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  1. Nitz

    Debate chuckle or snort thread

    Okay, the thread title doesn't paint the whole picture. When you laugh (if you are capable of it) do you make any strange sounds like squeal like a pig, or snort like pigs were your best friend in your previous lifetime. Maybe you have a discrete chuckle followed by a loud after oink or...
  2. Nitz

    Forum Game Make up a total lie about the poster above you!

    Slapstick silly... make something up about the poster before you. It can be anything - funny, crazy, outrageous... :tongue:;):knife:
  3. Nitz

    Debate How long do you stay online?

    How long you stay online? (as the title says) I'm staying 6-8 hours these days. Possibly more when college starts again in Jan. What about everybody here?
  4. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Xbox Elite Version

    Anyone have the Xbox 360 Elite version? The one with the huge 120GB HD and other extra goodies? I was looking at one and I'm a bit so so on it... It's not necessarly very cheap either. About $450 CDN with tax and all. It's a bit on the expensive side, but I guess if your gonna go with a long...
  5. Nitz

    Debate Snowing 08-09

    Has anyone got any snow? I had tons last week and none of it has melted. Luckly the main streets have been clean, but all our blocks are still covered in snow. I also hear it's going to be a white snowy xmas for all of Canada... which rarely happens at the same time around the same few days. :dead:
  6. Nitz

    Forum Game You laugh, You lose thread

    So, we have a new thread here. Post all funny things in this thread. If you laugh.. you lose :p Let's see what kind of funny stuff we can post in here and not laugh, no matter HOW funny it is ;)
  7. Nitz

    Debate Burger King cologne, for that special slob in your life

    Burger King releases meat-scented cologne American fast-food chain Burger King has come up with a novel Christmas gift idea for the meat-loving man who has everything: barbecue-scented cologne. I need to get me one! :p ;\
  8. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Fable 2 vs. Fallout 3

    So, since I think Fable 2 and Fallout 3 will the one of the biggest games this year, I'm wondering, which one is going to be better? I would say Fable 2 because I loved the first Fable, but, I've never played the previous Fallout games and I am a huge fan of Oblivion. I've still got to get my...
  9. Nitz

    XBOX 360 a rock band x-mas song?

    i think it was last year that GH3 put out an xmas song for free as DLC, and then they put out the top gun theme on the 4th of july... if rock band put out a (hopefully) free DLC song of the x-mas persuasion, what song would you pick? my vote is for Santa Claus is coming to Town - Bruce...
  10. Nitz

    XBOX 360 Ninja Blade: Creating Ken Ogawa

    Does this game look awesome or what?? :shoot:
  11. Nitz

    XBOX 360 NHL 2k9

    Just wondering for those, who've played this game. I hear you CAN'T create your own team or create your own player?? Is this true? if so... this sucks!! Does NHL 09 allow it???
  12. Nitz

    PS3 T2: Too Early for GTA V

    We could see it in the near future! :)
  13. Nitz

    Wii The stupidest thing you have heard about the Wii!

    What is the funniest/stupidest thing you have ever heard about the wii? For me it was "The wii will break your tv, dog , and your girlfriends/boyfriends face!!!" :knife:
  14. Nitz

    Wii Forbes: Nintendo making $6 profit on every Wii sold

    LMAO... crazy stuff? Now I know why ps3 is making NO profit by lowering their price. :rolleyes:
  15. Nitz

    Wii Take-Two: We "Just Can't Ignore" the Wii

    If this happens.. I'm getting a wii over 360/ps3! :wacko
  16. Nitz

    Anime English Dubbing

    Well I don't really mind English dubbing of a few anime's, such as Bleach and Naruto. Ichigo's voice (Johnny Bosch) is good, along with Rukia, Orihime, Uryu's, Ganju's and Gin's. But I think it's whatever you get used to first since all the anime's were created in Japanese first, everyone...
  17. Nitz

    Anime Girls Get the Anime Look with Extra-Wide Contact Lenses

    hmmmm.... looks like girls will be spending cash on that stuff now :tongue:
  18. Nitz

    Hottest NFL Cheerleaders

    What NFL team do you think has the best cheerleader/s? I say it's close between Tampa Bay and San Diego. :p
  19. Nitz

    Sports OFFICAL Hockey Thread

    We need a main hockey thread. Looks like the Mats Sundin issue is over. The fool finally signed after 6 months of waiting. I hated hearing about him each day and all these reporters speculating etc.. there were NEVER any new stories. Anyways... the NHL teams this year 08-09 looking amazing...
  20. Nitz

    TV Heroes: Villains (Volume 3)

    Alright, the countdown is over and the premiere has been shown. What does everyone think??? WARNING: SPOILERS FOLLOW