Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood up deep in tearing himself from his deep thought and ripping the bandages off of himself, leaving them only covering his legs. The fresh scars of the burn pattern were now engraved into his very flesh. It would be a constant reminder of how he was not able to use mana to heal himself. His eyes were now a deep blue color, almost black. he turned from his stare out int the ocean and treid to pull himself back to reality and out of his day dream. " I will find her..I know i will.." he rubbed his eyes, tired from all of the fighting and still recovering from his accident. he set his eyes on the village, hoping his friends were all back together, the sad look still in his eyes, and the sad excuse for a smile still on his face. He picked up his feet and began to walk, leaving a pile of bandages on the ground where he had torn them off. His legs felt faint but as far as he was concerned he was fine. growing near to the edge of the town square he sat down on a bench next to a half destroyed building, admiring the destruction around him. Was this what his home looked like?

His feelings were mixed at the moment, half of him thinking about how much he just wanted to see kiera again, the other half focusing on how much he wanted to protect his friends and make sure nothing happened to them. He was split between a lover that might very well be dead, and his friends who had always been with him. He just wanted to be loved, but on the other hand he didn't want his friends to feel like they meant nothing to him. It was diffrent then that. They meant a lot to him...but he wanted someone who would love him and just want to be with him, someone he could care for and be cared for by. His face stayed still for a moment, reflecting his sad delima as he looked back and forth between his friends which were gathered in the area near him. He was at a stalemate. From here on out he would have to choose one path or another. He couldn't keep shuting out his friends like this.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had hugged her back, and was very happy, but the news troubled him. Just who had kidnapped Jas's sister? Perhaps it was one of the Prime Evils. Could they be making their move already? Soji just nodded at Bon-Bon, lost in thought and worry about this. Sure, in his Pure Form he could probably handle most of the Prime Evils but there was no way he could handle them all. And they had the upperhand of planning. Soji had no idea what to do nor what the Evils were doing. He just looked back at Bon-Bon and said, "Let's do this."


New member
"I with ya all the way." Said Bon-Bon as she followed Soji back to Moogle village.
Moogle village was still in a little choas due to Soji little eposode, "Um, we need to find the others." Said Bon-Bon trying to get Soji's mind off of what he done.
But then a thought hit Bon-Bon, "My ship...I left it on Expirment World." Said Bon-Bon with worry.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji glared at the damage he had done. With a certain aura of importance, he moved into the center of the village and raised his arms. It was like huge fireworks had gone off. From his hands shot huge stars that flew into the damage and even moogles, restoring what damage had been done. The houses were instantly rebuilt and the moogles were given just enough to live. He couldn't spare too much power if there was going to be a fight, but at least all the moogles were alive still, even if most of them now had strong headcolds.


New member
Bon-Bon just stood in awe over Soji's work, "Mega magic wow." Said Bon-Bon as she looked around the village. Bon-Bon walked up to Soji and untied on of the Bons that tied her hair up, she then grabed Soji's free hand and placed that Bon in his hand, "Its an Ice Crystile, its so cold that it won't even melt in lava. My Mother gave it to me just before she died, I want you to hold on to this one. To show how much I care for you."Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at Soji with a warm smile.

Just then a moogle walked up to Bon-Bon and tugged at her hand as to say come here.
"Um, Soji I'll be right back.... why don't you go and see if you can find the others," Said Bon-Bon as she went off with the Moogle.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared down at the crystal, smiling underneath his bandages. It was an amusing thing how such a small object effected him so. He looked up at her as she left and then turned away himself. He had no idea where to look, but maybe his wings could help him. He soared up into the air, looking down on the whole set of the worlds, scanning it with his strong, white eyes, probably staring at Bon-Bon longer than he should have.


New member
The Moogle lead Bon-Bon to a dark alley, "What is it?" Siad Bon-Bon as they stopped in a dark alley. The Moogle looked up at Bon-Bon and then changed into a heartless. "What the!?" Siad Bon-Bon as she drew her keyblade.
Suddenly Heartless appear all around Bon-Bon blocking her way out, "Damn, they got me corner." Said Bon-Bon as she back up into a corner.

Gyki emerged from the darkness and grabed Bon-Bon from behind. "My plain to cause an in fighting in you little group didn't work, but this will." Said Gyki as he pluged a strange concetion cord into Bon-Bon's Anties. "You think with those Anties, it'll make it easy for you to resiset the plant but you're worng. Your mind is just like a computer all you need to control it is to hack." Said Gyki and he bagan to type in something on the keybord he broght with him.

At that moment Bon-Bon's legs went weak and she fell to her knees, soon after there was a strong pain in her heart. Bon-Bon quiclky cluched her chest due to the pain. "The plant Thought you voices might try this so they made a program that would bring darkness to your heart, belive me it took quite a while for them to devilop it but guess what you're going to test this new porgram." Said Gyki as he typed in the codes. Then Gyki pulled out the cord and began to cot down from 5 to 1.
With every count Gyki said the pain in Bon-Bon's heart grow more and more, breathing became very hard for her "soji..." Said Bon-Bon as she try to talk though the pain. When Gyki reached 1, Bon-Bon heart stopped and her eyes went dim and lifeless, Bon-Bon fell to the ground like a puppit that had its strings cut. Bon-Bon laid there motionless and lifeles for a while. "Well, it looks like it kills the-" Said Gyki before getting interupted by a blust of Dark Mana that burst from Bon-Bon's body.

Life came back into Bon-Bon's eyes but also a sort of hate and sarrow came to her eyes too plus, her eyes changed to a crimson red color, her teeth grew into fangs. The blast of Dark Mana faded away as Bon-Bon stood up. Bon-Bon glared at Gyki, "So, what does the Plant want me to do?" Said Bon-Bon as she walked over to Gyki. "I like this new you, but the Plant want you to take those kybladers to Zibac, to open the way to Kingdom Heart." Siad Gyki with a smile. "Whatever, I'll be there with them." Said Bon-Bon as she walked off, the Heartless made a path for Bon-Bon as she walked. The heartless and Gyki disapper into the shadow, "Her heart is of the darkness now, one down and 4 more to go." Siad Gyki before her disapper.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: yippe! i can finally post! here's kinda what happened to Takeshi after i left. He split up with bon-bon and went to explore the immediate area, including the beach. He searched for hours but could not find Jas.

Takeshi stared up at the stars thinking to himself, and looking to see if he could find where Twilight town had originally been. He was thinking to himself of that day, so long ago it seemed, yet he cold remember it all, the smells of the water, the light of the sun, the warmth in the air. But all he could feel tonight was the cold, the smells were of water but they weren't the same. There was no light now, the moon had hidden itself behind one of the clouds, and all he could see were the stars.

His heart was torn in two already, his true self, and the darkness within him. He could feel the darkness's pull on him, and inside he knew that it was winning and would soon take over him. It seemed the only thing that was holding it from taking over right now was the keyblade.

A rustiling behind him threw him from his thought. He saw Pleakly come through some bushes and turned to face him.

"You should come inside now, it's getting cold out here." said Pleakly

"No thanks.." Takeshi replied, sullenly.

"What's wrong? Down in the dumps because you can't find your friend?"

"Yeah..." Takeshi said "Let's go, acually. I think some sleep would do me good."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji felt a pain in his heart. Though it wasn't directly touching him he could still feel it. Something was happening to Bon-Bon. He didn't know what, but he knew he had to find her immediately. His white eyes found her in an instant. She was in a dark alley. Taking orders from... GYKI! Seconds later he fell from the sky, gripping conciousness with despiration. She was dead. Her heart refused to beat. Soji barely awoke in time to prevent his crashing into the world.

He did a flip in midair and alighted with the ground. He found what he thought to be her instantly. She was coming from the alley but Soji wasn't sure it was her. Her heart didn't appear right in his eyes. There wasn't the normal love in it. There was only hate. He turned away, searching for her, but he couldn't find her. He switched to his normal sense of sight. The girl with the hate in her heart was Bon-Bon. Something was wrong...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stared at her for a moment. It was clear her heart was not her own. With a flash of lightning Soji had this Bon-Bon in the air, the tip of Hell at her throat. His white eyes had turned cold and he growled the words, "Where is Bon-Bon? What have you done to her?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas took her arm off Takeshi and looked at him. "So, were's the ship? I wanna go see Sajine!" she said as she serched the aria she was in now. "The ship!" she said as she started running over to it.

Jas got to Bon-Bon's ship. Rio had followed her and sat on a chair. "Okay, were's your sister? Has she got a hearing problem or something?" asked Rio. Jas jumped at him and had her hands hovering upove his throght. "Do not say anything like that about my little sister..!" yellled Jas, shortly after that, a tear came out, then another. Jas turned away from Rio. "She's not here.. i knew this would happen.. i just knew it.." she murmed sadly. "You and your sister have a strong relationship, don't you? I'm sorry for asking if she has a hearing problem" said Rio guiltly. "Okay, just don't ask anything like that again or you'll get choked next time.." said Jas as she walked out of the ship, Rio following.

--Sajine Time--

Sajine was unconchis. She was just laying there.. not dreaming.. not thinking at all. Suddenly, she woke up. "Ahh, crap! I'm in ANOTHER different place now... In a cage!" she cried angrely. "Wha? Another person? When did you get here?" said a girl that was about four cages down, he was in a cage. "There's alot of prisonors here.. What is this place?" asked Sajine, geting out her swords. "I would not know the ansew to that question.." sighed the girl. "Well, I'm Sajine and i'm looking to restore Twilight Town.. I'm twelve.. i could realy not use being locked-up in a cage!" she said, shortly after that she sat on the cage floor, well, realy it was the floor, these cages were on the ground not to menchen bolted, screwed and nailed to the ground. Whoever wanted someone in here, they didnt want them to get out. "I'm Torev, I'm sixteen and i'm searching for my broth-" she said, getting cut-off by someone coming in the room and giveing each person a tray of food with: Fries, a burger and a bottle of fruit juice on it. "Thats your lunch, dinner will come in about.. hmm, six hours" said Torev as she grabed a handfull of fries and put them in her mouth. "Are you going to dig into your dinner strait away?" asked Sajine as she grabed her bottle of water and siped it.


New member
Bon-Bon began to cry, "Soji, how could you say that.... I am Bon-Bon, I love you." Said Bon-Bon as she pushed the keyblade away from her neck. How should I handle this.....
Bon-Bon broke away from Soji's grip and began to run deeper into town, "I should have know, you'll betray me too." Cried Bon-Bon as she ran into a crowd of Moogles.
Okay, if he doesn't belive this then I'll just have to avoid him, til the other come.....


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji growled at her. In an instant, a mass of bandages swirled out from his arms, picking up moogles and lifting them into the air. Sure enough, he had picked up Bon-Bon also. He released the moogles and wrapped the bandages tightly around her, bringing her back to eye level with him. "Don't lie to me, girl. My eyes won't lie. They can see straight into your black heart. And if anyone knows about a black heart it is I. Now, I'll ask you again, what have you done to Bon-Bon? I know she was in trouble. I felt it. When we demons make a connection, we are connected by physical bonds. If she feels pain, I feel pain. Not only that, she stopped breathing. Why? And don't lie to me about that. I felt it also."


New member
A smirk grew on Bon-Bon's face then she began to laugh, "You fool of a demon, I am Bon-Bon." laughed Bon-Bon.
"Its just that I have fainlly been give this power, I no longer have to worry about my heart, this is ture freedom." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Soji.
While Bon-Bon was looking at Soji she saw the Crystile she gave him, at that moment a sharp pain went though her heart and a glimer of the old Bon-Bon filled her eyes. Bon-Bon shoock her head and the hate returned back into her eyes.

Bon-Bon cut her way though the bandage by her keyblade and began to run towards the beach, what just happen.....I should not think about that my heart belongs to the darkness...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smirked as he caught up with her. He was faster than her, that much was true, but he also had a trick up his sleeve. No one but himself, Menai, or Kratos knew just how the Fifteen Kanji Seal works. Thus, unless Menai or Kratos removed it from Bon-Bon after he placed it on her, it should still be there. With a rough heave, he tackled Bon-Bon, sending them both rolling over the sand. With the aid of his bandages he assured that he finished rolling on top of her so he could pin he down. With a second motion of Hell, he knocked her Keyblade away with his own. All that was left was his free hand which he used to thrust into her chest, most likely knocking the wind out of her. He pressed it firmly to her chest and cried, "Open, Kanji of Heaven!" Soji saw a flash from Bon-Bon's forehead and the fifteen Kanji appeared around her Demon Seed, circling it slowly. One Kanji, though, was glowing brightly. It flashed repeatably, more damaging to the eyes than staring into a strobe light, but it was introducing huge amounts of light energy into her body. Even if she really did belong completely to the darkness and couldn't be turned away from it, she would at least be knocked out by the light burst. If she wasn't completely in darkness though, the Kanji would purify her, removing every trace of darkness from her body.


New member
Bon-Bon could feel the darkness in her heart slipping away, but a thought entered her head. Before the purafaction was complite Bon-Bon open a dark portal under her and slipped though it. The portal quickly closed leaving Soji out, as Bon-Bon fell though the darkness of the portal she was slipping in and out of contenisess. She was then grabbed by Gyki, who looked at her and smiled.

Gyki opened another portal leading to a world of pure darkness, it was Zibac. "You did a good job, eather way they will be coming here to Zibac to get you." Said Gyki as he carried Bon-Bon to this huge biluding that was pordusing a high amout of dark arua. Gyki placed on a table in a dark room, "W..what are you.." Said Bon-Bon as she laid on the table. Gyki pluged in a conaction cord into Bon-Bon's Anties and began to type on the computer behind her. A sharp pain spiked at her heart again and agian. Bon-Bon cringed and yelled in pain, "Hm, I can't do anything fether until we get rid of this Henji." Said Gyki as he looked up at the computer screen.

"I can take care of that." Said a female voice from the darkness. Menai emerged from the darkness and stared at the demon seed on Bon-Bon head, "My so called borther did this, I can remove this." Said Menai as she placed her hand on Bon-Bon's head. Bon-Bon could no longer stay awake, she soon balcked out due to the pain.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Normally, once the seal is open it won't stop working just because you aren't in contact with me anymore. I just have to touch you in order to open certain parts of the seal. Also, Menai will know it would be extremely difficult to remove the seal. How the Fifteen Kanji Seal works is that the actual seal hides within one of the Kanji placed on the person. The Seal is constantly moving around in a different Kanji in random patterns. The only way to get rid of the Seal if by removing every single Kanji. That requires long hours of incantations though. Each Kanji has a special and powerful spell that is used to remove it and no two Kanjis can be removed with the same spell. So, even if Menai did try to remove it, it could take quite a long time. By quite a long, I mean weeks, even months. Then, Menai would have problems removing the Kanji of Heaven simply because it has never been removed before and always has to be removed last. No one knows what spell can remove it yet which means Menai would have to study the Kanji scrolls that were lost when our world was. Still, if she removes every Kanji except for the Kanji of Heaven, then the seal might be weakened enough because it would be forced into a single Kanji.

IC: Soji punched the ground roughly. He had lost her. He was a fool and he knew it. Slowly, the blue symbols on his arm began to fade away and the bandages covering his skin receeded as his wings fell apart and his eyes returned to their normal blue. His white clothes were replaced by his customary black ones and he collapsed on the ground, not out of fatigue, but out of sadness. He was useless now. There was no point for the existance of a useless demon. He laid there, breathing deeply, eyes closed, fist feebly punching the ground every now and then. He opened his eyes suddenly. "I know what I must do..." He stood up slowly, gaining his composure before he let out a powerful and commanding cry, "SEPHIROTH! I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING ME! COME OUT NOW!"

There was a black flash and feathers fell off of the wings of a tall man with long silver hair, much like Soji's. He looked down at Soji, bemused. "How long have you known I've been watching you?" Soji let out a cruel laugh. "Please. Did you expect me to think the Prime Evils would just let me leave? Just like that?" He frowned slightly and said, "Fair enough, Soji. What did you want? I'm sure you didn't call me out here for a chat between old friends." Soji stared back at him to make sure he didn't mistake his motives at all. Soji put out his hand towards Sephiroth and said in a calm, collected voice, "I want back in. I'm back with the Prime Evils now." Sephiroth's face jumped to surpirse and he gasped, "But... But, why? What has brought about this change of heart?" Soji, hand still out looked about him with a cold, hateful face. "There's nothing for me here. I have no use anymore. I'm sure the Prime Evils will still have some use for me."

Sephiroth released a smile and took Soji's hand, shaking it slowly and calculatingly. "Fine then. It's done. Welcome back, Soji." Soji smiled back and between them, dastardly thoughts and deeds swirled about them and threatened to consume the cheerful thoughts of the moogles.


New member
OOC: Well yeah I know that but I need a way for the plant to get her.

Bon-Bon woked up in around of pure white, there was some chairs a table and a bed she was laying on. Bon-Bon slowly stood up, she looked acrossed the room to see a mirror, she was wearing a pure black rode, one that goddess wear. Bon-Bon eyes wear still a crimson red and now her face show in an emotinless stair.
There was a knock on her door and Gyki entered, "Now, there's a voice I really love." Said Gyki as he looked at Bon-Bon.

Then Gyki held his arms wide open as to hug her, Bon-Bon couldn't control herself, she walked over to Gyki and hugged him. Gyki hugged her and looked down at her, "We have fainlly cought all of you voices, now the heads of the Plant are haveing a meeting with this group called the Prime Evils. We need you voices to be there to sing your song that Darknes Hearts, to show them that we are the ones to rule over darkness with them, so will you be there." Said Gyki still looking down at Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon looked up at him with her souless eye, "Soji..." Said Bon-Bon as she nodded her head.
"Hmm, you''re still saying that matter." Said Gyki as he walked Bon-Bon out into a dark hallway. In the hallway the other 4 voices of Elements were waiting in there robes too. They all had the same souless eyes as Bon-Bon.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Sephiroth checked a rather expensive looking watch. He caught Soji staring at it and mistook his look for one of longing. "Just one of the perks of being evil. We're late. We should be at this place called Zibac. Apparently someone claiming to be evil is there. I hear your sister is there too. We're going to meet up with your brother and the others outside the gate. Look at that, it will be like some sort of family reuinion." Soji smiled devilishly. He never liked family reuinions but this one could be fun. He asked calmly, "Are we going to finish this "evil" off?" Sephiroth nodded at him with a knowing eye and their smiled widened. A dark portal opened before them and they crossed through it.

When they reappeared on the other side they were in front of a large building. Everyone else was already there. Kratos, Xehanort, Joxis, Balrung. It appeared they had just been waiting for Sephiroth. Kratos looked edgily at Soji and muttered, "What's this? Who decided to bring this Light Filth here?" Sephiroth stepped forward delightedly and proclaimed, "I did. Little Soji here has decided to return to us and I can trace no lie on him." Kratos relinquished a genuine smile. "Welcome back, little brother. Finally, you return to our new family business. It even looks like our sister has gotten involved in it. Too bad we'll have to finish her off."

Soji nodded and flipped up his hood, his eyes turning bright red. His cold smile showed on his white white teeth, even through the darkness of his hood. The door opened and his smile faded, leaving only his eyes to be seen under the hood. Everything else was darkness. Soji and the others passed through the door calmly.