noone will finish you off for me!" she said, stabing her keyblades into Rio's heart. "Die now.." she said so only she and Rio could hear. Rio just layed there, not moving an inch. "There, I finished him off myself.." she said with yet another victory stand. "Takeshi!" she yelled as she ran to him. "Heal!" she said, healing Takeshi with her keyblades.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Thanks Jas, I thought he was going to kill me. He paralized my arms somehow when he shoved me up againts the tree." Takeshi said. He then pulled her into a tight embrace, and kissed her. After a few seconds it ended, and he walked over to Rio's body. "Who was that guy, weird."

Garret was watching from the ship as all this happened. He stepped out and walked over to Takeshi, who had his arm around Jas. "Sup?" he said to them.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was no longer in the ship. He was gone again. He had left Bon-Bon. He had finally realized he was holding her back. He travelled slowly across the strange island until he came to a vast ocean. He sighed slightly and removed his cloak. The long, silky material shown slightly as it absorbed light. It would only weight him down in the water. The only thing he took from it was a small crystal that looked like some kind of candy. He wrapped some bandages around it and tied it to his arm.

Soji dived off the cliff and aimed perfectly between the rocks. He flowed down deep, slicing through the water. When he had aligned himself, he swam off quickly, his speed being impressive for someone who had never swam in his life. He didn't need to learn how. It was amazingly easy. He kicked his feet and felt the water give behind him, propelling him with such speed that even the fish were left behind in his wake.


New member
Bon-Bon felt a tug at her heart, "Soji?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around. "Ohana, Jumba!" Said Stich as he looked back.

Bon-Bon nodded and contenue to run. Soon one of her crysitles in Bon-Bon's hair was giving off a strange arura. Bon-Bon quickly pulled the Crystile from her hair and looked at it. An image of Soji was porjected on it, it looks like he's in the water.
"What's going on...Why is Soji in the water...Soji, Soji!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked on into the Crystile, hoping he can hear her.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas put her arm around Takeshi. "That was the boy that kissed me.. and stalked me.." said Jas in a plain voice. ".. I thought he was going to kill me for a minute there while the ship was up in space. Now that i'm with you and Bon-Bon, I feel safe. So, when are we going to search for Luca?" she talked and asked, huging into Takeshi and kissing him on the cheak. "And i'm good.. now that Rio's gone. And theres still me going and getting Sajine, I hope shes okay" she said as she let her arm fall down from Takeshi and cluching her hands together. Jas sighed at all that her and the rest of the party have been through. "Y'now, we'll all get through this together.. Takeshi, saving Kingdom Hearts.. we'll all do it together! With Bon, Luca and Soji!" she said with hope, puting her arm around Takeshi again.