The Arena


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: In priciple, a reflect spell would be used against magical or etheral weapons since it would act like a mirror. To stop a physical attack, you'd need a physical defence, not a mirror.

"Oh you've done it now..." Soji muttered something and thrust his hand outward. The bones instantly returned back at RPGirl with ten times the force, making them far harder to stop. As if it wasn't enough, all the bones around RPGirl that hadn't been blocked sprang to life again with a vengance, thrusting themselves into every part of RPGirl they could find.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's dark smile was all that was seen before the great bone sphere wrapped around him again. Long distance attacks would never work against him. Instead, Soji used the arrows to create a chain back to RPGirl. Sending bone travelling quickly along the rapidly firing arrows, it rolled itself around her arms, instantly hardening.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji laughed at her attempt. Since bones were calcium, they'd produce hardly any charge. He felt a small tinlge, but overall, nothing damaging. The bones spread further, now creating a solid shell over her chest and back. Slowly, the bones were going to swarm and capture her with no hope for escape.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: That wouldn't work. xD

Soji frowned momentarily as physics appeared to have taken a brake in order to let RPGirl escape. Either way, she couldn't get away. Soji put out his hand again and the ice shards flew around her, reforming the bone shell that had been placed around her, only as ice now. "You see... The bones are in the ice. I control the bones, thus I control the ice."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
"You may have melted the ice, but the bones are still there. You can char bones but it takes greater heart to melt them. Either way, as long as the bones are there in a solid or in a liquid, I control them." Soji clenched his hand again and the bones jumped onto RPGirl yet again.


New member
RPGirl jumpped out of the way of the bones just before they could grab her, "Ha, you missed me." Said RPGirl as she got out her Poe hoops.
"Ring Blast." Said RPGirl as she tossed the hoops into the air.
The hoop hovered around Soji and let out a barge of energy blast on Soji.
RPGirl jumpped onto the ground, "Earth dragon's hammer!" Said RPGirl as she held up her hand.
A giant claws moutain appaear and loomed over Soji, RPGirl swung her hand down and the moutain came crashing down on Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji hardly had to think at all. This was so very simple. The girl was attempting a battle of sheer brute force. Slipping away in the flashes from her hoop blasts, Soji escaped all of the attacks unscathed. In fact, he was already right behind her. As she foolishly swung her hand down, Soji pressed his hand to her back. Instantly, bones shot out from his palm and enetered her body. They didn't do any damage. Instead, they attached themselves to some of her bones, connecting the two warriors.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((Wow this has been going on for quite some time, let me jump in =/ ))

Name: Exile

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: In my sig just idk acutally look at it xD!

Personality: Emotionless

Title: Emotionless Exile

Weapons: N/A the use of his martial arts and occasional kunai with satchel and chain are all thats required.

Taijutsu: Capoerica, Breakfighting, Strong arm style


Bushido tan no Jutsu: Inititaiting various handsigns he stores chakra that travels through his hands into electricity. In doing so he had two hands at his disposal to use against his opponents. This jutsu was of his creation that alters that of the chidori dividing its power in two. Slamming both simultaneously could cause damage painfully bone shattering.

Subsitution: Initiating various signs, the user is able to replace his body with an object or substained form of matter. With this they can suprise an enemy and mistake them for being obliterated.

Clenching fist no jutsu: becoming a rather crafty hand of sand. This jutsu can persue a given opponent until it attemps to crush them by squeezing them to death.

Sand guard: Carrying the gourd on his back given to him by Sano Sensei, he learned three types of sand jutsu. This one imparticular requires alot of chakra to perform effectively. Sand rises effectively quick to protect his body from damage for incoming attacks. The downside being the gourd is rather large, so his speed is limmited by not only that, but the weight of his robes and lightwieghts pushing his bodie's physical endurance.

Kagarusa gokyuu no jutsu: Using the sand, Exile can replicate his form and create copies from the sand that can go on the offensive and utilive defense as well. Mainly used for stopping attacks.

Kage bushin no jutsu: Shadow clone replication of himself expanding to a vast number of clones like him that are solid and the attacks are real. The clones are capable of reading minds of one another to formulate attack patternes.

Florasuka Enishi no jutsu: A classic and explosive flame cast on opponent of incredible proportions that literally broil his opponents alive.

Kageteh Geke son no jutsu: creates a sand sinkwhole with teh sand on his back and burries his opponent alive and soon they will be unable to breathe or move once submerged underground for a substantial period of time.

Dojutsu: The sharingan and all of its boasted glory has the ability to copy an opponents movement and jutsu. Overall to see through deception and mischief, it leads an opponent to think that a wielder of great skill is capable of predetermining the future just by reading their movements. To copy an enemy ninja's jutsu in an instant, makes this a fearful dojutsu to have.

Bio: As a young ninja in training, Exile graduated from the academy a relatively decent shinobi in training. He went on many dangerous missions with his squad members Ryoku and Marx. They had to do many things required before going on a C-Rank mission. It was all pretty pointless in the beginning, but they eventually pulled together. His sensei was Kurute and his friend Sano sensei also trained Rayex. On many a good mission he put his life on the line countless times all the while putting his life on the line.

They went on their first C-Rank mission and surely enough, the unexpected hit Exile. Turns out his father whom abandoned him when he was younger had become an assasin to kill the travelors they had to escort. Exile had to fight with a heavy heart know he had to destroy his father. He fought for his mother making his spirit twice as deadly, determined to find out what his father had done with her. He inevitably destroyed, his father whom was really testing his son and gettin on his case about him using his sharingan. He revealed that his mother died and passed the medicine she needed, that her son needed to live for a strange chakra irregularity.

Moving on from the past of his father and mothers death he was truely left alone. There was absolutely no possible person left to aid him so he thought. Sano sensei comforted him in his time of discontent and brought him to the light. Reflecting a little on his past himself, he made Exile smile and his head along with his goals became clear. He would find his own shinobi way, one that didn't involve death and destruction. To protect those whom he cared around him and never regret his choice. With that out of the way he began to prepare for the upcoming chunin exams in his villages as he was within the sand village at the time completing his mission. With that done, he and his squad headed back to the their home village to train for the upcoming exams to promote to chunin.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Standing atop the walls of the wasteland which the arena had become, exile watched as two entitys fought senselessly on the ground. He could feel nothing for either of them, he found fighting to be senseless but it appeared he couldn't leave for some reason. He sighed and jumped off the wall and into the bleachers, becoming active imediatley the weight he carried nearly brought him through bleachers!

"Why do i carry so much weight anyway?"

Exile looked down at his legs and lifted his pants legs. He had two wieghts under there for his training with his sensei. With so much weighing him down the fastest he could move was by jogging. He took of his weights and threw them in opposite directions watching them come crashing down making holes through the bleachers. He cracked his neck and stared down at the field were they came to blows with one another. The gourd on his back began to spit out sand and sift into the air around him, he was walking and it was traveling behind him.

"So which of you is first?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"As you wish..."

Exile put up a handsign to channel his chakra more effectively. It was going into the sand making it easier to control, he mastered this so it wouldn't consume as much as his sensei warned him about. He had the skill level to that of an exceptionaly high classed jounin. As it ruffled under his feet, he formed it into a massive sand based hand that emerged from the ground. The first sand based skill he was taught at rookie level had dramatically improved as he progressed. The fingers took form and it changed into a fist that was ready to destroy them both!

"Sand style, Clenching fist no jutsu!"

The fist then lunged forward towards the girl standing their pointing her pole to fight him. This could the fight in one fail swoop, as it would only chase her in attempst to flee.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
As RPGirl came crashing down from the sky with her unique weapon of some sort in the form of a hammer. The sand around his feet rose to the left side of his body to block the hammer as it impacted too close for comfort to his head. He followed up with a swift strike to her chest with his right arm via a side blow. He watched as she rolled on to the field. He looked down and called the sand back into his gourd, he figured he would use on his martial arts for now, the sand guard would be his last line of defense.

He watched as the sand poured back into the gourd. He capped it off with a cork sealing it inside. He jumped onto the field and waited for her to get up, he wasn't one to strike when someone was down. Exile was beginning to shake his legs, he was anxious to test his newly attained speed.