Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"You forgot someone!" Garret yelled as he ran out form behind the bushes, sure that the danger was over.

"Oh, yeah. Right after you went to go Garret just popped up outta nowhere, literaly. I don't think he has a keyblade but he could learn to use mana." Takeshi said to Jas. "What do you say Bon-bon, should we teach him?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"How about.. hmm.. Thunder..? Would you like that?" Jas asked Garret, looking around at Rio's body and thinking of what she had just done minuts ago. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. "I-I just k-killed somone's little brother.. Torev's brother to be exact.. It's like somone killing Sajine.." she gasped, walking away from Takeshi and Garret over to Rios body. "I don't know if i'm sorry or not.." she said. Then she noticed the necalace Rio was wearing.. it looked exactly like hers. "What..? Thats strange.. my mother made this neakalace for me when i was six.. she also made one for Sajine.. only two were ever made. Then how did he-" Jas wonderd. Then she suddenly got very angry started feeling like she wanted to kill somthing. Her hands were cluched tight as if she was going to punch someone. Then she got out her keyblades and hit the ground making a huge hole, a hole about one meter wide and two feet deep. "He stoll Sajine and his sister!" She mutterd, cleaning off the dirt on the keyblades with water powers. "I must go to Sajine.." she said, the anger still in her voice. She made a ship, a big one this time. She walked in it and sat in the pilot seat. "I'M GOING TO FIND SAJINE! IF YOU WANT TO COME YOU HAVE TEN MINUTS!" she yelled, waiting for somone to bord.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"How about you give us until we get back with Jumba? He's probably in trouble!" Takeshi yelled back as he started to follow stitch. He didn't even wait for an awnser, he just ran off into the forest after stitch. Garret followed him and about two minutes later they were standing infront of a large spaceship. Inside he head someone talking to someone who sounded alot like Jumba.

They crept into the ship and waited for about 3 more minutes. then they saw a large alien walk out the hatch, he was mumbling to himself. The ran into the large control room and saw Jumba floating in a tank of green liquid.

Takeshi ran up to the tank. "How can we get you out?" he asked.

"There should be a big red button on the other side of the room that will open this thing!" Jumba replied.

After about two more minutes they found it, and pushed it, and Jumba fell to the floor. "Yess, now let's go!"

The four of them ran as fast as they could back to the ship, and made it in just under ten minutes.

"Jumba, Stitch, you stay here and wait for Bon-bon. Garret, you come with me and Jas!" Takesh said as he ran for the ship Jas was in.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd somone come in and she looked around. She saw Takeshi and Garret run in the ship. "Were taking off in five.. four.. three.. two.. one.. WERE OFF!" she said, the ship going into space and then it started to hover. Jas started mumbeling to herself. Hmm, were's that little traker? Ahh, here it is!
Jas pushed a button on a computer about the size of her hand. 'Search Name?' came up on the computer screen. "Sajine Sarax" Jas said as she typed it in on the keybord, watching the computer screen. 'World: Unown Location' came up on the screen. "WHAT?!" Jas burst out, a hored look on her face. Sajine.. were are you?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji watched a ship go up into the stars and floated on his back for a while. He was in the middle of this ocean, land far from sight. He had to get off this planet and he knew perfectly how. At least Bon-Bon went up with them... Soji thought to himself as he let his body slip below water. Down, down, down he was taken. The pressure grew around him as he sank. Finally, the pressure was so great that a bone sphere had to be formed to protect him.

Soji, inside the sphere, began to spin and spin. The sphere also rotated. The speed was slow at first, but it got increasingly faster and faster. Soon, the bone began to glow red from the friction. Soji let out a cry and a huge wave of rainbow energy erupted around his body. He burst through the bone sphere and up through the water. As soon as he broke the water, he was in the sky. Seconds later, worlds were flying past him as he flew. His eyes shot around him, checking what the worlds looked like.

Finally, there was one that loomed ahead of him. It was an unnatural world. It had been created by malice and evil. Creatures swarmed around the surface. Dark creatures. These were merely the defence for something far more sinister. While most traveller saw this world as extremely evil and avoided it, the Prime Evils viewed it as their homebase. And most importantly of all, they never had to worry about some pesky do-gooder that came knocking. Soji aligned himself and came in with a crash, right in the middle of these dark creatures. They looked like some kind of buffalo. Granted a buffalo that would spit a large amount of fire at you if you fell on one of its friends. Soji flipped out his Keyblades with a smile. Shink! Shink! Two heads off. The buffalos didn't even have time to realize they were dead. Another swift move by Soji and about five more were dead. Come and get me, Prime Evils.


New member
Bon-Bon reached the beach and saw Soji flew off, "Great, I got left behind again." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up into the sky. Bon-Bon let out a sigh and walked back to her ship. Stich and Jumba was in there.
"Jumba, are you okay?" Said Bon-Bon as she rushed to his side.
"Ah....G007, I have...been injered...badly." Said Jumba as he hold his side.
"Don't worry, I'll take you to sick bay." Said Bon-Bon as she lefted up Jumba and cirried him to sick bay. "Stich stay on the main deck and keep watch." Said Bon-Bon as she placed Jumba on one of the beds.

"Ik." Grunted Stich
Bon-Bon looked at Jumba who was liying on the bed with a big gash on his left side. "I-I can heal this..all I need to do is..." Siad Bon-Bon as she held her hand over Jumbas wound.
" not...worry..I'm...a goner.." Said Jumba in a whispber.
"No, don't go, I can heal you..Mana Blessing!" Said Bon-Bon as her hand glowed with a white light. Jumba wound was healing very slowly, "I need more power!" Siad Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes. Bon-Bon hair turn white as snow and her eyes color changed to Icy blue, Bon-Bon looked down at Jumba. "G007.... you look like... old self...before you got demon seed." Said Jumba as he smiled.

"Try not to talk, you're losing alot of blood." Said Bon-Bon as he hand glowed brighter. The healing on Jumba's wound sped up, but it was still moving to slow. " plant?" Said Jumba as he slowly closed his eyes. "You can tell me afterwards, you'll live!" Said Bon-Bon as tear runs down her cheecks.
"When... I saw...what they was..doing to kids...I couldn'" Said Jumba as he looked over to Bon-Bon. "Jumba, thank you so much, you were the only one in the Plant that really cared about us.... you saw us as humans." Said Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes tring to conctire more.
"I'" Whispered Jumba as he closed his eyes. "Jumba....Jumba!...JUMBA DON'T GO!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she grabed his hands. Jumba's hands were cold, "No, you were the only one that cared about us, you took care of us even though we were a painful part of your pasts." Said Bon-Bon as she held on to Jumba's hand tighter. Bon-Bon's hair changed back to it's normal color, puple and her eyes changed back to pink. Stich was in the other room and he heard the whole thing.


The King Of Bandits
OOc: ok i think im done with work now....i am going to start back up on all the rping now. I'll just play the unconcious for now.

Luca awoke, his eyes shut, unable to move his body. There was something wrong with the situation. Last he remembered he had been sitting in the square watching everyone, next he was laying face up on a cold surface. As he opened his eyes, he noticed nothing around the room, no doors, no computers, no people. He was in a bright room, light filled it, but seemed to have no apparent source. He heard a creak, the sound of a door opening. Around him he still saw nothing. In almost an instant A man appeared in front of him. The snear on his face was revealing. The hood slid off of the mans head, revealing his true identity. Luca jumped back in shock and surprise. It was a man he knew all too well. He had only lived with the man for a few years, and was positive he knew exactly who he was. The picture from the letter he had recieved only days earlier had been totaly incorrect. This man was none other then the only rival luca knew, His father.

With a quick snapped of his fingers, his father smiled and pointed behind luca. There on the wall were pictures of his family. His dead brother which he had killed while defending himself, his dead twin which he had also killed, and his mother, Who had been killed by his father. Luca had ultimatly taken the blame for his mothers death, after his father blamed him for the murder. He looked back to his father, the man was pointing in another direction now. As luca turned the features of the enviroment changed. The room he had been standing in only moments ago was now the roof of a building in a large city, Zabec. As he looked out over the city it looked well. People seemed to be going about their daily buisness as usual, and nothing seemed to be wrong. But looking closer something was very noticable. Looking down on the dark part of the city next to the building he was standing on, he noticed a that the shadow cast by the skyscraper was growing somehow. Soon it covered the entire city, only leaving a few select openings where obviously their was resistance. A steady gaze towards the biggest part of the city not covered by the darkness revealed one thing, a battle.

The enviroment changed again. This time they were directly in the battlefield of the city streets of Zabec. People were shooting guns on one side, while on the other side People in dark suits seemed to be charging towards the opposite side, fireing their weapons as well, heartless were aiding them. The battle seemed to be going in favor of the Dark suited people at the moment. Suddenly the tide turned as their was an explosion in the background. The darksuited people began to retreat for a moment, changing their minds seconds later and charging towards the other people again. The people without suits began charging the dark suited people, When they met in the middle there was a flash of light. Luca was no standing still, but the enviroment around him was flying through the city streets of Zabec. It seemed on every street there was even more fighting.

The view stopped for a second, showing a soldier shooting at the darksuited people, leading a group of others to the safe area. A bullet came by, knocking off the soldiers helmet revealing a girl. Her hair fell from the position it had been kept in with the helmet on, the dark green strands falling to show the real length of the girls hair. Her deep light blue eyes seemed to stare right into The soul of the the soldier that now was standing in front of her, yelling orders at the girl." Kiera hurry we have to get these people to the dropzone before the ship leaves without us, It will be a long battle back to the Safe area if we dont get on the ship" The girl snapped out of her apparent daze" Sorry captain, just got a weird feeling and got cuaght off guard for a minute sir" The girl picked up her helemt and continued running, following closely behind the group of civilians who her and her team had been leading.

Luca's eyes lite up for a second, his heart pounding normaly now. " Kiera.." He whispered. The figure in front of him disappeared, the area around him suddnely went dark and he sighed."..Kiera... I'll find you..."

He woke up, his eyes open wide now. As he looked around he was laying on a bench in the square. His friends were all gone now. " was that ...Zabec?" his eyes started to normalize again." so she still is alive..." His mind was mixed right now, he walked back towards the area where they had landed before, hoping they had not left yet. He kept staring down at the dirt road he was on, kicking his feet as he walked." ...Kiera.. " he whispered, a smile on his face" ..I will find you..I promise"


New member
Stich and Bon-Bon where out side and standing in front of a drit mound, on top of the drit was a single flower that Bon-Bon and Stich planted. Bon-Bon and Stich bowed at the mound and went back onbord the ship.
"Stich, we need to stop all of this not only for the univer and to stop choas but for Jumba too." Said Bon-Bon as she walked up to the main borad.
"Ik" Grunted Stich as he actived the ships scarners.

The Ship scarners seem to point to Moogle Vilage, "I geuss Luca is still in Moogle Village, good." Said Bon-Bon as the ship took off into space. Stich was in a deep thought and then snapped out of it. "Ohana! Stich got infomation!" Said Stich as he tugged on Bon-Bon's paints. Bon-Bon put the ship on auto-poilt and looked down at Stich. "When Human Plant attack, Plant was to distroy Home. But boy named Lanheart stopped." Said Stich as he looked up at Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon eyes widen, "Lanheart...what?!" Said Bon-Bon as she squated down to Stich's level. "Ik, Lanheart tell Stich to tell Ohana, Way to Lilth hidden deep within Ohana's memories." Said Stich as he ponited to Bon-Bon. "My memories, but Lilth is like way, way, WAY old. How can I have memeories about her?" Said Bon-Bon as she stood up.
"We have arrived in Moogle Village." Said the Ship's CPU.

The ship touched down, Moogle Village seemed to be back in peacful spirits. Bon-Bon and Stich exited to Ship. "Um, exsuce me. Have you seen or heard of a boy named Luca?" Asked Bon-Bon to the nearst Moogle.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood there. He had to hardly move to kill this black beasts. Soon, the field around him was filled with their dead bodies. As he rammed Hell through the skull of one of the beasts, he thought, Just move on Bon-Bon. I will die here today. There's no way I can eleminate the entire of the Prime Evils. It looks like this will be the end of my short, sad path. Soji brough his blades around in fury and a powerful wave shot out from them. A melody of black and white energies passed through the beasts. Soji watched through his blind eyes, the hearts of each and every one of them stop almost instantly.

Soji straightened his back as the beasts gave their last sighs and fell over, dead. Soji didn't have to wait very long before several dark portals opened before him. From the portals, Sephiroth, Joxis, Balrung and Xehanort approached. Xehanort immediately came forward, looking confused. He said, "Soji? What are you doing? These creatures are our allies. Have you forgotten everything?" Soji gave him a bemused smile and lifted his blades, "Looks like I have."


The King Of Bandits
Luca suddenly turned, hearing the low rumble of a ship near the moogle village."..The ship!" Luca turned, sprinting off quickly in the direction of the ship and moogle village. the tree's were flying past his face, he was moving at a speed faster then he had ever moved before. A tree came into view i nthe distance, right in his path. He placed his foot in front of his face, flying towards the tree at an extreme rate of speed. The tap of his foot was enough to knock it over, sneding it sliding down the hill long ways. Jumping on top of it he looked out through the opening of the trees, seeing moggle village nearby and the ship just outside. It was too noticable. As he slid down the hill, clearing the greenery in his path and creating a long line in the soft dirt of the forest, he jumped off, landing on the outskirts of the forest, hearing the tree come to stop after hitting 4 or 5 trees. He picked up his pace a little bit, becoming quicker then he had been before." I have to get to the ship" He was under the impression that they were about to take off.

He slowed to a slow walk as he noticed Bon Bon outside of the ship" Bon Bon!!" Luca ran to her quickly, almost not able to wait to tell her his dream about zabec." Bon bon!! I saw Zabec! It was completly covered in darkness, and there were these little patches around the city where people were fighting the heartless and.." Luca stopped himself, still not sure if Kiera was a live or not."..Well thats pretty much it. People are fighting the heartless in zabec, and apparently the government there is supporting the heartless by aiding them with human troops" Luca raced on to the ship suddenly, not even stopping to hear Bon Bon's story of what happened. He was so excited about Knowing that the people in Zabec were fighting back.


New member
"Luca, I'm-" Said Bon-Bon before Luca got on the ship. Bon-Bon and Stich rushed onto the ship. "Luca, alot has happen, Takeshi and Jas went off to look for you. Me and Stich teamed up." Said Bon-Bon before the Bons tying her hiar up began to shine with a bright light.

"And My Bons are doing wired things." Said Bon-Bon as she untied one of the bons around her hair to look at it. An image of Soji appeared in it. "What is going on?" Said Bon-Bon as Stich started the ship.


The King Of Bandits
Luca couldn't help but stare out the ****pit window, hearing about half of what bon bon said. He was like a little child on christmas morning, waiting to open presents which he had watched for so long. The dream had made him so anxious to get to Zabec. His eyes were glistening with a certain twinkle. He was a totaly diffrent person from before. He knew for sure that kiera was still out there somewhere now, and it had put his heart at ease, knowing she was still alive was a big break for him. Now all that was left was to find her. he turned back to Bon bon, seeing weird things in her hair" I think i need to lay down.. Im starting to see things in your hair.." he turned back around to the ****pit window, staring out of it again, this time losing himself in a daze. There was just something weird about this. Why had he had the dream? was it his fathers doing? A way to get him to come back to Zabec maybe? There was so much going on right now, that anythign could be a way to get him to come back to his home world. He knew however that if he went there, it was going to be a huge mess. After all the heartless had taken over most of the city.

He snapped out of his daydream, turning back into the same old luca he had been when his friends had left him there. Where is soji... and the others?"He had totaly ignored what Bon Bon said before. " Nevermind... umm, I think i need to go lay down though, I have a few things to think about. Call me when someone returns" he was tired, he had had a long day, and his burns still pained him a little, the ones on his legs anyways. For the moment he was absorbed in the thought of returning to Zabec.


New member
Bon-Bon nodded as Luca walked back to his room. "Ohana, where do go?" Said Stich as he stood at the main borad.
Bon-Bon looked up at Stich then down back at her single bon that she had in her hand, For the first time in my life...I don't really know what to do....

Suddenly the bon in Bon-Bon's hand floated out to the middle of the room, "Oh my gods, what's going on?!" Said Bon-Bon as backed away. The Ship's main door suddenly slamed shut. The bon that was floating sunddenly burst into wave of light blue energy that englufed the whole shp. The Ship's core temp. suddnly dropped to below frezzing.

A holgram of the map of the unvrse suddenly appear in the middle of the room.
A soft, confoting and cool voice spoked, "Do you wish to travel to him, Yuki?" Said The voice. "M-mother?!" Said Bon-Bon as she dropped to her knees with wide eyes.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji watched as Balrung stepped forward, swining one of his massive hands and declaring, "He's gone rogue! The little bastard is turning on us again!" Xehanort knocked him back slightly and then turned to Soji. "Soji, is this true?" Soji looked at the ground for a moment. He wasn't entirely sure. Then, the image of Bon-Bon floated to the surface. If he could kill even one of the Prime Evils, he knew Bon-Bon would be safe. They wouldn't attempt to use her until their numbers were larger.

Soji looked back up at Xehanort. They looked so remarkably alike that one would have though Xehanort had been Soji's father. Soji spoke out, "Yes. I've decided that the reign of the Prime Evils must come to an end!" Soji lifted his Keyblades and jumped into a battle position. The Mana Crystal that he had got from Bon-Bon, showned on his chest. Xehanort paused for a moment, looking as though he wished to argue. To bring Soji back to their side. He nodded then and turned away. "Do what you wish, Soji." He turned his eyes to the others, "You have my permission to kill him." Then, Xehanort was gone.

Soji looked up at the remaining Sephiroth, Joxis, and Balrung. Sephiroth was very powerful, while Joxis was extremely tricky, then you had to watch out for Balrung's amazing strength. All-in-all Soji didn't think he could have picked a worse team to have to fight. But he was ready. As long as he protected Bon-Bon, he would be willing to die. In a flash, Sephiroth's blade was out, but a second flash knocked it away. Soji smirked at him and then Balrung jumped in, giving Sephiroth time to lurch after his sword.

Soji lept back and the battle sprang into action. Sephiroth and Balrung were effectively keeping Soji busy while Joxis put up several spells. Soji knew he didn't have long so he paused for a moment. From inside a great well of power overflowed and black lines crossed his skin. His eyes shown red and his teeth became cainine. Claws grew from his fingertips and an odd energy began to swirl around Heaven and Hell. One, solitary horn grew forth from his head and he smiled vampirically upon his enemies.

They came at him, but their movements seemed a good deal slower than before. Soji winded Balrung with a mighty hilt jab to his stomach. This sent him flying back painfully crashing through several rocks. Soji's smile widened as Sephiroth came. Without Balrung to help him, Soji dispatched of Sephiroth's sword and left a gash upon his face. With a terrible spinning kick, Soji knocked Sephiroth back, also. By this time, Joxis's most powerful binding spell had been complete. Huge vines erupted around Soji wrapping around him and crushing him. Soji's eyes went blank as amazing amounts of power erupted from his body, forming a black aura.

Joxis was thrown backwards by the rebound of his spell. Soji sensed him, almost too late. Balrung burst up from behind him, nailing him with a great tackle that cracked four of Soji's ribs. A dribble of blood spilled from his lips, but he turned with a spin and that was the last of Balrung. Soji landed gracefully on the ground, ramming his foot down on Balrung's severed head and crushing it. That was the last of the giant. His great body vanishing as his allies charged at Soji.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was driveing the ship, looking at a map. "Okay, okay.. were would Luca be? Ah! Moogle village in Traverse Town!" She said happley. "Now.. were in the universe would Sajine be?" she asked thin air. "To ze Moogle Vilage!" she said, looking for Traverse Town on her map, and eventuly finding it. "Were landing, Takeshi and Garret!" she warned, lowering the ship into the world and landing in a very good space to park.. although there was another ship ahead. "Huh? Hey.. thats Bon's ship! Takeshi, Garret! Guess whos here?" she said, getting out of the pilot seat and walking over to them. "Bon's ship! That must mean she's here! I wonder if she's found Luca..?" she explained, walking out of the ship backwords. "B-ooonnn-B-oooonn!" she called, running to the ship infrount of her and knocking on the side. "Bon-Bon!" she said, trying to open the door, but it was closed tight. "Bon-Bon?! Bon, are you okay?" she asked, pointing the keyblades at the door and trying to open it, although she failed. She ran around to the frount and saw a tipe of blue light through the main window. "BON-BON!" she yelled, seeing Bon-Bon on her knees, wide-eyed. "BON-BON?!? Are you okay?!" she asked, yelling. Jas thought Bon-Bon couldent hear her through the ship walls.


New member
Bon-Bon couldn't hear Jas words, it was being blocked out by the huge amounts of energy that was being summoned by the crystile. "Yuki, tell me you wish to be with him." Said the voice.
"Who's Yuki? What are you?!" Said Bon-Bon as she backed up.
"Yuki is what I named you when you were born...and I'm your mother, well the life mana your mother used to create me." Said the voice.
"'s true that my mother was a Mana Jewel maker...but....I had no real name is Yuki?!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at the jewel.
"There's no time for this, do you want to be with him?" Said the voice. "Soji, but happeaning to him?!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked up with shock.

An image of Soji fighting the Prime Evils showed though out the ship, it looked like Soji was winning but he looked badly hurt. "Soji!! No please don't die on me!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she rush towards the image of Soji only to have her body to go though it. "I can tranport you there... only your life mana with be transported there not you're body... are you sure?" Said the voice.
"Yes, I'm sure..I still want to be with him. If I can help him in any way just let me help!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she grabed the jewel.

A freezing cold burst of energy blew from the crystil and into Bon-Bon's body, Bon-Bon hair turn pure white and her eyes ture blue. Bon-Bon fell to the floor holding tightly to the crystil in her hand. The blue light that surrounded the ship disappear and the locked doors became unlocked.

When Bon-Bon open her eyes she was in a room filled with darkness, she turned and saw Soji being surrounded by the Prime Evil's alies. "YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as pulled out her keyblade and pointed to the prime evil's allies. "Deep Freeze!" Said Bon-Bon as a burst of light blue enegy erupted from her keyblade and hit the Prime evil's allies. Bon-Bon rushed over to Soji, her hair was still white and her eyes blue as crystiles, she stood next to Soji, "Don't worry we can fight them off togather." Said Bon-Bon with her Keyblade drawn.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi ran outside of the ship just in time to see Bon-bon teleport he mana to where the prime evils were. Her body stayed though, and it just fell over and went limp, and looked dead. "Bon-bon!" Takeshi yelled as he ran toward the ship and bashed on the door.

"It wont open! Damnit!" Takeshi yelled as he fell to the ground.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas herd the doors unlock and she saw the light go. "Bon-Bon? Are you alright?" she asked, running around to the side of the ship and opening the door, to see Bon-Bon on the ground. "Bon-Bon!" Jas said, going over to her and looking at her body. "Bon_Bon! Open your eyes!" she said, then she tryed to pick her up. She then noteced Takeshi on the ground. "Takeshi! Can you get of the ground and help me get Bon on a sick bay bed?" she asked him. Then she looked around her. "Would Luca be here?" Jas came to a stop. "Luucccaaa!" she called out through the ship. "Luca, are you in here?" she called again, getting no reply. Jas started searching the ship's rooms. First of all she tryed her old room and saw everything was the same, then she looked in Takeshis room and saw it was also the same way, and Bon-Bons room was how she left it. Then she checked Luca's room and saw him in there. "Hi Luca, are the burns healing good?" she asked, walking up to him and hugging him.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca was cuaght off guard by the girl suddenly hugging him and asking if the burns were healing well. He hugged her back, seeing no point in pushing someone away who just wanted to know if he was alright." yea.. they will definetly leave scars...but they are healing well. " he looked down at both his arms, the tiny diamond pattern of the metal grating had been burned into his skin for the rest of his life. He stood up quickly, stopped huggin jas and Snapped back to reality" um.. where were you and takeshi" Luca thought about his quetsion for a secon,d looked out the door and quickly turned back" On second thought i dont want to know" he luaghed a litte while walking out the door of his room and stepping into the cold bright metal hallway." So what exactly were you calling me for earlier anyways? I heard you calling me i was just thinking about a few things and neglected to reply"

Luca began walking towards the control room of the ship, thinking bon bon was still there, also wondering where soji was. Luca yawned, falling to his knees quickly"... Ahh.. Whats ..happening" He grabbed his head and began shaking, letting out a painful moan before he closed his eyes and collapsed on the floor"...Kiera" he whispered before his body turned to a motionless being. He was dreaming again.

He opened his eyes to see a smoking crater, around it several soldiers stood. The bodies of dark suited soldiers lay in front of them. Luca was in the body of one of the rebel soldiers apprently.he looked over, seeing two people beside him. On his left, a captain, and on his right a familiar face. Kiera.Smoke leapt out of the crater as if something had just exploded." Quickly" the captain shouted to Luca and kiera" We have to get back to the Dropzone, our mission time is about to expire." Kiera followed the captain, looking back at the man who Luca had inhabited for the moment, speaking softly to him" Come on Jeruse, we have to go" The three soldiers raced along the side of a building, gunfire erupted a couple streets over. Obviously another battle had broken out with a second group. A piece of the building above them began collapsing, aiming to fall on the captain and kiera." Get out of the way!" Luca yelled at the two, watching them both dive out of the way at the same time.

both the soldiers turned back to him" Thanks jeruse, Now.. Lets get out of here! Move it soldiers!" The three dashed quickly towards a hovering craft at the end of the allyway they had entered. " Just a little further, come on!" The captain jumped into the craft, pulling kiera in as a squad of enemy soldiers raced around the corner, firing at the three. Kiera collapsed in the craft, Luca quickly climbed in as it lifted off the ground and sped off towards the center of what seemed to be the rebelion area. The captain was treating kiera's wound with a medical kit that had been on the craft. It was merely the graze of a bullet. It had been enough to scare kiera apparently. In her hand she clenched a picture, two little children holding hands and smiling. Luca and Kiera when they had been little. Suddenly Luca snapped out of it, regaining his conciousness and pulling himself up off the ground. HE sighed whispering something"... So she remembers.." he looked over at jas, with a sigh of relief" How long was i out for?"