

New member
Jul 5, 2006
The enemies looked at Brock and Fetyu. "Yes we do have the bussiness to harm you, invaders are not allowed here." The man turned to Fetyu. "I do not believe a word of that, it's just lies and deciete." The man drew a knife and leaped at them. 6 others followed the first, attacking everyone seperatly. Fetyu looked at his attacker. "They seem to move in low motion compared to the students in Speed Tech." He side stepped and the enemy chrashed into the floor. The man tried to stand. "You fell pretty hard, man of Spirana. It would be best if you called off the attack and believed me." The man glared, winced in pain from a broken arm, and picked up his knife. 'Never will I give in to my enemies." He charged, but with a broken arm, attacking isn't very easy. Fetyu drew a sword and, with the blunt end, knocked the man unconsious. He then remember his comrades. "did they bring weapons?" Fetyu was sure Luca didn't bring anything, but Fetyu brought all his weapons, so he had some to spare. He tossed a sword to Luca.


New member
Ed stood ready to face her attacker. The Guy Charged at her with a knife, "Ox vs Dragon: Claws!" Called Out Ed as she charged at the guy. In a Swift mostion. Ed ran past the guy while landed two Qucky yet Powerful blows, one on his heart and the other his lung.

Ed stop with her back to the guy and the guy feel to the ground coughing up blood and then dying. Ed turn back and looked at the others.


The King Of Bandits
Luca suddenly spotted a sword flying towards him. He had always been a hand to hand person himself, but a weapon was a welcome favor. Compared to the students in the speed tech class, these men were extremely slow, and all of them had large openings in their defense. Luca placed a jumped towards his attacker, shoving his foot into the mans gut, as the man fell to the earth, Luca hit the ground and grabbed the sword.

The next few seconds were the most intense moments of his life. Never before had any of them been involved in actual combat, never before had any of them killed anyone. It was something new for them all. Luca had always been thinking about weather or not he would be able to actually kill a man if his life depended on it, Now when disaster struck he was left with no other choices. It was him, or another member of his team, or it was his enemy. Left with seemingly No choice Luca shoved the blade upwards through the falling man, following the body to the ground and pulling his sword out of the corpse as it lay quietly dead on the ground. Blood splattered on the face of Luca as he rushed on to help the nearest member of his team. Before he could reach Brock however, a man jumped in front of him, waving his fist and nearly taking off Luca's head with his weapon.

within seconds Luca had just as well dispatched this man too. The man had left an opening when he swung his weapon, leaving an opening for Luca to inflict damage on him. Luca left the man on the ground after giving him a kick to the upper chest area, leaving him breathless for the time being. Luca was still amazed that he had actually killed someone. The feeling was however no different than how he had been just a few minutes ago. He had been protecting his team by his actions.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
The man Fetyu knocked out began to stir, but he was silenced by a blade through the stomach. Another man, this time with an ax, stod in front of him. "Ed, I told you there would be a crazy ax man....too bad for him, axes make you too slow to block a sword." The mans arm fell, soon accompanied with a head. "Killing seems so much harder on tv...." Fetyu charged to help his team.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock looked at his team fighting. He didn't take any martial arts classes. He didn't bring any weapons. But if there was one thing he knew how to do, it was this: Play ball! Brock quicly charges at his man and tackled him. The man took out his knife and Brock got up. He charged at the man again this time smashing him to a building. Dust and chipped brick flew in every direction as the man passed out and Brock screamed out in pain. The man had stabbed him in his upper arm. Brock tried as he might to stay up but he fell to the ground clutching his arm. He saw someone get near him and then everything went dark for Brock.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
The man standing over Brock with a knife soon had a blade jutting from his stomach. "Fainting from such small wounds? I got worse on trips to movie theaters......" Memories of gang fights flashed in his mind, soon stopped by the shout of an enemy. Fetyu jabbed the sword behind his head, slashing the man in the face. "Ed, Cali, luca, we need to help Brock and finish these people."


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked over, noticing Brock on the ground. There was a small group of people moving towards them from one end of the street. " Fetyu, we have to get Brock to a safe place" Luca jumped over to Brock, throwing one of Brock's arms over his own shoulder. He weighed a ton it seemed, but what was there to expect from a football player other than muscle. As much as Luca truly hated Brock, he had to give him some credit for trying. He pulled the knife out quickly.

Luca thought back to his defense classes, learning how to carry someone over 3 times your size and still move at your same speed. It was all about the mind. Luca grabbed Brocks arm and kicked a man beside him, trying to attack the wounded football jock." As much as i hate ya dude, your part of the team. I can't let you die on me here" Luca looked down the street, seeing that some of the people were backing off, the sight of their own comrades being hurled into building's and such placing fear in their hearts. As the most of them started running the other way, Luca signaled for Fetyu" Let's go find a building for shelter for the night, obviously this area isn't safe, lets head back outside the inner city for now." Luca pointed to a building higher then the others" That one will give us a good vantage point, lets make our way to it and bunker down for the night, Fetyu you're the leader so i don't expect you to follow me or what i say, just make sure no one follows us, and find out if anyone on the team can do medical stuff" Luca began rushing towards the building, going back the way they had came in.

Finally Luca reached the building, knowing the team was probably right behind him. He placed Brock's lifeless body up against a wall on the second floor and walked up the stairs. He checked most of the rooms on his way up. Finally at last he came to the top floor and a closed door. As he kicked it open he found a man sitting inside. At first the man through a knife at Luca, however Luca, using what he learned in speed tech and defense, dodged it and kicked the man back, knocking him over the rail of the balcony on the other side of the room. Seeing the room was clear, Luca casually shut the door behind him, walked out to the balcony, and stood by the rail, rubbing his shoulder where he had been carrying Brock. He stood there gazing out over the city hoping, that regardless how much he hated Brock, he wouldn't die. It had only been a small wound, there was no way he would die from it.
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New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked at Brock. "Well, Luca, I currently don't know anyone with medical training or anything, but I do know that if we don't stop the bleeding, he may be uncouncious longer than we could handle." He faced Luca. "Apply pressure to the wound for a bit. That should slow the bleeding." Fetyu looked around the room. "No food here.....well, we did what you said Brock, and know we have a city trying to kill us and we still don't have food and a map...." He knew Brock couldn't hear him, but he didn't care.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
((Yea... there are to many people in this thread so I am going to kill off my character... later....))

Mizu tied something around his neck that resembled a tie, but not quite. A little thicker. Mizu looked at the bloody knife as he stood o the stool.... His throat and wrists slit. He then picked up the needle and injected himself with his ****tail of all the drugs he could get his hands on. Afterward, with blood dripping to the floor and a seizure coming on from the drugs, Mizu picked up the gun and shot bullets into random points in his body until the clip was unloaded. He then jumped off the chair, strangling himself until all these injuries ended his life.

((I laughed the whole time I wrote this....XD))


New member
Ed was about to help the others until an enemy got behind her and grabbed her by the neck. Due to ther sizes she was lifted of the ground so she didn't have no footing for her to flip the guy off.

Ed struggled at the guys grip around her neck got tighted, the guy laughed as he held a Knife to Ed's face. Ed tried to hide her fear but she kept an eye on the Knife as she struggled.


The King Of Bandits
(( edited post to take the knife out of Brocks arm.))

Luca faced Fetyu. The fact that he hated Brock out the window he spoke" You know Fetyu, you could at least try and find some kind of common ground with him." Luca took a nasty tone, disgusted by the fact that someone had gotten injured in the very first battle they had encountered." It wasn't just his decision you know, it was both of ours. If you want to blame someone, blame me for even proposing the idea to the group. Besides it was a lot better then' oh lets go towards the outside of the city where there isn't any shelter or type of food source, or a map, or even information about the city'"

Luca looked down at Brock, still sickened by the whole ordeal. He had a lot of stress on his mind. It only seemed that Fetyu's remark added to it when in reality it didn't." You know what if you want to help him, you do it. I carried him here, i got us into this mess so i'm gonna go try and think of a way out 'MR. Leader' so why don't you do your little thing and organize everyone, and while your at it mabye ask one of them if know any medical things rather than just assuming that since you don't no body else does"

Luca walked off, his head dripping towards the ground. He had fought for Brock in a way, though he had intended to make a point to Fetyu that he really needed to be alone to think of a strategy right now. His footsteps seemed to quicken as he walked further up the stairs to the rooftop. As he shut the door behind him to the stairs, he looked up at the sky, feeling a cooling draft rush past him. He sat down and closed his eyes, then opened them again, gazing into the distance, thinking of everything that had happened so far, thinking up a battle strategy. If his team had gotten dropped here, where were the rest of the teams?

Luca knew that since there were people here, there had to be a food source somewhere within the inner city. Weather it be a frozen food storage area, or some type of underground garden, there was food. Not to mention that these people had been somewhat organized, which means that there must be a map somewhere in the city. Looking out over the vast expanse of the city he sighed and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. The city was so large. He could see no end in sight, only tall building's in the distance. Somewhere beyond there was an exit. somewhere beyond there was home.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"hmmm....fine, time to find the team." He Ripped off a piece of Brock shirt in a way that made a strap and tied it around the kinfe wound. "That should do. Now, to find the team." He looked out a window, noticing Ed being strangled. "****...." He jumped down off the window, crashing to the ground. He fractured his ankle, but he would live. He ran, or more likely limped, to where Ed was, and jammed his sword through the mans back. The enemy fell to the ground. "You OK Ed? If so, help me back to the building, my foot hurts like hell."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock slowly opened his eyes. He was inside and his arm was stinging. His sleeve was cut off and tied around his arm. He slowly got up. He looked around and saw nobody. He thought maybe if he reached the rooftp, he might be able to see where everyone was. He hurried out of the room and walked up the stairs. His arm hurt like hell. He reached the top and a frown reached his face when he saw Luca. "So, you acctually did something for me." he said as he stepped forward and stood next to him. "I really never thought i'd say this, but thanks. Not even my dad would even try to save me." A smile came to Brock's face as he thought of when he had broken his arm. "One time, i had fallen from the playground. I was 6. I broke my arm and cried. My dad just stood there saying 'football players can handle any pain!'. He walked over and stood on my broken arm. I cried more. He just laughed. Some people at the park saw and so he was arrested. I got sent to the acadamy three days later." Brock knew that it was nothing to smile about. But after him being the only one on the team who had gotten hurt, he was embarassed to show Luca how much it hurt him to think of a father who doesn't love his son. Brock felt the sting in his eye as a tear tried to come out. He held it back and smiled again at Luca. Something he never did before.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
After a bit, Fetyu and Ed reached the top of the building. "Ok, let me down here." Fetyu limped over to Luca and Brock. "Thought I'd find you up here, and it's good to see your better. Well, Luca, as you said, I got everyone. You, Me, Ed, Brock, Cali. Wait....where's Cali?! Darn.....I can't go find her, I can barely walk right now." Fetyu laughed a bit. "Luca, can you and Ed go look for her?"


The King Of Bandits
Luca just stared outwards, looking towards the horizon of the city. Brock was behind him now. He didn't even look back to see what his face. He never realized that Brock had just as well had had a bad childhood. That gave him somewhat of a reason to make Luca's life hell. Though it didn't cover all the ground in between.".. Just don't get hurt again... next time use this, god knows i don't need it anyways." Luca dropped the sword Fetyu had given him and kicked it backwards towards Brock" Maybe you will have more luck with something to fight with.." the blood from Luca's previous kill still stained the handle of the blade. It was obvious he had killed two or three people with it." Your part of the team Brock... we are not just going to leave you laying around injured if you get hurt. I would have done the same for any of the members of the team." Luca opened his eyes now, just as Fetyu came rushing on the scene.

Sure things were better between Luca and Brock now, however Luca still held a grudge about his first day at the school. Brock had made it a point to make his life horrible, and everyday after that was just the same. One horrible day after another. He couldn't just forgive someone because they got hurt and they had a rough child hood. they still committed the act fully knowing what they were doing. Fetyu was saying something. All Luca heard was" Where is Cali?" That was all he needed to hear" I think ed should stick with you, Me and Brock will go. The less people split off from the group the better. When we find Cali we will be back, and you know i am more then capable of defending myself as well as someone else." Luca walked quickly to the door behind Brock" Come on" he motioned" lets go find her"

Luca knew things were not going to be instantly better between him and Brock, in fact he really didn't care how things were, though if Brock didn't hate him for the rest of his life that would make things a lot easier. Luca began, slowing his pace so that Brock might follow quicker" don't worry about it.... i was only doing what anyone else would have done. Though I do wonder how you can go through the academy and not know how to fight. I really thought that was the point of the school..." Luca looked forward, his emotionless face still frozen in it's place." .. you i don't think i have ever really been pissed at you.... i just always have a lot of things on my mind" Luca lied, fully knowing that he had been mad at Brock quite a few times before"... ok maybe i have been a couple times..but thats all.." Luca dropped his face to the ground, not believing what he was about to say next. He kept his pace and blurted it out"... You still have feelings for her...don't you...?"


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali stirred awake; her head was aching so much that she could barely open her eyes. She tried to stand up but gave up and just leaned against a wall behind her. She put a cold hand on her forehead as she tried to recall what had happened.

She looked around slowly, there was no one in the street except… her eyes widened at the sight of dead bodies and memories came rushing into her head. The fight… but what had happened and where were the others? Had they been caught? She was taken by panic and stood up quickly tumbling against the wall.

When the attack started a guy had jumped in front of her striking against her. Cali had never been into a fight before and the best she could do was to block an opponent’s attack and that’s what she had done.

She had blocked each and every attack from the man, she was really good at it but the last thing she remembered was being knocked in the back of her head and then it was all darkness.

She started walking as fast as she could, checking her surroundings as her headache grew stronger. She tried to focus but it was really hard and she felt panic taking over her senses again. Where were the others?


The King Of Bandits
Luca had continued walking in haste to find Cali. He had still not gotten an answer from Brock. He now assumed he was correct." I really could care less weather you do or not... you guys are good together... she always looks so happy with you. Thats all i want is for her to be happy.." Luca sighed again, knowing he had lied but thought he had put on a very good act. Besides, deep inside thats what he wanted wasn't it? For her to be happy no matter what. He asked himself this question inside as he walked, Finally they had arrived back in the spot where the battle had taken place. The thought was still pondering fresh in his mind as he spotted her. She was looking the other way however. In the distance the sun was beginning to go down. It would be dark soon. If the situation had it they would have to take shelter in a building because they didn't have enough time to get back.

" Cali" he said, not loudly for it was silent all around and his voice seemed to echo all the way to where she was" it's getting dark we should get back to the others" Luca put his head back down motioning her to come on" I brought Brock with me cause i knew... well i figured you would want to see him after what happened to him" Luca was referring to Brocks injury. Surely she had saw it before anything happened to her. he waved them both on, knowing they would have to move quickly. The sun seemed to be going down so fast. Had they really been standing there that long? It was nearly dark outside now, Chances are they would have to take shelter in a nearby building rather then try and make their way all the way back." Lets see how far we can get, we won't be able to make it all the way back to the shelter in time for night fall. It will be too dangerous to be outside soon.

Luca began walking back now, not really giving Brock and Cali anytime to get reacquainted with one another. His head sank to the ground, taking his normal pose. the walk seemed endless though it had only been about two minutes before he turned and pointed at a building above all the rest, about the same height as the building the rest of the team was in. " This is shelter for tonight" he said in a blank tone rushing inside before them" I will go check out the top floors , stay somewhere hidden until i get back.." he sighed again, taking off up the stairs. He wanted to make sure Cali was safe. He wanted to make sure that nothing could sneak up on them during the night. He made his way up the stairs, moving swiftly, checking all the rooms on his way towards the top, leaving Brock and Cali to find a temporary hiding place until he returned. They would be safe for 5 minutes while he checked everything out.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock picked up his sword and followed Luca in search for Cali. He seemed to forget the pain in his arm when he heard she was missing. Luca kept talking to him about how he never really hated Brock. brock didn't believe it. But then Luca said something that caught Brock off guard. He said nothing as if he didn't know even though he did know and apparently Luca did too. Brock was very happy when he saw Cali ok. He walked over to her and put an arm over her shoulder yet again. After what happened he didn't want anything to happen to her. Once Luca found the building and went inside, Brock took Cali to the front of it and in the shadows. "Y'know, after that injury and after almost losing you, i thought about something. Our lives can end at any moment here. We shouldn't take any chances. And i've decided that before i die...i want to get back---" Brock was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. It was strange though. The moment they thought they were safe, they weren't. "Come on, lets get inside" he said as he led Cali inside the building.


The King Of Bandits
Luca kicked a door on the upper floor open, his leg meeting a bullet. It had been merely a ricochet but it was enough to make his leg begin to bleed. He lept inwards, placing a foot on the mans face and shoving himself backwards. The gun dropped from the mans hands, Luca's blow causing his enemy to stumble back a little bit. After planting his foot on the wall he shoved himself forward, towards the man yet again. He was not even effected by the injury as of now. Luca met the mans face with his foot quickly, throwing the man back even further. Apparently the speed tech classes were paying off. The man nearly stumbled out of the window before Luca grabbed hold of him. Half the mans body was hanging out the open window behind him. Luca sneared into the mans face. The injury was beginning to set in on him, the little effect it was going to end up having would not nearly be enough to slow him down at the least.

" I'm sorry.. i need this room sir" The man tried to speak but Luca let him go, allowing him to fall the entire 14 stories to the ground, his body hitting the pavement hard. Luca suddenly decided that his injury didn't need to be known about by his comrades, it might scare them, leaving them o think he would be incapable of protecting them through the night. Slowly, he slid the black sash from before off his arm and tied it around his leg, making it look as if he just wanted it to be somewhere else rather then cover something up. It would be to dark for them to notice a change in his appearance anyways. All this within seconds of being injured. It was quite amazing how fast he had moved, even unto himself. It was the adrenaline that had been released when he was shot.

Luca climbed back down the stairs quickly, declaring the building safe to himself. He had cleared all of the rooms that could possibly hold enemies in them. He realized he was limping and then corrected his posture before continuing down the stairs to the front area where Brock and Cali were just coming inside. Had he cleared the building that fast? Apparently so." The building is clear" he whispered to them walking back up the stairs" We should probably stay close so lets make shelter near the top floor, the higher up we are the better chance we have of surviving." Luca noticed Brocks arm around Cali, once again his emotions didn't change at all. Did he care? He wasn't sure. He wanted her to be happy not matter what... at least thats as far as he was concerned. Was that not how he felt? He wasn't sure anymore. All he knew was that he should keep walking up the stairs to a safe place for everyone.