

New member
Jul 5, 2006
((if you want. But you kinda died. Just be one of the 2 team membrs who never showed up))

Fetyu looked at Brock. "CALM DOWN! It's not my decision, since what matters most is the teams safety. Which you don't seem to care about, since you keep injuring yourself. You may not feel hurt, but it isn't pain that kills someone, it's the blood loss. Anyway, we'll try to find a way back to the school. If the we came here by car, wouldn't there be tire tracks?"


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Whee, welcome back in the game Tsukie... I'm still shocked at that death, lol))

Cali was almost paralyzed by fear and she hated herself for that. She was probably the only one who could do anything to help Brock but she just remained there shaking in fear as he almost killed himself against the wall in the attempt of saving them. She loathed herself for her weakness. She felt Luca’s cold hand on hers bringing her comfort and she felt blood running in her veins again, yet she couldn’t move just yet. It was as if the creature was sending waves of fear into her very heart. And the look of terror in Brock’s eyes when he saw what was behind them was enough to scare Cali to death, he wasn't one to get scared easily. Cali heard Luca thanking her and, even though she didn’t know what he meant, the sound of his voice made her feel a bit calmer. She looked at him and the scars on his face almost made her cry again. Those scars were the proof that he had fought endlessly, risking his life, since they had arrived. The proof that he would keep fighting to the very end no matter what… the proof that he wasn’t like her.

"No one is dying" Brock’s voice interrupted her thoughts and made its way into her soul, she lifted her eyes to him watching as he fought desperately against the wall to break them all free. The beast was getting closer but fear had been overpowered by shock inside of her. Cali took a step forward as she saw Brock’s blood on the wall while he kept breaking it, to find a way out. She just wanted him to stop, she just wanted everything to stop. The happenings of that day were finally taking its toll on her and she just felt… defeated. She finally understood that she had had no role in them, she hadn’t done a thing. Brock was almost killing himself to save them; Luca was by her side half dead in his attempts to save them; Fetyu and Ed had fought all day and all night long to save them. She was the only one who was completely useless for the team. They would be better if they hadn’t found her in the first place, she was worthless and just a burden to them and she felt guilty freezing her blood. Maybe it would be better if she just died then she wouldn’t be a burden anymore.

She barely felt when Brock pushed her and the others outside, she didn’t really care anymore, she was just relieved that the others were alive. Yet, as she heard them all fighting in silence, the blood started boiling in her veins. There was a beast behind there, inside that cave; there was an empty plain in front of them, they had just escaped death and they were alone… they only had each other to count on, yet they were still fighting amongst them. She was panting breathless as anger and fear took the best of her. She could tell that Brock was furious and that Luca was stressed out, Ed was the only one who remained silent so she decided it was up to her to set things right. It was her time to do something useful, as small as it was; it was up to her to bring them together.

"Stop." she barely whispered and, just like she had expected, no one had heard her so she took a few steps forward leaving them all behind as she watched the sun rising, she then looked back at them with a look of determination. Her face was stained with dry tears, she was tired and scared but her mind was still sane enough. "Stop it this instant, you three.” she said loudly. Ed is scared, I am scared… everyone is scared but we must stick together. Fighting amongst us for whichever reason won’t bring us anywhere.” she paused with her hands tightened into fists and digging her nails into her skin while trying to catch her breath. “I know we have been through much, we are all tired and stressed out but would you please calm down and listen to what everyone has to say. I know we aren't all the best of friends…” she glanced at Brock and Luca and at Fetyu and Ed who she barely knew “But have it crossed your minds that it's probably the whole point of this. Maybe they put us all together for some reason; maybe they want to know how far we can go, while we hate or fight amongst ourselves. I say it's enough. Fetyu… I'm not questioning your leading skills; you fought bravely and you have done your best but please try to hear what we all have to say. We are a group not just yourself.” she knew she was being harsh but someone needed to do this. You are right about one thing, Brock might have killed himself against that wall but at least he was trying, which was more than I did.” she then looked at Brock and Luca again. “You two stop it. You are both injured beyond belief and you are both lucky to be alive. You helped each other and now you both need help. So there’s no use in trying to deny or fighting against it.” she paused to let her words sink, they might all hate her now but she was feeling better with herself. “Now here’s what I think we should do for now. I think we should listen to both Luca and Fetyu. That place…” she pointed to where Luca had suggested them to go “If there's water out there… we need to clean their wounds; and we really need water and food. We all need to rest for a while, so, let’s just do as Fetyu suggested. Ed will help Brock walking and I'll help Luca while Fetyu watch out for any sign of enimies. And don’t you dare arguing with me.” she shot at Brock and Luca “you are in no condition to argue.

((okay... maybe this was a little bit long <.< >.> lol... but I needed to catch up with all your posting ^^. Oh... and don't take Cali too seriouslly, she's just stressed out))
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((Tsu, you could be Chad or another one of Brock's friends if you want. I wrote posts about them on i think the second or third page.))

Brock was about to yell back at Fetyu but Cali interupted him. Her words seemed to calm down everybody as they all got silent. He wasn't happy at letting anyone help him. It wasn't like he couldn't walk, he could keep up with the rest of the group. And adding to that was that Cali was going to help Luca. That was just terrible. He was going to talk back and argue until Cali said not to. He didn't refuse when Ed helped him. Brock just wanted to hit something. He was so angry and he hoped he made that a point to everyone. His arm was fine, just bleeding beyond belief. A little pressure and it would stop. He didn't feel dizzy and it was like he wasn't even losing blood. Brock was always a leader, but now he didn't want to lead nor follow. He didn't care about anything anymore. He looked out to the plain. No shelter. No plants. Nothing to hit. He looked at Luca. If i don't find anything else to hit, i could always hit Luca, he thought to himself. This feeling of anger was soon taken over by extreme fear when Brock thought of the face of that monster before. It was giant and its teeth were huge. With every step it made a boom and the earth shook. Brock hoped that he would never have to witness something as scary as his father ever again, yet this beast made his father look like a harmless fly.


The King Of Bandits
Luca's thoughts had been fading in and out of the conversation. Closing his eyes every once in a while hoping somehow he would be able to fall asleep. Until he heard Fetyu's remark about the tire tracks.." ... Well.. first of all this isn't where we came in at, second of all i am sure that since there was pavement inside the city there is a road going out of town. So there probably wouldn't be any tire tracks way out here." He yawned. How was it that he had managed to go for what seemed like forever, yet he was still walking around with the team, and he had still not collapsed. It was quite weird to him.

He looked over at Cali who had agreed with him, his vision still a little blurry every now and then. why had he even suggested anything. If they went somewhere and it was wrong he would be blamed for it. Everything he had done had been wrong so far apparently. After all he had screwed up.

In the distance he could still see the trees. He knew there was water there... he was almost positive. Actually what he really wanted was sleep more then anything else. His mind was contracting to have only one thought. Sleep. All he needed more then anything else. Sleep. It seemed that all of Brock's rage, Fetyu's talking, and even what Cali had been saying, to slip his mind. It was as if he was just there... not listening, not replying, just there. He didn't remember anything that was being said. Nothing was sticking to his mind. He was too exhausted to fight anymore though. All he could do was shoot a glance Brock's way, and hope he made his point. He was at this point unable to even speak. He would try to open his mouth and speak at times while no one was looking, and nothing would come out. He felt as if he were a child. Unable to comprehend what was being said, unable to speak, and constantly tired now.

What was it about that city that had forced him to fight so hard in the first place? He wasn't sure of it himself. Maybe it was just the feeling of being abandoned, again. Having nowhere to turn but the people around him for the second time in his life. It was like starting school all over again. No parents, No brothers or sisters. No family. No friends, save one. Though yes he was too tired to notice all of this, it was still in the back of his mind. He would always feel alone no matter how close anyone was with him, thats how he had lived a majority of his life. Alone. It was safe for the fact that he couldn't hurt himself, and there was no one else to hurt him. Yes it hurt at times when he looked around and saw everyone else happy with their boyfriend or girlfriend, or even with just their friends. He didn't really have any of that stuff. They looked so happy. Everyone looked so happy. Why couldn't he have what they did?

Was there something that said he had to be doomed to a life of seclusion and loneliness so everyone else could be happy? Was there a reason why he wasn't allowed to be happy?

Maybe it was just that he didn't want to hurt anyone at all.... Maybe it was just that he didn't want to have the responsibilities that now stressed him out so much, but there was definetly something wrong that he had not been able to put together his entire life, and now when he needed someone most, no one was there. There was no memory of a father beating him, or a mother abusing him. No brothers torture him. He had became this way on his own. His own thoughts pushing him to the limit constantly then being tested be people like Brock. It was how he had learned to live. With constant Pain. He wanted a way out of it all... He had been sure he had found a way to escape it all when Cali had shown some Interest in him. But after Brock came around it was apparent she had feelings for him as well still. He didn't want to have to make her choose between two people, especially when she obviously had more interest in Brock. Had she just been playing around with him? toying with him to gain some sick pleasure? He didn't want to ask questions about her anymore. It hurt to simply think about her now. Knowing she would be happy with Brock made him feel a deeper pain then any knife could cut, a bigger blow then anyone would ever be able to inflict on him. Just thinking about her happy with someone else.

It hurt so much....every time... and every time he did it anyway. Letting himself believe that she had some kind of interest. She had obviously shown no interest since they had arrived in spirana and been around Brock. Only when she had came over the night before to help Luca while he was sick.

Maybe it was just when Brock wasn't around that she toyed with his feelings. Using him as some kind of puppet to be with when she couldn't be with her favorite. He stopped thinking about it all. He was so tired still... Which probably had the biggest effect on his thoughts. Though he did partially feel as though she was only using him when Brock was not around.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
While walking, Fetyu thought about if. "Ok, guys, think about it. We were found in different places. They must've driven there, or walked to bring us there. There must be some record of it. Anyway-" Fetyu was cut off by a gun shot, and Ed fell to the floor. "Muther ****er...." Fetyu drew his sword and charged towards the man with the gun, thrusting it into his stomach. Then he stabbed him 20 more times. "there's no one else...." Fetyu walked over to the body of Ed, and checked for a pulse. "it's no use.....dead....this sucks so much...."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock's anger had been ceased at the sight of the dead Ed. His blood froze in his veins. She had been the quiet one. And now she was dead. Brock looked away and anger filled his body again. Finally he spoke up. "We should do something. Y'know, bury her or something." He hoped that a funeral might take away from this blinding fury. He picked up Ed and held her cold dead corpse in his arms. He set her down gently and began to dig but he got nowhere. His arm stung everytime he moved it but he didn't let anyone see. It also probably wasn't good that he was on his hands and knees digging up dirt while his arm was bleeding. No one helped him after a while so he just stopped and gave up. "Thanks for helping, guys. Screw it." He looked at Cali. THe one person on his team he liked. Really liked. He walked past her and the rest of the group towards the plain. He didn't look back he just kept on walking. If that man had missed, he would have hit Brock. Brock was thankful for that. But he was still angry. He walked faster now to get to the plain before the others. "It makes no sense for us all to go and come back if there is nothing. I'll go, see if there is anything useful, then i'll come back." He kept walking. After a few minutes, he reached the plain. He looked around and was glad to see a spring of water. He didn't bother to wash his wound though. He walked over to the spring and saw a rock standing next to it. It was about the size of a german shepherd. He looked at it and thought, now was a time to relieve himself of stress. He punched at the rock dozens of times. He punched and punched. His knuckles were bleeding now. However, the rock stayed intact and didn't budge. Brock punched and punched hoping to get rid of all his anger. His knuckles were covered in blood now. He stopped and caught his breath. He then looked up at the rock and imagined Luca's face on it. He brought his fist back, and punched the rock as hard as he could and it shattered. Brock smiled. His anger was gone. Pretending the rock was Luca was just as good as punching Luca himself. Brock took the blindfold off his wound and covered his knuckles. He didn't want the group to see. And punching the rock made him bleed almost as much as he was on his arm. He ran back to the group and told them there was a spring of water there. He looked at Luca and smiled imagining the shattered rock.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"Ok, Brock, good. But first.....we need to do something about Ed. Your right that we can't leave her here." Fetyu took his sword and started digging with it. "anyone tell me how much 6 feet would be? Just say when to stop." Fetyu shoveled dirt out with the shovel.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((hits Luca over the head to bring him to his senses… using him… CHA! Lol. Just joking, I know how he feels ^^. And… Gaara… stabbing someone 20 times… wow… lol))

Cali was feeling better after saying what she needed to say. She was glad that no one had argued, for the first time she knew she had said something right. She looked ahead at the plain; it was far but, even though she was tired, she was feeling brave enough to take a long walk. And the reason she was feeling brave was that she finally had a chance to be useful. She knew that Luca might hate her for helping him, he wasn’t one who asked for help or accepted it freely, but she would do it nonetheless. Cali put Luca’s arm around her shoulders and started walking resolutely. She squinted her eyes, sunlight was getting stronger and she tried to focus on her way. It wouldn’t do any good if she fell, Luca would get even worse if that was even possible. She glanced at his face, his eyes were shut and he was so damaged that it was a miracle that he could still walk, even with help. The others were walking in front of her, she could tell Brock was furious for needing help walking but it was for his own good.

Cali was starting to get haunted by thoughts of water and fresh breeze under the trees, when the sound of a shot froze the blood on her veins. She saw, as if in slow motion, Ed’s body falling lifeless on the ground in front of her and she held back a scream of dismay. What happened next was almost too fast for her to fully comprehend. Fetyu charged against the murderer and killed him and then… there was silence. Cali looked at the girl’s dead body, shocked beyond believe. She had been so quiet, so lonely… they could have been friends. She fought back her tears, she had already cried too much and she had made a pledge to not drop a single tear again as long as they were in that place. Yet she knew if had been someone else things would have been completely different. She inwardly glanced at Luca and shook her head to get rid of the thought. Cali watched in silence Brock digging, there was nothing they could do now, but still she couldn’t stop the thoughts in her head. Not only Ed was dead but it could have been Brock, she shuddered at the idea of losing a friend; it was the worst thing that could happen to her.

When Brock left to check the plain they all waited in absolute silence, no one seemed to find anything to say. Cali just stood there holding Luca the best way she could as she glanced around them fearfully. She sighed in relief when Brock got back with good news, there was a spring of water out there. Once again silence fell amongst them, as Fetyu opened a grave. She closed her eyes; that was something she wouldn’t want to see. She hadn’t even got a chance to know Ed and now she was gone and nothing would bring her back. Cali sighed trying to fight her sadness, she had to be strong; she had to keep going for her sake and the others as well. She barely noticed when the others start walking again she was feeling almost numb. Yet she gathered all her remaining strengths and followed them determined to get to that plain as fast as she could, what if there were more armed man… what if they killed another one, what if they shot… she gulped as she reached the plain and gently helped Luca sit against a tree. She fell to her knees trying to catch her breath as she looked around her, unable to stop the thought in her head… if it had been Luca dying, her life would have lost all meaning.


The King Of Bandits
Luca opened his eyes and finally came to, he was sitting against a tree now. It was strange, he had heard a loud noise and from that point had no recollection of any of the happenings since then. He glanced around, only noticing that someone was missing. Ed was gone. He could only assume that they had left her somewhere in the city. He decided not to ask about her, seeing as how it might spark some kind of fight in the group. He decided he was just going to stop talking. Obviously he was just causing more problems for the group every time he opened his mouth. It was his fault they were all in that building, it was his fault for bringing up the idea of going deeper into the city, it was his idea to go to the oasis where they were now, where most likely something bad would happen. Everything seemed to be going in the wrong direction. He was beginning to have doubts weather they would be able to make it home in time or not..

As he went to stand up he felt an enormous pain in his leg and decided maybe it was better if he stayed on the ground. There was a low rumbling sound as he closed his eyes again. He opened them barely, squinting from all the dust flying up around the area. From seemingly nowhere a helicopter came, landing softly on the ground, a big sturdy familiar man jumping out of it, glancing around in disbelief. It was the instructor from before the test. He seemed overwhelmed that they had actually made it out of the city." I always heard Spirana wasn't good with Visitors" He made a joke, looking around at the sad state of the team."... You guys really took a beating huh... But it seems you pulled all of your sorry asses together to make it out." he pulled out a small plastic bag, sealed with the seal of the academy." You have passed the first part of your test...the first part of many... I am here to give you a few tools which you might require for the next part of the test. Along with a map of the area surrounding you for 50 miles."

The instructor dropped the packet on the ground, climbing back aboard the helicopter" ... And one more thing, look for the academy seal...remember that." The helicopter started and took off again, and just like that they were all alone again. The packet lay on the ground, seeming to stick out from everything else around it. What was in it?

Hopefully There would would be some kind of a friendly town nearby...within walking distance that they would be able to find a hospital.. and some means of transportation. Luca closed his eyes, finally getting to sleep as he sat against the tree. He felt at peace with himself, his ripped and torn face, accompanied by several bruises on his back which he could almost not withstand. He was in bad shape, he realized this now. All he wanted to do was fall asleep, and wake up in the next town. He kept his mouth closed, fearing if he opened it he would be unable to speak again. He had neglected to clean off his wounds, being too tired to even move anymore. all he could think about was getting some kind of medical help, and getting sleep. He kept rubbing his back, and at one point even took off his shirt as he was burning up. So there he sat, shirtless in the shade of the tree. Bruises all over his back, rips and scars on his face with dried blood to accompany it all, not to mention his injured Leg. He was in terrible condition.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Sorry, out of immagination))

Cali had left Luca resting against the tree and for a while she just stood there wondering if they would make it home in time. The sound of an helicopter scared and surprised her at the same time. She looked up breathing heavily, what if they were more enemies; would it be the end of it all? But what if the people in the helicopter were there to help? She waited in expectation and when she saw the instructor she almost laughed in relief. Maybe their probations had come to an end, maybe they had passed the test. But as she heard him talk her hopes vanished and the only thing she felt was fury… so there was more to it? They had been through so much, they had lost Ed and still there was more? She was so furious that she couldn’t even speak but as soon as he had arrived he was gone.

Cali glanced at the packet the man had dropped almost with hatred, that packet meant more probations they would have to endure. She didn’t move as Brock went to pick it up revealing its contents. The keys to a car… fine, so at least they’d have a car but… they needed to find it first. Cali sighed and glanced at Luca… he looked terrible sitting against that tree, his wounds looked even worse. All of that because of that stupid test. She walked over to him, he looked so feverish, she put one hand on his forehead.

“Oh my God Luca” she whispered “you’re burning with fever.” Without saying another word she grabbed his discarded shirt, she needed to clean his injuries and that was the best she could get. Cali started to clean his wounds gently, she couldn’t do much, the wounds were too deep and they needed medical assistance… but that was the best she could do with only water in the middle of no where. She then let him resting against the tree and pulled Brock making him sit near the water so that she could clean his wounds. As she clean the blood from his arm she looked up at him anxiously.

“Brock” her voice came out in a whisper “what do we do now?”
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"Well i guess i should clean up my own wounds. For now you guys can sleep." Brock wanted to run over there and give Cali a hug. All he could think about was the dead Ed (heh, that rhymes XD). What if it had been him, or worse, he lived and Cali died. He couldn't bear it. He walked over to the spring and stuck his hands in the water to get some. Unfortunately, he forgot all about the cuts on his knuckles. A cloud of blood soon formed in the water. Brock looked for a way to get the blood out. Their only water source and his carelessness ruined it. He felt like such an idiot. "I'm sorry guys," he said with guilt, "but at least i am man enough to say i made a mistake." Brock took his blindfold and tried taking out the water with the blood. It took much time but he got most of it out. He walked over and leaned against the tree opposite from Luca. He glared at him and closed his eyes. He then dreamt a great dream. Him and Cali. Together again. Nothing stopped them. Until Luca stepped in. Brock killed him and Cali stayed with Brock. Nothing gave him more happiness.


The King Of Bandits
Luca had been sleeping for what seemed like only minutes before he was awakened by a cold cloth on his leg. His eyes shot open, only to reveal Cali, cleaning his wounds for him. Taking care of him yet again. He felt terrible still. He was burning up.

All he could think about was getting some rest somehow, the sun in the distance was just above the horizon. On one side of the sky you could still see the last of the stars and the darkness while on the other the sun and an orange aura was pointing out the dawning of a new day. He closed his eyes, taking a couple long blinks before shutting them for good. It had been a while since he had spoken to anyone, he was still in a state of shock from being injured during the fight. He had not beaten a single enemy in that fight. He was still depressed about not being there for the team when they needed him. there was nothing he could really do at this point, just lay around waiting for his injuries to heal, obviously still sick from the day before at the school. Luca had lost all track of time as well.

The thoughts of the Cali taking care of him fresh in his mind, he closed his fell asleep quickly. She was the only person he had ever let help him, becuase in his own opinion she was the only one who actually cared about him. He didn't have a problem with getting help from someone who understood, someone who wasn't just doing it out of pity for him. He felt relaxed for a moment before the pain in his body kicked back in, now leaving him with a severe headache. He dreamed peacefully now, slipping into a realm of sweet nothing for an instant.

He was standing in a dark room, two adult looking figures behind him. All he could see were the bodies of the two, one a female, the other a male. There was a loud crackle that seemed to rip through the room, suddenly both figures fell to the ground. Luca could still not make out their faces. The only visible thing now was a man standing silently behind them, his face dark , a small caliber pistol in his hand, now pointing at his own head. His face was not visible either. The man pulled the trigger and collapsed, next to the other two dead bodies. In seconds it seemed as if he was standing on a hill on a cold, dark, and rainy night. Lightening flashed, thunder crackled. A man appeared on the other side of the gate, someone Luca could finally recognize. It was the headmaster of the academy. Seconds more passed and he was standing in the front office of the school. Age 7. Behind him was a door, the morning light passing through it as it closed, in front of him another door, opening. Opening into a dark and cold room. Luca's passage from childhood to his life at the academy was flashing before his eyes.

Soon he was standing outside of the academy, Age 15 now, Admiring a young girl walking with her boyfriend. She didn't seem like much of the jock type, yet he seemed as if he was the definition of it. That was his earliest memory of Cali. Walking with Brock, his friends following close behind the couple. The dream seemed all too real to Luca.

The next was a scene of pure horror to Luca, setting him apart from all the rest of his peers. There stood Brock, his parents behind him, Cali next to him, her parents behind her. All around him he could see kids with parents. Yet when he looked back he noticed nothing behind him. Just darkness. He sat down, placing his arms around his knees and holding back tears. He was all alone. He envisioned the sight of graduation now. The kids around him receiving recognition from their parents... going home. All of them leaving until it was only he who stood in the large building. Alone, cold. Where would he go after graduation? He had nowhere to go after he left the school. He would never see Cali again, He had nowhere to go, No parents to turn to. He would be alone again. He didn't want to be alone again... didn't want to be abandoned again.

And there he slept, a emotionless look on his face as he endured his slumber. Hoping to never wake, Hoping to never be abandoned again.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali sat near the water, she had done everything she could for now. She looked at the others; Luca and Brock resting against a tree and Fetyu not far from them. She took a deep breath at the sight of Brock’s blood that had remained in the water. It was awful to see, everything had been terrible since they had arrived. Yet one thing she was sure, they would not face their end just standing there and waiting for death. They had lost Ed but no one else die, they’d make it alive and they’d be back in school in time for graduation. She shivered slightly when a fresh breeze rustled the leaves on the trees as she pondered what to do next. They had to leave that place as soon as possible, what if someone was out there, watching them and waiting for the right time to strike again. But the day was almost ending and Luca and Brock were too injured to face anther walk. The only thing they had now was a map and a key to a car; so there was only one thing to do. Cali stood up and passed Luca and Brock quietly, not wanting to disturb them; she walked over to Fetyu and called his attention.

“Listen…” she whispered glancing back at the others to make sure they were sleeping. Her plan was dangerous and she was sure none of them would accept to be left behind, so the best thing was if they didn’t know about it until it was too late for them to interfere. “… that packet has a key to a car, just what we need right now but we have to find it. Now here’s what I have in mind.” she paused for a second as she gathered her thoughts. “Brock is severely injured and Luca is feverish, there is no way he’s going to move from here on his on. There’s only you and me left. So… I think one of us must find the car while the other stays here with them. I know it won’t be easy to find, God knows where it is, but we must do something as soon as possible. I think… I think we should do this tomorrow as soon at the sunrise. What do you say?
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((BTW, Brock only has a dad whos in jail for child abuse......his mom died when he was little))

Brock opened his eyes and looked around. Luca resting on a tree, Cali and Fetyu talking. He reached into his pocket and took out the key. He had his license already so it was only smart that he had the keys. He looked at it and tried to figure out what car it would lead to. He wasn't sure. A bead of blood raced down his arm as he got up. He still couldn't believe he had knocked down a rock wall. If college football teams didn't accept him for that, then he didn't know what would make them. He walked over to the spring and cupped his hands and filled them with water. He drank it all down and took out the key again. Things were racing through his mind now. The map was in the center of the oasis and he had the keys to a car...the possibilities were leaning towards him. He looked back up at the direction opposite Spirana. Nothing. Not for miles. He looked back at Spirana. Why did he believe that once they left, Spirana wouldn't be out of their hands? He looked up to where the helicopter came from. Of course it was long gone. Brock stood up and picked up a stick. He made another sun dial and checked the time. "Its almost 7. Right now its about 6 : 30. We can move out at 8. I don't think we're coming back, so we should grab whatever water and food we can find in that 1 and a half hour." Brock had lied. He did believe they would end up coming back. And that scared him terribly.


The King Of Bandits
Luca lay on the ground against the tree motionless. He had been sleeping for some time when he finally opened his eyes, taking his hands and rubbing them across his eyes, trying not to move too much for the pain he was still experiencing. It seemed that every time he moved his shoulders he was in pain for the bruises on his back. His leg looked as if it had healed a tiny bit, it was better then when he fell asleep. He didn't even try to speak. He had a sever headache now, along with a stomach ache and an aching body. All the running and walking they had done yesterday had been more movement Athletic activity then he had done in a while. Now his entire body was in pain every time he moved. He was extremely sore as well. It seemed as if his condition had digressed more then anything, though in his personal opinion he was ok to walk. There was no movement from him other then the rubbing of his eyes moments ago. He just sat there silently for a moment, observing everyone around him. He could see Cali and Fetyu near each other. They were obviously discussing what to do next.

Luca opened his mouth, looking around and seeing that yet again no one was looking at him. He tried speaking again but once again nothing came. What was happening to him? Why wasn't he able to speak anymore? He was still so tired more then anything else. The responsibilities of yesterday and the stress had not decreased in levels at all. On top of everything else his sickness had gotten worse. He was still burning extremely hot. It was as if nothing would cool him down. He had taken his shirt off earlier but that had not helped, he was in the shade, that did not help, He had tried everything except for water. He really had no intention of crawling over to the water to splash himself with water. Even though his mouth was dry as , and his stomach was grumbling eh made no attempt to move.

He was still so very tired, so he closed his eyes again, catching one last glimpse of Cali before closing his eyes again and wiping the sweat from his forehead. He really needed a way to cool down, but he was helpless to himself. He would rather not disturb Cali, she was the only one who was still in her right mind so whatever she was telling Fetyu was probably a good idea to Luca.

Maybe it was the cool breeze that suddenly swept across the oasis, maybe it was the fact that he was thinking of Cali, He finally managed to fall back asleep, leaving his searing body in the real world as he slipped off to sleep once again. There was something about her that made it seem as if everything was ok to Luca. Every time she was around things had seemed to just get better for him for some reason. He no longer felt as though she was using him, seeing as how Brock had been right there while she washed Luca's wounds off with the water. He knew deep inside now that maybe there was a chance she might have a tiny bit of interest in him, though it was most likely over run with her emotions for Brock. Sometimes Luca tended to take small things and blow them way out of proportion. It was a bad habit.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"Ok, Cali, here's the thing. You can't really fight to well. If you stay here and get attacked, you won't beable to defend well. However, going out by yourself and getting attacked will loose the key and you may not win. So I'll go find the car while you stay here. OK?" Fetyu thought. "We should get some rest. You keep watch for an hour or two, wake me then."