Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was still in wonder what happend to luca at that moment when he asked. "A- about a minute.." Jas replyed, shaking her head a little, her hair going over her face. "Grr.. stupid hair!" Jas groned quietly and iratatedly, pulling her hair off her face and putting it over her ear. "What happend to you anyway? When you fell?" she asked Luca. "Actully.. it dosent matter, realy.. does it?" she said, walking off.

Jas was walking throug the main area of the ship. She saw that Takeshi was still on the ground along with Bon-Bon. "Huh? What the-?" Jas walked over to Takeshi and tryed to stand him up, grabing him by the sholders to do so. She managed to pick him up and looking at his face, examing it. "Dosent seem to be anthing wrong with him.. theres no wounds on his arms or legs.. I wonder why he colapsed?" she mummbeled to herself. "Oh well, i'll go get the portable beds.." she said, walking down the hall to the sick bay.

"Okay.. portable sick bay beds.. Ah, here we go!" she said, opening a cobored and getting out two portable sick bay beds. She carried one over her sholder and one under her arm. She then walked back into the main room.

"Okay Bon, c'mon" said Jas, lowering the sick bay bed and draging Bon-Bons body on it. "That's one.. now Takeshi. I wonder what Garrets doing in my ship now?" she thoght out loud. She walked over to Takeshi and lowerd the second bed, putting him on it.
She straped Takeshi to the bed and made it higher. She then draged it over to Bon-Bons bed and stedied it.
Jas leaned down and straped Bon-Bon to the other bed, making her bed higher too. "Time for the sick bay.." she said, pushing the beds together and pushing them up the hall to the sick bay.

Jas put the beds next to the solid ones, the ons in the ground. She then put Takeshi on a solid bed and then the same for Bon-Bon. "That should be good" she said with a smile. Jas walked out of the sick bay and walked out of the ship, walking to her ship.

"Okay, Garret! Out of my ship, please!" Jas called throughout her ship. "I'm going to generate it back into my keyblades!" she called again. She saw Garret standing in the main room. "Out!"she said, grabing him by the arm and walking him out. "Ship generate.." she said simply, the ship going into her keyblades, very safley. "Were taking Bons ship.." Jas said, walking away from Garret and to Bon-Bon's ship.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
"Uhh.. i'm still not sure of that.." Jas replyed, walking in the ship and scraching her head unnowingly. "I have no idea were Bon-Bon's soul or whatever went.. and Takeshi's unconshis and Soji's not here for any help.. only me, you, Luca and Takeshi's friend, Garret.. " she said with a sigh. Jas sat on a chair and crossed her legs. "I don't think I realy trust Garret.. I have a feeling he might do somthing bad.." she said quietly. "Were is he anyway?" she said, standing up and walking to the entrance of the ship again and looking out. "Garret! Come in the ship! We might have to take off soon if Bon dosent wake up!" she called.


The King Of Bandits
Luca strolled into the main room, seeing jas and an odd creature babbleing over where to go. For a split second he seriously thought about returning to Zabec. But quickly he realized that was not an option until the team was at full strength, and everyone was back together. Out of all of them, the only members of the original team that were on the ship were Jas and Luca. He placed his hand on his face, shaking it head in a stressful manner and almost passing out again." First off we need to know where soji went. Since he disappeared before bon bon clocked out, i am going to assume that wherever he is, we will also find Bon Bon, or at least the part of her that is for takeshi, we just have to wait for him to come back around" He handed jas a pair of incense sticks he had found while rumaging through the medical bay" here.. if you break these under his nose, he should wake up soon enough." he turned back to the navigation screen"...Now.. to find soji." he sighed, knowing the tough task was still at hand.

Finding soji was going to be tough, figuring out the situation with Bon Bon was going to be even tougher. His eyes dropped to the ground, he was still a bit tired. he sat himself down in the chair near the navigation screen and began studying it. There were still a lot of places they had not been too.

"..Luca.." Luca turned his head upwards, hearing a voice. As he looked around, he discovered that jas and the strange creature were the only ones in the room with him. The voice had been neither of them"..Hey jas...did you just hear that" he looked up at her, he would probably seem insane, asking if she had heard something that was most likely Luca's mind playing tricks on him. He stared back to the navigation screen, confused about the events that had been happening to him recently.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas took the sticks then herd Luca ask her if she had herd a voice. "No.. i didn't.. Well, I can't remember hearing anything.." she said. Jas didnt hear the thing Luca herd, but she saw Stich had herd it. "I dun know what it was.. but I see it wasent your imaganation. Stich seem's to have herd it to" she said, looking around the room to see if anyone else was in the ship. She saw it was only Luca, her and Stich in the ship, how it had been before Luca asked. "What did this voice say?" she asked Luca.


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked back at the floor. The voice had seemed so familiar to him. He was almost positive he had heard it somewhere before." It's didn't really say anything...Just my name. Like it was calling me or something." Luca closed his eyes thinking hard, where had he heard it before" I know i have heard that voice somewhere before..."

His thinking had been thrown off by an erie feeling that entered the room almost directly after he closed his eyes. As he kept his eyes closed, the feeling grew stronger, almost to the point of where he was shaking. The lights of the ship began blinking on and off, as if there had been some power failure or something somewhere. When he opened his eyes however, It all stopped. Suddenly everything was back to normal." It's of no importance right now, we have to find Bon Bon and soji, or at least find out where they went. Upon closing his eyes, he sighed" Im so tired..i wish i could sleep, but at a time like this i need to be awake. I am more useful that way." As his eyes remained shut the feeling entered the room again, a cold feeling, a feeling so frightening it scared even Luca. the lights began blinking again, still his eyes remained closed. at long last a shadow appeared on the wall behind Luca. It stood oddly, heavy, sparatic breaths could be heard in the background.

Lucas eyes shot open, the lights stopped flickering once again and the shadow disappeared. The feeling quickly left the room." What is going on?" he whispered, looking over at his arms which had developed scratches as if out of nowhere. He stood up, looking down at his arms then at the floor. Lately things had been weird for him. He looked over at jas, The same sad look in his eyes that had always been there" ...Whats happening to me?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas got out her keyblades when the lights flickerd, she still had them out at that time. "What the.." she said, making her keyblades go into thin air. "That was freaky! The shadow, i mean!" she looked around the room once again, then noteced scratches on Luca's arms. "Howed you get them?" she asked, running to Luca and looking at his arms, inspecting them. "Strange.. I wonder how they got here..?" she thought out loud. She backed up from his arms and put her hand on her cheak and thinking. "This is strange.. realy strange.." she said thinkingley. "Never seen any scraches like it.. Who would do that to you Luca?" she asked him.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Wow, sorry RPGirl. I didn't realize you had transported to me or I would have tried to post sooner.

Soji felt something appear. It wasn't quite solid. He heard a cry, "YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE! Deep Freeze!" He turned, recognizing the voice only to be rewarded with a painful slash to the face before Sephiroth was thrown back. He ignored the blood trailing from his cheek as he saw Bon-Bon approach. "Yuki!" He yelled suddenly. He stopped for a moment, confused. Had I just called Bon-Bon Yuki? Where did that name come from? The stress of battle must be getting to me... Soji looked at her and said, "Sorry, I don't know what came over me. You've got to get out of here. This place is too dangerous for you. More of them will come."

Soji saw Sephiroth come in at great speeds. With a spin, Soji flung himself into the air, parrying the attack and knocking Sephiroth away. Seconds later Sephiroth's blade came down again, Soji knocked it to the side, recieving a cut to his left arm. He spun Heaven rapidly and then clicked it against Hell. There was an explosion and Soji was thrown back to the ground, forcefully. Sephiroth had been hit with the powerful blast though. A powerful comet was pushing him into space and burning a lethal hole in his chest. Soji laid on the ground, breathing deeply. He watched the defeated Sephiroth pass into space. Soji's spine was broken, but he could feel that he could still move. He pulled himself to his feet and stared at the last remaining member. He lifted a Keyblade at him and said, "Joxis... You're next..."


The King Of Bandits
" Well im assuming that whatever is going on, probably has something to do with those weird dreams i have been having" Luca glanced over at jas, she was probably confused"..It's a long story. But thats not the most important thing at the moment" Luca closed his eyes again, only for a second. The feeling came back and he opened them. It was gone again." ..I think if i just stay awake for a while, we should be safe, I at least need to stay awake until we can figure out what is going on. If worst comes to worst" he stopped for a seoncd"..I'll make my own solution" He looked down at his keyblade, eyeing it and then looking back up" But lets focus on finding Bon Bon first. " he placed his hands on the navigation screen, rubbing them over the screen. The feeling felt so familiar though as far as he was ocncerned he had never been in a ship that traveled through space. His memories of coming to twilight town were vague however.

Luca looked up at Jas and pointed to a circled area of empty space" hey.. what is this big blank spot? Why is it labeled if nothing is there?"


New member
OOC: Tis okay. Just glad that you posted^^

Bon-Bon was shock to her Soji call her by her true name, How did he know?
Bon-Bon snapped out of her daze when she heard Soji fell to the floor. Bon-Bon was about to rush to his side but a group of heartless appear trying to capture her.
Bon-Bon easliy dodge each of there attack, I never knew that being in this form is so.... refreashing. Bon-Bon qucklily finished off the heartless, but more heartless came to take there place. No promblem this should be...wha?

Bon-Bon's body began to fade in and out, "I...I'm getting...t-tire." Said Bon-Bon as she tryed to stop her body from fading out. Her body became soild. Three heartless charged at Bon-Bon but she esaily killed them with a quick slash of her keyblade.
"I gues I'm still not use to this form." Said Bon-Bon to her self.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was watching Joxis when he heard a commotion behind him. He turned to see Bon-Bon fighting heartless. Suddenly, Bon-Bon had become solid. What's going on? More heartless were coming though. Soji suddenly realized what was happening. His head flipped around to Joxis. The man was smiling. That wasn't a good sign for Soji. Sure enough, he was making thousands of motions with his arms and hands. Dark energy was flowing around him. Soji said, "Heartless?" Almost dazed from his injuries, Soji heard Joxis reply, "Yes. Heartless."

What happened next startled Soji. He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not. Joxis's skin suddenly turned pure black. Claws ripped from his fingers and these claws were used to tear off his flesh. As the flesh flayed away, some dark creature emerged from Joxis's carcuss. It stood a good twenty feet tall. Its yellow eyes gave it away immediately. It was a heartless. It must have been Joxis's darkside. Or maybe this was Joxis's true form. Either way, Soji had to eleminate it. He swung his Keyblades at his side as he charged Joxis. An odd step made him fall for a moment and he flinched. The giant heartless saw this and instantly smashed its huge hand into Soji, knocking him a good fourty feet back.

Bleeding freely from the mouth and the several gashes all over his body, Soji stood slowly. He spit a large amount of blood and twirled his Keyblades, smiling. Raising his Keyblades, he pounded both of them into the ground. Soji looked up at Joxis and said, "Nighty Night... Sanjū Rashōmon!" Soji crossed his hands, placing his left one over Hell and his right one over Heaven. The Keyblades flashed white and black and then vanished. In their place, one huge threshold appeared. One door of the threshold was white while the other was black. Soji, hands glowing, pounded his fists into the doors, knocking them both open. On the other side, a huge ray of combined light and darkness burst forth with lethal force, vaporizing Joxis almost immediately.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas ran to the main window and looked at the space where Luca was looking. "Don't go in that empty space! There might be a world there!" explained Jas, looking at Luca and pointing to the empty space. "I'v been to a world where it's invisable to all keybladers, thats were a boy named Rio saved me from geting killed" she said to Luca. "it was a realy strange world, there were animal type people things that think keybladers killed there baby's.. I think there crazy" said Jas.


New member
The heartless disappear along with the killing of Joxis. Bon-Bon put her keyblade away and fell to her knees. Bon-Bon's body was slowly fading in and out. "W...what's going...on?" Said Bon-Bon as she stuggle to get up. But it was no use, Bon-Bon was too tired.
The crystile that Bon-Bon used to get to Soji began to glow, the crystile floated out in front of Bon-Bon.

"Yuki, your life mana is slowly fading away, this is a sign that tells you that you've been out of your body for to long." Said a voice.
"Mom...but..what about Soji, how is he going to get back?" Said Bon-Bon as she try to keep her self solid.
"As long as he has one of the Ice Crystiles, he can come back to you. You should hurry back to your body."Said the voice.
"No, I want to come back with him. I-" Said Bon-Bon before her voice went out.

Bon-Bon has lost the energy to talk, "You're losing a lot of energy. You should really go back to your body." Said the voice.
Bon-Bon just shook her head no, I can't leave without Soji.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked at the sticks in her hand. "I'll go try and wake Takeshi up.. and Bon" said Jas, walking down the hall to the sick bay. Jas entered the sick bay door and looked at Takeshi and Bon-Bon's bodys. "Let's try and wake you two up" Jas walked around to Takeshi's bed and took one of the sticks in her hand. She cracked it open under Takeshi's nose. "Time to wake up.." she said, holding the stick under his nose.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji heard Bon-Bon arguing with something. For a second he thought he was loosing his mind. This was soon driven out of his head by the sounds of a dark portal opening. From the portal stepped a terrible figure. It was the last person Soji wanted to see when he was in such a weakened state. Kratos looked down on Soji, frowning. Soji stared up at him, his eyes changing red. Kratos seemed to find this amusing. He said, "So, you're prepared to die, then brother? Secretly I had hopes I'd get to kill you some day. Especially after you made a fool of me on Pride Rock. I regret to tell you though, I can access my Primary Form too." He laughed terribly as Soji felt a sinking feeling. He had no chance...


New member
Bon-Bon quickly turn to see a fiugre stepping out of a dark portal, that guy has the same sent from that guy Soji fought with.
Bon-Bon eyes widen when she learn that guy was Soji's brother.
Soji needs to be heal, but I can't say any of my spells...

Bon-Bon began to feel helpless untill, "You know the Song of Purity, sing the song to revive Soji's heart. Said the voice.
Bon-Bon looked at the crystile, but I'm just one voice. I can't revive a heart by myself.... can I?
"Use this crystile to form Soji's heart. Just sing the Song of Purity, it can revive lost hearts." Said the voice as the Ice Crystile fell into Bon-Bon's hand.

Bon-Bon looked over to Soji, I'll try, for him.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji climbed slowly to his feet, staring his brother in the face. Kratos laughed and said, "Why little brother, you're bleeding." Soji glared at him, fully aware that he was copiously bleeding. Soji stood his ground, staring definedly at Kratos. Something in Soji's eyes must have scared Kratos. Before Soji could react, Kratos placed a powerful punch into Soji's stomach. Almost instantly, Soji folded in half as he was thrown back. A large rock stopped his momentum and broke his back in several more places. By manipulating his bones, Soji was able to retain his ability to move. He climbed back to his feet slowly, black lines starting to spread across his body. Without having to look, Soji knew Kratos was doing the same.