

New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock followed Luca leading Cali with him. They reached the top floor and Brock let Cali go. He dropped the sword on the floor. "Y'know, i could have taken that guy. But while i was going bare handed, he had a knife on him. If he didn't sab me with it i coulda killed him." He was aying this to make a point to Luca and seem tougher to Cali. He took a seat and rubbed his arm. The place where he had been stabbed still stung like crazy. He took the piece of his shirt that Fetyu tied around his arm off. He looked at the plcae where the knife had been driven into his skin. It was a pretty big hole. It had stopped bleeding but was very red. He took the blindfold off his arm and wrapped it around the wound. He then realized that his shirt wasn't balanced considering he didn't have a sleeve on his right arm. He ripped the short sleeve off his left arm too being very careful not to touch his wound. He got up and looked around. Was there a bullet on the ground? He moved over to it. It was. "Hey guys....look at this. I guess whoever made that gunshot was aiming up here." He then looked at the corner of the room and saw a gun. "Or he could have been up here" he said curiously. "Luca, did you see anything strange?"


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Cali shivered in the dark room inside the building, leaning against a wall as she heard the sounds of the fighting going on upstairs. She looked up, hoping that Luca would come back soon and that he was alright. Her heart was pounding in her head and her hands were shaking, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. If she hadn’t gotten herself knocked out they wouldn’t have had to come back to rescue her. She was feeling so useless, Luca was up there fighting armed people all alone and the only thing she could do was wait; it was killing her not being able to do something.

Cali glanced at Brock noticing the wound on his arm for the first time and she gasped, it looked so bad; she bit her lip worriedly as tears filled her eyes. Luca and Brock had fought bravely and she was the only one who had been weak enough to stay behind.

She had almost cried in relief when she had seen Luca and Brock in the street but now she was just confused. Her head was still aching and everything was a blur around her but she was too lost in thought to really take notice of that.

What was it that Brock had tried to tell her in front of the building? Deep down inside she believed to know the answer but… everything was so confusing. Yes, she liked him a lot but was it more then just friendship? She wasn’t sure anymore and then there was Luca… he was so different, he made her feel different. She liked him in a way she had never liked anyone before.

She was snapped away from her confusing thoughts when Luca got back to the room and she sighed in relief. He seemed to be alright and she secretly admired him for fighting for them; she was sure he would go to the very end to protect the team, he would never back down.

When they reached the upper floor Cali sat on the floor, closing her eyes and leaning against a wall. She heard the boys talking but she couldn’t quite catch what they were saying, still fighting the thoughts in her head.

“I think it’s ok now!” she said at last, trying to sound calmer than she really was. “Luca got rid of those guys so I think we don’t need to worry right now.” She looked again at Brock’s arm, fighting back the tears in her eyes “We need to get someone to take care of that wound Brock before it gets worse. But for now I think you two should rest. I’ll stay up and wake you if something happens.” she finished eager to be of some use to them.


The King Of Bandits
Pushing himself to his feet he comfortably replied to Brocks question" There was a guy in here, and he had a gun thats all. Nothing out of the ordinary for me." The atmosphere in the room was tense. Luca knew that he was quite possibly the only protection the group had. It was just more to add to his stressed out mind. One more thing on his shoulders, one more thing to bring him closer to the edge. He loved the fact that he was protecting the team, however it was a big responsibility. If even one thing went wrong it would be his fault for allowing it to happen. Slowly he leaned on the wall towards the back wall for a few minutes" And brock" Luca continued referring to what Brock had said before about being able to take the man" ..The point still stands that the guy had a knife... it's not a matter of what if or how strong you are, you were the lesser advantaged in every spectrum of the fight. Deal with it, yea it sucks that you got hurt, and i don't doubt that you could have taken him without the weapon, but the thing is he had one, now you have one. Many of our enemies will have weapons most likely..."

Luca looked at Brock then back to Cali" No... you get some rest as well Cali... i have some things to attend to, i will be up on the roof.." Luca pushed himself to get up for a minute and strained himself extremely. He walked off, limping for a minute as he closed the door behind him. Up on the roof Luca pulled out a small knife from his shoe. He walked over to the edge of the building and raised up his pant leg, revealing the black sash covering the wound. He still had to think of a way to signal the rest of the team from his current location and tell them they were ok. Slowly Luca moved the knife towards his wound, taking off the black sash and laying it beside him, blood staining it an even darker shade. Suddenly he shoved the knife into the wound and with a grunt of pain he began to dig for the bullet which had in beaded it's self in the upper layer of his skin.

He was not just digging at random, he was moving certain parts of the flesh around, knowing full well what not to touch. Within seconds he found the bullet, raising it to the top of the wound and pulling it out. The wound was bleeding profusely now. Much more so than it had been before. Slowly he brought the knife back down to his knee, laying it down this time, beginning to struggle to pull the black sash over the wound again. Luca knew very well he would probably have to find medical treatment soon. He had removed the bullet, but in doing so caused the wound to bleed more. It could only go two ways from here, get better or worse. He had it covered by the black sash and wrapped tightly around his leg now as to stop the bleeding. all he need do now was find a way to signal his teammates. All he could do was take the nearby torn down flag and raise it on the flag pole again, hoping that his teammates would get the message that it was him and the other two.

Luca closed his eyes after raising the flag and sat down, coming again to his senses, the pain being drown out by deep thinking and concentration of his mind. The team now only need a map, a food supply,medical treatment, and to stay on there guard. He took a deep sigh, once again staring at the skyline in the distance. Thinking about everything that was going on. It would have been too much for any other person to handle in his personal opinion. For a moment, he felt peace, being able to sit and relax without fighting, or basking in the predicament he was in. It felt nice, even if it was just for an instant.


New member
Ed wonder though the building wondering about the others, She was wondering if they were safe and what's going to happen to them next. Ed let out a big sigh, she was getting alittle sad due to the fact she was getting little noticed and mad at her self for getting upset about that.

Ed Shook her head and just followed Fetyu.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((RPG....i think u mean Fetyu.....me, Jing and Lalaith are in a totally different building from you))

Brock stood up and looked at his surroundings. It was then that Brock realized how hungry he was. He looked desperately around for anything to eat. The building was empty. But then he thought, if people live or lived here, there has to be food somewhere...He looked up at Cali and said, "Come on, lets go look for food." He walked over to her and helped her up. He started walking down the stairs opening every door he saw. THere wasn't a single room with food.

Brock thought that they were done for, after all, no food means no energy, no energy means no life. But then Brock smelled something odd. It wasn't food, persay. He started moving towards the smell. He had no idea what it was. He walked back and threw an arm over Cali. He wasn't sure what was going on but he wanted her to be safe. Brock opened the door ever so slightly and looked out into Spirana. The smell had come from a dead chicken. How long was he dead? Brock wasn't sure, but it was better than no food. He picked up the chicken by its foot and carried it back inside to the room they were in. He set it down on the floor and took the gun. He took out the gun powder and put a pinch of it under the chicken. He then went back inside and grabbed sticks bringing them inside and making a small fire. Now he just needed to light it. Thats where the gun power comes in. He lights that, he lights the wood. He took the gun and put it parallel to the gun powder. He had seen this in a movie. He pulled the trigger and a spark flew out and landed on the gun powder lighting the fire. He then went out and got another stick, this time a much longer one. He took the piece of his shirt that fetyu had ripped and tied the chicken to the stick. He help the stick over the fire occasionally spinning it. The sweet smell of chicken filled the room quickly. Brock hoped that this would be the last time he made Cali eat something that wasn't fresh. "Cali, i'm sorry i can't get you anything better. But at least we have food. If you don't want to eat it, i understand. Its not the best dinner." Brock smiled. He continued to spin the chicken until it became a light brown color. He put it down and sat next to Cali. Brock always fel happy around Cali. Right now he just wanted to melt away with her. Forget all his troubles and just be with her. And he wanted to finish his sentence. The one he was cut off by the gunshot. "I want to get back together with you" he thought. But he decided that if she didn't ask him to finish his sentence, she doesn't love him, so he'll wait until she asks.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((uhhhh....sorry to break the news to you, but that wouldn't work...where did you find the gun? And gun powder would explode, not light on fire. That, and the gun would have fire a bullet, not spark.))

Fetyu looked at Ed. "ok, Ed, we have to find a way to get to the others. Any ideas?"

((sorry for shortness, I am braindead right now.))


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((you certainly wouldn’t die of hunger on a survival mission… I would, lol))

Cali followed Brock in his search for food, tripping a couple of times on her way. She even had to stop once to recover her strengths. She was feeling dizzier and dizzier as she realized how hungry she was; it had been a long while since they had eaten something and she had never felt so weak.

As they walked from an empty room into another she was starting to lose hope that they would actually find something to eat. Cali almost laughed in relief when Brock found something at last, sure enough she was hoping for something else but it was so much better than anything. As soon as they were back in the room she sat on the floor trembling from cold and hunger as she watched Brock setting the fire. She smiled at his efforts, he was trying so hard even though he was wounded. He sure was a survivor, very unlike her. She had been in the Academy for so long and she would certainly have died by now if she had had faced all those things alone.

Cali leaned against the wall as silence filled the room and her thoughts drift away again. She wanted to ask him something but she wasn’t feeling brave enough to do it. She feared the answer; she feared having to face her own feelings. She felt Brock sitting next to her, bringing her back to reality and she glanced at him briefly. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to talk despite her fears.

“Brock… outside you were about to say something when… what were you...” she shook her head cutting herself off as she stood up still unsure of what to say. What if she was wrong about it, it might be just her imagination. She sighed looking back at Brock with a smile. The last thing she wanted was to hurt him; that much she was sure about. “I think Luca should eat something as well, we should go and get him.” she finished worriedly.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock was sure that Cali's feelings were jumbled up like his. He was about to ask her again when she brought up Luca. Which made Brock think. Is it himself, or is it Luca she cares more about. He sighed and said, "The aroma is filling the building now. He'll smell it and come down. I have no doubt in that." brock looked down and thought about this love triangle he was in. Both him and Luca liked Cali. Thats what Luca had given away earlier in the day. But neither of them were sure who Cali liked. Brock was getting dizzy so he just dropped the subject and closed his eyes just listening to Cali breathing and smelling the well-cooked chicken.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed, releasing all his stress on the air around him, it might have looked like training to many, but it was simply blowing off steam, and dealing with his stress. though yes it improved his skills, and helped him stay focused on the objective at hand, finding a way out, making sure his comrades were safe. Sure he was tired, but he was sure that Cali and Brock would be more tired, after all Brock had passed out after getting injured, and Cali had been lost from the group twice today. He only had major stress... to him his problems were the least of his worries, it was everyone else's that mattered. He wanted to make sure they all stayed safe, make sure they all made it back alive.

Luca began smelling food, he wasn't hungry, rather he just didn't feel like eating. He went downstairs anyhow, he had done his best to signal the others without alerting the enemy, he had released his stress, and his leg was still bleeding behind the bandage but it was all he could do. His leg was no longer in pain, the area had went numb, he had already lost a good amount of blood as well. He figured he would be fine, though he felt a little dizzy for a moment, lost his balance and almost collapsed, he pushed himself through, making his way downstairs and stumbling inside again. He leaned against the wall near the door, not able to hold his balance anymore.".. Ok.. i signaled the others, so now all we have to do is.." Luca lost track of what he was saying for a second, feeling dizzy again, then regaining himself"...ugh... as i was saying all we have to do is wait it out now." he sighed again to himself, allowing his head sink to the floor. He thought about telling them about his injury, seeing Brock with his eyes closed across the room furthered this want, though he didn't want to scare Cali, she had already saw Brock injured today, she didn't need to see Luca injured as well. he slid down to the ground, dismissing the thought of telling them about it. He simply placed his hand on his knee and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes" You should get some sleep Cali....i will be up for a while anyway..." Luca looked outside, noticing how dark it had gotten. He then stood back up, feeling a real need to check his wound again. a trickle of blood was running from his pant leg, he hoped Cali would not notice while he walked across the room to the balcony on the other side of the room.

Luca stepped out onto the balcony, leaving the glass door open behind. Propped his foot up on the balcony rail, pulling up his pant leg, hoping that Cali would just go to sleep rather then come over to him. He pulled it up for just a second, seeing the blood running from it more than before. It was nearly gushing out now. He needed medical help soon, he hoped they would find some kind of neutral hospital when they awoke. He pulled his pant leg back down and kept it propped up on the rail, knowing it would cause the blood to run away from that area rather then towards it. He noticed a dark splotch on the outside of his pants, the blood was staining through now. he kept it hidden, the small droplets that had dropped to the ground formed a tiny puddle underneath his leg. he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes, thinking still about what they would need to do next.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked around. "OK, knowing them, what would they do....? They'd probably find safe shelter, and make a signal. Tall buildings are usually safe..." He looked around at all tall buildings, eventually seeing one with a flag. "That must be it. C'mon Ed." Fetyu began running towards the building, wincing in pain from his foot. He was dragging Ed behind him. He eventually came to the building, and entered. He smelled chicken from above. "I love chicken......wait...WHEN DID THEY GET FOOD!?" Now, ignoring pain, he charged up the stairs with Ed. He came to the source of the chicken smell, and entered. He saw Brock sleeping, and Cali sitting. "Gimem some chicken, c'mon!" He took some chicken. "Where's Luca?"


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Sorry, it's so short short ^^))

Cali was still trying to push the thoughts about her feelings away, just trying to enjoy a moment of peace when she saw Luca returning to the room. She smiled inwardly; she felt so safe when she wasn't alone, when she had the two people she cared more about in the world with her.

Yet there was something about Luca, he looked different. She pondered if he had gotten injured somehow or maybe he was just tired.

Cali heard his advice for her to sleep as he left the room again but she shook her head. No way, she wasn't going to sleep, she would be brave for once in her life; they had taken care of her, it was her turn now. She glanced at Brock and sighed as a smile appeared on her features, he looked so peaceful.

Yet she was worried about Luca now, what if he was hurt, he was brave enough to hide it from them. She stood up quietly not wanting to disturb Brock but before she could move the sound of steps approaching startled her. Cali took a few steps back, her heart beating hard in her chest as she looked worriedly at Brock, desperately searching for anything to use as a weapon, she was about to scream in despair when two people entered the room, two people she wasn't expecting but that made her sigh in relief.

"Fetyu..." she actually laughed at his sight "Ed, what are you guys doing here? Luca is outside." she pointed to the door from which he had left. But how did you find us?


New member
Jul 5, 2006
"uhhhh.....there was a flag. That's besides the point, it's late, and me and Luca can keep watch, so sleep." Fetyu walked outside, seeing Luca. He spotted a reddish stain on his leg. Fetyu leaned over the balcony. "Not good at hiding wounds, are you Luca? We really need some medical people here. My experience isn't enough for this.......all I know is from fixing gang members, which doesn't go beyond knife wounds, bullet wounds, and normal punch things. What happened?" Fetyu knew that his own experience couldn't help him with his leg, so although he was keeping watch, he couldn't do much if a fight broke out.


The King Of Bandits
Luca smiled for once, seeing a familiar face and fighter gave him a sigh of relief, and lifted some of the burden from his mind." Fetyu....so i take it the flag caught your attention after all.." Luca pulled up his pant leg, revealing the wound"... i got hit with a ricochet and dug the bullet out with my knife.... so.. I " he felt a little woozy, almost falling back in the chair he was sitting in".... I am fine, it's just bleeding, and it has been getting a little better." Luca looked up at fetyu, knewing he wouldn't believe that act".... ok... i am not fine... and you said you knew how to deal with bullet and knife wounds... but don't let Cali find out... she has a lot on her mind" Luca glared back at her for a moment, knowing she couldn't hear them from all the way across the room. The smile was still on his face even while talking about what happened.

He turned back to Fetyu and his smile faded into a sigh" ... so i guess if you could help me out with this thing... then we will be a whole lot better off." Luca let his gaze drift off down the street, seeing emptiness still. The enemy must not have moved very much at night. Luca heard nothing but a low roar of some kind of animal in the distance. Obviously within the city limits. Obviously whatever did move at night in the city was out and about tonight. " We need to fix this quick .... cause it looks like we could have trouble later. I don't think the ones inside heard it, but i know you did."

Slowly Luca relaxed himself, waiting for an answer from Fetyu, knowing he would be able to help him most likely. Life was so tough sometimes, but you had to just suck it up and go your way. He had felt like that a lot lately for some reason. Maybe because he had a lot on his mind, or maybe because he always felt like he had to protect everyone, one way or another he always had a lot of things running through his mind. Tonight had been no different, and even in the heat of battle his mind had been crazed with thoughts of protecting others, blocking attacks, and at the same time delivering critical blows to end the battle fast.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked at the wound. "Well, you have to put pressure, like with the knife wound. The sash won't work, since it's covered in blood, so it isn't going to work. Luckily, I brought mine." He handed the sash to Luca. "We should wash the wound, but I don't know where, so we can't. The most important thing is to keep still. Moving around can cause it to bleed more." Fetyu tied the sash around the injury, tightening it to almost the point of a turnacit. "I suggest you just sleep, the wound should heal if you got the bullet out. If we had disinfectant, it would be better, but we don't."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Brock opened his eyes and stretched. He looked areound and was surprised to see Ed on the floor in front of him and Fetyu on the balcony with Luca. Cali was also still seated next to him. He got up and walked towards the balcony. He leaned on the rail and looked out towards the city making an effort not to look at Fetyu or Luca. "Hey, i already slept. I could keep watch tonight. You guys get some rest. There's also a chicken in there if you're hungry, but i didn't have water to but out the fire so be---" Brock was cut off my a roar that came from inside the city. "What was that?" he said while quickly taking out his sword. Brock knew how to fight with a sword, but he wasn't very good. It wasn't like he took classes for it like Fetyu and Luca. He looked at Luca and saw the wound in his leg. "What happened?" he asked. "Alright, two injuries is enough. No more. We have to keep these girls and each other alive." Brock looked out at the city once again to find where the sound came from.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood up, knowing Fetyu was right. He walked inside, thinking that Cali was asleep already, he felt no need to pull his pant leg down to cover his injury, not that it would have mattered much with the blood stain on the outside of his pants.He had totaly ignored Brock, only seeking to rest now. Not wanting to get into it with Brock right now. He leaned up against the nearest wall, allowing himself to slide down to a sitting position on the floor. He laid himself on the cold hard ground, Hoping he would fall asleep soon. The pain in his leg was now making it almost impossible to fall asleep now, he was in for a long night. He closed his eyes, placing his hand on the wound, thinking about how he could have avoided the injury. Stepping into that room like that, just bursting through the door might not have been the best idea. He could have been more silent about it. Though he had dispatched the enemy quickly, he had been injured before hand. His instructor had been right, it was the first few seconds of combat which mattered most. He had so many flaws in his defense.

He opened his eyes again, glimpsing at Cali for a moment. She wasn't asleep. He was in for it now. She had probably already seen the injury by now. He was terrible at hiding things sometimes, especially injuries. He felt he could still fight if something.... He lost his train of thought again. The injury was setting in along with his exhaustion. He showed still no emotions as he sat there, only closing his eyes and holding his leg again. He was dealing with it the best he could. He heard the low roar again, now he understood that he wouldn't be able to do anything if they were attacked. He wouldn't be able to protect Cali. He wouldn't be able to protect anyone else on the team. He was useless.

He was still awake, taking the blood stained sash which he had previously been using to cover the wound before being replaced by the other one, and wrapped it back around his upper arm. When they found a stream or something he would be able to wash it off and reuse it. His only thoughts were how useless he now was. He had no point in being there if he was hurt. Sure he would get better. But he had failed at his job and been injured. Unable to preform his duties. He always felt as though he had to protect everyone, Luca was just that type of person. When he couldn't he felt that he had failed. That was how it had always been. It was a bad feeling, thinking you were useless, feeling like you couldn't do what you were suppose to do.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Fetyu looked at Brock. "How's your arm? Look, I'll keep watch. Hopefully the fighting won't reach here. If it does I'll wake you guys." Fetyu looked around the room, spotting the gun Brock used to light the fire. "Give that to Luca if a fight starts. Since he shouldn't be running and attacking and stuff, he should be fine with that. I could go for some chicken though...." Fetyu walked inside and ate more chicken. He then spotted Cali. "Go to sleep. We'll wake you if anything happens."


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Awwww, If only there were more Luca's in the world))

Cali, was fighting sleep with all her remaining strengths, trying to keep her eyes open. But it was no use, she was too tired and she was about to lose to sleep when she heard Brock moving right next to her. She opened her eeys startled and watched him leaving the room and joining Luca and Fetyu outside.

Cali sighed tiredly, she definetely could use some sleep but she woudn't do it, not this time. She heard a roar outside and she sat straight on the ground as questions filled her head. Why were all this things happeneing to them; why had they been chosen and when would it all stop? They were already tired of fighting but apparently it had been only the begining; wasn't it enough already?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Luca returned to the room. She tried to pull a brave expression but her eyes widened at the sight of blood on his leg. She put one hand on her mouth gasping in shock. Her suspicions had been confirmed, he was not just wounded, he was severely injured.

Cali glanced at the others outside, she was fully awake now and there was no way she was going to sleep after what she had just seen. She stood up and walked slowly to Luca, but she stopped unsure of what to do. She took a deep breath and knealed beside him touching his arm gently not wanting to startle him. Her hands were cold and all her body was shaking from cold and shock.

"Luca... you're..." she tried to hold back her tears as her hand stopped mere inches from his wound "You're... hurt... when... how..." she averted her eyes from his leg and into his face, fighting the sobs. "Why haven't you told us, why?" she paused for a second examining the wound closelly "You've lost so much blood. If we don't get someone to help you now you might..." her voice caught in her throat as she tried to fought the mere thought.

"Luca, you need to take care of that, it's really bad and don't you dare arguing with me." she finished determined even though her voice was quivering. Cali stood up again, almost blinded by fear and something else she couldn't even describe. She had only one thought in her head, she needed to find medical treatment or else Luca might even... she fought the thought as she started walking. In that moment she couldn't care less about how dangerous it would be. She only knew one thing, she would do anything to save Luca, she would not lose him in that cursed place.

((Sorry for the bad grammar, and for being short and for taking so long. I would have done something better with this post but I couldn't focus at all. I'm sorry))


The King Of Bandits
Luca felt a bit more comfortable as he felt a cooling touch come over him. On his arm lay a hand. A cold, shivering, hand. It was not the hand of who he had expected however. He had been expecting Fetyu or Ed or someone, not Cali. He could see how hurt she was, he could see what was n her mind. He had been thinking the same exact thought only moments ago, only he had not been strong enough to act on his thoughts. She was sitting there, looking at him asking him why he had hid it from them. Because of this moment right here. Because he didn't want to see her hurt as she had been when she saw Brock. He tried to speak but nothing came. No explanation. No words. She asked him when it had happened, how it had happened. Still nothing came. He was lost for words for the first time in his life. why was he just sitting there, staring back at her?

She stood up, there was a look of determination in her eyes now, she was different somehow then before. So many things changed in only a moment. she was beginning to walk away now. Luca placed a hand on the ground, pushing as hard as he could to stand up. He pulled himself to his feet, straining himself and his wound. His already weary body wanting him to sit back down, pulling him towards the ground. the struggle lasted only seconds until Cali was across the room already. He wasn't going to let her go out and do something stupid like this in the middle of the night. He understood she was worried, but he would be perfectly fine until morning if he rested himself.

His mouth opened and nothing came again. Just air and a sigh. A look of pain and discontent in his eyes. He opened his mouth again and spoke this time. only one word coming out." ..Cali.." He knew it would be enough to stall her for a moment while he found his words".....I know your worried... and your heart is in the right place, but you don't need to go out there right now..." Luca shot a look over at Brock"... I am sure that is something that Brock and Myself can agree on for once. My wound has been tended to for the night. I will be fine if i rest it. Now please.... just sit down... and rest. We will search for medical treatment tomorrow. I will be fine.." He stopped" ... I promise.."

He spoke in a soft, and benevolent tone. Speaking directly to her"... I will not let you put yourself in danger simply because I am wounded... I am sure Brock won't let you either... As well as Fetyu and Ed. We are a team. We work together, not alone. The best that you can do for me, is stay safe, and stay here, until tomorrow." Luca stopped, stumbling back against the wall, allowing himself to slide back down to the floor"... Trust me... i will be fine... Just ...rest, Please." Luca sighed again, closing his eyes and placing his hand back on the wound".. Just trust me.."